/* Copyright (c) MMXVII - MMXVIII Christian Schoenebeck This file is part of "gigedit" and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #include "MacrosSetup.h" #include "compat.h" #include "global.h" #include #include #include #if HAS_GTKMM_STOCK # include #endif #include "MacroEditor.h" MacrosSetup::MacrosSetup() : m_modified(false), m_clipboardContent(NULL), m_addFromClipboardButton(" " + Glib::ustring(_("From Clipboard")) + " " + UNICODE_PRIMARY_KEY_SYMBOL + "B"), m_addFromSelectionButton(" " + Glib::ustring(_("From Selection")) + " " + UNICODE_PRIMARY_KEY_SYMBOL + "S"), #if HAS_GTKMM_STOCK m_buttonUp(Gtk::Stock::GO_UP), m_buttonDown(Gtk::Stock::GO_DOWN), m_buttonEdit(Gtk::Stock::EDIT), #else m_buttonUp(_("Up"), true), m_buttonDown(_("Down"), true), m_buttonEdit(_("Edit"), true), #endif m_buttonDuplicate(_("Duplicate")), m_statusLabel("", Gtk::ALIGN_START), m_labelComment(_("Comment"), Gtk::ALIGN_START), m_deleteButton(" " + Glib::ustring(_("Delete")) + " " + UNICODE_PRIMARY_KEY_SYMBOL + UNICODE_ERASE_KEY_SYMBOL), m_inverseDeleteButton(" " + Glib::ustring(_("Inverse Delete")) + " " + UNICODE_ALT_KEY_SYMBOL + UNICODE_ERASE_KEY_SYMBOL), #if HAS_GTKMM_STOCK m_applyButton(Gtk::Stock::APPLY), m_cancelButton(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL), #else m_applyButton(_("Apply"), true), m_cancelButton(_("_Cancel"), true), #endif m_altKeyDown(false), m_primaryKeyDown(false) { add(m_vbox); set_title(_("Setup Macros")); #if !HAS_GTKMM_STOCK // see : https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html m_buttonUp.set_icon_name("go-up"); m_buttonDown.set_icon_name("go-down"); m_buttonEdit.set_icon_name("insert-text"); #endif if (!Settings::singleton()->autoRestoreWindowDimension) { set_default_size(680, 500); set_position(Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); } #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION >= 12) m_labelIntro.set_margin_start(10); m_labelIntro.set_margin_end(10); #else m_labelIntro.set_padding(10, 10); #endif #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m_labelIntro.set_line_wrap(); #endif m_labelIntro.set_text( _("A macro is a list of parameters and corresponding values which " "should be applied to the instrument editor when the macro is " "triggered by the user. A macro is triggered either by selecting " "the macro from the \"Macro\" menu, or by hitting the macro's " "respective keyboard accelerator (F1 to F12), or by applying a " "previously copied macro from the clipboard.") ); m_vbox.pack_start(m_labelIntro, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); #if HAS_GTKMM_STOCK m_addFromClipboardButton.set_image( *new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) ); m_addFromSelectionButton.set_image( *new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) ); m_buttonDuplicate.set_image( *new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::COPY, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) ); m_deleteButton.set_image( *new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) ); m_inverseDeleteButton.set_image( *new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) ); #else // since GTKMM 3.90 ... // see : https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html m_addFromClipboardButton.set_icon_name("list-add"); m_addFromSelectionButton.set_icon_name("list-add"); m_buttonDuplicate.set_icon_name("edit-copy"); m_deleteButton.set_icon_name("edit-delete"); m_inverseDeleteButton.set_icon_name("edit-delete"); #endif m_addFromClipboardButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Create a new macro from the content currently available on the clipboard.")); m_addFromSelectionButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Create a new macro from the currently selected dimension region's parameters currently shown on the main window.")); m_buttonDuplicate.set_tooltip_text(_("Duplicate the selected macro(s). The new macro(s) will be appended to the end of the list.")); m_buttonUp.set_tooltip_text( _("Move the selected macro up in the list, which changes its order of " "appearance in the main window's \"Macro\" menu and changes to which " "keyboard accelerator key (F1 to F12) the macro is assigned to.")); m_buttonDown.set_tooltip_text( _("Move the selected macro down in the list, which changes its order of " "appearance in the main window's \"Macro\" menu and changes to which " "keyboard accelerator key (F1 to F12) the macro is assigned to.")); m_buttonEdit.set_tooltip_text(_("Open the Macro Editor for the selected macro.")); m_deleteButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Delete the selected macros.")); m_inverseDeleteButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Delete all macros except the selected ones.")); m_addHBox.pack_start(m_addFromClipboardButton, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET/*, 15*/); m_addHBox.pack_start(m_addFromSelectionButton, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET/*, 15*/); m_vbox.pack_start(m_addHBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_vbox.pack_start(m_mainHBox); m_vbox.set_spacing(5); // create Macro list treeview (including its data model) m_treeStoreMacros = MacroListTreeStore::create(m_treeModelMacros); m_treeViewMacros.set_model(m_treeStoreMacros); m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE); //m_treeViewMacro.set_tooltip_text(_("")); m_treeViewMacros.append_column(_("Key"), m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key); m_treeViewMacros.append_column_editable(_("Macro Name"), m_treeModelMacros.m_col_name); m_treeViewMacros.append_column(_("Created"), m_treeModelMacros.m_col_created); m_treeViewMacros.append_column(_("Modified"), m_treeModelMacros.m_col_modified); m_treeViewMacros.set_tooltip_column(m_treeModelMacros.m_col_comment.index()); // make all rows gray text, except of "Name" column for (int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) { if (i == m_treeModelMacros.m_col_name.index()) continue; Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column = m_treeViewMacros.get_column(i); Gtk::CellRendererText* cellrenderer = dynamic_cast(column->get_first_cell()); cellrenderer->property_foreground().set_value("#bababa"); } /*{ Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column = m_treeViewMacro.get_column(0); Gtk::CellRendererText* cellrenderer = dynamic_cast(column->get_first_cell()); column->add_attribute( cellrenderer->property_foreground(), m_SamplesModel.m_color ); }*/ /*{ Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column = m_treeViewMacro.get_column(1); Gtk::CellRendererText* cellrenderer = dynamic_cast(column->get_first_cell()); column->add_attribute( cellrenderer->property_foreground(), m_SamplesModel.m_color ); }*/ m_treeViewMacros.set_headers_visible(true); m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onTreeViewSelectionChanged) ); #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 m_treeViewMacros.signal_key_release_event().connect( #else m_treeViewMacros.signal_key_release_event().connect_notify( #endif sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onMacroTreeViewKeyRelease) ); m_treeStoreMacros->signal_row_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onMacroTreeViewRowValueChanged) ); m_ignoreTreeViewValueChange = false; m_ignoreCommentTextViewChange = false; m_scrolledWindow.add(m_treeViewMacros); m_scrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_mainHBox.pack_start(m_scrolledWindow); m_rvbox.set_spacing(5); m_mainHBox.pack_start(m_rvbox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_mainHBox.set_spacing(5), m_rvbox.set_spacing(5); m_rvbox.pack_start(m_buttonDuplicate, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_rvbox.pack_start(m_detailsButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); //m_textViewComment.set_left_margin(3); //m_textViewComment.set_right_margin(3); m_textViewComment.set_indent(2); m_textViewComment.set_tooltip_text( _("Write arbitrary comments for the selected macro which help you to " "remember the purpose of your macro. The comment will be shown as " "tooltip in the main window's \"Macro\" menu for example.") ); m_scrolledWindowComment.add(m_textViewComment); m_scrolledWindowComment.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_labelComment.set_markup( "" + m_labelComment.get_text() + "" ); m_rvbox.pack_start(m_labelComment, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_rvbox.pack_start(m_scrolledWindowComment); m_detailsButtonBox.pack_start(m_buttonUp); m_detailsButtonBox.pack_start(m_buttonDown); m_detailsButtonBox.pack_start(m_buttonEdit); m_buttonBoxL.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_START); m_buttonBoxL.pack_start(m_deleteButton); m_buttonBoxL.pack_start(m_inverseDeleteButton); m_deleteButton.set_sensitive(false); m_inverseDeleteButton.set_sensitive(false); m_buttonDuplicate.set_sensitive(false); m_buttonUp.set_sensitive(false); m_buttonDown.set_sensitive(false); m_buttonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_buttonBox.pack_start(m_applyButton); m_buttonBox.pack_start(m_cancelButton); m_applyButton.set_can_default(); m_applyButton.set_sensitive(false); m_applyButton.grab_focus(); #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION >= 12) m_statusLabel.set_margin_start(6); m_statusLabel.set_margin_end(6); #elif GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m_statusLabel.set_margin_left(6); m_statusLabel.set_margin_right(6); #else m_statusHBox.set_spacing(6); #endif m_statusHBox.pack_start(m_statusLabel); #if HAS_GTKMM_SHOW_ALL_CHILDREN m_statusHBox.show_all_children(); #endif m_footerHBox.pack_start(m_buttonBoxL, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_footerHBox.pack_start(m_statusHBox); m_footerHBox.pack_start(m_buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_vbox.pack_start(m_footerHBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_addFromClipboardButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonAddFromClipboard) ); m_addFromSelectionButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonAddFromSelection) ); m_buttonUp.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonUp) ); m_buttonDown.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonDown) ); m_buttonEdit.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonEdit) ); m_buttonDuplicate.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonDuplicate) ); m_textViewComment.get_buffer()->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onCommentTextViewChanged) ); m_applyButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonApply) ); m_cancelButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onButtonCancel) ); m_deleteButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::deleteSelectedRows) ); m_inverseDeleteButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::inverseDeleteSelectedRows) ); signal_hide().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onWindowHide) ); signal_delete_event().connect( #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onWindowDelete) #else sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onWindowDeleteP) #endif ); signal_key_press_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onKeyPressed) ); signal_key_release_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onKeyReleased) ); #if HAS_GTKMM_SHOW_ALL_CHILDREN show_all_children(); #endif updateStatus(); } MacrosSetup::~MacrosSetup() { printf("MacrosSetup destruct\n"); } void MacrosSetup::setMacros(const std::vector& macros, Serialization::Archive* pClipboardContent, gig::DimensionRegion* pSelectedDimRgn) { // copy for non-destructive editing m_macros = macros; m_clipboardContent = pClipboardContent; m_selectedDimRgn = pSelectedDimRgn; reloadTreeView(); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonAddFromClipboard() { printf("+fromClipboard\n"); if (!m_clipboardContent) return; if (!m_clipboardContent->rootObject()) return; m_macros.push_back(*m_clipboardContent); m_modified = true; reloadTreeView(); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonAddFromSelection() { printf("+fromSelection\n"); if (!m_selectedDimRgn) return; std::string errorText; try { Serialization::Archive archive; archive.serialize(m_selectedDimRgn); //archive.setName("Unnamed Macro"); m_macros.push_back(archive); m_modified = true; reloadTreeView(); } catch (Serialization::Exception e) { errorText = e.Message; } catch (...) { errorText = _("Unknown exception while creating macro"); } if (!errorText.empty()) { Glib::ustring txt = _("Couldn't create macro:\n") + errorText; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } void MacrosSetup::moveByDir(int d) { if (d < -1 || d > 1) return; int index = getSelectedMacroIndex(); if (index < 0) return; if (d == -1 && index == 0) return; if (d == +1 && index >= m_macros.size() - 1) return; // swap macros std::swap(m_macros[index + d], m_macros[index]); // swap tree view rows Gtk::TreePath p1(ToString(index + d)); Gtk::TreePath p2(ToString(index)); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it1 = m_treeStoreMacros->get_iter(p1); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it2 = m_treeStoreMacros->get_iter(p2); m_treeStoreMacros->iter_swap(it1, it2); int idx1 = (*it1)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index]; int idx2 = (*it2)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index]; (*it1)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index] = idx2; (*it2)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index] = idx1; Glib::ustring s1 = (*it1)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key]; Glib::ustring s2 = (*it2)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key]; (*it1)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key] = s2; (*it2)[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key] = s1; m_modified = true; } void MacrosSetup::onButtonUp() { moveByDir(-1); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonDown() { moveByDir(+1); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonDuplicate() { Glib::RefPtr sel = m_treeViewMacros.get_selection(); std::vector rows = sel->get_selected_rows(); duplicateRows(rows); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonEdit() { Serialization::Archive* macro = getSelectedMacro(); if (!macro) return; m_modifiedBeforeMacroEditor = isModified(); MacroEditor* editor = new MacroEditor(); editor->setMacro(macro, false); editor->signal_changes_applied().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MacrosSetup::onMacroEditorAppliedChanges) ); editor->show(); } void MacrosSetup::onMacroEditorAppliedChanges() { // so that the user does not need to click on a Apply buttons twice if (!m_modifiedBeforeMacroEditor) onButtonApply(); updateStatus(); } void MacrosSetup::onCommentTextViewChanged() { if (m_ignoreCommentTextViewChange) return; //printf("textChanged\n"); Serialization::Archive* macro = getSelectedMacro(); if (!macro) return; macro->setComment( m_textViewComment.get_buffer()->get_text() ); updateStatus(); } int MacrosSetup::getSelectedMacroIndex() const { std::vector v = m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->get_selected_rows(); if (v.empty()) return -1; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = m_treeStoreMacros->get_iter(v[0]); if (!it) return -1; const Gtk::TreeModel::Row& row = *it; int index = row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index]; if (index < 0 || index >= m_macros.size()) return -1; return index; } Serialization::Archive* MacrosSetup::getSelectedMacro() { int index = getSelectedMacroIndex(); if (index < 0) return NULL; return &m_macros[index]; } static Glib::ustring indexToAccKey(uint index) { if (index >= 19) return ""; return "F" + ToString(index+1); } static int daysAgo(const tm& t) { time_t now; time(&now); tm* pNow = localtime(&now); if (!pNow) return 0; if (pNow->tm_year == t.tm_year && pNow->tm_mon == t.tm_mon && pNow->tm_mday == t.tm_mday) return 0; time_t past = mktime((tm*)&t); return ceil(difftime(now, past) / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0); } static Glib::ustring humanShortStr(const tm& t) { int iDaysAgo = daysAgo(t); char buf[70]; if (iDaysAgo == 0) { // C-Time specification for a time somewhere today (see 'man strftime()'). if (strftime(buf, sizeof buf, _("%R"), &t)) return buf; } else if (iDaysAgo == 1) { // C-Time specification for a time somewhere yesterday (see 'man strftime()'). if (strftime(buf, sizeof buf, _("Yesterday %R"), &t)) return buf; } else if (iDaysAgo == 2) { // C-Time specification for a time somewhere 2 days ago (see 'man strftime()'). if (strftime(buf, sizeof buf, _("2 days ago %R"), &t)) return buf; } else { // C-Time specification for a time far more than 2 days ago (see 'man strftime()'). if (strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%d %b %Y", &t)) return buf; } return ""; } void MacrosSetup::reloadTreeView() { m_ignoreTreeViewValueChange = true; m_treeStoreMacros->clear(); for (int iMacro = 0; iMacro < m_macros.size(); ++iMacro) { const Serialization::Archive& macro = m_macros[iMacro]; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_treeStoreMacros->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_key] = indexToAccKey(iMacro); row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_name] = macro.name().empty() ? _("Unnamed Macro") : gig_to_utf8(macro.name()); row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_comment] = macro.comment().empty() ? _("No comment assigned to this macro yet.") : gig_to_utf8(macro.comment()); row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_created] = humanShortStr(macro.dateTimeCreated()); row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_modified] = humanShortStr(macro.dateTimeModified()); row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index] = iMacro; } m_treeViewMacros.expand_all(); updateStatus(); m_ignoreTreeViewValueChange = false; } void MacrosSetup::onTreeViewSelectionChanged() { std::vector v = m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->get_selected_rows(); const bool bValidSelection = !v.empty(); m_deleteButton.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_inverseDeleteButton.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonEdit.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonDuplicate.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonUp.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonDown.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); // update comment text view std::string sComment; Serialization::Archive* macro = getSelectedMacro(); if (macro) sComment = macro->comment(); m_ignoreCommentTextViewChange = true; m_textViewComment.get_buffer()->set_text(sComment); m_ignoreCommentTextViewChange = false; m_textViewComment.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); } // Cmd key on Mac, Ctrl key on all other OSs static const guint primaryKeyL = #if defined(__APPLE__) GDK_KEY_Meta_L; #else GDK_KEY_Control_L; #endif static const guint primaryKeyR = #if defined(__APPLE__) GDK_KEY_Meta_R; #else GDK_KEY_Control_R; #endif #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 bool MacrosSetup::onKeyPressed(Gdk::EventKey& _key) { GdkEventKey* key = _key.gobj(); #else bool MacrosSetup::onKeyPressed(GdkEventKey* key) { #endif //printf("key down 0x%x\n", key->keyval); if (key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Alt_L || key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Alt_R) m_altKeyDown = true; if (key->keyval == primaryKeyL || key->keyval == primaryKeyR) m_primaryKeyDown = true; return false; } #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 bool MacrosSetup::onKeyReleased(Gdk::EventKey& _key) { GdkEventKey* key = _key.gobj(); #else bool MacrosSetup::onKeyReleased(GdkEventKey* key) { #endif //printf("key up 0x%x\n", key->keyval); if (key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Alt_L || key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Alt_R) m_altKeyDown = false; if (key->keyval == primaryKeyL || key->keyval == primaryKeyR) m_primaryKeyDown = false; if (m_primaryKeyDown && key->keyval == GDK_KEY_b) onButtonAddFromClipboard(); if (m_primaryKeyDown && key->keyval == GDK_KEY_s) onButtonAddFromSelection(); return false; } #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 bool MacrosSetup::onMacroTreeViewKeyRelease(Gdk::EventKey& _key) { GdkEventKey* key = _key.gobj(); #else void MacrosSetup::onMacroTreeViewKeyRelease(GdkEventKey* key) { #endif if (key->keyval == GDK_KEY_BackSpace || key->keyval == GDK_KEY_Delete) { if (m_altKeyDown) inverseDeleteSelectedRows(); else if (m_primaryKeyDown) deleteSelectedRows(); } #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 return false; #endif } void MacrosSetup::onMacroTreeViewRowValueChanged(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter) { if (m_ignoreTreeViewValueChange) return; if (!iter) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring name = row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_name]; int index = row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index]; m_macros[index].setName(name); //reloadTreeView(); m_modified = true; updateStatus(); } void MacrosSetup::deleteSelectedRows() { Glib::RefPtr sel = m_treeViewMacros.get_selection(); std::vector rows = sel->get_selected_rows(); deleteRows(rows); } void MacrosSetup::duplicateRows(const std::vector& rows) { if (!rows.empty()) m_modified = true; bool bError = false; for (int r = 0; r < rows.size(); ++r) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = m_treeStoreMacros->get_iter(rows[r]); if (!it) continue; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; int index = row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index]; if (index < 0 || index >= m_macros.size()) continue; Serialization::Archive clone = m_macros[index]; if (!endsWith(clone.name(), "COPY", true)) { clone.setName( (clone.name().empty()) ? "Unnamed COPY" : (clone.name() + " COPY") ); } try { // enforce re-encoding the abstract object model and resetting the // 'modified' state clone.rawData(); } catch (Serialization::Exception e) { bError = true; e.PrintMessage(); continue; } catch (...) { bError = true; std::cerr << "Unknown exception while cloning macro." << std::endl; continue; } // finally add new cloned macro m_macros.push_back(clone); } reloadTreeView(); if (bError) { Glib::ustring txt = _("At least one of the macros could not be cloned due to an error (check console output)."); Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } void MacrosSetup::deleteRows(const std::vector& rows) { if (!rows.empty()) m_modified = true; std::set macros; for (int r = rows.size() - 1; r >= 0; --r) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = m_treeStoreMacros->get_iter(rows[r]); if (!it) continue; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; macros.insert( row[m_treeModelMacros.m_col_index] ); } for (std::set::const_reverse_iterator it = macros.rbegin(); it != macros.rend(); ++it) { m_macros.erase(m_macros.begin() + *it); } reloadTreeView(); } static bool _onEachTreeRow(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& input, std::vector* output) { output->push_back(input); return false; // continue walking the tree } void MacrosSetup::inverseDeleteSelectedRows() { // get all rows of tree view std::vector rows; m_treeViewMacros.get_model()->foreach_path( sigc::bind( sigc::ptr_fun(&_onEachTreeRow), &rows ) ); // erase all entries from "rows" which are currently selected std::vector vSelected = m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->get_selected_rows(); for (int i = rows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { bool bIsSelected = std::find(vSelected.begin(), vSelected.end(), rows[i]) != vSelected.end(); if (bIsSelected) rows.erase(rows.begin() + i); } // delete those 'inverse' selected rows deleteRows(rows); } void MacrosSetup::updateStatus() { bool bValidSelection = !m_treeViewMacros.get_selection()->get_selected_rows().empty(); m_addFromClipboardButton.set_sensitive( m_clipboardContent && m_clipboardContent->rootObject() ); m_addFromSelectionButton.set_sensitive(m_selectedDimRgn); m_buttonEdit.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonDuplicate.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonUp.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_buttonDown.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); m_applyButton.set_sensitive(isModified()); m_textViewComment.set_sensitive(bValidSelection); updateStatusBar(); } void MacrosSetup::updateStatusBar() { // update status text std::string txt; m_statusLabel.set_markup(txt); } sigc::signal& >& MacrosSetup::signal_macros_changed() { return m_macros_changed; } #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION > 3 || (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION > 91 || (GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION == 91 && GTKMM_MICRO_VERSION >= 2))) // GTKMM >= 3.91.2 bool MacrosSetup::onWindowDelete(Gdk::Event& e) { return onWindowDeleteP(NULL); } #endif bool MacrosSetup::onWindowDeleteP(GdkEventAny* /*e*/) { //printf("onWindowDelete\n"); if (!isModified()) return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) //gchar* msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Apply changes to macro \"%s\" before closing?"), // m_macroOriginal->Name.c_str()); gchar* msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Apply changes to macro list before closing?")); Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, msg, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE); g_free(msg); dialog.set_secondary_text(_("If you close without applying, your changes will be lost.")); dialog.add_button(_("Close _Without Applying"), Gtk::RESPONSE_NO); dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(_("_Apply"), Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); dialog.set_default_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); int response = dialog.run(); dialog.hide(); // user decided to close this window without saving if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_NO) return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) // user cancelled dialog, thus don't close this window if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL) { show(); return true; // drop event (prevents closing this window) } // user wants to apply the changes, afterwards close window if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_YES) { onButtonApply(); return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) } // should never ever make it to this point actually return false; } bool MacrosSetup::isModified() const { if (m_modified) return true; bool bModified = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_macros.size(); ++i) { if (m_macros[i].isModified()) { bModified = true; break; } } return bModified; } void MacrosSetup::onButtonCancel() { bool dropEvent = onWindowDeleteP(NULL); if (dropEvent) return; hide(); } void MacrosSetup::onButtonApply() { std::string errorText; try { for (int i = 0; i < m_macros.size(); ++i) { if (!m_macros[i].isModified()) continue; // enforce re-encoding the abstract object model and resetting the // 'modified' state m_macros[i].rawData(); } m_modified = false; } catch (Serialization::Exception e) { errorText = e.Message; } catch (...) { errorText = _("Unknown exception while applying macro changes"); } if (!errorText.empty()) { Glib::ustring txt = _("Couldn't apply macro changes:\n") + errorText; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } else { // update MainWindow with edited list of macros m_macros_changed.emit(m_macros); } updateStatus(); } void MacrosSetup::onWindowHide() { delete this; // this is the end, my friend }