AudioDevicePane.checkActive = Active AudioDevicePane.lChannel = Channel: AudioDevicePane.lChannels = Channels: AudioDevicePane.lDevName = AUDIO DEVICE {0} AudioDevicesPane.newDevice = Create new audio output device Channel.ttDefault = Using the default map: {0} ChannelOptions.routing = Channel Routing ChannelScreen.errorLoadingInstrument = Failed to load instrument ChannelScreen.loadingInstrument = Loading Instrument... ({0}%) ChannelScreen.volume = {0}% DbSearchPage.title = Find Instruments DevicesPane.audioDevicesTaskPane = Audio Devices DevicesPane.midiDevicesTaskPane = MIDI Devices FxSendsDlg.title = Effect Sends on Channel {0} GeneralPane.checkShowLSConsoleWhenRunScript = Show LS Console when script is run GeneralPane.checkTurnOffAnimationEffects = Turn off animation effects HelpAboutDlg.about = About HelpAboutDlg.btnAuthor = Grigor Iliev HelpAboutDlg.contactInfoPane = Contact Information HelpAboutDlg.details = Details HelpAboutDlg.lAuthor = Author: HelpAboutDlg.lAuthorEmail = Author's email: HelpAboutDlg.lCopyright = \nCopyright © 2005-2007 Grigor Iliev. All rights reserved. HelpAboutDlg.lDesign = Graphic design: HelpAboutDlg.lJSWebsite = JSampler website: HelpAboutDlg.lLSWebsite = LinuxSampler website: HelpAboutDlg.lLicense = License: HelpAboutDlg.title = About Fantasia HelpAboutDlg.using = Using = Main Toolbar InstrumentsDbFrame.columns = Columns InstrumentsDbFrame.folders = Folders InstrumentsDbFrame.title = Instruments Database LSConsoleFrame.title = LS Console MainFrame.title = Fantasia MainPane.NewChannelPane.newChannel = Create new sampler channel MidiDevicePane.checkActive = Active MidiDevicePane.lDevName = MIDI DEVICE {0} MidiDevicePane.lPort = Port: MidiDevicePane.lPorts = Ports: MidiDevicesPane.newDevice = Create new MIDI input device MidiInstrumentsPane.mapsTaskPane = Manage Instrument Maps OrchestrasPane.orchestrasTaskPane = Manage Orchestras PrefsDlg.tabConnection = Connection PrefsDlg.tabConsole = LS Console PrefsDlg.tabGeneral = General PrefsDlg.title = Preferences SamplerInfoDlg.lDbSupport = Instruments Database Support: SamplerInfoDlg.lProtocolVersion = Protocol Version: SamplerInfoDlg.lVersion = Version: SamplerInfoDlg.title = Sampler Information SamplerInfoDlg.unavailable = Information unavailable SidePane.tabMidiInstruments = MIDI Instruments SidePane.tabOrchestras = Orchestras