/* -*- c++ -*- * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Andreas Persson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef GIGEDIT_DIMREGIONEDIT_H #define GIGEDIT_DIMREGIONEDIT_H #ifdef LIBGIG_HEADER_FILE # include LIBGIG_HEADER_FILE(gig.h) #else # include #endif #include "compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_GTKMM_GRID # include #else # include #endif #ifdef LIBLINUXSAMPLER_HEADER_FILE # include LIBLINUXSAMPLER_HEADER_FILE(engines/LFO.h) #else # include #endif #include #include "paramedit.h" #include "global.h" class VelocityCurve : public Gtk::DrawingArea { public: VelocityCurve(double (gig::DimensionRegion::*getter)(uint8_t)); void set_dim_region(gig::DimensionRegion* d) { dimreg = d; } protected: #if (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION < 90) || GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 bool on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* e); #else bool on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr); #endif private: double (gig::DimensionRegion::* const getter)(uint8_t); gig::DimensionRegion* dimreg; }; class CrossfadeCurve : public Gtk::DrawingArea { public: CrossfadeCurve(); void set_dim_region(gig::DimensionRegion* d) { dimreg = d; } protected: #if (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION < 90) || GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 bool on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* e); #else bool on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr); #endif private: gig::DimensionRegion* dimreg; void draw_one_curve(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr, const gig::DimensionRegion* d, bool sensitive); }; class LFOGraph : public Gtk::DrawingArea { public: LFOGraph(); void set_dim_region(gig::DimensionRegion* d) { dimreg = d; } protected: #if (GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION < 90) || GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 bool on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* e); #else bool on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr); #endif virtual LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t waveType() const = 0; virtual float frequency() const = 0; virtual float phase() const = 0; virtual uint internalDepth() const = 0; virtual uint controllerDepth() const = 0; virtual bool flipPolarity() const = 0; virtual bool signedRange() const = 0; virtual LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_t startLevel() const = 0; virtual bool hasControllerAssigned() const = 0; gig::DimensionRegion* dimreg; LinuxSampler::LFO lfo; }; class LFO1Graph : public LFOGraph { public: LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t waveType() const OVERRIDE { // simply assuming here libgig's and LS's enums are equally value mapped return (LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t) dimreg->LFO1WaveForm; } float frequency() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO1Frequency; } float phase() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO1Phase; } uint internalDepth() const OVERRIDE { const gig::lfo1_ctrl_t ctrl = dimreg->LFO1Controller; const bool hasInternalDepth = ( ctrl != gig::lfo1_ctrl_modwheel && ctrl != gig::lfo1_ctrl_breath ); return (hasInternalDepth) ? dimreg->LFO1InternalDepth : 0; } uint controllerDepth() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO1ControlDepth; } bool flipPolarity() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO1FlipPhase; } bool signedRange() const OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_t startLevel() const OVERRIDE { return LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_mid; } // see https://sourceforge.net/p/linuxsampler/mailman/linuxsampler-devel/thread/2189307.cNP0Xbctxq%40silver/#msg36774029 bool hasControllerAssigned() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO1Controller; } }; class LFO2Graph : public LFOGraph { public: LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t waveType() const OVERRIDE { // simply assuming here libgig's and LS's enums are equally value mapped return (LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t) dimreg->LFO2WaveForm; } float frequency() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO2Frequency; } float phase() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO2Phase; } uint internalDepth() const OVERRIDE { const gig::lfo2_ctrl_t ctrl = dimreg->LFO2Controller; const bool hasInternalDepth = ( ctrl != gig::lfo2_ctrl_modwheel && ctrl != gig::lfo2_ctrl_foot ); return (hasInternalDepth) ? dimreg->LFO2InternalDepth : 0; } uint controllerDepth() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO2ControlDepth; } bool flipPolarity() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO2FlipPhase; } bool signedRange() const OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_t startLevel() const OVERRIDE { return LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_mid; } // see https://sourceforge.net/p/linuxsampler/mailman/linuxsampler-devel/thread/2189307.cNP0Xbctxq%40silver/#msg36774029 bool hasControllerAssigned() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO2Controller; } }; class LFO3Graph : public LFOGraph { public: LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t waveType() const OVERRIDE { // simply assuming here libgig's and LS's enums are equally value mapped return (LinuxSampler::LFO::wave_t) dimreg->LFO3WaveForm; } float frequency() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO3Frequency; } float phase() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO3Phase; } uint internalDepth() const OVERRIDE { const gig::lfo3_ctrl_t ctrl = dimreg->LFO3Controller; const bool hasInternalDepth = ( ctrl != gig::lfo3_ctrl_modwheel && ctrl != gig::lfo3_ctrl_aftertouch ); return (hasInternalDepth) ? dimreg->LFO3InternalDepth : 0; } uint controllerDepth() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO3ControlDepth; } bool flipPolarity() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO3FlipPhase; } bool signedRange() const OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_t startLevel() const OVERRIDE { return LinuxSampler::LFO::start_level_max; } // see https://sourceforge.net/p/linuxsampler/mailman/linuxsampler-devel/thread/2189307.cNP0Xbctxq%40silver/#msg36774029 bool hasControllerAssigned() const OVERRIDE { return dimreg->LFO3Controller; } }; class EGStateOptions : public HBox { public: Gtk::Label label; BoolBox checkBoxAttack; BoolBox checkBoxAttackHold; BoolBox checkBoxDecay1; BoolBox checkBoxDecay2; BoolBox checkBoxRelease; EGStateOptions(); void on_show_tooltips_changed(); }; class DimRegionEdit : public Gtk::Notebook { public: DimRegionEdit(); virtual ~DimRegionEdit(); void set_dim_region(gig::DimensionRegion* d); bool set_sample(gig::Sample* sample, bool copy_sample_unity, bool copy_sample_tune, bool copy_sample_loop); bool set_sample(gig::DimensionRegion* dimreg, gig::Sample* sample, bool copy_sample_unity, bool copy_sample_tune, bool copy_sample_loop); Gtk::Entry* wSample; Gtk::Button* buttonNullSampleReference; sigc::signal& signal_dimreg_to_be_changed(); sigc::signal& signal_dimreg_changed(); sigc::signal& signal_sample_ref_changed(); sigc::signal& signal_select_sample(); std::set dimregs; protected: sigc::signal dimreg_to_be_changed_signal; sigc::signal dimreg_changed_signal; sigc::signal sample_ref_changed_signal; sigc::signal instrument_changed; sigc::signal select_sample_signal; /** * Ensures that the 2 signals DimRegionEdit::dimreg_to_be_changed_signal and * DimRegionEdit::dimreg_changed_signal are always triggered correctly as a * pair. It behaves similar to a "mutex lock guard" design pattern. */ class DimRegionChangeGuard : public SignalGuard { public: DimRegionChangeGuard(DimRegionEdit* edit, gig::DimensionRegion* pDimReg) : SignalGuard(edit->dimreg_to_be_changed_signal, edit->dimreg_changed_signal, pDimReg) { } }; gig::DimensionRegion* dimregion; #ifdef OLD_TOOLTIPS Gtk::Tooltips tooltips; #endif #if USE_GTKMM_GRID Gtk::Grid* table[9]; #else Gtk::Table* table[9]; #endif Gtk::Label* lSample; VelocityCurve velocity_curve; VelocityCurve release_curve; VelocityCurve cutoff_curve; CrossfadeCurve crossfade_curve; LFO1Graph lfo1Graph; ///< Graphic of Amplitude (Volume) LFO waveform. LFO2Graph lfo2Graph; ///< Graphic of Filter Cutoff LFO waveform. LFO3Graph lfo3Graph; ///< Graphic of Pitch LFO waveform. NumEntryPermille eEG1PreAttack; NumEntryTemp eEG1Attack; NumEntryTemp eEG1Decay1; NumEntryTemp eEG1Decay2; BoolEntry eEG1InfiniteSustain; NumEntryPermille eEG1Sustain; NumEntryTemp eEG1Release; BoolEntry eEG1Hold; ChoiceEntryLeverageCtrl eEG1Controller; BoolEntry eEG1ControllerInvert; NumEntryTemp eEG1ControllerAttackInfluence; NumEntryTemp eEG1ControllerDecayInfluence; NumEntryTemp eEG1ControllerReleaseInfluence; EGStateOptions eEG1StateOptions; ChoiceEntryLfoWave eLFO1Wave; NumEntryTemp eLFO1Frequency; NumEntryTemp eLFO1Phase; NumEntryTemp eLFO1InternalDepth; NumEntryTemp eLFO1ControlDepth; ChoiceEntry eLFO1Controller; BoolEntry eLFO1FlipPhase; BoolEntry eLFO1Sync; NumEntryPermille eEG2PreAttack; NumEntryTemp eEG2Attack; NumEntryTemp eEG2Decay1; NumEntryTemp eEG2Decay2; BoolEntry eEG2InfiniteSustain; NumEntryPermille eEG2Sustain; NumEntryTemp eEG2Release; ChoiceEntryLeverageCtrl eEG2Controller; BoolEntry eEG2ControllerInvert; NumEntryTemp eEG2ControllerAttackInfluence; NumEntryTemp eEG2ControllerDecayInfluence; NumEntryTemp eEG2ControllerReleaseInfluence; EGStateOptions eEG2StateOptions; ChoiceEntryLfoWave eLFO2Wave; NumEntryTemp eLFO2Frequency; NumEntryTemp eLFO2Phase; NumEntryTemp eLFO2InternalDepth; NumEntryTemp eLFO2ControlDepth; ChoiceEntry eLFO2Controller; BoolEntry eLFO2FlipPhase; BoolEntry eLFO2Sync; NumEntryTemp eEG3Attack; NumEntryTemp eEG3Depth; ChoiceEntryLfoWave eLFO3Wave; NumEntryTemp eLFO3Frequency; NumEntryTemp eLFO3Phase; NumEntryTemp eLFO3InternalDepth; NumEntryTemp eLFO3ControlDepth; ChoiceEntry eLFO3Controller; BoolEntry eLFO3FlipPhase; BoolEntry eLFO3Sync; BoolEntry eVCFEnabled; ChoiceEntry eVCFType; ChoiceEntry eVCFCutoffController; BoolEntry eVCFCutoffControllerInvert; NumEntryTemp eVCFCutoff; ChoiceEntry eVCFVelocityCurve; NumEntryTemp eVCFVelocityScale; NumEntryTemp eVCFVelocityDynamicRange; NumEntryTemp eVCFResonance; BoolEntry eVCFResonanceDynamic; ChoiceEntry eVCFResonanceController; BoolEntry eVCFKeyboardTracking; NumEntryTemp eVCFKeyboardTrackingBreakpoint; ChoiceEntry eVelocityResponseCurve; NumEntryTemp eVelocityResponseDepth; NumEntryTemp eVelocityResponseCurveScaling; ChoiceEntry eReleaseVelocityResponseCurve; NumEntryTemp eReleaseVelocityResponseDepth; NumEntryTemp eReleaseTriggerDecay; NumEntryTemp eCrossfade_in_start; NumEntryTemp eCrossfade_in_end; NumEntryTemp eCrossfade_out_start; NumEntryTemp eCrossfade_out_end; BoolEntry ePitchTrack; ChoiceEntry eSustainReleaseTrigger; BoolEntry eNoNoteOffReleaseTrigger; ChoiceEntry eDimensionBypass; NumEntryTemp ePan; BoolEntry eSelfMask; ChoiceEntryLeverageCtrl eAttenuationController; BoolEntry eInvertAttenuationController; NumEntryTemp eAttenuationControllerThreshold; NumEntryTemp eChannelOffset; BoolEntry eSustainDefeat; BoolEntry eMSDecode; NumEntryTemp eSampleStartOffset; NoteEntry eUnityNote; ReadOnlyLabelWidget eSampleGroup; ReadOnlyLabelWidget eSampleFormatInfo; ReadOnlyLabelWidget eSampleID; ReadOnlyLabelWidget eChecksum; NumEntryTemp eFineTune; NumEntryGain eGain; BoolEntryPlus6 eGainPlus6; BoolEntry eSampleLoopEnabled; NumEntryTemp eSampleLoopStart; NumEntryTemp eSampleLoopLength; ChoiceEntry eSampleLoopType; BoolEntry eSampleLoopInfinite; NumEntryTemp eSampleLoopPlayCount; Gtk::Label* lEG2; Gtk::Label* lLFO2; Gtk::Button buttonSelectSample; int rowno; int pageno; int firstRowInBlock; void addProp(BoolEntry& boolentry); void addProp(BoolEntryPlus6& boolentry); void addProp(LabelWidget& labelwidget); void addLine(HBox& line); void addString(const char* labelText, Gtk::Label*& label, Gtk::Entry*& widget); void addString(const char* labelText, Gtk::Label*& label, Gtk::Entry*& widget, Gtk::Button*& button); Gtk::Label* addHeader(const char* text); void addRightHandSide(Gtk::Widget& widget); void nextPage(); void VCFEnabled_toggled(); void VCFCutoffController_changed(); void VCFResonanceController_changed(); void EG1InfiniteSustain_toggled(); void EG2InfiniteSustain_toggled(); void EG1Controller_changed(); void EG2Controller_changed(); void AttenuationController_changed(); void LFO1Controller_changed(); void LFO2Controller_changed(); void LFO3Controller_changed(); void crossfade1_changed(); void crossfade2_changed(); void crossfade3_changed(); void crossfade4_changed(); void update_loop_elements(); void loop_start_changed(); void loop_length_changed(); void loop_infinite_toggled(); void nullOutSampleReference(); void on_show_tooltips_changed(); int update_model; // connect a widget to a setter function in DimRegionEdit template void connect(C& widget, void (DimRegionEdit::*setter)(gig::DimensionRegion&, T)) { connect(widget, sigc::mem_fun(setter)); } // connect a widget to a member variable in gig::DimensionRegion template void connect(C& widget, T gig::DimensionRegion::* member) { connect(widget, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(&DimRegionEdit::set_member), member)); } // connect a widget to a member of a struct member in gig::DimensionRegion template void connect(C& widget, S gig::DimensionRegion::* member, T S::* member2) { connect(widget, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(&DimRegionEdit::set_sub_member), member, member2)); } // connect a widget to a setter function in gig::DimensionRegion template void connect(C& widget, void (gig::DimensionRegion::*setter)(T)) { connect(widget, sigc::hide<0>(sigc::mem_fun(setter))); } // helper function for the connect functions above template void connect(C& widget, sigc::slot setter) { widget.signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::compose(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DimRegionEdit::set_many), setter), sigc::mem_fun(widget, &C::get_value))); } // loop through all dimregions being edited and set a value in // each of them template void set_many(T value, sigc::slot setter) { if (update_model == 0) { for (std::set::iterator i = dimregs.begin() ; i != dimregs.end() ; ++i) { DimRegionChangeGuard(this, *i); setter(*this, **i, value); } } } // set a value of a member variable in the given dimregion template void set_member(gig::DimensionRegion& d, T value, T gig::DimensionRegion::* member) { d.*member = value; } // set a value of a member of a struct member variable in the given dimregion template void set_sub_member(gig::DimensionRegion& d, T value, S gig::DimensionRegion::* member, T S::* member2) { d.*member.*member2 = value; } // setters for specific dimregion parameters void set_UnityNote(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint8_t value); void set_FineTune(gig::DimensionRegion& d, int16_t value); void set_Crossfade_in_start(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint8_t value); void set_Crossfade_in_end(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint8_t value); void set_Crossfade_out_start(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint8_t value); void set_Crossfade_out_end(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint8_t value); void set_Gain(gig::DimensionRegion& d, int32_t value); void set_LoopEnabled(gig::DimensionRegion& d, bool value); void set_LoopType(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint32_t value); void set_LoopStart(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint32_t value); void set_LoopLength(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint32_t value); void set_LoopInfinite(gig::DimensionRegion& d, bool value); void set_LoopPlayCount(gig::DimensionRegion& d, uint32_t value); void onButtonSelectSamplePressed(); }; #endif