JSAddDbInstrumentsProgressDlg.failed = Failed! JSAddDbInstrumentsProgressDlg.jobStatus = Scanned {0} from {1} instrument files JSInstrumentsDbTable.confirmAddToMidiMap = Are you sure you want to add the selected {0} instruments to "{1}" map? JSInstrumentsDbTable.confirmAddToOrchestra = Are you sure you want to add the selected {0} instruments to "{1}" orchestra? JSInstrumentsDbTable.confirmDeletion = Are you sure? JSInstrumentsDbTree.unknownDirectory! = Could not find directory: {0} JSLscpScriptDlg.overwriteFile? = Specified file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it JSManageMidiMapsPane.removeMap = Remove map {0} JSManageMidiMapsPane.removeMap? = The map is not empty. Are you sure? JSManageOrchestrasPane.removeOrchestra? = The orchestra contains one or more instruments.\nDo you really want to remove it? JSMidiInstrumentTree.noMap! = No MIDI instrument map selected JSMidiInstrumentTree.removeInstruments? = There are {0} instruments in the MIDI bank. Are you sure you want to remove them? JSMidiInstrumentTree.sameSourceAndDestination! = Source and destination are the same JSNewAudioDeviceDlg.selectDriver! = Please, select audio output driver first JSNewMidiDeviceDlg.selectDriver! = Please, select MIDI input driver first JSOverrideInstrumentsConfirmDlg.lMsg = If you continue the following MIDI instruments will be removed: JSProgressDlg.cancel? = There is one pending task. Do you really want to cancel JSProgressDlg.cancel2? = There are {0} pending tasks. Do you really want to cancel JSQuitDlg.sureToQuit? = Are you sure you want to quit StdA4n.duplicateChannels? = Do you really want to duplicate all selected channels StdA4n.overwriteFile? = Specified file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it StdA4n.removeChannels? = Do you really want to remove all selected channels StdA4n.resetSampler? = Are you sure you want to reset the sampler