/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Andreas Persson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if GTKMM_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GTKMM_MINOR_VERSION >= 6 #define ABOUT_DIALOG #include #endif #include #include #include "mainwindow.h" #define _(String) gettext(String) template inline std::string ToString(T o) { std::stringstream ss; ss << o; return ss.str(); } MainWindow::MainWindow() { // set_border_width(5); // set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); // Handle selection Glib::RefPtr tree_sel_ref = m_TreeView.get_selection(); tree_sel_ref->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_sel_change)); // m_TreeView.set_reorderable(); m_TreeView.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_button_release)); // Add the TreeView tab, inside a ScrolledWindow, with the button underneath: m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TreeView); // m_ScrolledWindow.set_size_request(200, 600); m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_ScrolledWindowSamples.add(m_TreeViewSamples); m_ScrolledWindowSamples.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_TreeViewNotebook.set_size_request(300); m_HPaned.add1(m_TreeViewNotebook); m_HPaned.add2(dimreg_edit); m_TreeViewNotebook.append_page(m_ScrolledWindowSamples, "Samples"); m_TreeViewNotebook.append_page(m_ScrolledWindow, "Instruments"); actionGroup = Gtk::ActionGroup::create(); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuFile", _("_File"))); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("New", Gtk::Stock::NEW), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_file_new)); Glib::RefPtr action = Gtk::Action::create("Open", Gtk::Stock::OPEN); action->property_label() = action->property_label() + "..."; actionGroup->add(action, sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_file_open)); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("Save", Gtk::Stock::SAVE), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_file_save)); action = Gtk::Action::create("SaveAs", Gtk::Stock::SAVE_AS); action->property_label() = action->property_label() + "..."; actionGroup->add(action, *(new Gtk::AccelKey("s")), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_file_save_as) ); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("Properties", Gtk::Stock::PROPERTIES), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_file_properties)); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("InstrProperties", Gtk::Stock::PROPERTIES), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::show_instr_props)); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("Quit", Gtk::Stock::QUIT), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::hide)); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuInstrument", _("_Instrument"))); action = Gtk::Action::create("MenuHelp", Gtk::Stock::HELP); actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuHelp", action->property_label())); #ifdef ABOUT_DIALOG actionGroup->add(Gtk::Action::create("About", Gtk::Stock::ABOUT), sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MainWindow::on_action_help_about)); #endif actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("AddInstrument", _("Add _Instrument")), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_add_instrument) ); actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("RemoveInstrument", Gtk::Stock::REMOVE), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_remove_instrument) ); // sample right-click popup actions actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("SampleProperties", Gtk::Stock::PROPERTIES), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_sample_properties) ); actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("AddGroup", _("Add _Group")), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_add_group) ); actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("AddSample", _("Add _Sample(s)")), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_add_sample) ); actionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("RemoveSample", Gtk::Stock::REMOVE), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_action_remove_sample) ); uiManager = Gtk::UIManager::create(); uiManager->insert_action_group(actionGroup); // add_accel_group(uiManager->get_accel_group()); Glib::ustring ui_info = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " #ifdef ABOUT_DIALOG " " " " " " #endif " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""; uiManager->add_ui_from_string(ui_info); popup_menu = dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/PopupMenu")); Gtk::Widget* menuBar = uiManager->get_widget("/MenuBar"); m_VBox.pack_start(*menuBar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_VBox.pack_start(m_HPaned); m_VBox.pack_start(m_RegionChooser, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_VBox.pack_start(m_DimRegionChooser, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_RegionChooser.signal_sel_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::region_changed) ); m_DimRegionChooser.signal_sel_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::dimreg_changed) ); // Create the Tree model: m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); m_refTreeModel->signal_row_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::instrument_name_changed) ); // Add the TreeView's view columns: m_TreeView.append_column_editable("Instrument", m_Columns.m_col_name); m_TreeView.set_headers_visible(false); // create samples treeview (including its data model) m_refSamplesTreeModel = SamplesTreeStore::create(m_SamplesModel); m_TreeViewSamples.set_model(m_refSamplesTreeModel); // m_TreeViewSamples.set_reorderable(); m_TreeViewSamples.append_column_editable("Samples", m_SamplesModel.m_col_name); m_TreeViewSamples.set_headers_visible(false); m_TreeViewSamples.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_sample_treeview_button_release) ); m_refSamplesTreeModel->signal_row_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::sample_name_changed) ); // establish drag&drop between samples tree view and dimension region 'Sample' text entry std::list drag_target_gig_sample; drag_target_gig_sample.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("gig::Sample") ); m_TreeViewSamples.drag_source_set(drag_target_gig_sample); m_TreeViewSamples.signal_drag_data_get().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_sample_treeview_drag_data_get) ); dimreg_edit.wSample->drag_dest_set(drag_target_gig_sample); dimreg_edit.wSample->signal_drag_data_received().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_sample_label_drop_drag_data_received) ); file = 0; show_all_children(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::region_changed() { m_DimRegionChooser.set_region(m_RegionChooser.get_region()); } void MainWindow::dimreg_changed() { dimreg_edit.set_dim_region(m_DimRegionChooser.get_dimregion()); } void MainWindow::on_sel_change() { Glib::RefPtr tree_sel_ref = m_TreeView.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = tree_sel_ref->get_selected(); if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; std::cout << row[m_Columns.m_col_name] << std::endl; m_RegionChooser.set_instrument(row[m_Columns.m_col_instr]); } else { m_RegionChooser.set_instrument(0); } } void loader_progress_callback(gig::progress_t* progress) { Loader* loader = static_cast(progress->custom); loader->progress_callback(progress->factor); } void Loader::progress_callback(float fraction) { { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(progressMutex); progress = fraction; } progress_dispatcher(); } void Loader::thread_function() { printf("thread_function self=%x\n", Glib::Thread::self()); printf("Start %s\n", filename); RIFF::File* riff = new RIFF::File(filename); gig = new gig::File(riff); gig::progress_t progress; progress.callback = loader_progress_callback; progress.custom = this; gig->GetInstrument(0, &progress); printf("End\n"); finished_dispatcher(); } Loader::Loader(const char* filename) : thread(0), filename(filename) { } void Loader::launch() { thread = Glib::Thread::create(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Loader::thread_function), true); printf("launch thread=%x\n", thread); } float Loader::get_progress() { float res; { Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(progressMutex); res = progress; } return res; } Glib::Dispatcher& Loader::signal_progress() { return progress_dispatcher; } Glib::Dispatcher& Loader::signal_finished() { return finished_dispatcher; } LoadDialog::LoadDialog(const Glib::ustring& title, Gtk::Window& parent) : Gtk::Dialog(title, parent, true) { get_vbox()->pack_start(progressBar); show_all_children(); } // Clear all GUI elements / controls. This method is typically called // before a new .gig file is to be created or to be loaded. void MainWindow::__clear() { // remove all entries from "Instrument" menu Gtk::MenuItem* instrument_menu = dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/MenuBar/MenuInstrument")); instrument_menu->hide(); for (int i = 0; i < instrument_menu->get_submenu()->items().size(); i++) { delete &instrument_menu->get_submenu()->items()[i]; } instrument_menu->get_submenu()->items().clear(); // forget all samples that ought to be imported m_SampleImportQueue.clear(); // clear the samples and instruments tree views m_refTreeModel->clear(); m_refSamplesTreeModel->clear(); // free libgig's gig::File instance if (file) { delete file; file = NULL; } } void MainWindow::on_action_file_new() { // clear all GUI elements __clear(); // create a new .gig file (virtually yet) gig::File* pFile = new gig::File; // already add one new instrument by default gig::Instrument* pInstrument = pFile->AddInstrument(); pInstrument->pInfo->Name = "Unnamed Instrument"; // update GUI with that new gig::File load_gig(pFile, NULL /*no file name yet*/); } void MainWindow::on_action_file_open() { Gtk::FileChooserDialog dialog(*this, _("Open file")); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::OPEN, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); Gtk::FileFilter filter; filter.add_pattern("*.gig"); dialog.set_filter(filter); if (dialog.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { printf("filename=%s\n", dialog.get_filename().c_str()); __clear(); printf("on_action_file_open self=%x\n", Glib::Thread::self()); load_file(dialog.get_filename().c_str()); } } void MainWindow::load_file(const char* name) { load_dialog = new LoadDialog("Loading...", *this); load_dialog->show_all(); loader = new Loader(strdup(name)); loader->signal_progress().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_loader_progress)); loader->signal_finished().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_loader_finished)); loader->launch(); } void MainWindow::on_loader_progress() { load_dialog->set_fraction(loader->get_progress()); } void MainWindow::on_loader_finished() { printf("Loader finished!\n"); printf("on_loader_finished self=%x\n", Glib::Thread::self()); load_gig(loader->gig, loader->filename); load_dialog->hide(); } void MainWindow::on_action_file_save() { if (!file) return; std::cout << "Saving file\n" << std::flush; try { file->Save(); } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { Glib::ustring txt = "Could not save file: " + e.Message; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); return; } std::cout << "Saving file done\n" << std::flush; __import_queued_samples(); } void MainWindow::on_action_file_save_as() { if (!file) return; Gtk::FileChooserDialog dialog(*this, "Open", Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); Gtk::FileFilter filter; filter.add_pattern("*.gig"); dialog.set_filter(filter); if (dialog.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { printf("filename=%s\n", dialog.get_filename().c_str()); try { file->Save(dialog.get_filename()); } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { Glib::ustring txt = "Could not save file: " + e.Message; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); return; } __import_queued_samples(); } } // actually write the sample(s)' data to the gig file void MainWindow::__import_queued_samples() { std::cout << "Starting sample import\n" << std::flush; Glib::ustring error_files; printf("Samples to import: %d\n", m_SampleImportQueue.size()); for (std::list::iterator iter = m_SampleImportQueue.begin(); iter != m_SampleImportQueue.end(); ) { printf("Importing sample %s\n",(*iter).sample_path.c_str()); SF_INFO info; info.format = 0; SNDFILE* hFile = sf_open((*iter).sample_path.c_str(), SFM_READ, &info); try { if (!hFile) throw std::string("could not open file"); // determine sample's bit depth int bitdepth; switch (info.format & 0xff) { case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8: bitdepth = 16; // we simply convert to 16 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16: bitdepth = 16; break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24: bitdepth = 32; // we simply convert to 32 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32: bitdepth = 32; break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8: bitdepth = 16; // we simply convert to 16 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT: bitdepth = 32; break; case SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE: bitdepth = 32; // I guess we will always truncate this to 32 bit break; default: sf_close(hFile); // close sound file throw std::string("format not supported"); // unsupported subformat (yet?) } // allocate appropriate copy buffer (TODO: for now we copy // it in one piece, might be tough for very long samples) // and copy sample data into buffer int8_t* buffer = NULL; switch (bitdepth) { case 16: buffer = new int8_t[2 * info.channels * info.frames]; // libsndfile does the conversion for us (if needed) sf_readf_short(hFile, (short*) buffer, info.frames); break; case 32: buffer = new int8_t[4 * info.channels * info.frames]; // libsndfile does the conversion for us (if needed) sf_readf_int(hFile, (int*) buffer, info.frames); break; } // write from buffer directly (physically) into .gig file (*iter).gig_sample->Write(buffer, info.frames); // cleanup sf_close(hFile); delete[] buffer; // on success we remove the sample from the import queue, // otherwise keep it, maybe it works the next time ? std::list::iterator cur = iter; ++iter; m_SampleImportQueue.erase(cur); } catch (std::string what) { // remember the files that made trouble (and their cause) if (error_files.size()) error_files += "\n"; error_files += (*iter).sample_path += " (" + what + ")"; ++iter; } } // show error message box when some sample(s) could not be imported if (error_files.size()) { Glib::ustring txt = "Could not import the following sample(s):\n" + error_files; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } void MainWindow::on_action_file_properties() { propDialog.show(); propDialog.deiconify(); } void MainWindow::on_action_help_about() { #ifdef ABOUT_DIALOG Gtk::AboutDialog dialog; dialog.set_version(VERSION); dialog.run(); #endif } PropDialog::PropDialog() : table(2,1) { table.set_col_spacings(5); char* propLabels[] = { "Name:", "CreationDate:", "Comments:", // TODO: multiline "Product:", "Copyright:", "Artists:", "Genre:", "Keywords:", "Engineer:", "Technician:", "Software:", // TODO: readonly "Medium:", "Source:", "SourceForm:", "Commissioned:", "Subject:" }; for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(propLabels) / sizeof(char*) ; i++) { label[i].set_text(propLabels[i]); label[i].set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); table.attach(label[i], 0, 1, i, i + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK); table.attach(entry[i], 1, 2, i, i + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); } add(table); // add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, 0); // add_button(Gtk::Stock::OK, 1); show_all_children(); } void PropDialog::set_info(DLS::Info* info) { entry[0].set_text(info->Name); entry[1].set_text(info->CreationDate); entry[2].set_text(Glib::convert(info->Comments, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1")); entry[3].set_text(info->Product); entry[4].set_text(info->Copyright); entry[5].set_text(info->Artists); entry[6].set_text(info->Genre); entry[7].set_text(info->Keywords); entry[8].set_text(info->Engineer); entry[9].set_text(info->Technician); entry[10].set_text(info->Software); entry[11].set_text(info->Medium); entry[12].set_text(info->Source); entry[13].set_text(info->SourceForm); entry[14].set_text(info->Commissioned); entry[15].set_text(info->Subject); } void InstrumentProps::add_prop(LabelWidget& prop) { table.attach(prop.label, 0, 1, rowno, rowno + 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK); table.attach(prop.widget, 1, 2, rowno, rowno + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); rowno++; } InstrumentProps::InstrumentProps() : table(2,1), quitButton(Gtk::Stock::CLOSE), eName("Name"), eIsDrum("IsDrum"), eMIDIBank("MIDIBank", 0, 16383), eMIDIProgram("MIDIProgram"), eAttenuation("Attenuation", 0, 96, 0, 1), eGainPlus6("Gain +6dB", eAttenuation, -6), eEffectSend("EffectSend", 0, 65535), eFineTune("FineTune", -8400, 8400), ePitchbendRange("PitchbendRange", 0, 12), ePianoReleaseMode("PianoReleaseMode"), eDimensionKeyRangeLow("DimensionKeyRangeLow"), eDimensionKeyRangeHigh("DimensionKeyRangeHigh") { set_title("Instrument properties"); rowno = 0; table.set_col_spacings(5); add_prop(eName); add_prop(eIsDrum); add_prop(eMIDIBank); add_prop(eMIDIProgram); add_prop(eAttenuation); add_prop(eGainPlus6); add_prop(eEffectSend); add_prop(eFineTune); add_prop(ePitchbendRange); add_prop(ePianoReleaseMode); add_prop(eDimensionKeyRangeLow); add_prop(eDimensionKeyRangeHigh); eDimensionKeyRangeLow.signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InstrumentProps::key_range_low_changed)); eDimensionKeyRangeHigh.signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InstrumentProps::key_range_high_changed)); add(vbox); table.set_border_width(5); vbox.pack_start(table); table.show(); vbox.pack_start(buttonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); buttonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); buttonBox.set_border_width(5); buttonBox.show(); buttonBox.pack_start(quitButton); quitButton.set_flags(Gtk::CAN_DEFAULT); quitButton.grab_focus(); quitButton.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InstrumentProps::hide)); quitButton.show(); vbox.show(); show_all_children(); } void InstrumentProps::set_instrument(gig::Instrument* instrument) { update_gui = false; eName.set_ptr(&instrument->pInfo->Name); eIsDrum.set_ptr(&instrument->IsDrum); eMIDIBank.set_ptr(&instrument->MIDIBank); eMIDIProgram.set_ptr(&instrument->MIDIProgram); eAttenuation.set_ptr(&instrument->Attenuation); eGainPlus6.set_ptr(&instrument->Attenuation); eEffectSend.set_ptr(&instrument->EffectSend); eFineTune.set_ptr(&instrument->FineTune); ePitchbendRange.set_ptr(&instrument->PitchbendRange); ePianoReleaseMode.set_ptr(&instrument->PianoReleaseMode); eDimensionKeyRangeLow.set_ptr(&instrument->DimensionKeyRange.low); eDimensionKeyRangeHigh.set_ptr(&instrument->DimensionKeyRange.high); update_gui = true; } void InstrumentProps::key_range_low_changed() { double l = eDimensionKeyRangeLow.get_value(); double h = eDimensionKeyRangeHigh.get_value(); if (h < l) eDimensionKeyRangeHigh.set_value(l); } void InstrumentProps::key_range_high_changed() { double l = eDimensionKeyRangeLow.get_value(); double h = eDimensionKeyRangeHigh.get_value(); if (h < l) eDimensionKeyRangeLow.set_value(h); } void MainWindow::load_gig(gig::File* gig, const char* filename) { file = gig; if (filename) { const char *basename = strrchr(filename, '/'); basename = basename ? basename + 1 : filename; set_title(basename); } else { set_title("unnamed"); } propDialog.set_info(gig->pInfo); Gtk::MenuItem* instrument_menu = dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/MenuBar/MenuInstrument")); int instrument_index = 0; Gtk::RadioMenuItem::Group instrument_group; for (gig::Instrument* instrument = gig->GetFirstInstrument() ; instrument ; instrument = gig->GetNextInstrument()) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_refTreeModel->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = instrument->pInfo->Name.c_str(); row[m_Columns.m_col_instr] = instrument; // create a menu item for this instrument Gtk::RadioMenuItem* item = new Gtk::RadioMenuItem(instrument_group, instrument->pInfo->Name.c_str()); instrument_menu->get_submenu()->append(*item); item->signal_activate().connect( sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::on_instrument_selection_change), instrument_index ) ); instrument_index++; } instrument_menu->show(); instrument_menu->get_submenu()->show_all_children(); for (gig::Group* group = gig->GetFirstGroup(); group; group = gig->GetNextGroup()) { if (group->Name != "") { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterGroup = m_refSamplesTreeModel->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowGroup = *iterGroup; rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name] = group->Name.c_str(); rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group] = group; rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample] = NULL; for (gig::Sample* sample = group->GetFirstSample(); sample; sample = group->GetNextSample()) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterSample = m_refSamplesTreeModel->append(rowGroup.children()); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowSample = *iterSample; rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name] = sample->pInfo->Name.c_str(); rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample] = sample; rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group] = NULL; } } } // select the first instrument Glib::RefPtr tree_sel_ref = m_TreeView.get_selection(); tree_sel_ref->select(Gtk::TreePath("0")); } void MainWindow::show_instr_props() { Glib::RefPtr tree_sel_ref = m_TreeView.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = tree_sel_ref->get_selected(); if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; if (row[m_Columns.m_col_instr]) { instrumentProps.set_instrument(row[m_Columns.m_col_instr]); instrumentProps.show(); instrumentProps.deiconify(); } } } void MainWindow::on_button_release(GdkEventButton* button) { if (button->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) { show_instr_props(); } else if (button->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && button->button == 3) { popup_menu->popup(button->button, button->time); } } void MainWindow::on_instrument_selection_change(int index) { m_RegionChooser.set_instrument(file->GetInstrument(index)); } void MainWindow::on_sample_treeview_button_release(GdkEventButton* button) { if (button->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && button->button == 3) { Gtk::Menu* sample_popup = dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/SamplePopupMenu")); // update enabled/disabled state of sample popup items Glib::RefPtr sel = m_TreeViewSamples.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = sel->get_selected(); bool group_selected = false; bool sample_selected = false; if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; group_selected = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group]; sample_selected = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample]; } dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/SamplePopupMenu/SampleProperties"))-> set_sensitive(group_selected || sample_selected); dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/SamplePopupMenu/AddSample"))-> set_sensitive(group_selected || sample_selected); dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/SamplePopupMenu/AddGroup"))-> set_sensitive(file); dynamic_cast(uiManager->get_widget("/SamplePopupMenu/RemoveSample"))-> set_sensitive(group_selected || sample_selected); // show sample popup sample_popup->popup(button->button, button->time); } } void MainWindow::on_action_add_instrument() { static int __instrument_indexer = 0; if (!file) return; gig::Instrument* instrument = file->AddInstrument(); __instrument_indexer++; instrument->pInfo->Name = "Unnamed Instrument " + ToString(__instrument_indexer); // update instrument tree view Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterInstr = m_refTreeModel->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowInstr = *iterInstr; rowInstr[m_Columns.m_col_name] = instrument->pInfo->Name.c_str(); rowInstr[m_Columns.m_col_instr] = instrument; } void MainWindow::on_action_remove_instrument() { if (!file) return; Glib::RefPtr sel = m_TreeView.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = sel->get_selected(); if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; gig::Instrument* instr = row[m_Columns.m_col_instr]; try { // remove instrument from the gig file if (instr) file->DeleteInstrument(instr); // remove respective row from instruments tree view m_refTreeModel->erase(it); } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, e.Message.c_str(), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } } void MainWindow::on_action_sample_properties() { //TODO: show a dialog where the selected sample's properties can be edited Gtk::MessageDialog msg( *this, "Sorry, yet to be implemented!", false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO ); msg.run(); } void MainWindow::on_action_add_group() { static int __sample_indexer = 0; if (!file) return; gig::Group* group = file->AddGroup(); group->Name = "Unnamed Group"; if (__sample_indexer) group->Name += " " + ToString(__sample_indexer); __sample_indexer++; // update sample tree view Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterGroup = m_refSamplesTreeModel->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowGroup = *iterGroup; rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name] = group->Name.c_str(); rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample] = NULL; rowGroup[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group] = group; } void MainWindow::on_action_add_sample() { if (!file) return; // get selected group Glib::RefPtr sel = m_TreeViewSamples.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = sel->get_selected(); if (!it) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; gig::Group* group = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group]; if (!group) { // not a group, but a sample is selected (probably) gig::Sample* sample = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample]; if (!sample) return; it = row.parent(); // resolve parent (that is the sample's group) if (!it) return; row = *it; group = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group]; if (!group) return; } // show 'browse for file' dialog Gtk::FileChooserDialog dialog(*this, _("Add Sample(s)")); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::OPEN, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); dialog.set_select_multiple(true); Gtk::FileFilter soundfilter; // matches all file types supported by libsndfile const char* supportedFileTypes[] = { "*.wav", "*.WAV", "*.aiff", "*.AIFF", "*.aifc", "*.AIFC", "*.snd", "*.SND", "*.au", "*.AU", "*.paf", "*.PAF", "*.iff", "*.IFF", "*.svx", "*.SVX", "*.sf", "*.SF", "*.voc", "*.VOC", "*.w64", "*.W64", "*.pvf", "*.PVF", "*.xi", "*.XI", "*.htk", "*.HTK", "*.caf", "*.CAF", NULL }; for (int i = 0; supportedFileTypes[i]; i++) soundfilter.add_pattern(supportedFileTypes[i]); soundfilter.set_name("Sound Files"); Gtk::FileFilter allpassfilter; // matches every file allpassfilter.add_pattern("*.*"); allpassfilter.set_name("All Files"); dialog.add_filter(soundfilter); dialog.add_filter(allpassfilter); if (dialog.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { Glib::ustring error_files; Glib::SListHandle filenames = dialog.get_filenames(); for (Glib::SListHandle::iterator iter = filenames.begin(); iter != filenames.end(); ++iter) { printf("Adding sample %s\n",(*iter).c_str()); // use libsndfile to retrieve file informations SF_INFO info; info.format = 0; SNDFILE* hFile = sf_open((*iter).c_str(), SFM_READ, &info); try { if (!hFile) throw std::string("could not open file"); int bitdepth; switch (info.format & 0xff) { case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8: bitdepth = 16; // we simply convert to 16 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16: bitdepth = 16; break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24: bitdepth = 32; // we simply convert to 32 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32: bitdepth = 32; break; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8: bitdepth = 16; // we simply convert to 16 bit for now break; case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT: bitdepth = 32; break; case SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE: bitdepth = 32; // I guess we will always truncate this to 32 bit break; default: sf_close(hFile); // close sound file throw std::string("format not supported"); // unsupported subformat (yet?) } // add a new sample to the .gig file gig::Sample* sample = file->AddSample(); // file name without path sample->pInfo->Name = (*iter).substr((*iter).rfind('/') + 1).raw(); sample->Channels = info.channels; sample->BitDepth = bitdepth; sample->FrameSize = bitdepth / 8/*1 byte are 8 bits*/ * info.channels; sample->SamplesPerSecond = info.samplerate; // schedule resizing the sample (which will be done // physically when File::Save() is called) sample->Resize(info.frames); // make sure sample is part of the selected group group->AddSample(sample); // schedule that physical resize and sample import // (data copying), performed when "Save" is requested SampleImportItem sched_item; sched_item.gig_sample = sample; sched_item.sample_path = *iter; m_SampleImportQueue.push_back(sched_item); // add sample to the tree view Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterSample = m_refSamplesTreeModel->append(row.children()); Gtk::TreeModel::Row rowSample = *iterSample; rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name] = sample->pInfo->Name.c_str(); rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample] = sample; rowSample[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group] = NULL; // close sound file sf_close(hFile); } catch (std::string what) { // remember the files that made trouble (and their cause) if (error_files.size()) error_files += "\n"; error_files += *iter += " (" + what + ")"; } } // show error message box when some file(s) could not be opened / added if (error_files.size()) { Glib::ustring txt = "Could not add the following sample(s):\n" + error_files; Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } } void MainWindow::on_action_remove_sample() { if (!file) return; Glib::RefPtr sel = m_TreeViewSamples.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = sel->get_selected(); if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; gig::Group* group = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group]; gig::Sample* sample = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample]; Glib::ustring name = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name]; try { // remove group or sample from the gig file if (group) { // temporarily remember the samples that bolong to // that group (we need that to clean the queue) std::list members; for (gig::Sample* pSample = group->GetFirstSample(); pSample; pSample = group->GetNextSample()) { members.push_back(pSample); } // delete the group in the .gig file including the // samples that belong to the group file->DeleteGroup(group); // if sample(s) were just previously added, remove // them from the import queue for (std::list::iterator member = members.begin(); member != members.end(); ++member) { for (std::list::iterator iter = m_SampleImportQueue.begin(); iter != m_SampleImportQueue.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter).gig_sample == *member) { printf("Removing previously added sample '%s' from group '%s'\n", (*iter).sample_path.c_str(), name.c_str()); m_SampleImportQueue.erase(iter); break; } } } } else if (sample) { // remove sample from the .gig file file->DeleteSample(sample); // if sample was just previously added, remove it from // the import queue for (std::list::iterator iter = m_SampleImportQueue.begin(); iter != m_SampleImportQueue.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter).gig_sample == sample) { printf("Removing previously added sample '%s'\n", (*iter).sample_path.c_str()); m_SampleImportQueue.erase(iter); break; } } } // remove respective row(s) from samples tree view m_refSamplesTreeModel->erase(it); } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { Gtk::MessageDialog msg(*this, e.Message.c_str(), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR); msg.run(); } } } void MainWindow::on_sample_treeview_drag_data_get(const Glib::RefPtr&, Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data, guint, guint) { // get selected sample gig::Sample* sample = NULL; Glib::RefPtr sel = m_TreeViewSamples.get_selection(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it = sel->get_selected(); if (it) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; sample = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample]; } // pass the gig::Sample as pointer selection_data.set(selection_data.get_target(), 0/*unused*/, (const guchar*)&sample, sizeof(sample)/*length of data in bytes*/); } void MainWindow::on_sample_label_drop_drag_data_received( const Glib::RefPtr& context, int, int, const Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data, guint, guint time) { gig::DimensionRegion* dimregion = m_DimRegionChooser.get_dimregion(); gig::Sample* sample = *((gig::Sample**) selection_data.get_data()); if (sample && dimregion && selection_data.get_length() == sizeof(gig::Sample*)) { if (sample != dimregion->pSample) { dimregion->pSample = sample; dimreg_edit.wSample->set_text(dimregion->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str()); std::cout << "Drop received sample \"" << dimregion->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str() << "\"" << std::endl; // drop success context->drop_reply(true, time); return; } } // drop failed context->drop_reply(false, time); } void MainWindow::sample_name_changed(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter) { if (!iter) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring name = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_name]; gig::Group* group = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_group]; gig::Sample* sample = row[m_SamplesModel.m_col_sample]; if (group) { group->Name = name; } else if (sample) { sample->pInfo->Name = name.raw(); } } void MainWindow::instrument_name_changed(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter) { if (!iter) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring name = row[m_Columns.m_col_name]; gig::Instrument* instrument = row[m_Columns.m_col_instr]; if (instrument) instrument->pInfo->Name = name.raw(); }