/*************************************************************************** * * * libgig - C++ cross-platform Gigasampler format file loader library * * * * Copyright (C) 2003 by Christian Schoenebeck * * * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "DLS.h" namespace DLS { // *************** Connection *************** // * void Connection::Init(conn_block_t* Header) { Source = (conn_src_t) Header->source; Control = (conn_src_t) Header->control; Destination = (conn_dst_t) Header->destination; Scale = Header->scale; SourceTransform = (conn_trn_t) CONN_TRANSFORM_SRC(Header->transform); ControlTransform = (conn_trn_t) CONN_TRANSFORM_CTL(Header->transform); DestinationTransform = (conn_trn_t) CONN_TRANSFORM_DST(Header->transform); SourceInvert = CONN_TRANSFORM_INVERT_SRC(Header->transform); SourceBipolar = CONN_TRANSFORM_BIPOLAR_SRC(Header->transform); ControlInvert = CONN_TRANSFORM_INVERT_CTL(Header->transform); ControlBipolar = CONN_TRANSFORM_BIPOLAR_CTL(Header->transform); } // *************** Articulation *************** // * Articulation::Articulation(RIFF::List* artList) { if (artList->GetListType() != LIST_TYPE_ART2 && artList->GetListType() != LIST_TYPE_ART1) { throw DLS::Exception(" or chunk expected"); } uint32_t headerSize = artList->ReadUint32(); Connections = artList->ReadUint32(); artList->SetPos(headerSize); pConnections = new Connection[Connections]; Connection::conn_block_t connblock; for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= Connections; i++) { artList->Read(&connblock, 1, sizeof(Connection::conn_block_t)); pConnections[i].Init(&connblock); } } Articulation::~Articulation() { if (pConnections) delete[] pConnections; } // *************** Articulator *************** // * Articulator::Articulator(RIFF::List* ParentList) { pParentList = ParentList; pArticulations = NULL; } Articulation* Articulator::GetFirstArticulation() { if (!pArticulations) LoadArticulations(); if (!pArticulations) return NULL; ArticulationsIterator = pArticulations->begin(); return (ArticulationsIterator != pArticulations->end()) ? *ArticulationsIterator : NULL; } Articulation* Articulator::GetNextArticulation() { if (!pArticulations) return NULL; ArticulationsIterator++; return (ArticulationsIterator != pArticulations->end()) ? *ArticulationsIterator : NULL; } void Articulator::LoadArticulations() { // prefer articulation level 2 RIFF::List* lart = pParentList->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_LAR2); if (!lart) lart = pParentList->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_LART); if (lart) { uint32_t artCkType = (lart->GetListType() == LIST_TYPE_LAR2) ? LIST_TYPE_ART2 : LIST_TYPE_ART1; RIFF::List* art = lart->GetFirstSubList(); while (art) { if (art->GetListType() == artCkType) { if (!pArticulations) pArticulations = new ArticulationList; pArticulations->push_back(new Articulation(art)); } art = lart->GetNextSubList(); } } } Articulator::~Articulator() { if (pArticulations) { ArticulationList::iterator iter = pArticulations->begin(); ArticulationList::iterator end = pArticulations->end(); while (iter != end) { delete *iter; iter++; } delete pArticulations; } } // *************** Info *************** // * Info::Info(RIFF::List* list) { if (list) { RIFF::List* lstINFO = list->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_INFO); if (lstINFO) { LoadString(CHUNK_ID_INAM, lstINFO, Name); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IARL, lstINFO, ArchivalLocation); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ICRD, lstINFO, CreationDate); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ICMT, lstINFO, Comments); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IPRD, lstINFO, Product); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ICOP, lstINFO, Copyright); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IART, lstINFO, Artists); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IGNR, lstINFO, Genre); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IKEY, lstINFO, Keywords); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IENG, lstINFO, Engineer); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ITCH, lstINFO, Technician); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ISFT, lstINFO, Software); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_IMED, lstINFO, Medium); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ISRC, lstINFO, Source); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ISRF, lstINFO, SourceForm); LoadString(CHUNK_ID_ICMS, lstINFO, Commissioned); } } } // *************** Resource *************** // * Resource::Resource(Resource* Parent, RIFF::List* lstResource) { pParent = Parent; pInfo = new Info(lstResource); RIFF::Chunk* ckDLSID = lstResource->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_DLID); if (ckDLSID) { pDLSID = new dlsid_t; ckDLSID->Read(pDLSID, 1, sizeof(dlsid_t)); } else pDLSID = NULL; } Resource::~Resource() { if (pDLSID) delete pDLSID; if (pInfo) delete pInfo; } // *************** Sampler *************** // * Sampler::Sampler(RIFF::List* ParentList) { RIFF::Chunk* wsmp = ParentList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_WSMP); if (!wsmp) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunk not found."); uint32_t headersize = wsmp->ReadUint32(); UnityNote = wsmp->ReadUint16(); FineTune = wsmp->ReadInt16(); Gain = wsmp->ReadInt32(); SamplerOptions = wsmp->ReadUint32(); NoSampleDepthTruncation = SamplerOptions & F_WSMP_NO_TRUNCATION; NoSampleCompression = SamplerOptions & F_WSMP_NO_COMPRESSION; SampleLoops = wsmp->ReadUint32(); pSampleLoops = (SampleLoops) ? new sample_loop_t[SampleLoops] : NULL; wsmp->SetPos(headersize); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SampleLoops; i++) { wsmp->Read(pSampleLoops + i, 1, sizeof(sample_loop_t)); if (pSampleLoops[i].Size > sizeof(sample_loop_t)) { // if loop struct was extended wsmp->SetPos(pSampleLoops[i].Size - sizeof(sample_loop_t), RIFF::stream_curpos); } } } Sampler::~Sampler() { if (pSampleLoops) delete[] pSampleLoops; } // *************** Sample *************** // * Sample::Sample(File* pFile, RIFF::List* waveList, unsigned long WavePoolOffset) : Resource(pFile, waveList) { ulWavePoolOffset = WavePoolOffset - LIST_HEADER_SIZE; pCkFormat = waveList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_FMT); pCkData = waveList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_DATA); if (!pCkFormat || !pCkData) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunks in wave list not found."); // common fields FormatTag = pCkFormat->ReadUint16(); Channels = pCkFormat->ReadUint16(); SamplesPerSecond = pCkFormat->ReadUint32(); AverageBytesPerSecond = pCkFormat->ReadUint32(); BlockAlign = pCkFormat->ReadUint16(); // PCM format specific if (FormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { BitDepth = pCkFormat->ReadUint16(); FrameSize = (FormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) ? (BitDepth / 8) * Channels : 0; SamplesTotal = (FormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) ? pCkData->GetSize() / FrameSize : 0; } else { BitDepth = 0; FrameSize = 0; SamplesTotal = 0; } } void* Sample::LoadSampleData() { return pCkData->LoadChunkData(); } void Sample::ReleaseSampleData() { pCkData->ReleaseChunkData(); } /** * Sets the position within the sample (in sample points, not in * bytes). Use this method and Read() if you don't want to load * the sample into RAM, thus for disk streaming. * * @param SampleCount number of sample points * @param Whence to which relation \a SampleCount refers to */ unsigned long Sample::SetPos(unsigned long SampleCount, RIFF::stream_whence_t Whence) { if (FormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) return 0; // failed: wave data not PCM format unsigned long orderedBytes = SampleCount * FrameSize; unsigned long result = pCkData->SetPos(orderedBytes, Whence); return (result == orderedBytes) ? SampleCount : result / FrameSize; } /** * Reads \a SampleCount number of sample points from the current * position into the buffer pointed by \a pBuffer and increments the * position within the sample. Use this method and SetPos() if you * don't want to load the sample into RAM, thus for disk streaming. * * @param pBuffer destination buffer * @param SampleCount number of sample points to read */ unsigned long Sample::Read(void* pBuffer, unsigned long SampleCount) { if (FormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) return 0; // failed: wave data not PCM format return pCkData->Read(pBuffer, SampleCount, FrameSize); } // *************** Region *************** // * Region::Region(Instrument* pInstrument, RIFF::List* rgnList) : Resource(pInstrument, rgnList), Articulator(rgnList), Sampler(rgnList) { pCkRegion = rgnList; RIFF::Chunk* rgnh = rgnList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_RGNH); rgnh->Read(&KeyRange, 1, sizeof(range_t)); rgnh->Read(&VelocityRange, 1, sizeof(range_t)); uint16_t optionflags = rgnh->ReadUint16(); SelfNonExclusive = optionflags & F_RGN_OPTION_SELFNONEXCLUSIVE; KeyGroup = rgnh->ReadUint16(); // Layer is optional if (rgnh->RemainingBytes() >= sizeof(uint16_t)) { rgnh->Read(&Layer, 1, sizeof(uint16_t)); } else Layer = 0; RIFF::Chunk* wlnk = rgnList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_WLNK); optionflags = wlnk->ReadUint16(); PhaseMaster = optionflags & F_WAVELINK_PHASE_MASTER; MultiChannel = optionflags & F_WAVELINK_MULTICHANNEL; PhaseGroup = wlnk->ReadUint16(); Channel = wlnk->ReadUint32(); WavePoolTableIndex = wlnk->ReadUint32(); pSample = NULL; } Region::~Region() { } Sample* Region::GetSample() { if (pSample) return pSample; File* file = (File*) GetParent()->GetParent(); unsigned long soughtoffset = file->pWavePoolTable[WavePoolTableIndex]; Sample* sample = file->GetFirstSample(); while (sample) { if (sample->ulWavePoolOffset == soughtoffset) return (pSample = sample); sample = file->GetNextSample(); } return NULL; } // *************** Instrument *************** // * Instrument::Instrument(File* pFile, RIFF::List* insList) : Resource(pFile, insList), Articulator(insList) { pCkInstrument = insList; RIFF::Chunk* insh = pCkInstrument->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_INSH); if (!insh) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunks in list chunk not found."); Regions = insh->ReadUint32(); midi_locale_t locale; insh->Read(&locale, 1, sizeof(midi_locale_t)); MIDIProgram = locale.instrument; IsDrum = locale.bank & DRUM_TYPE_MASK; MIDIBankCoarse = (uint8_t) MIDI_BANK_COARSE(locale.bank); MIDIBankFine = (uint8_t) MIDI_BANK_FINE(locale.bank); MIDIBank = MIDI_BANK_MERGE(MIDIBankCoarse, MIDIBankFine); pRegions = NULL; } Region* Instrument::GetFirstRegion() { if (!pRegions) LoadRegions(); if (!pRegions) return NULL; RegionsIterator = pRegions->begin(); return (RegionsIterator != pRegions->end()) ? *RegionsIterator : NULL; } Region* Instrument::GetNextRegion() { if (!pRegions) return NULL; RegionsIterator++; return (RegionsIterator != pRegions->end()) ? *RegionsIterator : NULL; } void Instrument::LoadRegions() { RIFF::List* lrgn = pCkInstrument->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_LRGN); if (!lrgn) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunks in chunk not found."); uint32_t regionCkType = (lrgn->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_RGN2)) ? LIST_TYPE_RGN2 : LIST_TYPE_RGN; // prefer regions level 2 RIFF::List* rgn = lrgn->GetFirstSubList(); while (rgn) { if (rgn->GetListType() == regionCkType) { if (!pRegions) pRegions = new RegionList; pRegions->push_back(new Region(this, rgn)); } rgn = lrgn->GetNextSubList(); } } Instrument::~Instrument() { if (pRegions) { RegionList::iterator iter = pRegions->begin(); RegionList::iterator end = pRegions->end(); while (iter != end) { delete *iter; iter++; } delete pRegions; } } // *************** File *************** // * File::File(RIFF::File* pRIFF) : Resource(NULL, pRIFF) { if (!pRIFF) throw DLS::Exception("NULL pointer reference to RIFF::File object."); this->pRIFF = pRIFF; RIFF::Chunk* ckVersion = pRIFF->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_VERS); if (ckVersion) { pVersion = new version_t; ckVersion->Read(pVersion, 1, sizeof(version_t)); } else pVersion = NULL; RIFF::Chunk* colh = pRIFF->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_COLH); if (!colh) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunks in RIFF list chunk not found."); Instruments = colh->ReadUint32(); RIFF::Chunk* ptbl = pRIFF->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_PTBL); if (!ptbl) throw DLS::Exception("Mandatory chunk not found."); uint32_t headersize = ptbl->ReadUint32(); WavePoolCount = ptbl->ReadUint32(); pWavePoolTable = new uint32_t[WavePoolCount]; ptbl->SetPos(headersize); ptbl->Read(pWavePoolTable, WavePoolCount, sizeof(uint32_t)); pSamples = NULL; pInstruments = NULL; Instruments = 0; } File::~File() { if (pInstruments) { InstrumentList::iterator iter = pInstruments->begin(); InstrumentList::iterator end = pInstruments->end(); while (iter != end) { delete *iter; iter++; } delete pInstruments; } if (pSamples) { SampleList::iterator iter = pSamples->begin(); SampleList::iterator end = pSamples->end(); while (iter != end) { delete *iter; iter++; } delete pSamples; } if (pWavePoolTable) delete[] pWavePoolTable; if (pVersion) delete pVersion; } Sample* File::GetFirstSample() { if (!pSamples) LoadSamples(); if (!pSamples) return NULL; SamplesIterator = pSamples->begin(); return (SamplesIterator != pSamples->end()) ? *SamplesIterator : NULL; } Sample* File::GetNextSample() { if (!pSamples) return NULL; SamplesIterator++; return (SamplesIterator != pSamples->end()) ? *SamplesIterator : NULL; } void File::LoadSamples() { RIFF::List* wvpl = pRIFF->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_WVPL); if (wvpl) { unsigned long wvplFileOffset = wvpl->GetFilePos(); RIFF::List* wave = wvpl->GetFirstSubList(); while (wave) { if (wave->GetListType() == LIST_TYPE_WAVE) { if (!pSamples) pSamples = new SampleList; unsigned long waveFileOffset = wave->GetFilePos(); pSamples->push_back(new Sample(this, wave, waveFileOffset - wvplFileOffset)); } wave = wvpl->GetNextSubList(); } } else { // Seen a dwpl list chunk instead of a wvpl list chunk in some file (officially not DLS compliant) RIFF::List* dwpl = pRIFF->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_DWPL); if (dwpl) { unsigned long dwplFileOffset = dwpl->GetFilePos(); RIFF::List* wave = dwpl->GetFirstSubList(); while (wave) { if (wave->GetListType() == LIST_TYPE_WAVE) { if (!pSamples) pSamples = new SampleList; unsigned long waveFileOffset = wave->GetFilePos(); pSamples->push_back(new Sample(this, wave, waveFileOffset - dwplFileOffset)); } wave = dwpl->GetNextSubList(); } } } } Instrument* File::GetFirstInstrument() { if (!pInstruments) LoadInstruments(); if (!pInstruments) return NULL; InstrumentsIterator = pInstruments->begin(); return (InstrumentsIterator != pInstruments->end()) ? *InstrumentsIterator : NULL; } Instrument* File::GetNextInstrument() { if (!pInstruments) return NULL; InstrumentsIterator++; return (InstrumentsIterator != pInstruments->end()) ? *InstrumentsIterator : NULL; } void File::LoadInstruments() { RIFF::List* lstInstruments = pRIFF->GetSubList(LIST_TYPE_LINS); if (lstInstruments) { RIFF::List* lstInstr = lstInstruments->GetFirstSubList(); while (lstInstr) { if (lstInstr->GetListType() == LIST_TYPE_INS) { if (!pInstruments) pInstruments = new InstrumentList; pInstruments->push_back(new Instrument(this, lstInstr)); } lstInstr = lstInstruments->GetNextSubList(); } } } // *************** Exception *************** // * Exception::Exception(String Message) : RIFF::Exception(Message) { } void Exception::PrintMessage() { std::cout << "DLS::Exception: " << Message << std::endl; } } // namespace DLS