// example_client.c // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "lscp/client.h" #include "lscp/device.h" #include #define SERVER_PORT 8888 #if defined(WIN32) static WSADATA _wsaData; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// lscp_status_t client_callback ( lscp_client_t *pClient, lscp_event_t event, const char *pchData, int cchData, void *pvData ) { lscp_status_t ret = LSCP_FAILED; char *pszData = (char *) malloc(cchData + 1); if (pszData) { memcpy(pszData, pchData, cchData); pszData[cchData] = (char) 0; printf("client_callback: event=%s (0x%04x) [%s]\n", lscp_event_to_text(event), (int) event, pszData); free(pszData); ret = LSCP_OK; } return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int client_test_int ( int i ) { printf("%d\n", i); return (i >= 0 ? 0 : 1); } int client_test_status ( lscp_status_t s ) { const char *pszStatus; switch (s) { case LSCP_OK: pszStatus = "OK"; break; case LSCP_FAILED: pszStatus = "FAILED"; break; case LSCP_ERROR: pszStatus = "ERROR"; break; case LSCP_WARNING: pszStatus = "WARNING"; break; case LSCP_TIMEOUT: pszStatus = "TIMEOUT"; break; case LSCP_QUIT: pszStatus = "QUIT"; break; default: pszStatus = "NONE"; break; } printf("%s\n", pszStatus); return (s == LSCP_OK ? 0 : 1); } int client_test_isplit ( int *piSplit ) { int i; printf("{"); for (i = 0; piSplit && piSplit[i] >= 0; i++) { if (i > 0) printf(","); printf(" %d", piSplit[i]); } printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_szsplit ( char **ppszSplit ) { int i; printf("{"); for (i = 0; ppszSplit && ppszSplit[i]; i++) { if (i > 0) printf(","); printf(" %s", ppszSplit[i]); } printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_params ( lscp_param_t *pParams ) { int i; printf("{"); for (i = 0; pParams && pParams[i].key; i++) { if (i > 0) printf(","); printf(" %s='%s'", pParams[i].key, pParams[i].value); } printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_param_info ( lscp_param_info_t *pParamInfo ) { const char *pszType; if (pParamInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } switch (pParamInfo->type) { case LSCP_TYPE_BOOL: pszType = "BOOL"; break; case LSCP_TYPE_INT: pszType = "INT"; break; case LSCP_TYPE_FLOAT: pszType = "FLOAT"; break; case LSCP_TYPE_STRING: pszType = "STRING"; break; default: pszType = "NONE"; break; } printf("{\n"); printf(" param_info.type = %d (%s)\n", (int) pParamInfo->type, pszType); printf(" param_info.description = %s\n", pParamInfo->description); printf(" param_info.mandatory = %d\n", pParamInfo->mandatory); printf(" param_info.fix = %d\n", pParamInfo->fix); printf(" param_info.multiplicity = %d\n", pParamInfo->multiplicity); printf(" param_info.depends = "); client_test_szsplit(pParamInfo->depends); printf(" param_info.defaultv = %s\n", pParamInfo->defaultv); printf(" param_info.range_min = %s\n", pParamInfo->range_min); printf(" param_info.range_max = %s\n", pParamInfo->range_max); printf(" param_info.possibilities = "); client_test_szsplit(pParamInfo->possibilities); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_driver_info ( lscp_driver_info_t *pDriverInfo ) { if (pDriverInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{\n"); printf(" driver_info.description = %s\n", pDriverInfo->description); printf(" driver_info.version = %s\n", pDriverInfo->version); printf(" driver_info.parameters = "); client_test_szsplit(pDriverInfo->parameters); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_device_info ( lscp_device_info_t *pDeviceInfo ) { if (pDeviceInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{\n"); printf(" device_info.driver = %s\n", pDeviceInfo->driver); printf(" device_info.params = "); client_test_params(pDeviceInfo->params); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_device_port_info ( lscp_device_port_info_t *pDevicePortInfo ) { if (pDevicePortInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{\n"); printf(" device_port_info.name = %s\n", pDevicePortInfo->name); printf(" device_port_info.params = "); client_test_params(pDevicePortInfo->params); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_engine_info ( lscp_engine_info_t *pEngineInfo ) { if (pEngineInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{\n"); printf(" engine_info.description = %s\n", pEngineInfo->description); printf(" engine_info.version = %s\n", pEngineInfo->version); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_channel_info ( lscp_channel_info_t *pChannelInfo ) { if (pChannelInfo == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{\n"); printf(" channel_info.engine_name = %s\n", pChannelInfo->engine_name); printf(" channel_info.audio_device = %d\n", pChannelInfo->audio_device); printf(" channel_info.audio_channels = %d\n", pChannelInfo->audio_channels); printf(" channel_info.audio_routing = "); client_test_szsplit(pChannelInfo->audio_routing); printf(" channel_info.instrument_file = %s\n", pChannelInfo->instrument_file); printf(" channel_info.instrument_nr = %d\n", pChannelInfo->instrument_nr); printf(" channel_info.instrument_status = %d\n", pChannelInfo->instrument_status); printf(" channel_info.midi_device = %d\n", pChannelInfo->midi_device); printf(" channel_info.midi_port = %d\n", pChannelInfo->midi_port); printf(" channel_info.midi_channel = %d\n", pChannelInfo->midi_channel); printf(" channel_info.volume = %g\n", pChannelInfo->volume); printf(" }\n"); return 0; } int client_test_buffer_fill ( lscp_buffer_fill_t *pBufferFill ) { if (pBufferFill == NULL) { printf("(nil)\n"); return 1; } printf("{ <%p> }\n", pBufferFill); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int g_test_step = 0; static int g_test_count = 0; static int g_test_fails = 0; void client_test_start ( clock_t *pclk ) { *pclk = clock(); } float client_test_elapsed ( clock_t *pclk ) { return (float) ((long) clock() - *pclk) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } typedef int * isplit; typedef char ** szsplit; typedef lscp_status_t status; typedef lscp_driver_info_t * driver_info; typedef lscp_device_info_t * device_info; typedef lscp_device_port_info_t * device_port_info; typedef lscp_param_info_t * param_info; typedef lscp_engine_info_t * engine_info; typedef lscp_channel_info_t * channel_info; typedef lscp_buffer_fill_t * buffer_fill; #define CLIENT_TEST(p, t, x) { clock_t c; void *v; g_test_count++; \ printf("\n" #x ":\n"); client_test_start(&c); v = (void *) (x); \ printf(" elapsed=%gs errno=%d result='%s...' ret=", \ client_test_elapsed(&c), \ lscp_client_get_errno(p), \ lscp_client_get_result(p)); \ if (client_test_##t((t)(v))) { g_test_fails++; getchar(); } \ else if (g_test_step) getchar(); } void client_test ( lscp_client_t *pClient ) { const char **ppszAudioDrivers, **ppszMidiDrivers, **ppszEngines; const char *pszAudioDriver, *pszMidiDriver, *pszEngine; int iAudioDriver, iMidiDriver, iEngine; int iAudioDevice, iMidiDevice; int iSamplerChannel; g_test_count = 0; g_test_fails = 0; CLIENT_TEST(pClient, szsplit, ppszAudioDrivers = lscp_get_available_audio_drivers(pClient)); if (ppszAudioDrivers == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "client_test: No audio drivers available.\n"); return; } CLIENT_TEST(pClient, szsplit, ppszMidiDrivers = lscp_get_available_midi_drivers(pClient)); if (ppszMidiDrivers == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "client_test: No MIDI drivers available.\n"); return; } CLIENT_TEST(pClient, szsplit, ppszEngines = lscp_get_available_engines(pClient)); if (ppszEngines == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "client_test: No engines available.\n"); return; } CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_audio_devices(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, isplit, lscp_list_audio_devices(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_midi_devices(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, isplit, lscp_list_midi_devices(pClient)); for (iAudioDriver = 0; ppszAudioDrivers[iAudioDriver]; iAudioDriver++) { pszAudioDriver = ppszAudioDrivers[iAudioDriver]; printf("\n--- pszAudioDriver=\"%s\" ---\n", pszAudioDriver); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, driver_info, lscp_get_audio_driver_info(pClient, pszAudioDriver)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, param_info, lscp_get_audio_driver_param_info(pClient, pszAudioDriver, "active", NULL)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, iAudioDevice = lscp_create_audio_device(pClient, pszAudioDriver, NULL)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, device_info, lscp_get_audio_device_info(pClient, iAudioDevice)); for (iMidiDriver = 0; ppszMidiDrivers[iMidiDriver]; iMidiDriver++) { pszMidiDriver = ppszMidiDrivers[iMidiDriver]; printf("\n--- pszMidiDriver=\"%s\" ---\n", pszMidiDriver); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, driver_info, lscp_get_midi_driver_info(pClient, pszMidiDriver)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, param_info, lscp_get_midi_driver_param_info(pClient, pszMidiDriver, "active", NULL)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, iMidiDevice = lscp_create_midi_device(pClient, pszMidiDriver, NULL)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, device_info, lscp_get_midi_device_info(pClient, iMidiDevice)); for (iEngine = 0; ppszEngines[iEngine]; iEngine++) { pszEngine = ppszEngines[iEngine]; printf("\n--- pszEngine=\"%s\" ---\n", pszEngine); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, engine_info, lscp_get_engine_info(pClient, pszEngine)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_channels(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, isplit, lscp_list_channels(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, iSamplerChannel = lscp_add_channel(pClient)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, channel_info, lscp_get_channel_info(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_load_engine(pClient, pszEngine, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_load_instrument(pClient, "DefaultInstrument.gig", 0, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_channel_voice_count(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_channel_stream_count(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, int, lscp_get_channel_stream_usage(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, buffer_fill, lscp_get_channel_buffer_fill(pClient, LSCP_USAGE_BYTES, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, buffer_fill, lscp_get_channel_buffer_fill(pClient, LSCP_USAGE_PERCENTAGE, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_audio_type(pClient, iSamplerChannel, pszAudioDriver)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_audio_device(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_audio_channel(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0, 1)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_midi_type(pClient, iSamplerChannel, pszMidiDriver)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_midi_device(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_midi_channel(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_midi_port(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_set_channel_volume(pClient, iSamplerChannel, 0.5)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, channel_info, lscp_get_channel_info(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_reset_channel(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_remove_channel(pClient, iSamplerChannel)); } CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_destroy_midi_device(pClient, iMidiDevice)); } CLIENT_TEST(pClient, status, lscp_destroy_audio_device(pClient, iAudioDevice)); } printf("\n"); printf(" Total: %d tests, %d failed.\n\n", g_test_count, g_test_fails); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void client_usage (void) { printf("\n %s %s (Build: %s)\n", lscp_client_package(), lscp_client_version(), lscp_client_build()); fputs("\n Available commands: help, test[step], exit, quit, subscribe, unsubscribe", stdout); fputs("\n (all else are sent verbatim to server)\n\n", stdout); } void client_prompt (void) { fputs("lscp_client> ", stdout); } int main (int argc, char *argv[] ) { lscp_client_t *pClient; char *pszHost = "localhost"; char szLine[1024]; int cchLine; lscp_status_t ret; #if defined(WIN32) if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &_wsaData) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "lscp_client: WSAStartup failed.\n"); return -1; } #endif if (argc > 1) pszHost = argv[1]; pClient = lscp_client_create(pszHost, SERVER_PORT, client_callback, NULL); if (pClient == NULL) return -1; client_usage(); client_prompt(); while (fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 3, stdin)) { cchLine = strlen(szLine); while (cchLine > 0 && (szLine[cchLine - 1] == '\n' || szLine[cchLine - 1] == '\r')) cchLine--; szLine[cchLine] = '\0'; if (strcmp(szLine, "exit") == 0 || strcmp(szLine, "quit") == 0) break; else if (strcmp(szLine, "subscribe") == 0) lscp_client_subscribe(pClient, LSCP_EVENT_MISCELLANEOUS); else if (strcmp(szLine, "unsubscribe") == 0) lscp_client_unsubscribe(pClient, LSCP_EVENT_MISCELLANEOUS); else if (strcmp(szLine, "test") == 0) client_test(pClient); else if (strcmp(szLine, "teststep") == 0 || strcmp(szLine, "test step") == 0) { g_test_step = 1; client_test(pClient); g_test_step = 0; } else if (cchLine > 0 && strcmp(szLine, "help") != 0) { szLine[cchLine++] = '\r'; szLine[cchLine++] = '\n'; szLine[cchLine] = '\0'; ret = lscp_client_query(pClient, szLine); printf("%s\n(errno = %d)\n", lscp_client_get_result(pClient), lscp_client_get_errno(pClient)); if (ret == LSCP_QUIT) break; } else client_usage(); client_prompt(); } lscp_client_destroy(pClient); #if defined(WIN32) WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; } // end of example_client.c