/* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Christian Schoenebeck This file is part of "gigedit" and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #include "scripteditor.h" #include "global.h" #if !USE_LS_SCRIPTVM static const std::string _keywords[] = { "on", "end", "declare", "while", "if", "or", "and", "not", "else", "case", "select", "to", "const", "polyphonic", "mod" }; static int _keywordsSz = sizeof(_keywords) / sizeof(std::string); static const std::string _eventNames[] = { "init", "note", "release", "controller" }; static int _eventNamesSz = sizeof(_eventNames) / sizeof(std::string); static bool isKeyword(const Glib::ustring& s) { for (int i = 0; i < _keywordsSz; ++i) if (_keywords[i] == s) return true; return false; } static bool isEvent(const Glib::ustring& s) { for (int i = 0; i < _eventNamesSz; ++i) if (_eventNames[i] == s) return true; return false; } #endif // !USE_LS_SCRIPTVM static Glib::RefPtr createIcon(std::string name, const Glib::RefPtr& screen) { const int targetH = 16; Glib::RefPtr theme = Gtk::IconTheme::get_for_screen(screen); int w = 0; int h = 0; // ignored Gtk::IconSize::lookup(Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, w, h); Glib::RefPtr pixbuf = theme->load_icon(name, w, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_GENERIC_FALLBACK); if (pixbuf->get_height() != targetH) { pixbuf = pixbuf->scale_simple(targetH, targetH, Gdk::INTERP_BILINEAR); } return pixbuf; } ScriptEditor::ScriptEditor() : m_statusLabel("", Gtk::ALIGN_START), m_applyButton(_("_Apply"), true), m_cancelButton(_("_Cancel"), true) { m_script = NULL; #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM m_vm = NULL; #endif m_errorIcon = createIcon("dialog-error", get_screen()); m_warningIcon = createIcon("dialog-warning-symbolic", get_screen()); m_successIcon = createIcon("emblem-default", get_screen()); add(m_vbox); m_tagTable = Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable::create(); m_keywordTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_keywordTag->property_foreground() = "#000000"; // black m_keywordTag->property_weight() = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD; m_tagTable->add(m_keywordTag); m_eventTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_eventTag->property_foreground() = "#07c0cf"; // cyan 1 m_eventTag->property_weight() = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD; m_tagTable->add(m_eventTag); m_variableTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_variableTag->property_foreground() = "#790cc4"; // magenta m_tagTable->add(m_variableTag); m_functionTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_functionTag->property_foreground() = "#1ba1dd"; // cyan 2 m_tagTable->add(m_functionTag); m_numberTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_numberTag->property_foreground() = "#c4950c"; // yellow m_tagTable->add(m_numberTag); m_stringTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_stringTag->property_foreground() = "#c40c0c"; // red m_tagTable->add(m_stringTag); m_commentTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_commentTag->property_foreground() = "#9c9c9c"; // gray m_tagTable->add(m_commentTag); m_preprocTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_preprocTag->property_foreground() = "#2f8a33"; // green m_tagTable->add(m_preprocTag); m_errorTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_errorTag->property_background() = "#ff9393"; // red m_tagTable->add(m_errorTag); m_warningTag = Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag::create(); m_warningTag->property_background() = "#fffd7c"; // yellow m_tagTable->add(m_warningTag); // create menu m_actionGroup = Gtk::ActionGroup::create(); m_actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuScript", _("_Script"))); m_actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("Apply", _("_Apply")), Gtk::AccelKey("s"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onButtonApply)); m_actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("Close", _("_Close")), Gtk::AccelKey("x"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onButtonCancel)); m_uiManager = Gtk::UIManager::create(); m_uiManager->insert_action_group(m_actionGroup); add_accel_group(m_uiManager->get_accel_group()); m_uiManager->add_ui_from_string( "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" ); m_textBuffer = Gtk::TextBuffer::create(m_tagTable); m_textView.set_buffer(m_textBuffer); { Pango::FontDescription fdesc; fdesc.set_family("monospace"); #if defined(__APPLE__) fdesc.set_size(12 * PANGO_SCALE); #else fdesc.set_size(10 * PANGO_SCALE); #endif #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 m_textView.modify_font(fdesc); #else m_textView.override_font(fdesc); #endif } m_scrolledWindow.add(m_textView); m_scrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); Gtk::Widget* menuBar = m_uiManager->get_widget("/MenuBar"); m_vbox.pack_start(*menuBar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_vbox.pack_start(m_scrolledWindow); m_buttonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_buttonBox.pack_start(m_applyButton); m_buttonBox.pack_start(m_cancelButton); m_applyButton.set_can_default(); m_applyButton.set_sensitive(false); m_applyButton.grab_focus(); #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m_statusImage.set_margin_left(6); m_statusImage.set_margin_right(6); #else m_statusHBox.set_spacing(6); #endif m_statusHBox.pack_start(m_statusImage, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_statusHBox.pack_start(m_statusLabel); m_statusHBox.show_all_children(); m_footerHBox.pack_start(m_statusHBox); m_footerHBox.pack_start(m_buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_vbox.pack_start(m_footerHBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_applyButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onButtonApply) ); m_cancelButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onButtonCancel) ); m_textBuffer->signal_insert().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onTextInserted) ); m_textBuffer->signal_erase().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onTextErased) ); m_textBuffer->signal_modified_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onModifiedChanged) ); signal_hide().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onWindowHide) ); signal_delete_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ScriptEditor::onWindowDelete) ); show_all_children(); } ScriptEditor::~ScriptEditor() { printf("ScriptEditor destruct\n"); #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM if (m_vm) delete m_vm; #endif } void ScriptEditor::setScript(gig::Script* script) { m_script = script; if (!script) { set_title(_("No Script")); return; } set_title(std::string(_("Instrument Script")) + " - \"" + script->Name + "\""); std::string txt = script->GetScriptAsText(); //printf("text : '%s'\n", txt.c_str()); m_textBuffer->set_text(txt); m_textBuffer->set_modified(false); } void ScriptEditor::onTextInserted(const Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator& itEnd, const Glib::ustring& txt, int length) { //printf("onTextInserted()\n"); #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM m_textBuffer->remove_all_tags(m_textBuffer->begin(), m_textBuffer->end()); updateSyntaxHighlightingByVM(); updateParserIssuesByVM(); updateStatusBar(); #else //printf("inserted %d\n", length); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itStart = itEnd; itStart.backward_chars(length); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator it = itStart; it.backward_word_start(); bool eofReached = false; while (it <= itEnd) { Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itWordStart = it; if (!it.forward_word_end()) { eofReached = true; it = itEnd; } Glib::ustring s = m_textBuffer->get_text(itWordStart, it, false); //printf("{%s}\n", s.c_str()); if (isKeyword(s)) m_textBuffer->apply_tag(m_keywordTag, itWordStart, it); else if (isEvent(s)) { // check if previous word is "on" Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itPreviousWordStart = itWordStart; if (itPreviousWordStart.backward_word_start()) { Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itPreviousWordEnd = itPreviousWordStart; itPreviousWordEnd.forward_word_end(); if (m_textBuffer->get_text(itPreviousWordStart, itPreviousWordEnd, false) == "on") { m_textBuffer->apply_tag(m_eventTag, itWordStart, it); } } } if (eofReached) break; while (!it.inside_word()) if (!it.forward_char()) goto EOF_REACHED; } EOF_REACHED: ; #endif // USE_LS_SCRIPTVM } #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM LinuxSampler::ScriptVM* ScriptEditor::GetScriptVM() { if (!m_vm) m_vm = LinuxSampler::ScriptVMFactory::Create("gig"); return m_vm; } static void getIteratorsForIssue(Glib::RefPtr& txtbuf, const LinuxSampler::ParserIssue& issue, Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator& start, Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator& end) { start = txtbuf->get_iter_at_line_index(issue.firstLine - 1, issue.firstColumn - 1); end = start; end.forward_lines(issue.lastLine - issue.firstLine); end.forward_chars( (issue.lastLine != issue.firstLine) ? issue.lastColumn - 1 : issue.lastColumn - issue.firstColumn + 1 ); } static void applyCodeTag(Glib::RefPtr& txtbuf, const LinuxSampler::VMSourceToken& token, Glib::RefPtr& tag) { Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itStart = txtbuf->get_iter_at_line_index(token.firstLine(), token.firstColumn()); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itEnd = itStart; const int length = token.text().length(); itEnd.forward_chars(length); txtbuf->apply_tag(tag, itStart, itEnd); } static void applyCodeTag(Glib::RefPtr& txtbuf, const LinuxSampler::ParserIssue& issue, Glib::RefPtr& tag) { Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itStart, itEnd; getIteratorsForIssue(txtbuf, issue, itStart, itEnd); txtbuf->apply_tag(tag, itStart, itEnd); } void ScriptEditor::updateSyntaxHighlightingByVM() { GetScriptVM(); const std::string s = m_textBuffer->get_text(); std::vector tokens = m_vm->syntaxHighlighting(s); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { const LinuxSampler::VMSourceToken& token = tokens[i]; if (token.isKeyword()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_keywordTag); } else if (token.isVariableName()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_variableTag); } else if (token.isIdentifier()) { if (token.isEventHandlerName()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_eventTag); } else { // a function ... applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_functionTag); } } else if (token.isNumberLiteral()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_numberTag); } else if (token.isStringLiteral()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_stringTag); } else if (token.isComment()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_commentTag); } else if (token.isPreprocessor()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, token, m_preprocTag); } else if (token.isNewLine()) { } } } void ScriptEditor::updateParserIssuesByVM() { GetScriptVM(); const std::string s = m_textBuffer->get_text(); LinuxSampler::VMParserContext* parserContext = m_vm->loadScript(s); m_issues = parserContext->issues(); m_errors = parserContext->errors(); m_warnings = parserContext->warnings(); for (int i = 0; i < m_issues.size(); ++i) { const LinuxSampler::ParserIssue& issue = m_issues[i]; if (issue.isErr()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, issue, m_errorTag); } else if (issue.isWrn()) { applyCodeTag(m_textBuffer, issue, m_warningTag); } } delete parserContext; } void ScriptEditor::updateIssueTooltip(GdkEventMotion* e) { int x, y; m_textView.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk::TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, int(e->x), int(e->y), x, y); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator it; m_textView.get_iter_at_location(it, x, y); const int line = it.get_line(); const int column = it.get_line_offset(); //printf("mouse at l%d c%d\n", line, column); for (int i = 0; i < m_issues.size(); ++i) { const LinuxSampler::ParserIssue& issue = m_issues[i]; const int firstLine = issue.firstLine - 1; const int firstColumn = issue.firstColumn - 1; const int lastLine = issue.lastLine - 1; const int lastColumn = issue.lastColumn - 1; if (firstLine <= line && line <= lastLine && (firstLine != line || firstColumn <= column) && (lastLine != line || lastColumn >= column)) { m_textView.set_tooltip_markup( (issue.isErr() ? "ERROR: " : "Warning: ") + issue.txt ); return; } } m_textView.set_tooltip_markup(""); } static std::string warningsCountTxt(const std::vector warnings) { std::string txt = "" + ToString(warnings.size()); txt += (warnings.size() == 1) ? " Warning" : " Warnings"; txt += ""; return txt; } static std::string errorsCountTxt(const std::vector errors) { std::string txt = "" + ToString(errors.size()); txt += (errors.size() == 1) ? " Error" : " Errors"; txt += ""; return txt; } void ScriptEditor::updateStatusBar() { // update status text std::string txt; if (m_issues.empty()) { txt = "No issues with this script."; } else { const char* txtWontLoad = ". Sampler won't load instruments using this script!"; txt = "There "; txt += (m_errors.size() <= 1 && m_warnings.size() <= 1) ? "is " : "are "; if (m_errors.empty()) { txt += warningsCountTxt(m_warnings) + ". Script will load, but might not behave as expected!"; } else if (m_warnings.empty()) { txt += errorsCountTxt(m_errors) + txtWontLoad; } else { txt += errorsCountTxt(m_errors) + " and " + warningsCountTxt(m_warnings) + txtWontLoad; } } m_statusLabel.set_markup(txt); // update status icon m_statusImage.set( m_issues.empty() ? m_successIcon : !m_errors.empty() ? m_errorIcon : m_warningIcon ); } #endif // USE_LS_SCRIPTVM void ScriptEditor::onTextErased(const Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator& itStart, const Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator& itEnd) { //printf("erased\n"); #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM m_textBuffer->remove_all_tags(m_textBuffer->begin(), m_textBuffer->end()); updateSyntaxHighlightingByVM(); updateParserIssuesByVM(); updateStatusBar(); #else Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itStart2 = itStart; if (itStart2.inside_word() || itStart2.ends_word()) itStart2.backward_word_start(); Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator itEnd2 = itEnd; if (itEnd2.inside_word()) itEnd2.forward_word_end(); m_textBuffer->remove_all_tags(itStart2, itEnd2); #endif // USE_LS_SCRIPTVM } bool ScriptEditor::on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion* e) { #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM //TODO: event throttling would be a good idea here updateIssueTooltip(e); #endif return ManagedWindow::on_motion_notify_event(e); } bool ScriptEditor::onWindowDelete(GdkEventAny* e) { //printf("onWindowDelete\n"); if (!isModified()) return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) gchar* msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Apply changes to instrument script \"%s\" before closing?"), m_script->Name.c_str()); Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, msg, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE); g_free(msg); dialog.set_secondary_text(_("If you close without applying, your changes will be lost.")); dialog.add_button(_("Close _Without Applying"), Gtk::RESPONSE_NO); dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(_("_Apply"), Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); dialog.set_default_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_YES); int response = dialog.run(); dialog.hide(); // user decided to close script editor without saving if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_NO) return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) // user cancelled dialog, thus don't close script editor if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL) { show(); return true; // drop event (prevents closing this window) } // user wants to apply the changes, afterwards close window if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_YES) { onButtonApply(); return false; // propagate event further (which will close this window) } // should never ever make it to this point actually return false; } bool ScriptEditor::isModified() const { return m_textBuffer->get_modified(); } void ScriptEditor::onModifiedChanged() { m_applyButton.set_sensitive(isModified()); #if USE_LS_SCRIPTVM updateStatusBar(); #endif } void ScriptEditor::onButtonCancel() { bool dropEvent = onWindowDelete(NULL); if (dropEvent) return; hide(); } void ScriptEditor::onButtonApply() { m_script->SetScriptAsText(m_textBuffer->get_text()); m_textBuffer->set_modified(false); } void ScriptEditor::onWindowHide() { delete this; // this is the end, my friend }