/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012 Grigor Iliev * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __LS_SIGNALUNIT_H__ #define __LS_SIGNALUNIT_H__ #include "../../common/ArrayList.h" #include "../../common/Pool.h" namespace LinuxSampler { template class FixedArray { public: FixedArray(int capacity) { iSize = 0; iCapacity = capacity; pData = new T[iCapacity]; } ~FixedArray() { delete[] pData; pData = NULL; } inline int size() const { return iSize; } inline int capacity() { return iCapacity; } void add(T element) { if (iSize >= iCapacity) throw Exception("Array out of bounds"); pData[iSize++] = element; } T& increment() { if (iSize >= iCapacity) throw Exception("Array out of bounds"); return pData[iSize++]; } void clear() { iSize = 0; } void copy(const FixedArray& array) { if(array.size() >= capacity()) throw Exception("Not enough space to copy array"); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) pData[i] = array[i]; iSize = array.size(); } inline T& operator[](int idx) const { return pData[idx]; } private: T* pData; int iSize; int iCapacity; }; class SignalUnitRack; /** * A signal unit consist of internal signal generator (like envelope generator, * low frequency oscillator, etc) with a number of generator parameters which * influence/modulate/dynamically change the generator's signal in some manner. * Each generator parameter (also called signal unit parameter) can receive * signal from another signal unit and use this signal to dynamically change the * behavior of the signal generator. In turn, the signal of this unit can be fed * to another unit(s) and influence its parameters. */ class SignalUnit { public: /** * This class represents a parameter which will influence the signal * unit to which it belongs in certain way. * For example, let's say the signal unit is a low frequency oscillator * with frequency 1Hz. If we want to modulate the LFO to start with 1Hz * and increment its frequency to 5Hz in 1 second, we can add * a parameter which signal source is an envelope * generator with attack time of 1 second and coefficient 4. Thus, the * normalized level of the EG will move from 0 to 1 in one second. * On every time step (sample point) the normalized level * will be multiplied by 4 (the parameter coefficient) and added to the * LFO's frequency. * So, after 1 second, the LFO frequency will be 1x4 + 1 = 5Hz. * We can also add another parameter for modulating the LFO's pitch depth * and so on. */ class Parameter { public: SignalUnit* pUnit; /* The source unit whose output signal * will modulate the parameter. */ float Coeff; // The modulation coefficient Parameter() : Coeff(1), pUnit(NULL) { } /** * @param unit The source unit used to influence this parameter. * @param coeff The coefficient by which the normalized signal * received from the source unit should be multiplied when a * default transformation is done. */ Parameter(SignalUnit* unit, float coeff = 1) { pUnit = unit; Coeff = coeff; } Parameter(const Parameter& Prm) { Copy(Prm); } void operator=(const Parameter& Prm) { Copy(Prm); } void Copy(const Parameter& Prm) { if (this == &Prm) return; pUnit = Prm.pUnit; Coeff = Prm.Coeff; } /** * Calculates the transformation for this parameter * which should be applied to the parameter's value * and multiplies by Coeff. * This implementation of the method just multiplies by Coeff. */ virtual float Transform(float val) { return val * Coeff; } /** * Gets the current value of the parameter. * This implementation returns the current signal level of the * source unit with applied transformation if the source unit is * active, otherwise returns 1. * Note that this method assume that pUnit is not NULL. */ virtual float GetValue() { return pUnit->Active() ? Transform(pUnit->GetLevel()) : 1.0f; } }; public: ArrayList Params; // The list of parameters which are modulating the signal unit SignalUnit(SignalUnitRack* rack): pRack(rack), bActive(false), Level(0.0f), bRecalculate(true), bCalculating(false), uiDelayTrigger(0) { } SignalUnit(const SignalUnit& Unit): pRack(Unit.pRack) { Copy(Unit); } void operator=(const SignalUnit& Unit) { Copy(Unit); } virtual ~SignalUnit() { } void Copy(const SignalUnit& Unit) { if (this == &Unit) return; bActive = Unit.bActive; Level = Unit.Level; Params = Unit.Params; uiDelayTrigger = Unit.uiDelayTrigger; bCalculating = false; } /* * Determines whether the unit is active. * If the unit is not active, its level should be ignored. * For endpoint unit this method determines whether * the rendering should be stopped. */ virtual bool Active() { return bActive; } /** * Override this method to process the current control change events. * @param itEvent - iterator pointing to the event to be processed. */ virtual void ProcessCCEvent(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value) { } virtual void EnterReleaseStage() { } virtual void CancelRelease() { } /** * Gets the normalized level of the unit for the current * time step (sample point). The level is calculated if it's not * calculated for the current step yet. Because the level depends on * the parameters, their levels are calculated too. */ virtual float GetLevel() { if (Params.empty() || !bRecalculate) return Level; if (bCalculating) { std::cerr << "SignalUnit: Loop detected. Aborted!"; return Level; } bCalculating = true; for(int i = 0; i < Params.size(); i++) { Params[i].GetValue(); } bRecalculate = bCalculating = false; return Level; } /** * Will be called to increment the time with one sample point. * The unit should recalculate or prepare for recalculation * its current level on every call of this function. * Note that it is not known whether all source signal unit's levels * are recalculated before the call of this method. So, the calculations * that depends on the unit's parameters should be postponed to * the call of GetLevel(). */ virtual void Increment() { bRecalculate = true; } /** * Initializes and triggers the unit. * Note that when a voice is the owner of a unit rack, all settings * should be reset when this method is called, because the sampler * is reusing the voice objects. */ virtual void Trigger() = 0; /** * When the signal unit rack is triggered, it triggers all signal * units it holds. If for some reason the triggering of a unit * should be delayed, this method can be set to return non-zero value * specifying the delay in time steps. * Note that this is only a helper method and the implementation * should be done manually. */ virtual uint DelayTrigger() { return uiDelayTrigger; } /** * A helper method which checks whether the delay * stage is finished. */ bool DelayStage(); protected: SignalUnitRack* const pRack; bool bActive; /* Don't use it to check the active state of the unit!!! * Use Active() instead! */ float Level; bool bRecalculate; /* Determines whether the unit's level should be recalculated. */ bool bCalculating; /* Determines whether the unit is in process of calculating * its level. Used for preventing infinite loops. */ uint uiDelayTrigger; /* in time steps */ }; class EndpointSignalUnit: public SignalUnit { public: EndpointSignalUnit(SignalUnitRack* rack): SignalUnit(rack) { } /** * Gets the volume modulation value * for the current time step (sample point). */ virtual float GetVolume() = 0; /** * Gets the filter cutoff frequency modulation value * for the current time step (sample point). */ virtual float GetFilterCutoff() = 0; /** * Gets the pitch modulation value * for the current time step (sample point). */ virtual float GetPitch() = 0; /** * Gets the resonance modulation value * for the current time step (sample point). */ virtual float GetResonance() = 0; /** Should return value in the range [-100, 100] (L <-> R) */ virtual float GetPan() = 0; virtual float CalculateFilterCutoff(float cutoff) { cutoff *= GetFilterCutoff(); return cutoff > 13500 ? 13500 : cutoff; } virtual float CalculatePitch(float pitch) { return GetPitch() * pitch; } virtual float CalculateResonance(float res) { return GetResonance() * res; } /** Should return value in the range [0, 127] (L <-> R) */ virtual uint8_t CalculatePan(int pan) { int p = pan + GetPan() * 0.63; if (p < 0) return 0; if (p > 127) return 127; return p; } /** * Decreases the delay by Sample time steps. * This method is used to delay the sample playback. * While the endpoint unit is in delay stage the rack is not incremented. */ void DecreaseDelay(uint Samples) { uiDelayTrigger -= Samples; } }; /** * Used to smooth out the parameter changes. */ class Smoother { protected: uint timeSteps; // The number of time steps to reach the goal uint currentTimeStep; float goal; float prev; public: /** * * @param time The time (in seconds) to reach the goal * @param sampleRate * @param val The initial value */ void trigger(float time, float sampleRate, float val = 0) { currentTimeStep = timeSteps = time * sampleRate; prev = goal = val; } /** * Set the current value, which the smoother will not smooth out. * If you want the value to be smoothen out, use update() instead. */ void setValue( float val) { currentTimeStep = timeSteps; prev = goal = val; } /** * Sets a new value. The render function will return * values gradually approaching this value. */ void update(float val) { if (val == goal) return; prev = prev + (goal - prev) * (currentTimeStep / (float)timeSteps); goal = val; currentTimeStep = 0; } float render() { if (currentTimeStep >= timeSteps) return goal; return prev + (goal - prev) * (currentTimeStep++ / (float)timeSteps); } bool isSmoothingOut() { return currentTimeStep < timeSteps; } float getGoal() { return goal; } }; /** * Continuous controller signal unit. * The level of this unit corresponds to the controllers changes * and their influences. */ class CCSignalUnit: public SignalUnit { public: /** Listener which will be notified when the level of the unit is changed. */ class Listener { public: virtual void ValueChanged(CCSignalUnit* pUnit) = 0; }; class CC { public: uint8_t Controller; ///< MIDI controller number. uint8_t Value; ///< Controller Value. short int Curve; ///< specifies the curve type float Influence; float Step; Smoother* pSmoother; CC ( uint8_t Controller = 0, float Influence = 0.0f, short int Curve = -1, Smoother* pSmoother = NULL, float Step = 0 ) { this->Controller = Controller; this->Value = 0; this->Curve = Curve; this->Influence = Influence; this->pSmoother = pSmoother; this->Step = Step; } CC(const CC& cc) { Copy(cc); } void operator=(const CC& cc) { Copy(cc); } void Copy(const CC& cc) { Controller = cc.Controller; Value = cc.Value; Influence = cc.Influence; Curve = cc.Curve; pSmoother = cc.pSmoother; Step = cc.Step; } }; protected: RTList* pCtrls; // The MIDI controllers which modulates this signal unit. Listener* pListener; bool hasSmoothCtrls; // determines whether there are smooth controllers (used for optimization) bool isSmoothingOut; // determines whether there is a CC which is in process of smoothing out (used for optimization) public: CCSignalUnit(SignalUnitRack* rack, Listener* l = NULL): SignalUnit(rack), pCtrls(NULL) { pListener = l; hasSmoothCtrls = isSmoothingOut = false; } CCSignalUnit(const CCSignalUnit& Unit): SignalUnit(Unit.pRack), pCtrls(NULL) { Copy(Unit); } void operator=(const CCSignalUnit& Unit) { Copy(Unit); } virtual ~CCSignalUnit() { if (pCtrls != NULL) delete pCtrls; } void Copy(const CCSignalUnit& Unit) { if (pCtrls != NULL) delete pCtrls; pCtrls = new RTList(*(Unit.pCtrls)); if (pCtrls->poolIsEmpty() && pCtrls->count() < Unit.pCtrls->count()) { std::cerr << "Maximum number of CC reached!" << std::endl; } pListener = Unit.pListener; hasSmoothCtrls = Unit.hasSmoothCtrls; isSmoothingOut = Unit.isSmoothingOut; SignalUnit::Copy(Unit); } virtual void InitCCList(Pool* pCCPool, Pool* pSmootherPool) { if (pCtrls != NULL) delete pCtrls; pCtrls = new RTList(pCCPool); } void AddCC(uint8_t Controller, float Influence, short int Curve = -1, Smoother* pSmoother = NULL, float Step = 0) { if(pCtrls->poolIsEmpty()) { std::cerr << "Maximum number of CC reached!" << std::endl; return; } *(pCtrls->allocAppend()) = CC(Controller, Influence, Curve, pSmoother, Step); if (pSmoother != NULL) hasSmoothCtrls = true; } virtual void RemoveAllCCs() { pCtrls->clear(); } int GetCCCount() { return pCtrls->count(); } bool HasCCs() { return GetCCCount() > 0; } virtual void Increment() { if (hasSmoothCtrls && isSmoothingOut) Calculate(); } virtual void Trigger() { Calculate(); bActive = Level != 0; } virtual void ProcessCCEvent(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value) { bool recalculate = false; RTList::Iterator ctrl = pCtrls->first(); RTList::Iterator end = pCtrls->end(); for(; ctrl != end; ++ctrl) { if (Controller != (*ctrl).Controller) continue; if ((*ctrl).Value == Value) continue; (*ctrl).Value = Value; if ((*ctrl).Step > 0 && (*ctrl).pSmoother != NULL) { float oldGoal = (*ctrl).pSmoother->getGoal(); float newGoal = Normalize(Value, (*ctrl).Curve) * (*ctrl).Influence; newGoal = ((int) (newGoal / (*ctrl).Step)) * (*ctrl).Step; if (oldGoal != newGoal) (*ctrl).pSmoother->update(newGoal); } if ((*ctrl).pSmoother != NULL && (*ctrl).Step <= 0) (*ctrl).pSmoother->update(Value); if (!bActive) bActive = true; recalculate = true; } if (!(hasSmoothCtrls && isSmoothingOut) && recalculate) Calculate(); } virtual void Calculate() { float l = 0; isSmoothingOut = false; RTList::Iterator ctrl = pCtrls->first(); RTList::Iterator end = pCtrls->end(); for(; ctrl != end; ++ctrl) { if ((*ctrl).pSmoother == NULL) { float val = Normalize((*ctrl).Value, (*ctrl).Curve) * (*ctrl).Influence; if ((*ctrl).Step > 0) val = ( (int)(val / (*ctrl).Step) ) * (*ctrl).Step; l += val; } else { if ((*ctrl).pSmoother->isSmoothingOut()) isSmoothingOut = true; if ((*ctrl).Step > 0) { l += (*ctrl).pSmoother->render(); } else { l += Normalize((*ctrl).pSmoother->render(), (*ctrl).Curve) * (*ctrl).Influence; } } } if (Level != l) { Level = l; if (pListener != NULL) pListener->ValueChanged(this); } } virtual float Normalize(uint8_t val, short int curve = -1) { return val / 127.0f; } }; } // namespace LinuxSampler #endif /* __LS_SIGNALUNIT_H__ */