/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #ifndef LS_NOTE_H #define LS_NOTE_H #include "../../common/Pool.h" #include "Event.h" #include "Fade.h" #define DEFAULT_NOTE_VOLUME_TIME_S 0.013f /* 13ms */ #define DEFAULT_NOTE_PITCH_TIME_S 0.013f /* 13ms */ #define DEFAULT_NOTE_PAN_TIME_S 0.013f /* 13ms */ namespace LinuxSampler { /// Whether release trigger sample(s) should be played and if yes under which circumstance(s). Options are bit flags to be able to combine them bitwise. enum release_trigger_t { release_trigger_none = 0, ///< Don't play release trigger sample. release_trigger_noteoff = 1, ///< Play release trigger sample on MIDI note-off event. release_trigger_sustain_maxvelocity = (1 << 1), ///< Play release trigger sample on sustain pedal up, use 127 as MIDI velocity. release_trigger_sustain_keyvelocity = (1 << 2) ///< Play release trigger sample on sustain pedal up, use latest MIDI note-on velocity on key. }; /// convenience macro for checking playing release trigger sample by sustain pedal in general #define release_trigger_sustain \ (release_trigger_sustain_maxvelocity | release_trigger_sustain_keyvelocity) // remove strictness of C++ regarding raw bitwise operations (on type release_trigger_t) inline release_trigger_t operator|(release_trigger_t a, release_trigger_t b) { return (release_trigger_t) ((int)a | (int)b); } inline release_trigger_t& operator|=(release_trigger_t& a, release_trigger_t b) { a = (release_trigger_t) ((int)a | (int)b); return a; } /** * Abstract base class of its deriving @c Note class, this class (NoteBase) * is not intended to be instantiated directly. It just provides access to * the parts of a Note object which do not depend on any C++ template * parameter. */ class NoteBase { public: enum class ValueScope : unsigned char { RELATIVE = (unsigned char) Event::ValueScope::RELATIVE, FINAL_NORM = (unsigned char) Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NORM, FINAL_NATIVE = (unsigned char) Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE, }; /** * General purpose note parameter value which might be both either in * normalized value range (0..1) or in a native unit (i.e. seconds, Hz) * depending on member variable @c Scope. */ struct Param { float Value; ValueScope Scope; Param() { Value = 1.f; Scope = ValueScope::RELATIVE; } bool isFinal() const { return Scope == ValueScope::FINAL_NORM || Scope == ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE; } template inline void applyTo(T& dst) { if (isFinal()) dst = Value; else dst *= Value; } }; /** * Parameter value being in normalized value range (0..1). */ struct Norm { float Value; bool Final; Norm() { Value = 1.f; Final = false; } template inline void applyTo(T& dst) { if (Final) dst = Value; else dst *= Value; } }; /** * Parameter value being in signed normalized value range (-1..+1). */ struct SNorm { float Value; bool Final; int64_t Sources; ///< Might be used for calculating an average pan value in differential way: amount of times the @c Value had been changed and shall be calculated relatively upon. SNorm() { Value = 0.f; Final = false; Sources = 0; } }; int hostKey; ///< Key on which this is @c Note is allocated on. This is usually the note-on event's note number, however in case of a child note this will rather be the parent note's key instead! note_id_t parentNoteID; ///< If not null: unique ID of the parent note of this note (see comments of field @c pChildNotes). RTList* pChildNotes; ///< Note ID list of "child" notes of this note. These are special notes that must be released once this note gets released. Event cause; ///< Copy of the original event (usually a note-on event) which caused this note. event_id_t eventID; ///< Unique ID of the actual original @c Event which caused this note. sched_time_t triggerSchedTime; ///< Engine's scheduler time when this note was launched. /// Optional synthesis parameters that might be overridden (by calling real-time instrument script functions like change_vol(), change_pitch(), etc.). struct _Override { Norm Volume; ///< as linear amplification ratio (1.0 being neutral) float VolumeTime; ///< Transition duration (in seconds) for changes to @c Volume. Norm Pitch; ///< as linear frequency ratio (1.0 being neutral) float PitchTime; ///< Transition duration (in seconds) for changes to @c Pitch. SNorm Pan; ///< between -1.0 (most left) and +1.0 (most right) and 0.0 being neutral. float PanTime; ///< Transition duration (in seconds) for changes to @c Pan. Param Cutoff; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm Resonance; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param Attack; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param Decay; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm Sustain; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param Release; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param CutoffAttack; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param CutoffDecay; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm CutoffSustain;///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param CutoffRelease;///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm AmpLFODepth; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param AmpLFOFreq; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm CutoffLFODepth;///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param CutoffLFOFreq; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Norm PitchLFODepth; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 Param PitchLFOFreq; ///< between 0.0 and 1.0 fade_curve_t VolumeCurve; fade_curve_t PitchCurve; fade_curve_t PanCurve; int SampleOffset; ///< Where the sample shall start playback in microseconds (otherwise this is -1 for being ignored). } Override; /// Sampler format specific informations and variables. union _Format { /// Gigasampler/GigaStudio format specifics. struct _Gig { uint8_t DimMask; ///< May be used to override the Dimension zone to be selected for a new voice: each 1 bit means that respective bit shall be overridden by taking the respective bit from DimBits instead. uint8_t DimBits; ///< Used only in conjunction with DimMask: Dimension bits that shall be selected. } Gig; } Format; vmint userPar[4]; ///< Used only for real-time instrument script functions set_event_par() and get_event_par() to store script author's user specific data ($EVENT_PAR_0 to $EVENT_PAR_3). inline void apply(RTList::Iterator& itEvent, Param _Override::*noteParam) { const Event::ValueScope& scope = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Scope; switch (scope) { case Event::ValueScope::SELF_RELATIVE: if ((this->Override.*noteParam).Scope == ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE) (this->Override.*noteParam) = Param(); itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = ((this->Override.*noteParam).Value *= itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta); (this->Override.*noteParam).Scope = ValueScope::RELATIVE; break; case Event::ValueScope::RELATIVE: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Scope = ValueScope::RELATIVE; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_SELF_RELATIVE: if ((this->Override.*noteParam).Scope == ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE) (this->Override.*noteParam) = Param(); itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = ((this->Override.*noteParam).Value *= itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta); (this->Override.*noteParam).Scope = ValueScope::FINAL_NORM; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NORM: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Scope = ValueScope::FINAL_NORM; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Scope = ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE; break; } } inline void apply(RTList::Iterator& itEvent, Norm _Override::*noteParam) { const Event::ValueScope& scope = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Scope; switch (scope) { case Event::ValueScope::SELF_RELATIVE: itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = ((this->Override.*noteParam).Value *= itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta); (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = false; break; case Event::ValueScope::RELATIVE: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = false; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_SELF_RELATIVE: itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = ((this->Override.*noteParam).Value *= itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta); (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = true; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NORM: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = true; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE: dmsg(1,("BUG: Attempt to assign a value in native unit to a Note parameter being in normalized value range only!\n")); break; } } inline void apply(RTList::Iterator& itEvent, SNorm _Override::*noteParam) { const Event::ValueScope& scope = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Scope; switch (scope) { case Event::ValueScope::SELF_RELATIVE: itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = RTMath::RelativeSummedAvg( (this->Override.*noteParam).Value, itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta, ++(this->Override.*noteParam).Sources ); (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = false; break; case Event::ValueScope::RELATIVE: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Sources = 1; (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = false; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_SELF_RELATIVE: itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = RTMath::RelativeSummedAvg( (this->Override.*noteParam).Value, itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta, ++(this->Override.*noteParam).Sources ); (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = true; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NORM: (this->Override.*noteParam).Value = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.AbsValue = itEvent->Param.NoteSynthParam.Delta; (this->Override.*noteParam).Sources = 1; (this->Override.*noteParam).Final = true; break; case Event::ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE: dmsg(1,("BUG: Attempt to assign a value in native unit to a Note parameter being in signed normalized value range only!\n")); break; } } inline static ValueScope scopeBy_FinalUnit(bool bFinal, bool bNativeUnit) { if (!bFinal) return ValueScope::RELATIVE; return (bNativeUnit) ? ValueScope::FINAL_NATIVE : ValueScope::FINAL_NORM; } protected: NoteBase() : hostKey(0), parentNoteID(0), pChildNotes(NULL) { Override.Volume = Norm(); Override.VolumeTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_VOLUME_TIME_S; Override.Pitch = Norm(); Override.PitchTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_PITCH_TIME_S; Override.Pan = SNorm(); Override.PanTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_PAN_TIME_S; Override.Cutoff = Param(); Override.Resonance = Norm(); Override.Attack = Param(); Override.Decay = Param(); Override.Sustain = Norm(); Override.Release = Param(); Override.CutoffAttack = Param(); Override.CutoffDecay = Param(); Override.CutoffSustain = Norm(); Override.CutoffRelease = Param(); Override.AmpLFODepth = Norm(); Override.AmpLFOFreq = Param(); Override.CutoffLFODepth = Norm(); Override.CutoffLFOFreq = Param(); Override.PitchLFODepth = Norm(); Override.PitchLFOFreq = Param(); Override.VolumeCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.PitchCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.PanCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.SampleOffset = -1; Format = _Format(); userPar[0] = 0; userPar[1] = 0; userPar[2] = 0; userPar[3] = 0; } }; /** * Contains the voices caused by one specific note, as well as basic * information about the note itself. You can see a Note object as one * specific event in time where one or more voices were spawned at the same * time and all those voices due to the same cause. * * For example when you press down and hold the sustain pedal, and then * trigger the same note on the keyboard multiple times, for each key * strokes a separate Note instance is created. Assuming you have a layered * sound with 4 layers, then for each note that is triggered 4 voices will * be spawned and assigned to the same Note object. By grouping those voices * to one specific Note object, it allows to control the synthesis paramters * of those layered voices simultaniously. * * If your instrument contains a real-time instrument script, then that * script might also trigger additional voices programmatically (by * calling the built-in script function play_note()). Each time the script * calls play_note() a new Note instance is created and the script may then * further control the voices of specific notes independently from each * other. For example for each key stroke on your keyboard the instrument * script might trigger 3 additional notes programmatically and assign a * different tuning filter parameters for each one of the 3 notes * independently. */ template class Note : public NoteBase { public: RTList* pActiveVoices; ///< Contains the active voices associated with this note. Note() : NoteBase(), pActiveVoices(NULL) {} virtual ~Note() { if (pChildNotes) delete pChildNotes; if (pActiveVoices) delete pActiveVoices; } void init(Pool* pVoicePool, Pool* pNoteIDPool) { if (pActiveVoices) delete pActiveVoices; pActiveVoices = new RTList(pVoicePool); if (pChildNotes) delete pChildNotes; pChildNotes = new RTList(pNoteIDPool); } void reset() { hostKey = 0; parentNoteID = 0; if (pChildNotes) pChildNotes->clear(); cause = Event(); eventID = 0; Override.Volume = Norm(); Override.VolumeTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_VOLUME_TIME_S; Override.Pitch = Norm(); Override.PitchTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_PITCH_TIME_S; Override.Pan = SNorm(); Override.PanTime = DEFAULT_NOTE_PAN_TIME_S; Override.Cutoff = Param(); Override.Resonance = Norm(); Override.Attack = Param(); Override.Decay = Param(); Override.Sustain = Norm(); Override.Release = Param(); Override.CutoffAttack = Param(); Override.CutoffDecay = Param(); Override.CutoffSustain = Norm(); Override.CutoffRelease = Param(); Override.AmpLFODepth = Norm(); Override.AmpLFOFreq = Param(); Override.CutoffLFODepth = Norm(); Override.CutoffLFOFreq = Param(); Override.PitchLFODepth = Norm(); Override.PitchLFOFreq = Param(); Override.VolumeCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.PitchCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.PanCurve = DEFAULT_FADE_CURVE; Override.SampleOffset = -1; Format = _Format(); userPar[0] = 0; userPar[1] = 0; userPar[2] = 0; userPar[3] = 0; if (pActiveVoices) { typename RTList::Iterator itVoice = pActiveVoices->first(); typename RTList::Iterator itVoicesEnd = pActiveVoices->end(); for (; itVoice != itVoicesEnd; ++itVoice) { // iterate through all voices on this key itVoice->VoiceFreed(); } pActiveVoices->clear(); } } }; } // namespace LinuxSampler #endif // LS_NOTE_H