/* * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "../../common/global_private.h" #include "InstrumentScriptVM.h" #include "../AbstractEngineChannel.h" #include "../../common/global_private.h" #include "AbstractInstrumentManager.h" #include "MidiKeyboardManager.h" #include "Fade.h" namespace LinuxSampler { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class 'EventGroup' void EventGroup::insert(int eventID) { if (contains(eventID)) return; AbstractEngine* pEngine = m_script->pEngineChannel->pEngine; // before adding the new event ID, check if there are any dead events // and remove them in that case, before otherwise we might run in danger // to run out of free space on this group for event IDs if a lot of // events die before being removed explicitly from the group by script // // NOTE: or should we do this "dead ones" check only once in a while? int firstDead = -1; for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if (firstDead >= 0) { if (pEngine->EventByID(eventID)) { remove(firstDead, i - firstDead); firstDead = -1; } } else { if (!pEngine->EventByID(eventID)) firstDead = i; } } append(eventID); } void EventGroup::erase(int eventID) { int index = find(eventID); remove(index); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class 'InstrumentScript' InstrumentScript::InstrumentScript(AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel) { parserContext = NULL; bHasValidScript = false; handlerInit = NULL; handlerNote = NULL; handlerRelease = NULL; handlerController = NULL; pEvents = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) pKeyEvents[i] = NULL; this->pEngineChannel = pEngineChannel; for (int i = 0; i < INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS; ++i) eventGroups[i].setScript(this); } InstrumentScript::~InstrumentScript() { resetAll(); if (pEvents) { for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) delete pKeyEvents[i]; delete pEvents; } } /** @brief Load real-time instrument script. * * Loads the real-time instrument script given by @a text on the engine * channel this InstrumentScript object belongs to (defined by * pEngineChannel member variable). The sampler engine's resource manager is * used to allocate and share equivalent scripts on multiple engine * channels. * * @param text - source code of script */ void InstrumentScript::load(const String& text) { dmsg(1,("Loading real-time instrument script ... ")); // hand back old script reference and VM execution contexts // (if not done already) unload(); code = text; AbstractInstrumentManager* pManager = dynamic_cast(pEngineChannel->pEngine->GetInstrumentManager()); // get new script reference parserContext = pManager->scripts.Borrow(text, pEngineChannel); if (!parserContext->errors().empty()) { std::vector errors = parserContext->errors(); std::cerr << "[ScriptVM] Could not load instrument script, there were " << errors.size() << " parser errors:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i) errors[i].dump(); return; // stop here if there were any parser errors } handlerInit = parserContext->eventHandlerByName("init"); handlerNote = parserContext->eventHandlerByName("note"); handlerRelease = parserContext->eventHandlerByName("release"); handlerController = parserContext->eventHandlerByName("controller"); bHasValidScript = handlerInit || handlerNote || handlerRelease || handlerController; // amount of script handlers each script event has to execute int handlerExecCount = 0; if (handlerNote || handlerRelease || handlerController) // only one of these are executed after "init" handler handlerExecCount++; // create script event pool (if it doesn't exist already) if (!pEvents) { pEvents = new Pool(CONFIG_MAX_EVENTS_PER_FRAGMENT); for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) pKeyEvents[i] = new RTList(pEvents); // reset RTAVLNode's tree node member variables after nodes are allocated // (since we can't use a constructor right now, we do that initialization here) while (!pEvents->poolIsEmpty()) { RTList::Iterator it = pEvents->allocAppend(); it->reset(); } pEvents->clear(); } // create new VM execution contexts for new script while (!pEvents->poolIsEmpty()) { RTList::Iterator it = pEvents->allocAppend(); it->execCtx = pEngineChannel->pEngine->pScriptVM->createExecContext( parserContext ); it->handlers = new VMEventHandler*[handlerExecCount+1]; } pEvents->clear(); dmsg(1,("Done\n")); } /** @brief Unload real-time instrument script. * * Unloads the currently used real-time instrument script and frees all * resources allocated for that script. The sampler engine's resource manager * is used to share equivalent scripts among multiple sampler channels, and * to deallocate the parsed script once not used on any engine channel * anymore. * * Calling this method will however not clear the @c code member variable. * Thus, the script can be parsed again afterwards. */ void InstrumentScript::unload() { //dmsg(1,("InstrumentScript::unload(this=0x%llx)\n", this)); if (parserContext) dmsg(1,("Unloading current instrument script.\n")); resetEvents(); // free allocated VM execution contexts if (pEvents) { pEvents->clear(); while (!pEvents->poolIsEmpty()) { RTList::Iterator it = pEvents->allocAppend(); if (it->execCtx) { // free VM execution context object delete it->execCtx; it->execCtx = NULL; // free C array of handler pointers delete [] it->handlers; } } pEvents->clear(); } // hand back VM representation of script if (parserContext) { AbstractInstrumentManager* pManager = dynamic_cast(pEngineChannel->pEngine->GetInstrumentManager()); pManager->scripts.HandBack(parserContext, pEngineChannel); parserContext = NULL; handlerInit = NULL; handlerNote = NULL; handlerRelease = NULL; handlerController = NULL; } bHasValidScript = false; } /** * Same as unload(), but this one also empties the @c code member variable * to an empty string. */ void InstrumentScript::resetAll() { unload(); code.clear(); } /** * Clears all currently active script events. This should be called * whenever the engine or engine channel was reset for some reason. */ void InstrumentScript::resetEvents() { for (int i = 0; i < INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS; ++i) eventGroups[i].clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) if (pKeyEvents[i]) pKeyEvents[i]->clear(); suspendedEvents.clear(); if (pEvents) pEvents->clear(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class 'InstrumentScriptVM' InstrumentScriptVM::InstrumentScriptVM() : m_event(NULL), m_fnPlayNote(this), m_fnSetController(this), m_fnIgnoreEvent(this), m_fnIgnoreController(this), m_fnNoteOff(this), m_fnSetEventMark(this), m_fnDeleteEventMark(this), m_fnByMarks(this), m_fnChangeVol(this), m_fnChangeVolTime(this), m_fnChangeTune(this), m_fnChangeTuneTime(this), m_fnChangePan(this), m_fnChangeCutoff(this), m_fnChangeReso(this), m_fnChangeAttack(this), m_fnChangeDecay(this), m_fnChangeRelease(this), m_fnChangeAmpLFODepth(this), m_fnChangeAmpLFOFreq(this), m_fnChangePitchLFODepth(this), m_fnChangePitchLFOFreq(this), m_fnChangeNote(this), m_fnChangeVelo(this), m_fnEventStatus(this), m_fnWait2(this), m_fnStopWait(this), m_fnFadeIn(this), m_fnFadeOut(this), m_fnChangeVolCurve(this), m_fnChangeTuneCurve(this), m_fnGetEventPar(this), m_fnSetEventPar(this), m_varEngineUptime(this), m_varCallbackID(this), m_varAllEvents(this) { m_CC.size = _MEMBER_SIZEOF(AbstractEngineChannel, ControllerTable); m_CC_NUM = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.CC.Controller); m_EVENT_ID = DECLARE_VMINT_READONLY(m_event, class ScriptEvent, id); m_EVENT_NOTE = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.Note.Key); m_EVENT_VELOCITY = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.Note.Velocity); m_KEY_DOWN.size = 128; m_NI_CALLBACK_TYPE = DECLARE_VMINT_READONLY(m_event, class ScriptEvent, handlerType); m_NKSP_IGNORE_WAIT = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, ignoreAllWaitCalls); } VMExecStatus_t InstrumentScriptVM::exec(VMParserContext* parserCtx, ScriptEvent* event) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(event->cause.pEngineChannel); // prepare built-in script variables for script execution m_event = event; m_CC.data = (int8_t*) &pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[0]; m_KEY_DOWN.data = &pEngineChannel->GetMidiKeyboardManager()->KeyDown[0]; // if script is in start condition, then do mandatory MIDI event // preprocessing tasks, which essentially means updating i.e. controller // table with new CC value in case of a controller event, because the // script might access the new CC value if (!event->executionSlices) { switch (event->cause.Type) { case Event::type_control_change: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[event->cause.Param.CC.Controller] = event->cause.Param.CC.Value; break; case Event::type_channel_pressure: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[CTRL_TABLE_IDX_AFTERTOUCH] = event->cause.Param.ChannelPressure.Value; break; case Event::type_pitchbend: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND] = event->cause.Param.Pitch.Pitch; break; default: ; // noop } } // run the script handler(s) VMExecStatus_t res = VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING; for ( ; event->handlers[event->currentHandler]; event->currentHandler++) { res = ScriptVM::exec( parserCtx, event->execCtx, event->handlers[event->currentHandler] ); event->executionSlices++; if (res & VM_EXEC_SUSPENDED || res & VM_EXEC_ERROR) return res; } return res; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInIntVariables() { // first get built-in integer variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInIntVariables(); // now add own built-in variables m["$CC_NUM"] = &m_CC_NUM; m["$EVENT_ID"] = &m_EVENT_ID; m["$EVENT_NOTE"] = &m_EVENT_NOTE; m["$EVENT_VELOCITY"] = &m_EVENT_VELOCITY; // m["$POLY_AT_NUM"] = &m_POLY_AT_NUM; m["$NI_CALLBACK_TYPE"] = &m_NI_CALLBACK_TYPE; m["$NKSP_IGNORE_WAIT"] = &m_NKSP_IGNORE_WAIT; return m; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInIntArrayVariables() { // first get built-in integer array variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInIntArrayVariables(); // now add own built-in variables m["%CC"] = &m_CC; m["%KEY_DOWN"] = &m_KEY_DOWN; //m["%POLY_AT"] = &m_POLY_AT; return m; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInConstIntVariables() { // first get built-in integer variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInConstIntVariables(); m["$EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE"] = EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE; m["$EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE"] = EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE; m["$VCC_MONO_AT"] = CTRL_TABLE_IDX_AFTERTOUCH; m["$VCC_PITCH_BEND"] = CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND; for (int i = 0; i < INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS; ++i) { m["$MARK_" + ToString(i+1)] = i; } m["$EVENT_PAR_NOTE"] = EVENT_PAR_NOTE; m["$EVENT_PAR_VELOCITY"] = EVENT_PAR_VELOCITY; m["$EVENT_PAR_VOLUME"] = EVENT_PAR_VOLUME; m["$EVENT_PAR_TUNE"] = EVENT_PAR_TUNE; m["$EVENT_PAR_0"] = EVENT_PAR_0; m["$EVENT_PAR_1"] = EVENT_PAR_1; m["$EVENT_PAR_2"] = EVENT_PAR_2; m["$EVENT_PAR_3"] = EVENT_PAR_3; m["$NKSP_LINEAR"] = FADE_CURVE_LINEAR; m["$NKSP_EASE_IN_EASE_OUT"] = FADE_CURVE_EASE_IN_EASE_OUT; return m; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInDynamicVariables() { // first get built-in dynamic variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInDynamicVariables(); m["%ALL_EVENTS"] = &m_varAllEvents; m["$ENGINE_UPTIME"] = &m_varEngineUptime; m["$NI_CALLBACK_ID"] = &m_varCallbackID; return m; } VMFunction* InstrumentScriptVM::functionByName(const String& name) { // built-in script functions of this class if (name == "play_note") return &m_fnPlayNote; else if (name == "set_controller") return &m_fnSetController; else if (name == "ignore_event") return &m_fnIgnoreEvent; else if (name == "ignore_controller") return &m_fnIgnoreController; else if (name == "note_off") return &m_fnNoteOff; else if (name == "set_event_mark") return &m_fnSetEventMark; else if (name == "delete_event_mark") return &m_fnDeleteEventMark; else if (name == "by_marks") return &m_fnByMarks; else if (name == "change_vol") return &m_fnChangeVol; else if (name == "change_vol_time") return &m_fnChangeVolTime; else if (name == "change_tune") return &m_fnChangeTune; else if (name == "change_tune_time") return &m_fnChangeTuneTime; else if (name == "change_note") return &m_fnChangeNote; else if (name == "change_velo") return &m_fnChangeVelo; else if (name == "change_pan") return &m_fnChangePan; else if (name == "change_cutoff") return &m_fnChangeCutoff; else if (name == "change_reso") return &m_fnChangeReso; else if (name == "change_attack") return &m_fnChangeAttack; else if (name == "change_decay") return &m_fnChangeDecay; else if (name == "change_release") return &m_fnChangeRelease; else if (name == "change_amp_lfo_depth") return &m_fnChangeAmpLFODepth; else if (name == "change_amp_lfo_freq") return &m_fnChangeAmpLFOFreq; else if (name == "change_pitch_lfo_depth") return &m_fnChangePitchLFODepth; else if (name == "change_pitch_lfo_freq") return &m_fnChangePitchLFOFreq; else if (name == "fade_in") return &m_fnFadeIn; else if (name == "fade_out") return &m_fnFadeOut; else if (name == "change_vol_curve") return &m_fnChangeVolCurve; else if (name == "change_tune_curve") return &m_fnChangeTuneCurve; else if (name == "get_event_par") return &m_fnGetEventPar; else if (name == "set_event_par") return &m_fnSetEventPar; else if (name == "event_status") return &m_fnEventStatus; else if (name == "wait") return &m_fnWait2; // override wait() core implementation else if (name == "stop_wait") return &m_fnStopWait; // built-in script functions of derived VM class return ScriptVM::functionByName(name); } } // namespace LinuxSampler