/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This program is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "common/global.h" #include "scriptvm/ScriptVM.h" #include "shell/CFmt.h" #include "engines/common/InstrumentScriptVM.h" #include "engines/gig/InstrumentScriptVM.h" #include #include /* This command line tool is currently merely for development and testing purposes, regarding the real-time instrument script feature of the sampler. You can use this command line application like this: ls_instr_script core < src/scriptvm/examples/helloworld.txt Which will peform 3 things: 1. Parses the given instrument script and prints any parser errors or warnings. 2. It dumps the parsed VM tree (only interesting for LS developers). 3. If there were not parser errors, it will run each event handler defined in the script. */ using namespace LinuxSampler; using namespace std; static void printUsage() { cout << "ls_instr_script - Parse real-time instrument script from stdin." << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Usage: ls_instr_script ENGINE [OPTIONS]" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " ENGINE\n"; cout << " Either \"core\", \"gig\", \"sf2\" or \"sfz\"." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " OPTIONS" << endl; cout << " --file FILE | -f FILE" << endl; cout << " Read from this file instead from stdin." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --syntax | -s" << endl; cout << " Prints the script to stdout with colored syntax highlighting" << endl; cout << " and exits immediately." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --debug-syntax | -ds" << endl; cout << " Prints a debugging representation (of the syntax" << endl; cout << " highlighting backend) of the parsed script to stdout and exits" << endl; cout << " immediately." << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --auto-suspend" << endl; cout << " In contrast to the real sampler, this command line program " << endl; cout << " disables automatic suspension by the VM by default to ease " << endl; cout << " i.e. bench marking tasks and the like. By providing this " << endl; cout << " argument auto suspension will be enabled." << endl; cout << endl; cout << "If you pass \"core\" as argument, only the core language built-in" << endl; cout << "variables and functions are available. However in this particular" << endl; cout << "mode the program will not just parse the given script, but also" << endl; cout << "execute the event handlers. All other arguments for ENGINE provide" << endl; cout << "the sampler engine / sampler format specific additional built-in" << endl; cout << "variables and functions, however they wil not be executed by this" << endl; cout << "program." << endl; cout << endl; } static void printCodeWithSyntaxHighlighting(ScriptVM* vm); static void dumpSyntaxHighlighting(ScriptVM* vm); static String readTxtFromFile(String path); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printUsage(); return -1; } String engine = argv[1]; String path; bool runScript = false; ScriptVM* vm; if (engine == "core") { vm = new ScriptVM; runScript = true; } else if (engine == "sf2" || engine == "sfz") { vm = new InstrumentScriptVM; } else if (engine == "gig") { vm = new gig::InstrumentScriptVM; } else { std::cerr << "Unknown ENGINE '" << engine << "'\n\n"; printUsage(); return -1; } vm->setAutoSuspendEnabled(false); // validate & parse arguments provided to this program for (int iArg = 2; iArg < argc; ++iArg) { const string opt = argv[iArg]; if (opt == "--") { // common for all command line tools: separator between initial option arguments and i.e. subsequent file arguments iArg++; break; } if (opt.substr(0, 1) != "-") break; if (opt == "-s" || opt == "--syntax") { printCodeWithSyntaxHighlighting(vm); return 0; } else if (opt == "-ds" || opt == "--debug-syntax") { dumpSyntaxHighlighting(vm); return 0; } else if (opt == "--auto-suspend") { vm->setAutoSuspendEnabled(true); } else if (opt == "-f" || opt == "--file") { if (++iArg < argc) path = argv[iArg]; } else { cerr << "Unknown option '" << opt << "'" << endl; cerr << endl; printUsage(); return -1; } } VMParserContext* parserContext; if (path.empty()) parserContext = vm->loadScript(&std::cin); else { String txt = readTxtFromFile(path); parserContext = vm->loadScript(txt); } std::vector errors = parserContext->errors(); std::vector warnings = parserContext->warnings(); std::vector issues = parserContext->issues(); if (warnings.empty() && errors.empty()) { CFmt fmt; fmt.green(); printf("EOF. Script parse completed successfully (no errors, no warnings).\n"); } else if (!errors.empty()) { CFmt fmt; fmt.red(); printf("EOF. Script parse completed with issues (%d errors, %d warnings):\n", int(errors.size()), int(warnings.size())); } else { CFmt fmt; fmt.yellow(); printf("EOF. Script parse completed with issues (%d errors, %d warnings):\n", int(errors.size()), int(warnings.size())); } for (int i = 0; i < issues.size(); ++i) { CFmt fmt; if (issues[i].isWrn()) fmt.yellow(); else if (issues[i].isErr()) fmt.red(); issues[i].dump(); } printf("[Dumping parsed VM tree]\n"); vm->dumpParsedScript(parserContext); printf("[End of parsed VM tree]\n"); if (!errors.empty()) { if (parserContext) delete parserContext; return -1; } if (!runScript) { return 0; } if (!parserContext->eventHandler(0)) { printf("No event handler exists. So nothing to execute.\n"); if (parserContext) delete parserContext; return 0; } printf("Preparing execution of script.\n"); VMExecContext* execContext = vm->createExecContext(parserContext); for (int i = 0; parserContext->eventHandler(i); ++i) { VMEventHandler* handler = parserContext->eventHandler(i); printf("[Running event handler '%s']\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str()); VMExecStatus_t result = vm->exec(parserContext, execContext, handler); CFmt fmt; if (result & VM_EXEC_ERROR) { fmt.red(); printf("[Event handler '%s' finished with ERROR status]\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str()); } else if (result & VM_EXEC_SUSPENDED) { fmt.yellow(); printf("[Event handler '%s' returned with SUSPENDED status: %d microseconds]\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str(), execContext->suspensionTimeMicroseconds()); } else if (!(result & VM_EXEC_RUNNING)) { fmt.green(); printf("[Event handler '%s' finished with SUCCESS status]\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str()); } else if (result & VM_EXEC_RUNNING) { fmt.cyan(); printf("[Event handler '%s' finished with RUNNING status]\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str()); } else { fmt.red(); printf("[Event handler '%s' finished with UNKNOWN status]\n", handler->eventHandlerName().c_str()); } } if (parserContext) delete parserContext; if (execContext) delete execContext; if (vm) delete vm; return 0; } static void printCodeWithSyntaxHighlighting(ScriptVM* vm) { vector tokens = vm->syntaxHighlighting(&std::cin); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { const VMSourceToken& token = tokens[i]; CFmt fmt; if (token.isKeyword()) { fmt.bold(); } else if (token.isVariableName()) { fmt.magenta(); } else if (token.isIdentifier()) { if (token.isEventHandlerName()) { fmt.bold(); fmt.cyan(); } else { // a function ... fmt.cyan(); } } else if (token.isNumberLiteral()) { fmt.yellow(); } else if (token.isStringLiteral()) { fmt.red(); } else if (token.isComment()) { fmt.blue(); } else if (token.isPreprocessor()) { fmt.green(); } else if (token.isNewLine()) { } printf("%s", token.text().c_str()); fflush(stdout); } } static void dumpSyntaxHighlighting(ScriptVM* vm) { vector tokens = vm->syntaxHighlighting(&std::cin); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { const VMSourceToken& token = tokens[i]; const char* type = "OTHER"; if (token.isKeyword()) { type = "KEYWORD"; } else if (token.isVariableName()) { type = "VARIABLE"; } else if (token.isIdentifier()) { if (token.isEventHandlerName()) { type = "HANDLER_NAME"; } else { // a function ... type = "FUNCTION"; } } else if (token.isNumberLiteral()) { type = "NUMBER"; } else if (token.isStringLiteral()) { type = "STRING"; } else if (token.isComment()) { type = "COMMENT"; } else if (token.isPreprocessor()) { type = "PREPROC"; } else if (token.isNewLine()) { type = "NL"; } printf("L%d,C%d: %s \"%s\"\n", token.firstLine(), token.firstColumn(), type, token.text().c_str()); } } static String readTxtFromFile(String path) { std::ifstream f(path.c_str(), std::ifstream::in); String s; s += (char) f.get(); while (f.good()) { char c = f.get(); if (c == EOF) break; s += c; } f.close(); return s; }