/*************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2014 Christian Schoenebeck * * * * * * This program is part of libgig. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #if !defined(WIN32) # include #endif #include "Korg.h" #include "gig.h" using namespace std; static string Revision() { string s = "$Revision$"; return s.substr(11, s.size() - 13); // cut dollar signs, spaces and CVS macro keyword } static void printVersion() { cout << "korg2gig revision " << Revision() << endl; cout << "using " << gig::libraryName() << " " << gig::libraryVersion() << endl; } static void printUsage() { cout << "korg2gig - convert sound files from KORG to GigaStudio format." << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Usage: korg2gig [-v] [-f] [--interpret-names] FILE1 [ FILE2 ... ] NEWFILE" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -v Print version and exit." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -f Overwrite output file if it already exists." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --interpret-names" << endl; cout << " Try to guess left/right sample pairs and velocity splits." << endl; cout << endl; } static bool endsWith(const string& haystack, const string& needle) { return haystack.substr(haystack.size() - needle.size(), needle.size()) == needle; } static bool fileExists(const string& filename) { FILE* hFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); if (!hFile) return false; fclose(hFile); return true; } // this could also be replaced by fopen(name, "w") to simply truncate the file to zero static void deleteFile(const string& filename) { #if defined(WIN32) DeleteFile(filename.c_str()); #else unlink(filename.c_str()); #endif } /** * Intermediate container class which helps to group .KMP ("multi sample") * instruments together, so that only one .gig instrument will be created per * respective identified .KMP instrument group. */ class InstrGroup : public vector { public: bool isStereo; ///< True if a stereo pair of sampls was found, will result in a "stereo dimension" being created in the .gig instrument. bool hasVelocitySplits; ///< True if velocity split informations were identified in the .KMP ("multi sample") instrument name, a velocity dimension will be created accordingly. string baseName; ///< This is the .KMP ("multi sample") instrument name with the numeric velecity range hints and stereo pair hints being stripped of, resulting in a shorter left hand string that all KMPinstruments have in common of this group. typedef vector base_t; InstrGroup () : vector(), isStereo(false), hasVelocitySplits(false) { } InstrGroup (const InstrGroup& x) : vector(x) { isStereo = x.isStereo; hasVelocitySplits = x.hasVelocitySplits; baseName = x.baseName; } InstrGroup& operator= (const InstrGroup& x) { base_t::operator=(x); isStereo = x.isStereo; hasVelocitySplits = x.hasVelocitySplits; baseName = x.baseName; return *this; } }; /// Removes spaces from the beginning and end of @a s. inline void stripWhiteSpace(string& s) { // strip white space at the beginning for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { if (s[i] != ' ') { s = s.substr(i); break; } } // strip white space at the end for (int i = s.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (s[i] != ' ') { s = s.substr(0, i+1); break; } } } inline bool isDigit(const char& c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } inline int digitToInt(const char& c) { return c - '0'; } /** * I.e. for @a s = "FOO 003-127" it sets @a from = 3, @a to = 127 and * returns "FOO ". * * @param s - input string * @param from - (output) numeric left part of range * @param to - (output) numeric right part of range * @returns input string without the numeric range string component */ inline string parseNumberRangeAtEnd(const string& s, int& from, int& to) { enum _State { EXPECT_NUMBER1, EXPECT_NUMBER1_OR_MINUS, EXPECT_NUMBER2, EXPECT_NUMBER2_OR_END }; int state = EXPECT_NUMBER1; from = to = -1; int dec = 10; for (int i = s.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { switch (state) { case EXPECT_NUMBER1: if (isDigit(s[i])) { to = digitToInt(s[i]); state++; } else return s; // unexpected, error break; case EXPECT_NUMBER1_OR_MINUS: if (s[i] == '-') { state++; } else if (isDigit(s[i])) { to += digitToInt(s[i]) * dec; dec *= 10; } else return s; // unexpected, error break; case EXPECT_NUMBER2: if (isDigit(s[i])) { from = digitToInt(s[i]); dec = 10; state++; } else return s; // unexpected, error break; case EXPECT_NUMBER2_OR_END: if (isDigit(s[i])) { from += digitToInt(s[i]) * dec; dec *= 10; } else return s.substr(0, i+1); break; } } return (state == EXPECT_NUMBER2_OR_END) ? "" : s; } inline void stripLeftOrRightMarkerAtEnd(string& s); /** * I.e. for @a s = "FOO 003-127 -R" it returns "FOO" and sets @a from = 3 and * @a to = 127. In case no number range was found (that is on parse errors), * the returned string will equal the input string @a s instead. */ inline string parseNumberRange(const string& s, int& from, int& to) { string w = s; stripWhiteSpace(w); stripLeftOrRightMarkerAtEnd(w); string result = parseNumberRangeAtEnd(w, from, to); if (result == w) return s; // parse error occured, return original input s stripWhiteSpace(result); return result; } /// I.e. for @a s = "FOO 003-127" it returns "FOO". inline string stripNumberRangeAtEnd(string s) { stripWhiteSpace(s); int from, to; s = parseNumberRangeAtEnd(s, from, to); stripWhiteSpace(s); return s; } inline bool hasLeftOrRightMarker(string s) { stripWhiteSpace(s); return endsWith(s, "-L") || endsWith(s, "-R"); } inline bool isLeftMarker(string s) { stripWhiteSpace(s); return endsWith(s, "-L"); } inline void stripLeftOrRightMarkerAtEnd(string& s) { if (hasLeftOrRightMarker(s)) { s = s.substr(0, s.size() - 2); stripWhiteSpace(s); } } /// I.e. for @a name = "FOO 003-127 -R" it returns "FOO". static string interpretBaseName(string name) { // if there is "-L" or "-R" at the end, then remove it stripLeftOrRightMarkerAtEnd(name); // if there is a velocity split range indicator like "008-110", then remove it string s = stripNumberRangeAtEnd(name); return (s.empty()) ? name : s; } static bool hasNumberRangeIndicator(string name) { int from, to; string baseName = parseNumberRange(name, from, to); return baseName != name; } inline InstrGroup* findGroupWithBaseName(vector& groups, const string& baseName) { if (baseName.empty()) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) if (groups[i].baseName == baseName) return &groups[i]; return NULL; } /** * If requested, try to group individual input instruments by looking at their * instrument names (guessing left/right samples and velocity splits by name). */ static vector groupInstruments( const vector& instruments, bool bInterpretNames) { vector result; if (!bInterpretNames) { // no grouping requested, so make each input instrument its own group for (vector::const_iterator it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it) { InstrGroup g; g.baseName = (*it)->Name(); g.push_back(*it); result.push_back(g); } } else { // try grouping the input instruments by instrument name interpretation for (vector::const_iterator it = instruments.begin(); it != instruments.end(); ++it) { const string baseName = interpretBaseName((*it)->Name()); InstrGroup* g = findGroupWithBaseName(result, baseName); if (!g) { result.push_back(InstrGroup()); g = &result.back(); g->baseName = baseName; } g->push_back(*it); g->isStereo |= hasLeftOrRightMarker( (*it)->Name() ); g->hasVelocitySplits |= hasNumberRangeIndicator( (*it)->Name() ); } } return result; } static set collectVelocitySplits(const InstrGroup& group, DLS::range_t keyRange) { set velocityRanges; for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); ++i) { Korg::KMPInstrument* instr = group[i]; int iLowerKey = 0; for (int k = 0; k < instr->GetRegionCount(); ++k) { Korg::KMPRegion* rgn = instr->GetRegion(k); DLS::range_t keyRange2 = { iLowerKey, rgn->TopKey }; iLowerKey = rgn->TopKey + 1; // for next loop cycle if (keyRange == keyRange2) { int from, to; string baseName = parseNumberRange(instr->Name(), from, to); if (baseName != instr->Name()) { // number range like "003-120" found in instrument name ... DLS::range_t velRange = { from, to }; velocityRanges.insert(velRange); } } } } return velocityRanges; } /** * Ensure that the given list of ranges covers the full range between 0 .. 127. * * @param orig - (input) original set of ranges (read only) * @param corrected - (output) corrected set of ranges (will be cleared and refilled) * @return map that pairs respective original range with respective corrected range */ static map killGapsInRanges(const set& orig, set& corrected) { map result; corrected.clear(); if (orig.empty()) return result; int iLow = 0; int i = 0; for (set::const_iterator it = orig.begin(); it != orig.end(); ++it, ++i) { DLS::range_t r = *it; r.low = iLow; iLow = r.high + 1; if (i == orig.size() - 1) r.high = 127; corrected.insert(r); result[*it] = r; } return result; } static void printRanges(const set& ranges) { cout << "{ "; for (set::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) { if (it != ranges.begin()) cout << ", "; cout << (int)it->low << ".." << (int)it->high; } cout << " }" << flush; } static vector ksfSamples; // input .KSF files static vector kmpInstruments; // input .KMP files static gig::File* g_gig = NULL; // output .gig file static Korg::KSFSample* findKSFSampleWithFileName(const string& name) { for (int i = 0; i < ksfSamples.size(); ++i) if (ksfSamples[i]->FileName() == name) return ksfSamples[i]; return NULL; } static map sampleRelations; /** * First pass: if the respective gig sample does not exist yet, it will be * created, meta informations and size will be copied from the original Korg * sample. However the actual sample data will not yet be copied here yet. * Because the .gig file needs to be saved and resized in file size accordingly * to the total size of all samples. For efficiency reasons the resize opertion * is first just here schedued for all samples, then in a second pass the actual * data written in writeAllSampleData(); */ static gig::Sample* findOrcreateGigSampleForKSFSample(Korg::KSFSample* ksfSample, gig::Group* gigSampleGroup, const Korg::KMPRegion* kmpRegion = NULL) { if (ksfSample->SamplePoints <= 0) { cout << "Skipping KSF sample '" << ksfSample->FileName() << "' (because of zero length)." << endl; return NULL; // writing a gig sample with zero size to a gig file would throw an exception } gig::Sample* gigSample = sampleRelations[ksfSample]; if (gigSample) return gigSample; // no such gig file yet, create it ... // add new gig sample to gig output file gigSample = g_gig->AddSample(); gigSampleGroup->AddSample(gigSample); sampleRelations[ksfSample] = gigSample; // convert Korg Sample -> gig Sample gigSample->pInfo->Name = ksfSample->Name; gigSample->Channels = ksfSample->Channels; gigSample->SamplesPerSecond = ksfSample->SampleRate; gigSample->BitDepth = ksfSample->BitDepth; gigSample->FrameSize = ksfSample->Channels * ksfSample->BitDepth / 8; //gigSample->SamplesTotal = ksfSample->SamplePoints; if (kmpRegion) { gigSample->MIDIUnityNote = kmpRegion->OriginalKey; } if (ksfSample->LoopEnd) { gigSample->Loops = 1; // the gig format currently supports only one loop per sample gigSample->LoopType = gig::loop_type_normal; gigSample->LoopStart = ksfSample->LoopStart; gigSample->LoopEnd = ksfSample->LoopEnd; gigSample->LoopSize = gigSample->LoopEnd - gigSample->LoopStart; gigSample->LoopPlayCount = 0; // infinite } // schedule for resize (will be performed when gig->Save() is called) gigSample->Resize(ksfSample->SamplePoints); return gigSample; } /** * Second pass: see comment of findOrcreateGigSampleForKSFSample(). */ static void writeAllSampleData() { for (map::iterator it = sampleRelations.begin(); it != sampleRelations.end(); ++it) { Korg::KSFSample* ksfSample = it->first; gig::Sample* gigSample = it->second; if (!gigSample) continue; // can be NULL if the source KORG file had zero length (attempting to write a .gig file with zero size sample would throw an exception) Korg::buffer_t src = ksfSample->LoadSampleData(); gigSample->SetPos(0); gigSample->Write(src.pStart, ksfSample->SamplePoints); ksfSample->ReleaseSampleData(); } } static gig::Sample* findOrCreateGigSampleForKSFRegion(const Korg::KMPRegion* kmpRegion) { int from, to; const string baseName = parseNumberRange(kmpRegion->GetInstrument()->Name(), from, to); gig::Group* gigSampleGroup = g_gig->GetGroup(baseName); if (!gigSampleGroup) { gigSampleGroup = g_gig->AddGroup(); gigSampleGroup->Name = baseName; } Korg::KSFSample* ksfSample = findKSFSampleWithFileName(kmpRegion->FullSampleFileName()); if (!ksfSample) throw Korg::Exception("Internal error: Could not resolve KSFSample object"); gig::Sample* gigSample = sampleRelations[ksfSample]; if (gigSample) return gigSample; return findOrcreateGigSampleForKSFSample( ksfSample, gigSampleGroup, kmpRegion ); } static void loadKorgFile(const string& filename, bool bReferenced = false) { try { if (endsWith(filename, ".KMP")) { cout << "Loading KORG Multi Sample file '" << filename << "' ... " << flush; Korg::KMPInstrument* instr = new Korg::KMPInstrument(filename); cout << "OK\n"; kmpInstruments.push_back(instr); for (int i = 0; i < instr->GetRegionCount(); ++i) { Korg::KMPRegion* rgn = instr->GetRegion(i); // check if the sample referenced by this region was already // loaded, if not then load it ... if (!findKSFSampleWithFileName(rgn->FullSampleFileName())) loadKorgFile(rgn->FullSampleFileName(), true); } } else if (endsWith(filename, ".KSF")) { cout << "Loading " << (bReferenced ? "referenced " : "") << "KORG Sample file '" << filename << "' ... " << flush; Korg::KSFSample* smpl = new Korg::KSFSample(filename); cout << "OK\n"; ksfSamples.push_back(smpl); } else if (endsWith(filename, ".PCG")) { cerr << "Error with input file '" << filename << "':" << endl; cerr << "There is no support for .PCG files in this version of korg2gig yet." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { cerr << "Unknown file type (file name postfix) for input file '" << filename << "'" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { cerr << "Failed opening input file '" << filename << "':" << endl; e.PrintMessage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } catch (...) { cerr << "Failed opening input file '" << filename << "':" << endl; cerr << "Unknown exception occured while trying to access input file." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void cleanup() { if (g_gig) { delete g_gig; g_gig = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < ksfSamples.size(); ++i) delete ksfSamples[i]; ksfSamples.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < kmpInstruments.size(); ++i) delete kmpInstruments[i]; kmpInstruments.clear(); } inline int getDimensionIndex(gig::Region* region, gig::dimension_t type) { for (int d = 0; d < region->Dimensions; ++d) if (region->pDimensionDefinitions[d].dimension == type) return d; return -1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool bInterpretNames = false; bool bForce = false; // validate & parse arguments provided to this program if (argc < 3) { printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int iArg; for (iArg = 1; iArg < argc; ++iArg) { const string opt = argv[iArg]; if (opt == "--") { // common for all command line tools: separator between initial option arguments and i.e. subsequent file arguments iArg++; break; } if (opt.substr(0, 1) != "-") break; if (opt == "-v") { printVersion(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (opt == "-f") { bForce = true; } else if (opt == "--interpret-names") { bInterpretNames = true; } else { cerr << "Unknown option '" << opt << "'" << endl; cerr << endl; printUsage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } set inFileNames; string outFileName; // all options have been processed, all subsequent args should be files for (; iArg < argc; ++iArg) { if (iArg == argc - 1) { outFileName = argv[iArg]; } else { inFileNames.insert(argv[iArg]); } } if (inFileNames.empty() || outFileName.empty()) { cerr << "You must provide at least one input file (Korg format) and one output file (.gig format)!" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // check if output file already exists if (fileExists(outFileName)) { if (bForce) deleteFile(outFileName); else { cerr << "Output file '" << outFileName << "' already exists. Use -f to overwrite it." << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // open all input (KORG) files for (set::const_iterator it = inFileNames.begin(); it != inFileNames.end(); ++it) { loadKorgFile(*it); } // create and assemble a new .gig file as output try { // start with an empty .gig file g_gig = new gig::File(); // if requested, try to group individual input instruments by looking // at their names, and create only one output instrument per group // (guessing left/right samples and velocity splits by name) vector instrGroups = groupInstruments(kmpInstruments, bInterpretNames); // create the individual instruments in the gig file for (int i = 0; i < instrGroups.size(); ++i) { InstrGroup& group = instrGroups[i]; cout << "Adding gig instrument '" << group.baseName << "'" << endl; gig::Instrument* instr = g_gig->AddInstrument(); instr->pInfo->Name = group.baseName; map regions; // the gig instrument regions to be created, sorted by key ranges // apply korg regions to gig regions for (InstrGroup::iterator itInstr = group.begin(); itInstr != group.end(); ++itInstr) { Korg::KMPInstrument* kmpInstr = *itInstr; cout << " |---> KMP multi sample '" << kmpInstr->Name() << "'" << endl; int iLowKey = 0; for (int k = 0; k < kmpInstr->GetRegionCount(); ++k) { Korg::KMPRegion* kmpRegion = kmpInstr->GetRegion(k); DLS::range_t keyRange = { iLowKey, kmpRegion->TopKey }; iLowKey = kmpRegion->TopKey + 1; // for next loop cycle gig::Region* gigRegion = regions[keyRange]; // if there is no gig region for that key range yet, create it if (!gigRegion) { gigRegion = instr->AddRegion(); gigRegion->SetKeyRange(keyRange.low, keyRange.high); regions[keyRange] = gigRegion; } uint8_t iDimBits[8] = {}; // used to select the target gig::DimensionRegion for current source KMPRegion to be applied bool isStereoSplit = bInterpretNames && hasLeftOrRightMarker(kmpInstr->Name()); if (isStereoSplit) { // stereo dimension split required for this region ... int iStereoDimensionIndex = getDimensionIndex(gigRegion, gig::dimension_samplechannel); // create stereo dimension if it doesn't exist already ... if (iStereoDimensionIndex < 0) { gig::dimension_def_t dim; dim.dimension = gig::dimension_samplechannel; dim.bits = 1; // 2^(1) = 2 dim.zones = 2; // stereo = 2 audio channels = 2 split zones cout << "Adding stereo dimension." << endl; gigRegion->AddDimension(&dim); iStereoDimensionIndex = getDimensionIndex(gigRegion, gig::dimension_samplechannel); } if (iStereoDimensionIndex < 0) throw gig::Exception("Internal error: Could not resolve target stereo dimension bit"); // select dimension bit for this stereo dimension split iDimBits[iStereoDimensionIndex] = isLeftMarker(kmpInstr->Name()) ? 0 : 1; } int iVelocityDimensionIndex = -1; DLS::range_t velRange = { 0 , 127 }; bool isVelocitySplit = bInterpretNames && hasNumberRangeIndicator(kmpInstr->Name()); if (isVelocitySplit) { // a velocity split is required for this region ... // get the set of velocity split zones defined for // this particular output instrument and key range set origVelocitySplits = collectVelocitySplits(group, keyRange); // if there are any gaps, that is if the list of velocity // split ranges do not cover the full range completely // between 0 .. 127, then auto correct it by increasing // the split zones accordingly map velocityCorrectionMap; // maps original defined velocity range (key) -> corrected velocity range (value) { set correctedSplits; velocityCorrectionMap = killGapsInRanges(origVelocitySplits, correctedSplits); if (correctedSplits != origVelocitySplits) { cout << "WARNING: Velocity splits did not cover the full range 0..127, auto adjusted it from " << flush; printRanges(origVelocitySplits); cout << " to " << flush; printRanges(correctedSplits); cout << endl; } } // get the velocity range for current KORG region { int from, to; if (parseNumberRange(kmpInstr->Name(), from, to) == kmpInstr->Name()) throw Korg::Exception("Internal error: parsing velocity range failed"); velRange.low = from; velRange.high = to; if (velocityCorrectionMap.find(velRange) == velocityCorrectionMap.end()) throw Korg::Exception("Internal error: inconsistency in velocity split correction map"); velRange = velocityCorrectionMap[velRange]; // corrected } // create velocity split dimension if it doesn't exist already ... iVelocityDimensionIndex = getDimensionIndex(gigRegion, gig::dimension_velocity); if (iVelocityDimensionIndex < 0) { gig::dimension_def_t dim; dim.dimension = gig::dimension_velocity; dim.zones = origVelocitySplits.size(); // Find the number of bits required to hold the // specified amount of zones. int zoneBits = dim.zones - 1; for (dim.bits = 0; zoneBits > 1; dim.bits += 2, zoneBits >>= 2); dim.bits += zoneBits; cout << "Adding velocity dimension: zones=" << (int)dim.zones << ", bits=" << (int)dim.bits << endl; gigRegion->AddDimension(&dim); iVelocityDimensionIndex = getDimensionIndex(gigRegion, gig::dimension_velocity); } if (iVelocityDimensionIndex < 0) throw gig::Exception("Internal error: Could not resolve target velocity dimension bit"); // find the velocity zone for this one int iVelocitySplitZone = -1; { int i = 0; for (map::const_iterator itVelSplit = velocityCorrectionMap.begin(); itVelSplit != velocityCorrectionMap.end(); ++itVelSplit, ++i) { if (itVelSplit->second == velRange) { // already corrected before, thus second, not first iVelocitySplitZone = i; break; } } if (iVelocitySplitZone == -1) throw gig::Exception("Internal error: Could not resolve target velocity dimension zone"); } // select dimension bit for this stereo dimension split iDimBits[iVelocityDimensionIndex] = iVelocitySplitZone; } // resolve target gig::DimensionRegion for the left/right and velocity split zone detected above gig::DimensionRegion* dimRgn = gigRegion->GetDimensionRegionByBit(iDimBits); if (!dimRgn) throw gig::Exception("Internal error: Could not resolve Dimension Region"); // if this is a velocity split, apply the precise velocity split range values if (isVelocitySplit) { dimRgn->VelocityUpperLimit = velRange.high; // gig v2 dimRgn->DimensionUpperLimits[iVelocityDimensionIndex] = velRange.high; // gig v3 and above } // assign the respective gig sample to this dimension region gig::Sample* gigSample = findOrCreateGigSampleForKSFRegion(kmpRegion); dimRgn->pSample = gigSample; // might be NULL (if Korg sample had zero size) if (gigSample) { dimRgn->UnityNote = gigSample->MIDIUnityNote; if (gigSample->Loops) { DLS::sample_loop_t loop; loop.Size = sizeof(loop); loop.LoopType = gig::loop_type_normal; loop.LoopStart = gigSample->LoopStart; loop.LoopLength = gigSample->LoopEnd - gigSample->LoopStart; dimRgn->AddSampleLoop(&loop); } } } } } // add the .KSF samples that are not referenced by any instrument for (int i = 0; i < ksfSamples.size(); ++i) { Korg::KSFSample* ksfSample = ksfSamples[i]; gig::Sample* gigSample = sampleRelations[ksfSample]; if (!gigSample) { // put those "orphaned" samples into a sample group called // "Not referenced", showing the user in gigedit that this // sample is not used (referenced) by any gig instrument const string sNotReferenced = "Not referenced"; gig::Group* gigSampleGroup = g_gig->GetGroup(sNotReferenced); if (!gigSampleGroup) { gigSampleGroup = g_gig->AddGroup(); gigSampleGroup->Name = sNotReferenced; } // create the gig sample gigSample = findOrcreateGigSampleForKSFSample(ksfSample, gigSampleGroup); } } // save result to disk (as .gig file) cout << "Saving converted (.gig) file to '" << outFileName << "' ... " << flush; g_gig->Save(outFileName); cout << "OK\n"; cout << "Writing all samples to converted (.gig) file ... " << flush; writeAllSampleData(); cout << "OK\n"; } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { cerr << "Failed generating output file:" << endl; e.PrintMessage(); cleanup(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { cerr << "Unknown exception while trying to assemble output file." << endl; cleanup(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } cleanup(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }