/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "InstrumentScriptVMFunctions.h" #include "InstrumentScriptVM.h" #include "../AbstractEngineChannel.h" namespace LinuxSampler { // play_note() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_play_note::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_play_note(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_play_note::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int note = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int velocity = (args->argsCount() >= 2) ? args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt() : 127; int duration = (args->argsCount() >= 4) ? args->arg(3)->asInt()->evalInt() : 0; //TODO: -1 might be a better default value instead of 0 if (note < 0 || note > 127) { errMsg("play_note(): argument 1 is an invalid note number"); return errorResult(0); } if (velocity < 0 || velocity > 127) { errMsg("play_note(): argument 2 is an invalid velocity value"); return errorResult(0); } if (duration < -2) { errMsg("play_note(): argument 4 must be a duration value of at least -2 or higher"); return errorResult(0); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_play_note; e.Param.Note.Key = note; e.Param.Note.Velocity = velocity; // make this new note dependent to the life time of the original note if (duration == -1) { if (m_vm->currentVMEventHandler()->eventHandlerType() != VM_EVENT_HANDLER_NOTE) { errMsg("play_note(): -1 for argument 4 may only be used for note event handlers"); return errorResult(0); } e.Param.Note.ParentNoteID = m_vm->m_event->cause.Param.Note.ID; // check if that requested parent note is actually still alive NoteBase* pParentNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( e.Param.Note.ParentNoteID ); // if parent note is already gone then this new note is not required anymore if (!pParentNote) return successResult(0); } const note_id_t id = pEngineChannel->ScheduleNoteMicroSec(&e, 0); // if a sample offset is supplied, assign the offset as override // to the previously created Note object if (args->argsCount() >= 3) { int sampleoffset = args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (sampleoffset >= 0) { NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID(id); if (pNote) { pNote->Override.SampleOffset = sampleoffset; } } else if (sampleoffset < -1) { errMsg("play_note(): sample offset of argument 3 may not be less than -1"); } } // if a duration is supplied (and play-note event was scheduled // successfully above), then schedule a subsequent stop-note event if (id && duration > 0) { e.Type = Event::type_stop_note; e.Param.Note.ID = id; e.Param.Note.Velocity = 127; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, duration); } // even if id is null, don't return an errorResult() here, because that // would abort the script, and under heavy load it may be considerable // that ScheduleNoteMicroSec() fails above, so simply ignore that return successResult( ScriptID::fromNoteID(id) ); } // set_controller() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_controller::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_controller(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_controller::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int controller = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int value = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs if (controller == CTRL_TABLE_IDX_AFTERTOUCH) { e.Type = Event::type_channel_pressure; e.Param.ChannelPressure.Value = value & 127; } else if (controller == CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND) { e.Type = Event::type_pitchbend; e.Param.Pitch.Pitch = value; } else if (controller >= 0 && controller <= 127) { e.Type = Event::type_control_change; e.Param.CC.Controller = controller; e.Param.CC.Value = value; } else { errMsg("set_controller(): argument 1 is an invalid controller"); return errorResult(); } const event_id_t id = pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); // even if id is null, don't return an errorResult() here, because that // would abort the script, and under heavy load it may be considerable // that ScheduleEventMicroSec() fails above, so simply ignore that return successResult( ScriptID::fromEventID(id) ); } // ignore_event() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_event::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_event(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_event::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_event::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->argsCount() == 0 || args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = (args->argsCount() >= 1) ? args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt() : m_vm->m_event->id; if (!id && args->argsCount() >= 1) { wrnMsg("ignore_event(): event ID argument may not be zero"); // not errorResult(), because that would abort the script, not intentional in this case return successResult(); } pEngineChannel->IgnoreEventByScriptID(id); } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); pEngineChannel->IgnoreEventByScriptID(id); } } return successResult(); } // ignore_controller() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_controller::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_controller(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_ignore_controller::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const ScriptID id = (args->argsCount() >= 1) ? args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt() : m_vm->m_event->id; if (!id && args->argsCount() >= 1) { wrnMsg("ignore_controller(): event ID argument may not be zero"); return successResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); pEngineChannel->IgnoreEventByScriptID(id); return successResult(); } // note_off() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_note_off::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_note_off(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_note_off::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_note_off::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); int velocity = (args->argsCount() >= 2) ? args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt() : 127; if (velocity < 0 || velocity > 127) { errMsg("note_off(): argument 2 is an invalid velocity value"); return errorResult(); } if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("note_off(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("note_off(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); Event e = pNote->cause; e.Init(); // clear IDs e.CopyTimeFrom(m_vm->m_event->cause); // set fragment time for "now" e.Type = Event::type_stop_note; e.Param.Note.ID = id.noteID(); e.Param.Note.Key = pNote->hostKey; e.Param.Note.Velocity = velocity; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; Event e = pNote->cause; e.Init(); // clear IDs e.CopyTimeFrom(m_vm->m_event->cause); // set fragment time for "now" e.Type = Event::type_stop_note; e.Param.Note.ID = id.noteID(); e.Param.Note.Key = pNote->hostKey; e.Param.Note.Velocity = velocity; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } return successResult(); } // set_event_mark() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_mark::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_mark(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_mark::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); const int groupID = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (groupID < 0 || groupID >= INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS) { errMsg("set_event_mark(): argument 2 is an invalid group id"); return errorResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); // check if the event/note still exists switch (id.type()) { case ScriptID::EVENT: { RTList::Iterator itEvent = pEngineChannel->pEngine->EventByID( id.eventID() ); if (!itEvent) return successResult(); break; } case ScriptID::NOTE: { NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); break; } } pEngineChannel->pScript->eventGroups[groupID].insert(id); return successResult(); } // delete_event_mark() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_delete_event_mark::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_delete_event_mark(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_delete_event_mark::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); const int groupID = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (groupID < 0 || groupID >= INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS) { errMsg("delete_event_mark(): argument 2 is an invalid group id"); return errorResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); pEngineChannel->pScript->eventGroups[groupID].erase(id); return successResult(); } // by_marks() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } int InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::Result::arraySize() const { return eventGroup->size(); } int InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::Result::evalIntElement(uint i) { return (*eventGroup)[i]; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::errorResult() { m_result.eventGroup = NULL; m_result.flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); return &m_result; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::successResult(EventGroup* eventGroup) { m_result.eventGroup = eventGroup; m_result.flags = STMT_SUCCESS; return &m_result; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_by_marks::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int groupID = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (groupID < 0 || groupID >= INSTR_SCRIPT_EVENT_GROUPS) { errMsg("by_marks(): argument is an invalid group id"); return errorResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); return successResult( &pEngineChannel->pScript->eventGroups[groupID] ); } // change_vol() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int volume = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); // volume change in milli dB bool relative = (args->argsCount() >= 3) ? (args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt() & 1) : false; const float fVolumeLin = RTMath::DecibelToLinRatio(float(volume) / 1000.f); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_vol(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_vol(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_vol() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the volume to note object, but only if // change_vol_time() has not been called before if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime && pNote->Override.VolumeTime <= DEFAULT_NOTE_VOLUME_TIME_S) { if (relative) pNote->Override.Volume *= fVolumeLin; else pNote->Override.Volume = fVolumeLin; } else { // otherwise schedule the volume change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fVolumeLin; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_vol() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the volume to Note object, but only if // change_vol_time() has not been called before if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime && pNote->Override.VolumeTime <= DEFAULT_NOTE_VOLUME_TIME_S) { if (relative) pNote->Override.Volume *= fVolumeLin; else pNote->Override.Volume = fVolumeLin; } else { // otherwise schedule the volume change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fVolumeLin; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_tune() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int tune = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); // tuning change in milli cents bool relative = (args->argsCount() >= 3) ? (args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt() & 1) : false; const float fFreqRatio = RTMath::CentsToFreqRatioUnlimited(float(tune) / 1000.f); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_tune(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_tune(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_tune() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the tuning to Note object, but only if // change_tune_time() has not been called before if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime && pNote->Override.PitchTime <= DEFAULT_NOTE_PITCH_TIME_S) { if (relative) pNote->Override.Pitch *= fFreqRatio; else pNote->Override.Pitch = fFreqRatio; } else { // otherwise schedule tuning change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_pitch; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fFreqRatio; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_tune() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the tuning to Note object, but only if // change_tune_time() has not been called before if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime && pNote->Override.PitchTime <= DEFAULT_NOTE_PITCH_TIME_S) { if (relative) pNote->Override.Pitch *= fFreqRatio; else pNote->Override.Pitch = fFreqRatio; } else { // otherwise schedule tuning change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_pitch; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fFreqRatio; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_pan() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pan::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pan(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pan::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pan::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int pan = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); bool relative = (args->argsCount() >= 3) ? (args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt() & 1) : false; if (pan > 1000) { wrnMsg("change_pan(): argument 2 may not be larger than 1000"); pan = 1000; } else if (pan < -1000) { wrnMsg("change_pan(): argument 2 may not be smaller than -1000"); pan = -1000; } const float fPan = float(pan) / 1000.f; AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_pan(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_pan(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_pan() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the panning to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { if (relative) { pNote->Override.Pan = RTMath::RelativeSummedAvg(pNote->Override.Pan, fPan, ++pNote->Override.PanSources); } else { pNote->Override.Pan = fPan; pNote->Override.PanSources = 1; // only relevant on subsequent change_pan() calls on same note with 'relative' being set } } else { // otherwise schedule panning change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_pan; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fPan; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_pan() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply the panning to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { if (relative) { pNote->Override.Pan = RTMath::RelativeSummedAvg(pNote->Override.Pan, fPan, ++pNote->Override.PanSources); } else { pNote->Override.Pan = fPan; pNote->Override.PanSources = 1; // only relevant on subsequent change_pan() calls on same note with 'relative' being set } } else { // otherwise schedule panning change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_pan; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fPan; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = relative; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } #define VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE 1000000 #define VM_EG_PAR_MAX_VALUE 1000000 // change_cutoff() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_cutoff::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_cutoff(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_cutoff::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_cutoff::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int cutoff = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (cutoff > VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE) { wrnMsg("change_cutoff(): argument 2 may not be larger than 1000000"); cutoff = VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE; } else if (cutoff < 0) { wrnMsg("change_cutoff(): argument 2 may not be negative"); cutoff = 0; } const float fCutoff = float(cutoff) / float(VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_cutoff(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_cutoff(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_cutoff() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply cutoff to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Cutoff = fCutoff; } else { // otherwise schedule cutoff change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_cutoff; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fCutoff; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_cutoff() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply cutoff to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Cutoff = fCutoff; } else { // otherwise schedule cutoff change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_cutoff; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fCutoff; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_reso() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_reso::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_reso(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_reso::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_reso::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int resonance = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (resonance > VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE) { wrnMsg("change_reso(): argument 2 may not be larger than 1000000"); resonance = VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE; } else if (resonance < 0) { wrnMsg("change_reso(): argument 2 may not be negative"); resonance = 0; } const float fResonance = float(resonance) / float(VM_FILTER_PAR_MAX_VALUE); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_reso(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_reso(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_reso() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply resonance to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Resonance = fResonance; } else { // otherwise schedule resonance change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_resonance; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fResonance; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_reso() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply resonance to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Resonance = fResonance; } else { // otherwise schedule resonance change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_resonance; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fResonance; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_attack() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_attack::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_attack(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_attack::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_attack::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int attack = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); // note: intentionally not checking against a max. value here! // (to allow i.e. passing 2000000 for doubling the attack time) if (attack < 0) { wrnMsg("change_attack(): argument 2 may not be negative"); attack = 0; } const float fAttack = float(attack) / float(VM_EG_PAR_MAX_VALUE); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_attack(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_attack(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_attack() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply attack to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Attack = fAttack; } else { // otherwise schedule attack change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_attack; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fAttack; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_attack() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply attack to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Attack = fAttack; } else { // otherwise schedule attack change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_attack; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fAttack; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_decay() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_decay::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_decay(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_decay::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_decay::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int decay = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); // note: intentionally not checking against a max. value here! // (to allow i.e. passing 2000000 for doubling the decay time) if (decay < 0) { wrnMsg("change_decay(): argument 2 may not be negative"); decay = 0; } const float fDecay = float(decay) / float(VM_EG_PAR_MAX_VALUE); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_decay(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_decay(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_decay() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply decay to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Decay = fDecay; } else { // otherwise schedule decay change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_decay; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDecay; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_decay() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply decay to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Decay = fDecay; } else { // otherwise schedule decay change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_decay; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDecay; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_release() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_release::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_release(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_release::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_release::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int release = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); // note: intentionally not checking against a max. value here! // (to allow i.e. passing 2000000 for doubling the release time) if (release < 0) { wrnMsg("change_release(): argument 2 may not be negative"); release = 0; } const float fRelease = float(release) / float(VM_EG_PAR_MAX_VALUE); AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_release(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_release(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if change_release() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply relase to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Release = fRelease; } else { // otherwise schedule release change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_release; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fRelease; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if change_release() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply relase to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Release = fRelease; } else { // otherwise schedule release change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_release; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fRelease; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // template for change_*() functions bool VMChangeSynthParamFunction::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } // Arbitrarily chosen constant value symbolizing "no limit". #define NO_LIMIT 1315916909 template VMFnResult* VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate(VMFnArgs* args, const char* functionName) { int value = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (T_maxValue != NO_LIMIT && value > T_maxValue) { wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): argument 2 may not be larger than " + ToString(T_maxValue)); value = T_maxValue; } else if (T_minValue != NO_LIMIT && value < T_minValue) { if (T_minValue == 0) wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): argument 2 may not be negative"); else wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): argument 2 may not be smaller than " + ToString(T_minValue)); value = T_minValue; } const float fValue = (T_isNormalizedParam) ? float(value) / float(T_maxValue) : // convert to 0.0 .. 1.0 value range float(value) / 1000000.f; // assuming microseconds here, convert to seconds AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if this change_*() script function was called immediately after // note was triggered then immediately apply the synth parameter // change to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.*T_noteParam = fValue; } else { // otherwise schedule this synth parameter change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = (Event::synth_param_t) T_synthParam; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fValue; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if this change_*() script function was called immediately after // note was triggered then immediately apply the synth parameter // change to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.*T_noteParam = fValue; } else { // otherwise schedule this synth parameter change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = (Event::synth_param_t) T_synthParam; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fValue; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_amp_lfo_depth() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_amp_lfo_depth::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::AmpLFODepth, Event::synth_param_amp_lfo_depth, true, 1000000, 0>( args, "change_amp_lfo_depth" ); } // change_amp_lfo_freq() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_amp_lfo_freq::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::AmpLFOFreq, Event::synth_param_amp_lfo_freq, true, 1000000, 0>( args, "change_amp_lfo_freq" ); } // change_pitch_lfo_depth() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pitch_lfo_depth::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::PitchLFODepth, Event::synth_param_pitch_lfo_depth, true, 1000000, 0>( args, "change_pitch_lfo_depth" ); } // change_pitch_lfo_freq() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_pitch_lfo_freq::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::PitchLFOFreq, Event::synth_param_pitch_lfo_freq, true, 1000000, 0>( args, "change_pitch_lfo_freq" ); } // change_vol_time() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol_time::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::VolumeTime, Event::synth_param_volume_time, false, NO_LIMIT, 0>( args, "change_vol_time" ); } // change_tune_time() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune_time::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeSynthParamFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::PitchTime, Event::synth_param_pitch_time, false, NO_LIMIT, 0>( args, "change_tune_time" ); } // template for change_*_curve() functions bool VMChangeFadeCurveFunction::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } template VMFnResult* VMChangeFadeCurveFunction::execTemplate(VMFnArgs* args, const char* functionName) { int value = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); switch (value) { case FADE_CURVE_LINEAR: case FADE_CURVE_EASE_IN_EASE_OUT: break; default: wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): invalid curve type passed as argument 2"); return successResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg(String(functionName) + "(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if this change_*_curve() script function was called immediately after // note was triggered then immediately apply the synth parameter // change to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.*T_noteParam = (fade_curve_t) value; } else { // otherwise schedule this synth parameter change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = (Event::synth_param_t) T_synthParam; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = value; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if this change_*_curve() script function was called immediately after // note was triggered then immediately apply the synth parameter // change to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.*T_noteParam = (fade_curve_t) value; } else { // otherwise schedule this synth parameter change ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = (Event::synth_param_t) T_synthParam; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = value; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } } } return successResult(); } // change_vol_curve() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_vol_curve::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeFadeCurveFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::VolumeCurve, Event::synth_param_volume_curve>( args, "change_vol_curve" ); } // change_tune_curve() function VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_tune_curve::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return VMChangeFadeCurveFunction::execTemplate< &NoteBase::_Override::PitchCurve, Event::synth_param_pitch_curve>( args, "change_tune_curve" ); } // fade_in() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_in::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_in(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_in::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_in::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int duration = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (duration < 0) { wrnMsg("fade_in(): argument 2 may not be negative"); duration = 0; } const float fDuration = float(duration) / 1000000.f; // convert microseconds to seconds AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("fade_in(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("fade_in(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if fade_in() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply a start volume of zero to Note object, // as well as the fade in duration if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Volume = 0.f; pNote->Override.VolumeTime = fDuration; } else { // otherwise schedule a "volume time" change with the requested fade in duration ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume_time; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDuration; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } // and finally schedule a "volume" change, simply one time slice // ahead, with the final fade in volume (1.0) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = 1.f; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; // scheduling with 0 delay would also work here, but +1 is more // safe regarding potential future implementation changes of the // scheduler (see API comments of RTAVLTree::insert()) pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 1); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if fade_in() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply a start volume of zero to Note object, // as well as the fade in duration if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.Volume = 0.f; pNote->Override.VolumeTime = fDuration; } else { // otherwise schedule a "volume time" change with the requested fade in duration ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume_time; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDuration; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } // and finally schedule a "volume" change, simply one time slice // ahead, with the final fade in volume (1.0) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = 1.f; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; // scheduling with 0 delay would also work here, but +1 is more // safe regarding potential future implementation changes of the // scheduler (see API comments of RTAVLTree::insert()) pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 1); } } } return successResult(); } // fade_out() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_out::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_out(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } bool InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_out::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_EXPR || type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fade_out::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int duration = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (duration < 0) { wrnMsg("fade_out(): argument 2 may not be negative"); duration = 0; } const float fDuration = float(duration) / 1000000.f; // convert microseconds to seconds bool stop = (args->argsCount() >= 3) ? (args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt() & 1) : true; AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("fade_out(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("fade_out(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); // if fade_out() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply fade out duration to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.VolumeTime = fDuration; } else { // otherwise schedule a "volume time" change with the requested fade out duration ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume_time; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDuration; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } // now schedule a "volume" change, simply one time slice ahead, with // the final fade out volume (0.0) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = 0.f; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; // scheduling with 0 delay would also work here, but +1 is more // safe regarding potential future implementation changes of the // scheduler (see API comments of RTAVLTree::insert()) pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 1); } // and finally if stopping the note was requested after the fade out // completed, then schedule to kill the voice after the requested // duration if (stop) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_kill_note; e.Param.Note.ID = id.noteID(); e.Param.Note.Key = pNote->hostKey; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, duration + 1); } } else if (args->arg(0)->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { VMIntArrayExpr* ids = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids->arraySize(); ++i) { const ScriptID id = ids->evalIntElement(i); if (!id || !id.isNoteID()) continue; NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) continue; // if fade_out() was called immediately after note was triggered // then immediately apply fade out duration to Note object if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->Override.VolumeTime = fDuration; } else { // otherwise schedule a "volume time" change with the requested fade out duration ... Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume_time; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = fDuration; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 0); } // now schedule a "volume" change, simply one time slice ahead, with // the final fade out volume (0.0) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_note_synth_param; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.NoteID = id.noteID(); e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Type = Event::synth_param_volume; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta = 0.f; e.Param.NoteSynthParam.Relative = false; // scheduling with 0 delay would also work here, but +1 is more // safe regarding potential future implementation changes of the // scheduler (see API comments of RTAVLTree::insert()) pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, 1); } // and finally if stopping the note was requested after the fade out // completed, then schedule to kill the voice after the requested // duration if (stop) { Event e = m_vm->m_event->cause; // copy to get fragment time for "now" e.Init(); // clear IDs e.Type = Event::type_kill_note; e.Param.Note.ID = id.noteID(); e.Param.Note.Key = pNote->hostKey; pEngineChannel->ScheduleEventMicroSec(&e, duration + 1); } } } return successResult(); } // get_event_par() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_get_event_par::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_get_event_par(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_get_event_par::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("get_event_par(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(0); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("get_event_par(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(0); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) { wrnMsg("get_event_par(): no note alive with that note ID of argument 1"); return successResult(0); } const int parameter = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); switch (parameter) { case EVENT_PAR_NOTE: return successResult(pNote->cause.Param.Note.Key); case EVENT_PAR_VELOCITY: return successResult(pNote->cause.Param.Note.Velocity); case EVENT_PAR_VOLUME: return successResult( RTMath::LinRatioToDecibel(pNote->Override.Volume) * 1000.f ); case EVENT_PAR_TUNE: return successResult( RTMath::FreqRatioToCents(pNote->Override.Pitch) * 1000.f ); case EVENT_PAR_0: return successResult(pNote->userPar[0]); case EVENT_PAR_1: return successResult(pNote->userPar[1]); case EVENT_PAR_2: return successResult(pNote->userPar[2]); case EVENT_PAR_3: return successResult(pNote->userPar[3]); } wrnMsg("get_event_par(): argument 2 is an invalid event parameter"); return successResult(0); } // set_event_par() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_par::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_par(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_set_event_par::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); const int parameter = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); const int value = args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt(); switch (parameter) { case EVENT_PAR_NOTE: if (value < 0 || value > 127) { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): note number of argument 3 is out of range"); return successResult(); } if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->cause.Param.Note.Key = value; m_vm->m_event->cause.Param.Note.Key = value; } else { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): note number can only be changed when note is new"); } return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_VELOCITY: if (value < 0 || value > 127) { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): velocity of argument 3 is out of range"); return successResult(); } if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->cause.Param.Note.Velocity = value; m_vm->m_event->cause.Param.Note.Velocity = value; } else { wrnMsg("set_event_par(): velocity can only be changed when note is new"); } return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_VOLUME: wrnMsg("set_event_par(): changing volume by this function is currently not supported, use change_vol() instead"); return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_TUNE: wrnMsg("set_event_par(): changing tune by this function is currently not supported, use change_tune() instead"); return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_0: pNote->userPar[0] = value; return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_1: pNote->userPar[1] = value; return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_2: pNote->userPar[2] = value; return successResult(); case EVENT_PAR_3: pNote->userPar[3] = value; return successResult(); } wrnMsg("set_event_par(): argument 2 is an invalid event parameter"); return successResult(); } // change_note() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_note::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_note(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_note::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_note(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_note(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); const int value = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (value < 0 || value > 127) { wrnMsg("change_note(): note number of argument 2 is out of range"); return successResult(); } if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->cause.Param.Note.Key = value; m_vm->m_event->cause.Param.Note.Key = value; } else { wrnMsg("change_note(): note number can only be changed when note is new"); } return successResult(); } // change_velo() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_velo::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_velo(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_velo::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_velo(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_velo(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); const int value = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (value < 0 || value > 127) { wrnMsg("change_velo(): velocity of argument 2 is out of range"); return successResult(); } if (m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime == pNote->triggerSchedTime) { pNote->cause.Param.Note.Velocity = value; m_vm->m_event->cause.Param.Note.Velocity = value; } else { wrnMsg("change_velo(): velocity can only be changed when note is new"); } return successResult(); } // change_play_pos() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_play_pos::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_play_pos(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_change_play_pos::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("change_play_pos(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("change_play_pos(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(); } const int pos = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (pos < 0) { wrnMsg("change_play_pos(): playback position of argument 2 may not be negative"); return successResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); if (!pNote) return successResult(); pNote->Override.SampleOffset = pos; return successResult(); } // event_status() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_event_status::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_event_status(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_event_status::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const ScriptID id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("event_status(): note ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE); } if (!id.isNoteID()) { wrnMsg("event_status(): argument 1 is not a note ID"); return successResult(EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE); } NoteBase* pNote = pEngineChannel->pEngine->NoteByID( id.noteID() ); return successResult(pNote ? EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE : EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE); } // callback_status() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_callback_status::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_callback_status(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_callback_status::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const script_callback_id_t id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("callback_status(): callback ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); RTList::Iterator itCallback = pEngineChannel->ScriptCallbackByID(id); if (!itCallback) return successResult(CALLBACK_STATUS_TERMINATED); return successResult( (m_vm->m_event->execCtx == itCallback->execCtx) ? CALLBACK_STATUS_RUNNING : CALLBACK_STATUS_QUEUE ); } // wait() function (overrides core wait() implementation) InstrumentScriptVMFunction_wait::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_wait(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : CoreVMFunction_wait(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_wait::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { InstrumentScriptVM* m_vm = (InstrumentScriptVM*) vm; // this might be set by passing 1 with the 2nd argument of built-in stop_wait() function if (m_vm->m_event->ignoreAllWaitCalls) return successResult(); return CoreVMFunction_wait::exec(args); } // stop_wait() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_stop_wait::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_stop_wait(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_stop_wait::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); const script_callback_id_t id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("stop_wait(): callback ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } RTList::Iterator itCallback = pEngineChannel->ScriptCallbackByID(id); if (!itCallback) return successResult(); // ignore if callback is i.e. not alive anymore const bool disableWaitForever = (args->argsCount() >= 2) ? (args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt() == 1) : false; pEngineChannel->ScheduleResumeOfScriptCallback( itCallback, m_vm->m_event->scheduleTime, disableWaitForever ); return successResult(); } // abort() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_abort::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_abort(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_abort::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { const script_callback_id_t id = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (!id) { wrnMsg("abort(): callback ID for argument 1 may not be zero"); return successResult(); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); RTList::Iterator itCallback = pEngineChannel->ScriptCallbackByID(id); if (!itCallback) return successResult(); // ignore if callback is i.e. not alive anymore itCallback->execCtx->signalAbort(); return successResult(); } // fork() function InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fork::InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fork(InstrumentScriptVM* parent) : m_vm(parent) { } VMFnResult* InstrumentScriptVMFunction_fork::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { // check if this is actually the parent going to fork, or rather one of // the children which is already forked if (m_vm->m_event->forkIndex != 0) { // this is the entry point for a child ... int forkResult = m_vm->m_event->forkIndex; // reset so that this child may i.e. also call fork() later on m_vm->m_event->forkIndex = 0; return successResult(forkResult); } // if we are here, then this is the parent, so we must fork this parent const int n = (args->argsCount() >= 1) ? args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt() : 1; const bool bAutoAbort = (args->argsCount() >= 2) ? args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt() : true; if (m_vm->m_event->countChildHandlers() + n > MAX_FORK_PER_SCRIPT_HANDLER) { wrnMsg("fork(): requested amount would exceed allowed limit per event handler"); return successResult(-1); } AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(m_vm->m_event->cause.pEngineChannel); if (!pEngineChannel->hasFreeScriptCallbacks(n)) { wrnMsg("fork(): global limit of event handlers exceeded"); return successResult(-1); } for (int iChild = 0; iChild < n; ++iChild) { RTList::Iterator itChild = pEngineChannel->forkScriptCallback(m_vm->m_event, bAutoAbort); if (!itChild) { // should never happen, otherwise its a bug ... errMsg("fork(): internal error while allocating child"); return errorResult(-1); // terminate script } // since both parent, as well all child script execution instances // all land in this exect() method, the following is (more or less) // the only feature that lets us distinguish the parent and // respective children from each other in this exect() method itChild->forkIndex = iChild + 1; } return successResult(0); } } // namespace LinuxSampler