/* * JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler * * Copyright (C) 2005 Grigor Kirilov Iliev * * This file is part of JSampler. * * JSampler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * JSampler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JSampler; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.jsampler.view.classic; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import net.sf.juife.JuifeUtils; import net.sf.juife.Wizard; import net.sf.juife.event.TaskEvent; import net.sf.juife.event.TaskListener; import net.sf.juife.wizard.DefaultWizardModel; import net.sf.juife.wizard.UserInputPage; import net.sf.juife.wizard.WizardPage; import org.jsampler.AudioDeviceModel; import org.jsampler.CC; import org.jsampler.HF; import org.jsampler.MidiDeviceModel; import org.jsampler.event.AudioDeviceListEvent; import org.jsampler.event.AudioDeviceListListener; import org.jsampler.event.MidiDeviceListEvent; import org.jsampler.event.MidiDeviceListListener; import org.jsampler.task.AddChannel; import org.jsampler.task.LoadEngine; import org.jsampler.task.LoadInstrument; import org.jsampler.task.SetChannelAudioOutputDevice; import org.jsampler.task.SetChannelMidiInputChannel; import org.jsampler.task.SetChannelMidiInputDevice; import org.jsampler.task.SetChannelMidiInputPort; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.AudioOutputDevice; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.MidiInputDevice; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.MidiPort; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.SamplerEngine; import static org.jsampler.view.classic.ClassicI18n.i18n; /** * * @author Grigor Iliev */ public class NewChannelWizard extends Wizard { /** Creates a new instance of NewChannelWizard. */ public NewChannelWizard() { super(CC.getMainFrame(), i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.title")); setModel(new NewChannelWizardModel()); } } class NewChannelWizardModel extends DefaultWizardModel { private final MidiDeviceWizardPage midiDevicePage = new MidiDeviceWizardPage(); private final MidiPortWizardPage midiPortPage = new MidiPortWizardPage(); private final MidiChannelWizardPage midiChannelPage = new MidiChannelWizardPage(); private final AudioDeviceWizardPage audioDevicePage = new AudioDeviceWizardPage(); private final EngineWizardPage enginePage = new EngineWizardPage(); private final InstrumentWizardPage instrumentPage = new InstrumentWizardPage(); private final ConfirmationWizardPage confirmationPage = new ConfirmationWizardPage(); NewChannelWizardModel() { addPage(midiDevicePage); addPage(midiPortPage); addPage(midiChannelPage); addStep(i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.step1"), 3); addPage(audioDevicePage); addStep(i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.step2")); addPage(enginePage); addStep(i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.step3")); addPage(instrumentPage); addStep(i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.step4")); addPage(confirmationPage); addStep(i18n.getLabel("NewChannelWizard.step5")); setLast(confirmationPage); } /** * Moves to the next page in the wizard. * @return The next page in the wizard. */ public WizardPage next() { if(getCurrentPage() == midiDevicePage && !midiDevicePage.getCustomSettings()) { super.next(); super.next(); } return super.next(); } /** * Moves to the previous page in the wizard. * @return The previous page in the wizard. * @see #hasPrevious */ public WizardPage previous() { if(getCurrentPage() == audioDevicePage && !midiDevicePage.getCustomSettings()) { super.previous(); super.previous(); } return super.previous(); } /** * Gets the selected MIDI device. * @return The selected MIDI device or null * if there is no MIDI device selected. */ public MidiInputDevice getSelectedMidiDevice() { return midiDevicePage.getSelectedDevice(); } /** * Determines whether the user chooses to specify custom MIDI device settings. * @return true if the user chooses to specify custom MIDI device settings, * false otherwise. */ public boolean getCustomMidiSettings() { return midiDevicePage.getCustomSettings(); } /** * Gets the selected MIDI input port. * @return The selected MIDI input port. */ public MidiPort getSelectedMidiPort() { return midiPortPage.getSelectedPort(); } /** * Gets the selected MIDI channel. * @return The number of the selected MIDI channel or -1 which means all channels. */ public int getSelectedMidiChannel() { return midiChannelPage.getSelectedChannel(); } /** * Gets the selected audio device. * @return The selected audio device or null if there is no device selected. */ public AudioOutputDevice getSelectedAudioDevice() { return audioDevicePage.getSelectedDevice(); } /** * Gets the selected sampler engine to be used. * @return The selected sampler engine to be used. */ public SamplerEngine getSelectedEngine() { return enginePage.getSelectedEngine(); } /** * Gets the name of the selected instrument file. * @return The name of the selected instrument file. */ public String getSelectedFile() { return instrumentPage.getSelectedFile(); } /** * Gets the index of the instrument in the instrument file. * @return The index of the instrument in the instrument file. */ public int getInstrumentIndex() { return instrumentPage.getInstrumentIndex(); } } class MidiDeviceWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lDevice = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.lDevice")); private final JComboBox cbDevices = new JComboBox(); private final JButton btnNewDevice = new JButton(i18n.getButtonLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.btnNewDevice")); private final JRadioButton rbDefaultSettings = new JRadioButton(i18n.getButtonLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.rbDefaultSettings")); private final JRadioButton rbCustomSettings = new JRadioButton(i18n.getButtonLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.rbCustomSettings")); MidiDeviceWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("MidiDeviceWizardPage.mainInstructions")); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lDevice); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); for(MidiDeviceModel m : CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiDeviceModels()) { cbDevices.addItem(m.getDeviceInfo()); } cbDevices.setMaximumSize(cbDevices.getPreferredSize()); if(cbDevices.getItemCount() == 0) enableDevComp(false); p.add(cbDevices); CC.getSamplerModel().addMidiDeviceListListener(getHandler()); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(12, 0))); p.add(btnNewDevice); p.setAlignmentX(JPanel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); JPanel mainPane = new JPanel(); mainPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); mainPane.add(p); mainPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); rbDefaultSettings.setAlignmentX(JPanel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); mainPane.add(rbDefaultSettings); rbCustomSettings.setAlignmentX(JPanel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); mainPane.add(rbCustomSettings); ButtonGroup btnGroup = new ButtonGroup(); btnGroup.add(rbDefaultSettings); btnGroup.add(rbCustomSettings); rbDefaultSettings.setSelected(true); setMainPane(mainPane); btnNewDevice.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new NewMidiDeviceDlg(getWizardDialog()).setVisible(true); } }); } /** * Gets the selected device. * @return The selected device or null if there is no device selected. */ public MidiInputDevice getSelectedDevice() { return (MidiInputDevice)cbDevices.getSelectedItem(); } private void enableDevComp(boolean b) { cbDevices.setEnabled(b); rbDefaultSettings.setEnabled(b); rbCustomSettings.setEnabled(b); } /** * Determines whether the user chooses to specify custom device settings. * @return true if the user chooses to specify custom device settings, * false otherwise. */ public boolean getCustomSettings() { return rbCustomSettings.isSelected(); } private final Handler handler = new Handler(); private Handler getHandler() { return handler; } private class Handler implements MidiDeviceListListener { public void deviceAdded(MidiDeviceListEvent e) { updateDeviceList(e.getMidiDeviceModel().getDeviceInfo()); } public void deviceRemoved(MidiDeviceListEvent e) { updateDeviceList(null); } private void updateDeviceList(MidiInputDevice dev) { cbDevices.removeAllItems(); for(MidiDeviceModel m : CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiDeviceModels()) { cbDevices.addItem(m.getDeviceInfo()); } if(cbDevices.getItemCount() == 0) enableDevComp(false); else { enableDevComp(true); cbDevices.setSelectedItem(dev); } cbDevices.setMaximumSize(cbDevices.getPreferredSize()); } } } class MidiPortWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lPort = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("MidiPortWizardPage.lPort")); private final JComboBox cbPorts = new JComboBox(); MidiPortWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("MidiPortWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("MidiPortWizardPage.mainInstructions")); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lPort); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); cbPorts.setMaximumSize(cbPorts.getPreferredSize()); p.add(cbPorts); setMainPane(p); } public void initPage() { updatePorts(((NewChannelWizardModel)getWizardModel()).getSelectedMidiDevice()); } /** * Gets the selected MIDI input port. * @return The selected MIDI input port. */ public MidiPort getSelectedPort() { return (MidiPort)cbPorts.getSelectedItem(); } public void updatePorts(MidiInputDevice dev) { Object current = cbPorts.getSelectedItem(); cbPorts.removeAllItems(); if(dev != null) for(MidiPort p : dev.getMidiPorts()) cbPorts.addItem(p); if(current != null) cbPorts.setSelectedItem(current); cbPorts.setEnabled(cbPorts.getItemCount() > 0); cbPorts.setMaximumSize(cbPorts.getPreferredSize()); } } class MidiChannelWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lChannel = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("MidiChannelWizardPage.lChannel")); private final JComboBox cbChannels = new JComboBox(); MidiChannelWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("MidiChannelWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("MidiChannelWizardPage.mainInstructions")); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lChannel); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); cbChannels.addItem("All"); for(int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) cbChannels.addItem(String.valueOf(i)); cbChannels.setMaximumSize(cbChannels.getPreferredSize()); p.add(cbChannels); setMainPane(p); } /** * Gets the selected MIDI channel. * @return The number of the selected MIDI channel or -1 which means all channels. */ public int getSelectedChannel() { Object o = cbChannels.getSelectedItem(); if(o == null) return -1; return o.toString().equals("All") ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(o.toString()); } } class AudioDeviceWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lDevice = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("AudioDeviceWizardPage.lDevice")); private final JComboBox cbDevices = new JComboBox(); private final JButton btnNewDevice = new JButton(i18n.getButtonLabel("AudioDeviceWizardPage.btnNewDevice")); AudioDeviceWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("AudioDeviceWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("AudioDeviceWizardPage.mainInstructions")); setAdditionalInstructions ( i18n.getLabel("AudioDeviceWizardPage.additionalInstructions") ); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lDevice); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); for(AudioDeviceModel m : CC.getSamplerModel().getAudioDeviceModels()) { cbDevices.addItem(m.getDeviceInfo()); } cbDevices.setMaximumSize(cbDevices.getPreferredSize()); if(cbDevices.getItemCount() == 0) cbDevices.setEnabled(false); p.add(cbDevices); CC.getSamplerModel().addAudioDeviceListListener(getHandler()); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(12, 0))); p.add(btnNewDevice); setMainPane(p); btnNewDevice.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new NewAudioDeviceDlg(getWizardDialog()).setVisible(true); } }); } /** * Gets the selected device. * @return The selected device or null if there is no device selected. */ public AudioOutputDevice getSelectedDevice() { return (AudioOutputDevice)cbDevices.getSelectedItem(); } private final Handler handler = new Handler(); private Handler getHandler() { return handler; } private class Handler implements AudioDeviceListListener { public void deviceAdded(AudioDeviceListEvent e) { updateDeviceList(e.getAudioDeviceModel().getDeviceInfo()); } public void deviceRemoved(AudioDeviceListEvent e) { updateDeviceList(null); } private void updateDeviceList(AudioOutputDevice dev) { cbDevices.removeAllItems(); for(AudioDeviceModel m : CC.getSamplerModel().getAudioDeviceModels()) { cbDevices.addItem(m.getDeviceInfo()); } if(cbDevices.getItemCount() == 0) cbDevices.setEnabled(false); else { cbDevices.setEnabled(true); cbDevices.setSelectedItem(dev); } cbDevices.setMaximumSize(cbDevices.getPreferredSize()); } } } class EngineWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lEngine = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("EngineWizardPage.lEngine")); private final JComboBox cbEngines = new JComboBox(); EngineWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("EngineWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("EngineWizardPage.mainInstructions")); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lEngine); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); for(Object o : CC.getSamplerModel().getEngines()) { cbEngines.addItem(o); } cbEngines.setMaximumSize(cbEngines.getPreferredSize()); p.add(cbEngines); setMainPane(p); } /** * Gets the selected sampler engine to be used. * @return The selected sampler engine to be used. */ public SamplerEngine getSelectedEngine() { return (SamplerEngine)cbEngines.getSelectedItem(); } } class InstrumentWizardPage extends UserInputPage { private final JLabel lFilename = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("InstrumentChooser.lFilename")); private final JLabel lIndex = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("InstrumentChooser.lIndex")); private final JTextField tfFilename = new JTextField(); private final JSpinner spinnerIndex = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, 500, 1)); private final JButton btnBrowse = new JButton(i18n.getLabel("InstrumentChooser.btnBrowse")); InstrumentWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("InstrumentWizardPage.subtitle")); setMainInstructions(i18n.getLabel("InstrumentWizardPage.mainInstructions")); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); p.add(lFilename); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); tfFilename.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension(200, tfFilename.getPreferredSize().height) ); tfFilename.setMaximumSize(tfFilename.getPreferredSize()); p.add(tfFilename); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); spinnerIndex.setMaximumSize(spinnerIndex.getPreferredSize()); p.add(spinnerIndex); p.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(6, 0))); p.add(btnBrowse); p.setMaximumSize(p.getPreferredSize()); setMainPane(p); btnBrowse.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { onBrowse(); } }); btnBrowse.requestFocusInWindow(); } public void initPage() { NewChannelWizardModel model = (NewChannelWizardModel)getWizardModel(); if(model.getSelectedAudioDevice() == null) { String s = i18n.getLabel("InstrumentWizardPage.additionalInstructions"); setAdditionalInstructions(s); } else { System.out.println("Exo"); setAdditionalInstructions(""); } } public boolean mayGoToNext() { NewChannelWizardModel model = (NewChannelWizardModel)getWizardModel(); if(model.getSelectedAudioDevice() == null && getSelectedFile().length() > 0) { String s = i18n.getError("InstrumentWizardPage.selectAODevice!"); HF.showErrorMessage(s, getWizardDialog()); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Gets the name of the instrument file. * @return The name of the instrument file. */ public String getSelectedFile() { return tfFilename.getText(); } /** * Gets the index of the instrument in the instrument file. * @return The index of the instrument in the instrument file. */ public int getInstrumentIndex() { return Integer.parseInt(spinnerIndex.getValue().toString()); } private void onBrowse() { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int result = fc.showOpenDialog(this); if(result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { tfFilename.setText(fc.getSelectedFile().getPath()); } } } class ConfirmationWizardPage extends WizardPage { private MidiInputDevice midiDev = null; private MidiPort midiPort = null; private int midiChannel = -1; private AudioOutputDevice audioDev = null; private SamplerEngine engine = null; private String instrFile = null; private int instrIndex; private final JLabel lInfo = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lInfo")); private final JLabel lMidiDevice = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lMidiDevice")); private final JLabel lMidiPort = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lMidiPort")); private final JLabel lMidiChannel = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lMidiChannel")); private final JLabel lEngine = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lEngine")); private final JLabel lInstrFile = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lInstrFile")); private final JLabel lInstrIndex = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lInstrIndex")); private final JLabel lAudioDevice = new JLabel(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.lAudioDevice")); private final JTextField tfMidiDevice = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfMidiPort = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfMidiChannel = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfEngine = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfInstrFile = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfInstrIndex = new EnhancedTextField(); private final JTextField tfAudioDevice = new EnhancedTextField(); ConfirmationWizardPage() { super(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.subtitle"), "", Type.CONFIRMATION_PAGE); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); //JPanel mainPane = new JPanel(); setLayout(gridbag); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 1; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; c.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3); gridbag.setConstraints(lMidiDevice, c); add(lMidiDevice); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 2; gridbag.setConstraints(lMidiPort, c); add(lMidiPort); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 3; gridbag.setConstraints(lMidiChannel, c); add(lMidiChannel); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 4; gridbag.setConstraints(lEngine, c); add(lEngine); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 5; gridbag.setConstraints(lInstrFile, c); add(lInstrFile); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 6; gridbag.setConstraints(lInstrIndex, c); add(lInstrIndex); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 7; gridbag.setConstraints(lAudioDevice, c); add(lAudioDevice); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 1; c.weightx = 1.0; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gridbag.setConstraints(tfMidiDevice, c); add(tfMidiDevice); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 2; gridbag.setConstraints(tfMidiPort, c); add(tfMidiPort); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 3; gridbag.setConstraints(tfMidiChannel, c); add(tfMidiChannel); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 4; gridbag.setConstraints(tfEngine, c); add(tfEngine); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 5; gridbag.setConstraints(tfInstrFile, c); add(tfInstrFile); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 6; gridbag.setConstraints(tfInstrIndex, c); add(tfInstrIndex); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 7; gridbag.setConstraints(tfAudioDevice, c); add(tfAudioDevice); lInfo.setFont(lInfo.getFont().deriveFont(java.awt.Font.PLAIN)); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 2; c.insets = new Insets(12, 3, 17, 3); c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH; gridbag.setConstraints(lInfo, c); add(lInfo); JPanel p = new JPanel(); p.setOpaque(false); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 8; c.weightx = 1.0; c.weighty = 1.0; c.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); gridbag.setConstraints(p, c); add(p); } public void initPage() { NewChannelWizardModel model = (NewChannelWizardModel)getWizardModel(); setMidiDevice(model.getSelectedMidiDevice()); if(model.getCustomMidiSettings()) { setMidiPort(model.getSelectedMidiPort()); setMidiChannel(model.getSelectedMidiChannel()); } else { MidiInputDevice mdev = model.getSelectedMidiDevice(); if(mdev == null) setMidiPort(null); else if(mdev.getMidiPorts().length < 1) setMidiPort(null); else setMidiPort(mdev.getMidiPort(0)); setMidiChannel(-1); } setEngine(model.getSelectedEngine()); setAudioDevice(model.getSelectedAudioDevice()); setInstrumentFile(model.getSelectedFile()); setInstrumentIndex(model.getInstrumentIndex()); } /** * Invoked when the user clicks the 'Finish' button * while this page is the current page of the wizard. * @return true */ public boolean mayFinish() { final AddChannel ac = new AddChannel(); ac.addTaskListener(new TaskListener() { public void taskPerformed(TaskEvent e) { if(ac.doneWithErrors()) return; doIt(ac.getResult()); } }); CC.getTaskQueue().add(ac); return true; } private void doIt(int chn) { if(getEngine() != null) CC.getTaskQueue().add(new LoadEngine(getEngine().getName(), chn)); /*if(getMidiDPort() != null) CC.getTaskQueue().add ( new SetChannelMidiInputPort(chn, getMidiPort().) );*/ MidiInputDevice d = getMidiDevice(); if(d != null) { CC.getTaskQueue().add(new SetChannelMidiInputDevice(chn, d.getDeviceID())); if(getMidiPort() != null) { int port = -1; for(int i = 0; i < d.getMidiPortCount(); i++) { if(d.getMidiPort(i) == getMidiPort()) { port = i; break; } } if(port != -1) CC.getTaskQueue().add ( new SetChannelMidiInputPort(chn, port) ); } int mc = (getMidiChannel() == -1 ? -1 : getMidiChannel() - 1); CC.getTaskQueue().add(new SetChannelMidiInputChannel(chn, mc)); } if(getAudioDevice() != null) CC.getTaskQueue().add ( new SetChannelAudioOutputDevice(chn, getAudioDevice().getDeviceID()) ); if(getInstrumentFile().length() > 0) CC.getTaskQueue().add ( new LoadInstrument(getInstrumentFile(), getInstrumentIndex(), chn) ); } /** * Gets the audio output device to be used by this sampler channel. * @return The audio output device to be used by this sampler channel. */ public AudioOutputDevice getAudioDevice() { return audioDev; } /** * Sets the audio output device to be used by this sampler channel. * @param dev The audio output device to be used by this sampler channel. */ public void setAudioDevice(AudioOutputDevice dev) { audioDev = dev; if(dev == null) { tfAudioDevice.setText(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.notSpecified")); } else { tfAudioDevice.setText(dev.getDeviceID() + " (" + dev.getDriverName() + ")"); } } /** * Gets the sampler engine to be used. * @return The sampler engine to be used. */ public SamplerEngine getEngine() { return engine; } /** * Sets the sampler engine to be used. * @param engine The sampler engine to be used. */ public void setEngine(SamplerEngine engine) { this.engine = engine; if(engine == null) { tfEngine.setText(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.notSpecified")); } else { tfEngine.setText(engine.getName() + " (" + engine.getDescription() + ")"); } } /** * Gets the name of the instrument file. * @return The name of the instrument file. */ public String getInstrumentFile() { return instrFile; } /** * Sets the name of the instrument file. * @param file The name of the instrument file. */ public void setInstrumentFile(String file) { instrFile = file; if(file.length() == 0) { tfInstrFile.setText(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.notSpecified")); } else { tfInstrFile.setText(file); } } /** * Gets the index of the instrument in the instrument file. * @return The index of the instrument in the instrument file. */ public int getInstrumentIndex() { return instrIndex; } /** * Sets the index of the instrument in the instrument file. * @param idx The index of the instrument in the instrument file. */ public void setInstrumentIndex(int idx) { instrIndex = idx; tfInstrIndex.setText(String.valueOf(idx)); } /** * Gets the MIDI channel to which this sampler channel will listen to. * @return The MIDI channel to which this sampler channel will listen to * (-1 means all channels). * . */ public int getMidiChannel() { return midiChannel; } /** * Sets the MIDI channel to which this sampler channel will listen to. * @param chn The MIDI channel to which this sampler channel will listen to * (-1 means all channels). * . */ public void setMidiChannel(int chn) { midiChannel = chn; tfMidiChannel.setText(chn == -1 ? "All" : String.valueOf(chn)); } /** * Gets the MIDI input device to which this sampler channel will be connected to. * @return The MIDI input device to which this sampler channel will be connected to. */ public MidiInputDevice getMidiDevice() { return midiDev; } /** * Sets the MIDI input device to which this sampler channel will be connected to. * @param dev The numerical id of the MIDI input device to which * this sampler channel will be connected to. */ public void setMidiDevice(MidiInputDevice dev) { midiDev = dev; if(dev == null) { tfMidiDevice.setText(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.notSpecified")); } else { tfMidiDevice.setText(dev.getDeviceID() + " (" + dev.getDriverName() + ")"); } } /** * Gets the MIDI input port. * @return The MIDI input port. */ public MidiPort getMidiPort() { return midiPort; } /** * Sets the MIDI input port. * @param port The MIDI input port. */ public void setMidiPort(MidiPort port) { midiPort = port; if(port == null) { tfMidiPort.setText(i18n.getLabel("ConfirmationWizardPage.notSpecified")); } else { tfMidiPort.setText(port.getName()); } } private class EnhancedTextField extends JTextField { EnhancedTextField() { setEditable(false); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); } } }