/* Copyright (c) 2014,2015 Christian Schoenebeck This file is part of "gigedit" and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #include "ReferencesView.h" #include "global.h" #include "compat.h" Glib::ustring gig_to_utf8(const gig::String& gig_string); Glib::ustring note_str(int note); ReferencesView::ReferencesView(Gtk::Window& parent) : ManagedDialog("", parent, true), m_sample(NULL), m_closeButton(Gtk::Stock::CLOSE), m_descriptionLabel() { set_title("Nothing selected"); m_scrolledWindow.add(m_treeView); m_scrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); get_vbox()->pack_start(m_descriptionLabel, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); get_vbox()->pack_start(m_scrolledWindow); get_vbox()->pack_start(m_summaryLabel, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); get_vbox()->pack_start(m_buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m_descriptionLabel.set_line_wrap(); #endif m_descriptionLabel.set_text(_( "Selected sample is referenced by the following instruments and their " "respective regions. Click on a reference below to jump directly to " "its specific dimension region." )); m_refTreeModel = RefsTreeStore::create(m_columns); m_treeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); m_treeView.set_tooltip_text(_( "Amount of times the selected sample in question is referenced. Click " "to jump to the specific reference." )); m_treeView.append_column(_("Name"), m_columns.m_col_name); m_treeView.append_column(_("References"), m_columns.m_col_refcount); m_treeView.set_headers_visible(true); m_treeView.get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); m_treeView.signal_row_activated().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ReferencesView::onSelectionChanged) ); m_buttonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_buttonBox.set_border_width(5); m_buttonBox.pack_start(m_closeButton, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_closeButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ReferencesView::hide) ); show_all_children(); } void ReferencesView::setSample(gig::Sample* sample) { m_refTreeModel->clear(); m_sample = sample; if (!sample) { set_title("Nothing selected"); m_summaryLabel.set_text(""); return; } set_title(_("References of Sample \"") + sample->pInfo->Name + "\""); int filesRefCount = 0; gig::File* gig = (gig::File*) sample->GetParent(); for (gig::Instrument* instrument = gig->GetFirstInstrument(); instrument; instrument = gig->GetNextInstrument()) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterInstr = m_refTreeModel->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowInstr = *iterInstr; rowInstr[m_columns.m_col_name] = gig_to_utf8(instrument->pInfo->Name); rowInstr[m_columns.m_col_instr] = instrument; rowInstr[m_columns.m_col_region] = NULL; int instrumentsRefcount = 0; for (gig::Region* rgn = instrument->GetFirstRegion(); rgn; rgn = instrument->GetNextRegion()) { int regionsRefCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (!rgn->pDimensionRegions[i]) continue; if (rgn->pDimensionRegions[i]->pSample != sample) continue; regionsRefCount++; } if (!regionsRefCount) continue; instrumentsRefcount += regionsRefCount; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterRegion = m_refTreeModel->append(rowInstr.children()); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowRegion = *iterRegion; rowRegion[m_columns.m_col_name] = _("Region from ") + note_str(rgn->KeyRange.low) + _(" to ") + note_str(rgn->KeyRange.high); rowRegion[m_columns.m_col_instr] = NULL; rowRegion[m_columns.m_col_region] = rgn; rowRegion[m_columns.m_col_refcount] = ToString(regionsRefCount) + " " + _("Refs."); } if (!instrumentsRefcount) { m_refTreeModel->erase(iterInstr); continue; } rowInstr[m_columns.m_col_refcount] = ToString(instrumentsRefcount) + " " + _("Refs."); filesRefCount += instrumentsRefcount; } if (filesRefCount) m_summaryLabel.set_text(_("Total References: ") + ToString(filesRefCount)); else m_summaryLabel.set_text(_("This sample is not referenced at all.")); // unfold all instruments by default m_treeView.expand_all(); } void ReferencesView::onSelectionChanged(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column) { if (!m_sample) return; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = m_refTreeModel->get_iter(path); if (!it) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; gig::Instrument* pInstrument = row[m_columns.m_col_instr]; gig::Region* pRegion = row[m_columns.m_col_region]; gig::DimensionRegion* pDimRgn = NULL; if (pRegion) { // pick the 1st dimension region of that region referencing the sample for (int dr = 0; dr < pRegion->DimensionRegions && pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]; ++dr) { if (pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]->pSample == m_sample) { pDimRgn = pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]; break; } } } else if (pInstrument) { // pick the 1st region and its 1st dimension region referencing the sample for (pRegion = pInstrument->GetFirstRegion(); pRegion; pRegion = pInstrument->GetNextRegion()) { for (int dr = 0; dr < pRegion->DimensionRegions && pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]; ++dr) { if (pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]->pSample == m_sample) { pDimRgn = pRegion->pDimensionRegions[dr]; break; } } } } else { return; // no dimension region resolved to be selected, so do nothing } if (pDimRgn) { bool selectionSuccess = dimension_region_selected.emit(pDimRgn); if (selectionSuccess) hide(); } }