/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck * * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Christian Schoenebeck * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ // Note: the assembly code is currently disabled, as it doesn't fit into // the new synthesis core introduced by LS 0.4.0 #ifndef __LS_BIQUADFILTER_H__ #define __LS_BIQUADFILTER_H__ #include #include "../../common/global_private.h" /// ln(2) / 2 #define LN_2_2 0.34657359f #ifndef LIMIT # define LIMIT(v,l,u) (v < l ? l : (v > u ? u : v)) #endif namespace LinuxSampler { typedef float bq_t; /** * Internal parameters of the biquad filter, which are actually the * final parameters of the filter's transfer function. This strucure is * only needed when these parameters should stored outside the * BiquadFilter class, e.g. to save calculation time by sharing them * between multiple filters. */ struct biquad_param_t { bq_t b0; bq_t b1; bq_t b2; bq_t a1; bq_t a2; }; /** * Bi-quadratic filter * (adapted from lisp code by Eli Brandt, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~eli/) */ class BiquadFilter { protected: // following five variables are only used if no external biquad_param_t reference is used bq_t b0; bq_t b1; bq_t b2; bq_t a1; bq_t a2; // following four variables are used to buffer the feedback bq_t x1; bq_t x2; bq_t y1; bq_t y2; #if __GNUC__ >= 4 float fbc; #else const static float fbc = 0.98; #endif /** * Prevent \a f from going into denormal mode which would slow down * subsequent floating point calculations, we achieve that by setting * \a f to zero when it falls under the denormal threshold value. */ inline void KillDenormal(bq_t& f) { // TODO: this is a generic solution for 32bit floats, should be replaced by CPU specific asm code f += 1e-18f; f -= 1e-18f; } public: BiquadFilter() { Reset(); #if __GNUC__ >= 4 fbc = 0.98f; #endif } void Reset() { x1 = 0.0f; x2 = 0.0f; y1 = 0.0f; y2 = 0.0f; } inline bq_t Apply(const bq_t x) { bq_t y; y = this->b0 * x + this->b1 * this->x1 + this->b2 * this->x2 + this->a1 * this->y1 + this->a2 * this->y2; KillDenormal(y); this->x2 = this->x1; this->x1 = x; this->y2 = this->y1; this->y1 = y; return y; } inline bq_t Apply(const biquad_param_t* __restrict param, const bq_t x) { bq_t y; y = param->b0 * x + param->b1 * this->x1 + param->b2 * this->x2 + param->a1 * this->y1 + param->a2 * this->y2; KillDenormal(y); this->x2 = this->x1; this->x1 = x; this->y2 = this->y1; this->y1 = y; return y; } #if 0 // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86 // expects to find input in xmm0 (xmm0 stays unmodified) and finally leaves output in xmm6 inline void Apply4StepsSSE(biquad_param_t* param) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movss (%2),%%xmm4 # b0\n\t" "shufps $0x00,%%xmm4,%%xmm4 # copy b0 to other cells\n\t" "mulps %%xmm0,%%xmm4 # xmm4 = x*b0\n\t" "movups (%0),%%xmm2 # load b1,b2,a1,a2\n\t" "movups (%1),%%xmm5 # load x1,x2,y1,y2\n\t" /* sample 0 */ "movaps %%xmm5,%%xmm3\n\t" "mulps %%xmm2,%%xmm5 # xmm5 = [b1,b2,a1,a2] * [x1,x2,y1,y2]\n\t" "shufps $0x0a,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # x2 = x1, y2 = y1\n\t" "movss %%xmm4,%%xmm6\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6 # xmm6 = b0*x + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + a1*y1 + a2*y2\n\t" /* sample 1 */ "shufps $0x39,%%xmm4,%%xmm4 # rotate xmm4 down 1 cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm6,%%xmm3 # y1 = y\n\t" "shufps $0x4e,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # rotate 2 cells\n\t" "movss %%xmm0,%%xmm3 # x1 = x\n\t" "shufps $0x93,%%xmm6,%%xmm6 # rotate output up 1 cell\n\t" "movaps %%xmm3,%%xmm5\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate input down 1 cell\n\t" "mulps %%xmm2,%%xmm5 # xmm5 = [b1,b2,a1,a2] * [x1,x2,y1,y2]\n\t" "movss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "addss %%xmm4,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6 # xmm6 = b0*x + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + a1*y1 + a2*y2\n\t" /* sample 2 */ "shufps $0x0a,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # x2 = x1, y2 = y1\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm4,%%xmm4 # rotate xmm4 down 1 cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm6,%%xmm3 # y1 = y\n\t" "shufps $0x4e,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # rotate 2 cells\n\t" "movss %%xmm0,%%xmm3 # x1 = x\n\t" "shufps $0x93,%%xmm6,%%xmm6 # rotate output up 1 cell\n\t" "movaps %%xmm3,%%xmm5\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate input down 1 cell\n\t" "mulps %%xmm2,%%xmm5 # xmm5 = [b1,b2,a1,a2] * [x1,x2,y1,y2]\n\t" "movss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "addss %%xmm4,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm5,%%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm5,%%xmm6 # xmm6 = b0*x + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + a1*y1 + a2*y2\n\t" /* sample 3 */ "shufps $0x0a,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # x2 = x1, y2 = y1\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm4,%%xmm4 # rotate xmm4 down 1 cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm6,%%xmm3 # y1 = y\n\t" "shufps $0x4e,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # rotate 2 cells\n\t" "movss %%xmm0,%%xmm3 # x1 = x\n\t" "shufps $0x93,%%xmm6,%%xmm6 # rotate output up 1 cell\n\t" "mulps %%xmm3,%%xmm2 # xmm5 = [b1,b2,a1,a2] * [x1,x2,y1,y2]\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate input down 1 cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm2,%%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm2,%%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm2,%%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "addss %%xmm4,%%xmm6 # xmm6 = b0*x + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + a1*y1 + a2*y2\n\t" /* done */ "shufps $0x0a,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # x2 = x1, y2 = y1\n\t" "movss %%xmm6,%%xmm3 # y1 = y\n\t" "shufps $0x4e,%%xmm3,%%xmm3 # rotate 2 cells\n\t" "movss %%xmm0,%%xmm3 # x1 = x\n\t" "shufps $0x1b,%%xmm6,%%xmm6 # swap output to correct order\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate input down 1 cell, to restore original input\n\t" "movups %%xmm3,(%1) # store x1,x2,y1,y2\n\t" : /* no output */ : "r" (¶m->b1), /* %0 - [b1,b2,a1,a2] */ "r" (&x1), /* %1 - [x1,x2,y1,y2] */ "r" (¶m->b0) /* %2 */ ); } #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86 inline bq_t ApplyFB(bq_t x, const bq_t fb) { bq_t y; x += this->y1 * fb * 0.98; y = this->b0 * x + this->b1 * this->x1 + this->b2 * this->x2 + this->a1 * this->y1 + this->a2 * this->y2; KillDenormal(y); this->x2 = this->x1; this->x1 = x; this->y2 = this->y1; this->y1 = y; return y; } inline bq_t ApplyFB(const biquad_param_t* __restrict param, bq_t x, const bq_t fb) { bq_t y; x += this->y1 * fb * 0.98; y = param->b0 * x + param->b1 * this->x1 + param->b2 * this->x2 + param->a1 * this->y1 + param->a2 * this->y2; KillDenormal(y); this->x2 = this->x1; this->x1 = x; this->y2 = this->y1; this->y1 = y; return y; } #if 0 // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86 // expects to find input in xmm0 (xmm0 stays unmodified) and finally leaves output in xmm7 inline void ApplyFB4StepsSSE(biquad_param_t* param, const bq_t &fb) { float xs, ys; float t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8; // temporary stack space __asm__ __volatile__ ( /* prepare input */ "movss %15,%%xmm5\n\t" "movss %%xmm0,(%14)\n\t" /* sample 0 */ "movss %0, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %1, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %%xmm4, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %2\n\t" "movss %%xmm5, %16\n\t" "mulss %%xmm3, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %19, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %3, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %21, %%xmm3\n\t" "addss %%xmm5, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %%xmm2, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %20, %%xmm4\n\t" "movss %%xmm6, %4\n\t" "mulss %%xmm6, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %5, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %%xmm2, %6\n\t" "movss %%xmm4, %7\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %%xmm6, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %8, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %9\n\t" "addss %%xmm4, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %18, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %17, %%xmm4\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %%xmm4, %10\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %11, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %12, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %13\n\t" "addss %%xmm4, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %11, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %4, %%xmm4\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm5\n\t" :: "m" (y1), /* %0 */ "m" (fbc), /* %1 */ "m" (t0), /* %2 */ "m" (xs), /* %3 */ "m" (t7), /* %4 */ "m" (x1), /* %5 */ "m" (t1), /* %6 */ "m" (t2), /* %7 */ "m" (x2), /* %8 */ "m" (t3), /* %9 */ "m" (t4), /* %10 */ "m" (t0), /* %11 */ "m" (y2), /* %12 */ "m" (t5), /* %13 */ "r" (&xs), /* %14 */ "m" (fb), /* %15 */ "m" (ys), /* %16 */ "m" (param->a1), /* %17 */ "m" (param->a2), /* %18 */ "m" (param->b0), /* %19 */ "m" (param->b1), /* %20 */ "m" (param->b2) /* %21 */ ); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate down one cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm5,%%xmm7\n\t" :: ); /* sample 1 */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movss %0, %%xmm4\n\t" "movss %%xmm0, %%xmm3\n\t" "mulss %%xmm5, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %3, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %5, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm4, %%xmm3\n\t" "mulss %7, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %6, %%xmm4\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %8\n\t" "mulss %%xmm3, %%xmm4\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm4\n\t" "movss %9, %%xmm3\n\t" "mulss %%xmm5, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %10, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm6, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %11, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm3, %%xmm4\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm4\n\t" :: "m" (ys), /* %0 */ "m" (fbc), /* %1 */ "m" (xs), /* %2 */ "m" (t3), /* %3 */ "m" (y2), /* %4 */ "m" (t2), /* %5 */ "m" (t1), /* %6 */ "m" (t7), /* %7 */ "m" (t8), /* %8 */ "m" (t4), /* %9 */ "m" (t5), /* %10 */ "m" (t0), /* %11 */ "m" (x2), /* %12 */ "m" (x1), /* %13 */ "m" (y1) /* %14 */ ); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "shufps $0x93,%%xmm7,%%xmm7 # rotate up one cell\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate down one cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm4,%%xmm7\n\t" :: ); /* sample 2 */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movss %2, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %3, %%xmm3\n\t" "mulss %%xmm4, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %4, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %9, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm0, %%xmm6\n\t" "mulss %7, %%xmm5\n\t" "mulss %%xmm6, %%xmm3\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %5, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %8, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm3\n\t" "movss %6, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %%xmm4, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm5, %%xmm2\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm3\n\t" :: "m" (xs), /* %0 */ "m" (fb), /* %1 */ "m" (ys), /* %2 */ "m" (t1), /* %3 */ "m" (t2), /* %4 */ "m" (t3), /* %5 */ "m" (t4), /* %6 */ "m" (t5), /* %7 */ "m" (t7), /* %8 */ "m" (t8), /* %9 */ "m" (x1), /* %10 */ "m" (x2), /* %11 */ "m" (y1), /* %12 */ "m" (y2) /* %13 */ ); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate down one cell\n\t" "shufps $0x93,%%xmm7,%%xmm7 # rotate up one cell\n\t" "movss %%xmm3,%%xmm7\n\t" :: ); /* sample 3 */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "movss %1, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %7, %%xmm4\n\t" "mulss %%xmm3, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %3, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %%xmm6, %11\n\t" "addss %%xmm0, %%xmm2\n\t" "movss %%xmm3, %13\n\t" "mulss %%xmm2, %%xmm5\n\t" "mulss %4, %%xmm6\n\t" "movss %%xmm2, %10\n\t" "addss %%xmm6, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %5, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %9, %%xmm2\n\t" "mulss %6, %%xmm3\n\t" "addss %%xmm2, %%xmm5\n\t" "addss %%xmm3, %%xmm4\n\t" "addss %%xmm4, %%xmm5\n\t" "movss %%xmm5, %12\n\t" :: "m" (xs), /* %0 */ "m" (ys), /* %1 */ "m" (fbc), /* %2 */ "m" (t1), /* %3 */ "m" (t2), /* %4 */ "m" (t3), /* %5 */ "m" (t4), /* %6 */ "m" (t5), /* %7 */ "m" (t6), /* %8 */ "m" (t8), /* %9 */ "m" (x1), /* %10 */ "m" (x2), /* %11 */ "m" (y1), /* %12 */ "m" (y2) /* %13 */ ); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "shufps $0x93,%%xmm7,%%xmm7 # rotate up one cell\n\t" "shufps $0x39,%%xmm0,%%xmm0 # rotate down one cell to restore original input\n\t" "movss %%xmm5,%%xmm7\n\t" "shufps $0x1b,%%xmm7,%%xmm7 # swap output to correct order\n\t" :: ); } #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86 }; /** @brief Lowpass Filter * * Lowpass filter based on biquad filter implementation. */ class LowpassFilter : public BiquadFilter { public: inline LowpassFilter() : BiquadFilter() {} inline void SetParameters(bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); this->b0 = a0r * (1.0 - cs) * 0.5; this->b1 = a0r * (1.0 - cs); this->b2 = a0r * (1.0 - cs) * 0.5; this->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); this->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } inline void SetParameters(biquad_param_t* __restrict param, bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); param->b0 = a0r * (1.0 - cs) * 0.5; param->b1 = a0r * (1.0 - cs); param->b2 = a0r * (1.0 - cs) * 0.5; param->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); param->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } }; /** @brief Bandpass Filter * * Bandpass filter based on biquad filter implementation. */ class BandpassFilter : public BiquadFilter { public: inline BandpassFilter() : BiquadFilter() {} inline void SetParameters(bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); this->b0 = a0r * sn * 0.71; this->b1 = 0.0; this->b2 = a0r * -sn * 0.71; this->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); this->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } inline void SetParameters(biquad_param_t* __restrict param, bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); param->b0 = a0r * sn * 0.71; param->b1 = 0.0; param->b2 = a0r * -sn * 0.71; param->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); param->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } }; /** @brief Highpass Filter * * Highpass filter based on biquad filter implementation. */ class HighpassFilter : public BiquadFilter { public: inline HighpassFilter() : BiquadFilter() {} inline void SetParameters(bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); this->b0 = a0r * (1.0 + cs) * 0.5; this->b1 = a0r * -(1.0 + cs); this->b2 = a0r * (1.0 + cs) * 0.5; this->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); this->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } inline void SetParameters(biquad_param_t* __restrict param, bq_t fc, bq_t bw, bq_t fs) { bq_t omega = 2.0 * M_PI * fc / fs; bq_t sn = sin(omega); bq_t cs = cos(omega); bq_t alpha = sn * sinh(M_LN2 / 2.0 * bw * omega / sn); const float a0r = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha); param->b0 = a0r * (1.0 + cs) * 0.5; param->b1 = a0r * -(1.0 + cs); param->b2 = a0r * (1.0 + cs) * 0.5; param->a1 = a0r * (2.0 * cs); param->a2 = a0r * (alpha - 1.0); } }; } // namespace LinuxSampler #endif // __LS_BIQUADFILTER_H__