/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "AudioOutputDeviceJack.h" #include "AudioOutputDeviceFactory.h" #include #if HAVE_JACK #ifndef HAVE_JACK_CLIENT_NAME_SIZE #define jack_client_name_size() 33 #endif namespace LinuxSampler { /// number of currently existing JACK audio output devices in LinuxSampler static int existingJackDevices = 0; // *************** AudioChannelJack::ParameterName *************** // * AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterName::ParameterName(AudioChannelJack* pChannel) : AudioChannel::ParameterName(ToString(pChannel->ChannelNr)) { this->pChannel = pChannel; } void AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterName::OnSetValue(String s) { if (jack_port_set_name(pChannel->hJackPort, s.c_str())) throw AudioOutputException("Failed to rename JACK port"); } // *************** AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings *************** // * AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::ParameterJackBindings(AudioChannelJack* pChannel) : DeviceRuntimeParameterStrings(std::vector()) { this->pChannel = pChannel; } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::Description() { return "Bindings to other JACK clients"; } bool AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::Fix() { return false; } std::vector AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::PossibilitiesAsString() { const char** pPortNames = jack_get_ports(pChannel->pDevice->hJackClient, NULL, NULL, JackPortIsInput); if (!pPortNames) return std::vector(); std::vector result; for (int i = 0; pPortNames[i]; i++) result.push_back(pPortNames[i]); //free(pPortNames); FIXME: pPortNames should be freed here return result; } void AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::OnSetValue(std::vector vS) { // TODO: we should remove all existing bindings before we connect new ones here String src_name = ((DeviceCreationParameterString*)pChannel->pDevice->Parameters["NAME"])->ValueAsString() + ":" + ((DeviceRuntimeParameterString*)pChannel->Parameters["NAME"])->ValueAsString(); for (int i = 0; i < vS.size(); i++) { String dst_name = vS[i]; int res = jack_connect(pChannel->pDevice->hJackClient, src_name.c_str(), dst_name.c_str()); if (res == EEXIST) throw AudioOutputException("Jack: Connection to port '" + dst_name + "' already established"); else if (res) throw AudioOutputException("Jack: Cannot connect port '" + src_name + "' to port '" + dst_name + "'"); } } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::ParameterJackBindings::Name() { return "JACK_BINDINGS"; } // *************** AudioChannelJack *************** // * AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::AudioChannelJack(uint ChannelNr, AudioOutputDeviceJack* pDevice) throw (AudioOutputException) : AudioChannel(ChannelNr, CreateJackPort(ChannelNr, pDevice), pDevice->uiMaxSamplesPerCycle) { this->pDevice = pDevice; this->ChannelNr = ChannelNr; Parameters["NAME"] = new ParameterName(this); Parameters["JACK_BINDINGS"] = new ParameterJackBindings(this); } AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::~AudioChannelJack() { //TODO: delete JACK port } float* AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioChannelJack::CreateJackPort(uint ChannelNr, AudioOutputDeviceJack* pDevice) throw (AudioOutputException) { String port_id = ToString(ChannelNr); hJackPort = jack_port_register(pDevice->hJackClient, port_id.c_str(), JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE, JackPortIsOutput, 0); if (!hJackPort) throw AudioOutputException("Jack: Cannot register Jack output port."); return (float*) jack_port_get_buffer(hJackPort, pDevice->uiMaxSamplesPerCycle); } // *************** AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName *************** // * AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::ParameterName() : DeviceCreationParameterString() { InitWithDefault(); // use default name } AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::ParameterName(String s) throw (LinuxSamplerException) : DeviceCreationParameterString(s) { } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::Description() { return "Arbitrary JACK client name"; } bool AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::Fix() { return true; } bool AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::Mandatory() { return false; } std::map AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::DependsAsParameters() { return std::map(); // no dependencies } std::vector AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::PossibilitiesAsString(std::map Parameters) { return std::vector(); } optional AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::DefaultAsString(std::map Parameters) { return (existingJackDevices) ? "LinuxSampler" + ToString(existingJackDevices) : "LinuxSampler"; } void AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::OnSetValue(String s) throw (LinuxSamplerException) { // not possible, as parameter is fix } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::ParameterName::Name() { return "NAME"; } // *************** AudioOutputDeviceJack *************** // * /** * Open and initialize connection to the JACK system. * * @param Parameters - optional parameters * @throws AudioOutputException on error * @see AcquireChannels() */ AudioOutputDeviceJack::AudioOutputDeviceJack(std::map Parameters) : AudioOutputDevice(Parameters) { if (((DeviceCreationParameterString*)Parameters["NAME"])->ValueAsString().size() >= jack_client_name_size()) throw LinuxSamplerException("JACK client name too long"); if ((hJackClient = jack_client_new(((DeviceCreationParameterString*)Parameters["NAME"])->ValueAsString().c_str())) == 0) throw AudioOutputException("Seems Jack server not running."); existingJackDevices++; jack_set_process_callback(hJackClient, __libjack_process_callback, this); jack_on_shutdown(hJackClient, __libjack_shutdown_callback, this); if (jack_activate(hJackClient)) throw AudioOutputException("Jack: Cannot activate Jack client."); uiMaxSamplesPerCycle = jack_get_buffer_size(hJackClient); // create audio channels AcquireChannels(((DeviceCreationParameterInt*)Parameters["CHANNELS"])->ValueAsInt()); // finally activate device if desired if (((DeviceCreationParameterBool*)Parameters["ACTIVE"])->ValueAsBool()) Play(); } AudioOutputDeviceJack::~AudioOutputDeviceJack() { // destroy jack client jack_client_close(hJackClient); existingJackDevices--; } /** * This method should not be called directly! It will be called by * libjack to demand transmission of further sample points. */ int AudioOutputDeviceJack::Process(uint Samples) { if (csIsPlaying.Pop()) { // let all connected engines render 'Samples' sample points return RenderAudio(Samples); } else { // playback stop by zeroing output buffer(s) and not calling connected sampler engines to render audio return RenderSilence(Samples); } } void AudioOutputDeviceJack::Play() { csIsPlaying.PushAndUnlock(true); } bool AudioOutputDeviceJack::IsPlaying() { csIsPlaying.GetUnsafe(); } void AudioOutputDeviceJack::Stop() { csIsPlaying.PushAndUnlock(false); } AudioChannel* AudioOutputDeviceJack::CreateChannel(uint ChannelNr) { return new AudioChannelJack(ChannelNr, this); } uint AudioOutputDeviceJack::MaxSamplesPerCycle() { return jack_get_buffer_size(hJackClient); } uint AudioOutputDeviceJack::SampleRate() { return jack_get_sample_rate(hJackClient); } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::Name() { return "JACK"; } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::Driver() { return Name(); } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::Description() { return "JACK Audio Connection Kit"; } String AudioOutputDeviceJack::Version() { String s = "$Revision: 1.17 $"; return s.substr(11, s.size() - 13); // cut dollar signs, spaces and CVS macro keyword } // libjack callback functions int __libjack_process_callback(jack_nframes_t nframes, void* arg) { AudioOutputDeviceJack* pAudioOutputDeviceJack = (AudioOutputDeviceJack*) arg; return pAudioOutputDeviceJack->Process(nframes); } void __libjack_shutdown_callback(void* arg) { AudioOutputDeviceJack* pAudioOutputDeviceJack = (AudioOutputDeviceJack*) arg; pAudioOutputDeviceJack->Stop(); fprintf(stderr, "Jack: Jack server shutdown, exiting.\n"); } } // namespace LinuxSampler #endif // HAVE_JACK