
Prints the provided text to the sampler's terminal. This function is merely for script development and debugging purposes.

Function Prototype



Argument Name Data Type Description
??text?? String The text to be printed to the terminal.

Return Value



on note message("Note " & $EVENT_NOTE & " was triggered with velocity " & $EVENT_VELOCITY) end on on release message("Note " & $EVENT_NOTE & " was released with release velocity " & $EVENT_VELOCITY) end on on controller message("MIDI Controller " & $CC_NUM " changed its value to " & %CC[$CC_NUM]) end on The message() function is not appropriate for being used with your final production sounds, since it can lead to audio dropouts. You should only use the message() function to try out things, and to spot and debug problems with your scripts. Same applies to all text string variables in general. Don't use any string variables in your final production sounds. You may use preprocessor statements to handle this effectively.