/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ %{ #include "lscpparser.h" #include "lscpserver.h" // as we need an reentrant scanner, we have to pass the pointer to the scanner with each yylex() call #define YYLEX_PARAM ((yyparse_param_t*) yyparse_param)->pScanner // to save us typing work in the rules action definitions #define LSCPSERVER ((yyparse_param_t*) yyparse_param)->pServer // clears input buffer and restarts scanner. void restart(yyparse_param_t* pparam, int& yychar); #define RESTART restart((yyparse_param_t*) YYPARSE_PARAM, yychar) // external reference to the main scanner function yylex() extern YY_DECL; // external reference to restart the lex scanner extern void yyrestart(FILE* input_file, yyscan_t yyscanner); // we provide our own version of yyerror() so we don't have to link against the yacc library void yyerror(const char* s); %} // reentrant parser %pure_parser %token CHAR %token DOTNUM %token NUMBER %token SP LF CR HASH %token ADD GET LOAD REMOVE SET SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE RESET QUIT %token CHANNEL NOTIFICATION %token AVAILABLE_ENGINES CHANNELS INFO BUFFER_FILL STREAM_COUNT VOICE_COUNT %token INSTRUMENT ENGINE %token AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE MIDI_INPUT_PORT MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_TYPE VOLUME %token BYTES PERCENTAGE %token ALSA JACK %type volume %type sampler_channel instrument_index udp_port audio_output_channel midi_input_channel %type string alpha_num_string filename engine_name session_id midi_input_port command get_instruction load_instruction set_chan_instruction load_instr_args load_engine_args %type buffer_size_type %type audio_output_type %type midi_input_type %start input %% //TODO: return more meaningful error messages input : line | input LF line | input CR LF line ; line : /* epsilon (empty line ignored) */ | comment | command { LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient($1); } | error { LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient("Err:0:Unknown command.\r\n"); RESTART; return LSCP_SYNTAX_ERROR; } ; comment : HASH | comment HASH | comment SP | comment NUMBER | comment string ; command : ADD SP CHANNEL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddChannel(); } | GET SP get_instruction { $$ = $3; } | LOAD SP load_instruction { $$ = $3; } | REMOVE SP CHANNEL SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveChannel($5); } | SET SP CHANNEL SP set_chan_instruction { $$ = $5; } | SUBSCRIBE SP NOTIFICATION SP udp_port { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification($5); } | UNSUBSCRIBE SP NOTIFICATION SP session_id { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification($5); } | RESET SP CHANNEL SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ResetChannel($5); } | QUIT { LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient("Bye!\r\n"); return 0; } ; get_instruction : AVAILABLE_ENGINES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAvailableEngines(); } | CHANNELS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetChannels(); } | CHANNEL SP INFO SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetChannelInfo($5); } | CHANNEL SP BUFFER_FILL SP buffer_size_type SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetBufferFill($5, $7); } | CHANNEL SP STREAM_COUNT SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetStreamCount($5); } | CHANNEL SP VOICE_COUNT SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetVoiceCount($5); } | ENGINE SP INFO SP engine_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetEngineInfo($5); } ; load_instruction : INSTRUMENT SP load_instr_args { $$ = $3; } | ENGINE SP load_engine_args { $$ = $3; } ; set_chan_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL SP sampler_channel SP audio_output_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputChannel($5, $3); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE SP sampler_channel SP audio_output_type { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputType($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_port { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputPort($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputChannel($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_TYPE SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_type { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputType($5, $3); } | VOLUME SP sampler_channel SP volume { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetVolume($5, $3); } ; buffer_size_type : BYTES { $$ = fill_response_bytes; } | PERCENTAGE { $$ = fill_response_percentage; } ; load_instr_args : filename SP instrument_index SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->LoadInstrument($1, $3, $5); } ; load_engine_args : engine_name SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->LoadEngine($1, $3); } ; audio_output_type : ALSA { $$ = AudioOutputDevice::type_alsa; } | JACK { $$ = AudioOutputDevice::type_jack; } ; midi_input_type : ALSA { $$ = MidiInputDevice::type_alsa; } ; volume : DOTNUM | NUMBER { $$ = $1; } ; sampler_channel : NUMBER ; instrument_index : NUMBER ; udp_port : NUMBER ; audio_output_channel : NUMBER ; midi_input_channel : NUMBER ; session_id : alpha_num_string ; engine_name : string ; midi_input_port : alpha_num_string ; filename : alpha_num_string | filename SP alpha_num_string { $$ = $1 + ' ' + $3; } ; alpha_num_string : string { $$ = $1; } | NUMBER { std::stringstream ss; ss << $1; $$ = ss.str(); } | alpha_num_string string { $$ = $1 + $2; } | alpha_num_string NUMBER { std::stringstream ss; ss << $1 << $2; $$ = ss.str(); } ; string : CHAR { std::string s; s = $1; $$ = s; } | string CHAR { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; %% /** * Will be called when an error occured (usually syntax error). */ void yyerror(const char* s) { dmsg(2,("LSCPParser: %s\n", s)); } /** * Clears input buffer and restarts scanner. */ void restart(yyparse_param_t* pparam, int& yychar) { // restart scanner yyrestart(stdin, pparam->pScanner); // flush input buffer static char buf[1024]; while(recv(hSession, buf, 1024, MSG_DONTWAIT) > 0); // reset lookahead symbol yyclearin; }