
Suspends / pauses execution of the current event handler instance for the requested amount of microseconds. The paused event handler instance can also be resumed before the requested amount times elapsed by calling stop_wait() from another event handler instance.

The ??duration-us?? argument must neither be negative nor zero, otherwise script execution will be aborted, because this is a common indication of bugs in scripts which could potentially lead to real-time instability or worse scenarios otherwise.

If the event handler instance's built-in variable $NKSP_IGNORE_WAIT reflects 1 then all calls to wait() will be ignored. This might for example be the case when stop_wait() with 1 being passed to the 2nd argument of that function.

Function Prototype



Argument Name Data Type Description
??duration-us?? Integer Number or
Real Number
Positive (non zero) amount of microseconds to pause execution.

Return Value



This functions optionally accepts s as standard unit for its argument ??duration-us??.


The following example resembles a simple delay effect. For each note being triggered by the musician, the script launches additional notes, each one of such additional successive notes with a more and more reduced volume.

on init { The amount of notes to play } declare const $delayNotes := 4 { Tempo with which the new notes will follow the orignal note } declare const $bpm := 90 { Convert BPM to microseconds (duration between the notes) } declare const $delayMicroSeconds := 60 * 1000000 / $bpm { Just a working variable for being used with the while loop below } declare polyphonic $i { For each successive note we trigger, we will reduce the velocity a bit} declare polyphonic $velocity end on on note { First initialize the variable $i with 4 each time we enter this event handler, because each time we executed this handler, the variable will be 0 } $i := $delayNotes { Loop which will be executed 4 times in a row } while ($i) { Calculate the velocity for the next note being triggered } $velocity := 127 * $i / ($delayNotes + 1) { Suspend this script for a short moment ... } wait($delayMicroSeconds) { ... and after that short break, trigger a new note. } play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $velocity) { Decrement loop counter $i by one } $i := $i - 1 end while end on Using the wait() function can lead to concurrency issues with regular variables, which are global variables by default. You might need to use polyphonic variables in such cases. You need at least LinuxSampler 2.0.0.svn2 or higher for the wait() function to fully work as expected. Versions of LinuxSampler older than that will not resume the script at the requested amount of time, instead those older version will resume the script always at the beginning of the next audio fragment cycle. So effectively a wait() call with a LinuxSampler version older than 2.0.0.svn2 will pause your script for a few miliseconds, no matter which function argument you provided.

See also
