/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck * * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Christian Schoenebeck * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ /* The parser's C++ source files should be automatically (re)generated if this file was modified. If not, or in case you want explicitly regenerate the parser C++ files, run 'make parser'. In both cases you need to have bison or another yacc compatible parser generator installed though. */ %{ #include "lscpparser.h" #include "lscpserver.h" #include "lscpevent.h" // to save us typing work in the rules action definitions #define LSCPSERVER ((yyparse_param_t*) yyparse_param)->pServer #define SESSION_PARAM ((yyparse_param_t*) yyparse_param) #define INCREMENT_LINE { SESSION_PARAM->iLine++; SESSION_PARAM->iColumn = 0; } // clears input buffer void restart(yyparse_param_t* pparam, int& yychar); #define RESTART restart((yyparse_param_t*) YYPARSE_PARAM, yychar) // we provide our own version of yyerror() so we don't have to link against the yacc library void yyerror(const char* s); static char buf[1024]; // input buffer to feed the parser with new characters static int bytes = 0; // current number of characters in the input buffer static int ptr = 0; // current position in the input buffer static String sLastError; // error message of the last error occured // external reference to the function which actually reads from the socket extern int GetLSCPCommand( void *buf, int max_size); // external reference to the function in lscpserver.cpp which returns the // current session (only works because the server runs as singleton) extern yyparse_param_t* GetCurrentYaccSession(); // returns true if supplied characters has an ASCII code of 128 or higher inline bool isExtendedAsciiChar(const char c) { return (c < 0); } // custom scanner function which reads from the socket // (bison expects it to return the numerical ID of the next // "recognized token" from the input stream) int yylex(YYSTYPE* yylval) { // check if we have to read new characters if (ptr >= bytes) { bytes = GetLSCPCommand(buf, 1023); ptr = 0; if (bytes < 0) { bytes = 0; return 0; } } // this is the next character in the input stream const char c = buf[ptr++]; // increment current reading position (just for verbosity / messages) GetCurrentYaccSession()->iColumn++; // we have to handle "normal" and "extended" ASCII characters separately if (isExtendedAsciiChar(c)) { // workaround for characters with ASCII code higher than 127 yylval->Char = c; return EXT_ASCII_CHAR; } else { // simply return the ASCII code as terminal symbol ID return (int) c; } } // parser helper functions int octalsToNumber(char oct_digit0, char oct_digit1 = '0', char oct_digit2 = '0') { const char d0[] = { oct_digit0, '\0' }; const char d1[] = { oct_digit1, '\0' }; const char d2[] = { oct_digit2, '\0' }; return atoi(d2)*8*8 + atoi(d1)*8 + atoi(d0); } %} // reentrant parser %pure_parser // tell bison to spit out verbose syntax error messages %error-verbose %token EXT_ASCII_CHAR %type char char_base digit digit_oct digit_hex escape_seq escape_seq_octal escape_seq_hex %type dotnum volume_value boolean %type number sampler_channel instrument_index fx_send_id audio_channel_index device_index midi_input_channel_index midi_input_port_index midi_map midi_bank midi_prog midi_ctrl %type string string_escaped text text_escaped text_escaped_base stringval stringval_escaped digits param_val_list param_val query_val filename db_path map_name entry_name fx_send_name engine_name command add_instruction create_instruction destroy_instruction get_instruction list_instruction load_instruction set_chan_instruction load_instr_args load_engine_args audio_output_type_name midi_input_type_name remove_instruction unmap_instruction set_instruction subscribe_event unsubscribe_event map_instruction reset_instruction clear_instruction find_instruction move_instruction copy_instruction scan_mode edit_instruction format_instruction %type buffer_size_type %type key_val_list query_val_list %type instr_load_mode %type modal_arg %type path path_base %start input %% //TODO: return more meaningful error messages /* The LSCP specification document input file (Documentation/lscp.xml) is automatically updated with this file using the scripts/update_grammar.pl script. Do not modify or delete the GRAMMAR_BNF_BEGIN and GRAMMAR_BNF_END lines ! */ // GRAMMAR_BNF_BEGIN - do NOT delete or modify this line !!! input : line LF | line CR LF ; line : /* epsilon (empty line ignored) */ { INCREMENT_LINE; return LSCP_DONE; } | comment { INCREMENT_LINE; return LSCP_DONE; } | command { INCREMENT_LINE; LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient($1); return LSCP_DONE; } | error { INCREMENT_LINE; LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient("ERR:0:" + sLastError + "\r\n"); RESTART; return LSCP_SYNTAX_ERROR; } ; comment : '#' | comment '#' | comment SP | comment number | comment string ; command : ADD SP add_instruction { $$ = $3; } | MAP SP map_instruction { $$ = $3; } | UNMAP SP unmap_instruction { $$ = $3; } | GET SP get_instruction { $$ = $3; } | CREATE SP create_instruction { $$ = $3; } | DESTROY SP destroy_instruction { $$ = $3; } | LIST SP list_instruction { $$ = $3; } | LOAD SP load_instruction { $$ = $3; } | REMOVE SP remove_instruction { $$ = $3; } | SET SP set_instruction { $$ = $3; } | SUBSCRIBE SP subscribe_event { $$ = $3; } | UNSUBSCRIBE SP unsubscribe_event { $$ = $3; } | RESET SP reset_instruction { $$ = $3; } | CLEAR SP clear_instruction { $$ = $3; } | FIND SP find_instruction { $$ = $3; } | MOVE SP move_instruction { $$ = $3; } | COPY SP copy_instruction { $$ = $3; } | EDIT SP edit_instruction { $$ = $3; } | FORMAT SP format_instruction { $$ = $3; } | RESET { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ResetSampler(); } | QUIT { LSCPSERVER->AnswerClient("Bye!\r\n"); return LSCP_QUIT; } ; add_instruction : CHANNEL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddChannel(); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstrumentDirectory($3); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP NON_MODAL SP scan_mode SP db_path SP filename { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($5,$7,$9, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP scan_mode SP db_path SP filename { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($3,$5,$7); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP NON_MODAL SP db_path SP filename { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($5,$7, -1, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP NON_MODAL SP db_path SP filename SP instrument_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($5,$7,$9, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP db_path SP filename { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($3,$5); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP db_path SP filename SP instrument_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddDbInstruments($3,$5,$7); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddMidiInstrumentMap(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP map_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddMidiInstrumentMap($3); } ; subscribe_event : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_audio_device_count); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_audio_device_info); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_device_count); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_device_info); } | CHANNEL_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_channel_count); } | VOICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_voice_count); } | STREAM_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_stream_count); } | BUFFER_FILL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_buffer_fill); } | CHANNEL_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_channel_info); } | FX_SEND_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_fx_send_count); } | FX_SEND_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_fx_send_info); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_map_count); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_map_info); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_count); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_dir_count); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_dir_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_count); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS_JOB_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instrs_job_info); } | MISCELLANEOUS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_misc); } | TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_total_voice_count); } | GLOBAL_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_global_info); } ; unsubscribe_event : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_audio_device_count); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_audio_device_info); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_device_count); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_device_info); } | CHANNEL_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_channel_count); } | VOICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_voice_count); } | STREAM_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_stream_count); } | BUFFER_FILL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_buffer_fill); } | CHANNEL_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_channel_info); } | FX_SEND_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_fx_send_count); } | FX_SEND_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_fx_send_info); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_map_count); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_map_info); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_count); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_midi_instr_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_dir_count); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_dir_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_count); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instr_info); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS_JOB_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_db_instrs_job_info); } | MISCELLANEOUS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_misc); } | TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_total_voice_count); } | GLOBAL_INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->UnsubscribeNotification(LSCPEvent::event_global_info); } ; map_instruction : MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP modal_arg midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog SP engine_name SP filename SP instrument_index SP volume_value { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddOrReplaceMIDIInstrumentMapping($4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,MidiInstrumentMapper::VOID,"",$3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP modal_arg midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog SP engine_name SP filename SP instrument_index SP volume_value SP instr_load_mode { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddOrReplaceMIDIInstrumentMapping($4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,"",$3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP modal_arg midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog SP engine_name SP filename SP instrument_index SP volume_value SP entry_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddOrReplaceMIDIInstrumentMapping($4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,MidiInstrumentMapper::VOID,$18,$3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP modal_arg midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog SP engine_name SP filename SP instrument_index SP volume_value SP instr_load_mode SP entry_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->AddOrReplaceMIDIInstrumentMapping($4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$3); } ; unmap_instruction : MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveMIDIInstrumentMapping($3,$5,$7); } ; remove_instruction : CHANNEL SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveChannel($3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveMidiInstrumentMap($3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP ALL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveAllMidiInstrumentMaps(); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP FORCE SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveDbInstrumentDirectory($5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveDbInstrumentDirectory($3); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->RemoveDbInstrument($3); } ; get_instruction : AVAILABLE_ENGINES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAvailableEngines(); } | AVAILABLE_MIDI_INPUT_DRIVERS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAvailableMidiInputDrivers(); } | MIDI_INPUT_DRIVER SP INFO SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDriverInfo($5); } | MIDI_INPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER SP INFO SP string SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDriverParameterInfo($5, $7); } | MIDI_INPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER SP INFO SP string SP string SP key_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDriverParameterInfo($5, $7, $9); } | AVAILABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVERS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAvailableAudioOutputDrivers(); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVER SP INFO SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDriverInfo($5); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER SP INFO SP string SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDriverParameterInfo($5, $7); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER SP INFO SP string SP string SP key_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDriverParameterInfo($5, $7, $9); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDeviceCount(); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDeviceCount(); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE SP INFO SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDeviceInfo($5); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE SP INFO SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDeviceInfo($5); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT SP INFO SP number SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputPortInfo($5, $7); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT_PARAMETER SP INFO SP number SP number SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputPortParameterInfo($5, $7, $9); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL SP INFO SP number SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputChannelInfo($5, $7); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_PARAMETER SP INFO SP number SP number SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputChannelParameterInfo($5, $7, $9); } | CHANNELS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetChannels(); } | CHANNEL SP INFO SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetChannelInfo($5); } | CHANNEL SP BUFFER_FILL SP buffer_size_type SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetBufferFill($5, $7); } | CHANNEL SP STREAM_COUNT SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetStreamCount($5); } | CHANNEL SP VOICE_COUNT SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetVoiceCount($5); } | ENGINE SP INFO SP engine_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetEngineInfo($5); } | SERVER SP INFO { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetServerInfo(); } | TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetTotalVoiceCount(); } | TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT_MAX { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetTotalVoiceCountMax(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInstrumentMappings($3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP ALL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAllMidiInstrumentMappings(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT SP INFO SP midi_map SP midi_bank SP midi_prog { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInstrumentMapping($5,$7,$9); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAPS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInstrumentMaps(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP INFO SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInstrumentMap($5); } | FX_SENDS SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetFxSends($3); } | FX_SEND SP INFO SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetFxSendInfo($5,$7); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP RECURSIVE SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentDirectoryCount($5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentDirectoryCount($3, false); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP INFO SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentDirectoryInfo($5); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP RECURSIVE SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentCount($5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentCount($3, false); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP INFO SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentInfo($5); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS_JOB SP INFO SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentsJobInfo($5); } | VOLUME { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetGlobalVolume(); } ; set_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_PARAMETER SP number SP string '=' param_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputDeviceParameter($3, $5, $7); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_PARAMETER SP number SP number SP string '=' param_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputChannelParameter($3, $5, $7, $9); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_PARAMETER SP number SP string '=' param_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMidiInputDeviceParameter($3, $5, $7); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT_PARAMETER SP number SP number SP string '=' NONE { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMidiInputPortParameter($3, $5, $7, ""); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT_PARAMETER SP number SP number SP string '=' param_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMidiInputPortParameter($3, $5, $7, $9); } | CHANNEL SP set_chan_instruction { $$ = $3; } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP NAME SP midi_map SP map_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMidiInstrumentMapName($5, $7); } | FX_SEND SP NAME SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id SP fx_send_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetFxSendName($5,$7,$9); } | FX_SEND SP AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id SP audio_channel_index SP audio_channel_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetFxSendAudioOutputChannel($5,$7,$9,$11); } | FX_SEND SP MIDI_CONTROLLER SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id SP midi_ctrl { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetFxSendMidiController($5,$7,$9); } | FX_SEND SP LEVEL SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id SP volume_value { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetFxSendLevel($5,$7,$9); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP NAME SP db_path SP stringval_escaped { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetDbInstrumentDirectoryName($5,$7); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP DESCRIPTION SP db_path SP stringval_escaped { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetDbInstrumentDirectoryDescription($5,$7); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP NAME SP db_path SP stringval_escaped { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetDbInstrumentName($5,$7); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP DESCRIPTION SP db_path SP stringval_escaped { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetDbInstrumentDescription($5,$7); } | ECHO SP boolean { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetEcho((yyparse_param_t*) yyparse_param, $3); } | VOLUME SP volume_value { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetGlobalVolume($3); } ; create_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE SP string SP key_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateAudioOutputDevice($3,$5); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateAudioOutputDevice($3); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE SP string SP key_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateMidiInputDevice($3,$5); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE SP string { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateMidiInputDevice($3); } | FX_SEND SP sampler_channel SP midi_ctrl { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateFxSend($3,$5); } | FX_SEND SP sampler_channel SP midi_ctrl SP fx_send_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CreateFxSend($3,$5,$7); } ; reset_instruction : CHANNEL SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ResetChannel($3); } ; clear_instruction : MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ClearMidiInstrumentMappings($3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP ALL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ClearAllMidiInstrumentMappings(); } ; find_instruction : DB_INSTRUMENTS SP NON_RECURSIVE SP db_path SP query_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->FindDbInstruments($5,$7, false); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP db_path SP query_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->FindDbInstruments($3,$5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP NON_RECURSIVE SP db_path SP query_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->FindDbInstrumentDirectories($5,$7, false); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP db_path SP query_val_list { $$ = LSCPSERVER->FindDbInstrumentDirectories($3,$5, true); } ; move_instruction : DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP db_path SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->MoveDbInstrumentDirectory($3,$5); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP db_path SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->MoveDbInstrument($3,$5); } ; copy_instruction : DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY SP db_path SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CopyDbInstrumentDirectory($3,$5); } | DB_INSTRUMENT SP db_path SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->CopyDbInstrument($3,$5); } ; destroy_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->DestroyAudioOutputDevice($3); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE SP number { $$ = LSCPSERVER->DestroyMidiInputDevice($3); } | FX_SEND SP sampler_channel SP fx_send_id { $$ = LSCPSERVER->DestroyFxSend($3,$5); } ; load_instruction : INSTRUMENT SP load_instr_args { $$ = $3; } | ENGINE SP load_engine_args { $$ = $3; } ; set_chan_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE SP sampler_channel SP device_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputDevice($5, $3); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL SP sampler_channel SP audio_channel_index SP audio_channel_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputChannel($5, $7, $3); } | AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE SP sampler_channel SP audio_output_type_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetAudioOutputType($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT SP sampler_channel SP device_index SP midi_input_port_index SP midi_input_channel_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInput($5, $7, $9, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE SP sampler_channel SP device_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputDevice($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_PORT SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_port_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputPort($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_channel_index { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputChannel($5, $3); } | MIDI_INPUT_TYPE SP sampler_channel SP midi_input_type_name { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetMIDIInputType($5, $3); } | VOLUME SP sampler_channel SP volume_value { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetVolume($5, $3); } | MUTE SP sampler_channel SP boolean { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetChannelMute($5, $3); } | SOLO SP sampler_channel SP boolean { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetChannelSolo($5, $3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP sampler_channel SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetChannelMap($3, $5); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP sampler_channel SP NONE { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetChannelMap($3, -1); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP SP sampler_channel SP DEFAULT { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetChannelMap($3, -2); } ; edit_instruction : INSTRUMENT SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->EditSamplerChannelInstrument($3); } ; format_instruction : INSTRUMENTS_DB { $$ = LSCPSERVER->FormatInstrumentsDb(); } ; modal_arg : /* epsilon (empty argument) */ { $$ = true; } | NON_MODAL SP { $$ = false; } ; key_val_list : string '=' param_val_list { $$[$1] = $3; } | key_val_list SP string '=' param_val_list { $$ = $1; $$[$3] = $5; } ; buffer_size_type : BYTES { $$ = fill_response_bytes; } | PERCENTAGE { $$ = fill_response_percentage; } ; list_instruction : AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetAudioOutputDevices(); } | MIDI_INPUT_DEVICES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetMidiInputDevices(); } | CHANNELS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListChannels(); } | AVAILABLE_ENGINES { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListAvailableEngines(); } | AVAILABLE_MIDI_INPUT_DRIVERS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListAvailableMidiInputDrivers(); } | AVAILABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVERS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListAvailableAudioOutputDrivers(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP midi_map { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListMidiInstrumentMappings($3); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENTS SP ALL { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListAllMidiInstrumentMappings(); } | MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAPS { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListMidiInstrumentMaps(); } | FX_SENDS SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->ListFxSends($3); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP RECURSIVE SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentDirectories($5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstrumentDirectories($3); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP RECURSIVE SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstruments($5, true); } | DB_INSTRUMENTS SP db_path { $$ = LSCPSERVER->GetDbInstruments($3); } ; load_instr_args : filename SP instrument_index SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->LoadInstrument($1, $3, $5); } | NON_MODAL SP filename SP instrument_index SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->LoadInstrument($3, $5, $7, true); } ; load_engine_args : engine_name SP sampler_channel { $$ = LSCPSERVER->SetEngineType($1, $3); } ; instr_load_mode : ON_DEMAND { $$ = MidiInstrumentMapper::ON_DEMAND; } | ON_DEMAND_HOLD { $$ = MidiInstrumentMapper::ON_DEMAND_HOLD; } | PERSISTENT { $$ = MidiInstrumentMapper::PERSISTENT; } ; device_index : number ; audio_channel_index : number ; audio_output_type_name : string ; midi_input_port_index : number ; midi_input_channel_index : number | ALL { $$ = 16; } ; midi_input_type_name : string ; midi_map : number ; midi_bank : number ; midi_prog : number ; midi_ctrl : number ; volume_value : dotnum | number { $$ = $1; } ; sampler_channel : number ; instrument_index : number ; fx_send_id : number ; engine_name : string ; filename : path { $$ = $1.toPosix(); /*TODO: assuming POSIX*/ } ; db_path : path { $$ = $1.toDbPath(); } ; map_name : stringval_escaped ; entry_name : stringval_escaped ; fx_send_name : stringval_escaped ; param_val_list : param_val | param_val_list','param_val { $$ = $1 + "," + $3; } ; //TODO: the re-encapsulation into apostrophes for string and strinval here is a hack, since we need a way for __parse_strings() (DeviceParameters.cpp) to distinguish a comma separated list of strings and a string which contains commas. A clean solution would be to move those parser jobs over here to lscp.y param_val : string { $$ = "\'" + $1 + "\'"; } | stringval { $$ = "\'" + $1 + "\'"; } | number { std::stringstream ss; ss << "\'" << $1 << "\'"; $$ = ss.str(); } | dotnum { std::stringstream ss; ss << "\'" << $1 << "\'"; $$ = ss.str(); } ; query_val_list : string '=' query_val { $$[$1] = $3; } | query_val_list SP string '=' query_val { $$ = $1; $$[$3] = $5; } ; query_val : text_escaped | stringval_escaped ; scan_mode : RECURSIVE { $$ = "RECURSIVE"; } | NON_RECURSIVE { $$ = "NON_RECURSIVE"; } | FLAT { $$ = "FLAT"; } ; // GRAMMAR_BNF_END - do NOT delete or modify this line !!! // atomic variable symbol rules boolean : number { $$ = $1; } | string { $$ = -1; } ; dotnum : digits '.' digits { std::stringstream ss($1 + "." + $3); ss.imbue(std::locale::classic()); ss >> $$; } | '+' digits '.' digits { std::stringstream ss($2 + "." + $4); ss.imbue(std::locale::classic()); ss >> $$; } | '-' digits '.' digits { std::stringstream ss("-" + $2 + "." + $4); ss.imbue(std::locale::classic()); ss >> $$; } ; digits : digit { $$ = $1; } | digits digit { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; digit : '0' { $$ = '0'; } | '1' { $$ = '1'; } | '2' { $$ = '2'; } | '3' { $$ = '3'; } | '4' { $$ = '4'; } | '5' { $$ = '5'; } | '6' { $$ = '6'; } | '7' { $$ = '7'; } | '8' { $$ = '8'; } | '9' { $$ = '9'; } ; digit_oct : '0' { $$ = '0'; } | '1' { $$ = '1'; } | '2' { $$ = '2'; } | '3' { $$ = '3'; } | '4' { $$ = '4'; } | '5' { $$ = '5'; } | '6' { $$ = '6'; } | '7' { $$ = '7'; } ; digit_hex : '0' { $$ = '0'; } | '1' { $$ = '1'; } | '2' { $$ = '2'; } | '3' { $$ = '3'; } | '4' { $$ = '4'; } | '5' { $$ = '5'; } | '6' { $$ = '6'; } | '7' { $$ = '7'; } | '8' { $$ = '8'; } | '9' { $$ = '9'; } | 'a' { $$ = 'a'; } | 'b' { $$ = 'b'; } | 'c' { $$ = 'c'; } | 'd' { $$ = 'd'; } | 'e' { $$ = 'e'; } | 'f' { $$ = 'f'; } | 'A' { $$ = 'a'; } | 'B' { $$ = 'b'; } | 'C' { $$ = 'c'; } | 'D' { $$ = 'd'; } | 'E' { $$ = 'e'; } | 'F' { $$ = 'f'; } ; number : digit { $$ = atoi(String(1, $1).c_str()); } | '1' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("1") + $2).c_str()); } | '2' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("2") + $2).c_str()); } | '3' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("3") + $2).c_str()); } | '4' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("4") + $2).c_str()); } | '5' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("5") + $2).c_str()); } | '6' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("6") + $2).c_str()); } | '7' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("7") + $2).c_str()); } | '8' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("8") + $2).c_str()); } | '9' digits { $$ = atoi(String(String("9") + $2).c_str()); } ; path : '\'' path_base '\'' { $$ = $2; } | '\"' path_base '\"' { $$ = $2; } ; path_base : '/' { $$ = Path(); } | path_base '/' { $$ = $1; } | path_base text_escaped_base { Path p; p.appendNode($2); $$ = $1 + p; } ; stringval : '\'' text '\'' { $$ = $2; } | '\"' text '\"' { $$ = $2; } ; stringval_escaped : '\'' text_escaped '\'' { $$ = $2; } | '\"' text_escaped '\"' { $$ = $2; } ; text : SP { $$ = " "; } | string | text SP { $$ = $1 + " "; } | text string { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; // like text_escaped, but missing the slash ('/') character text_escaped_base : SP { $$ = " "; } | string_escaped | text_escaped_base SP { $$ = $1 + " "; } | text_escaped_base string_escaped { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; text_escaped : '/' { $$ = "/"; } | text_escaped_base | text_escaped '/' { $$ = $1 + "/"; } | text_escaped text_escaped_base { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; string : char { std::string s; s = $1; $$ = s; } | string char { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; string_escaped : char_base { std::string s; s = $1; $$ = s; } | escape_seq { std::string s; s = $1; $$ = s; } | string_escaped char_base { $$ = $1 + $2; } | string_escaped escape_seq { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; // full ASCII character set except space, quotation mark and apostrophe char : char_base | '\\' { $$ = '\\'; } | '/' { $$ = '/'; } ; // ASCII characters except space, quotation mark, apostrophe, backslash and slash char_base : 'A' { $$ = 'A'; } | 'B' { $$ = 'B'; } | 'C' { $$ = 'C'; } | 'D' { $$ = 'D'; } | 'E' { $$ = 'E'; } | 'F' { $$ = 'F'; } | 'G' { $$ = 'G'; } | 'H' { $$ = 'H'; } | 'I' { $$ = 'I'; } | 'J' { $$ = 'J'; } | 'K' { $$ = 'K'; } | 'L' { $$ = 'L'; } | 'M' { $$ = 'M'; } | 'N' { $$ = 'N'; } | 'O' { $$ = 'O'; } | 'P' { $$ = 'P'; } | 'Q' { $$ = 'Q'; } | 'R' { $$ = 'R'; } | 'S' { $$ = 'S'; } | 'T' { $$ = 'T'; } | 'U' { $$ = 'U'; } | 'V' { $$ = 'V'; } | 'W' { $$ = 'W'; } | 'X' { $$ = 'X'; } | 'Y' { $$ = 'Y'; } | 'Z' { $$ = 'Z'; } | 'a' { $$ = 'a'; } | 'b' { $$ = 'b'; } | 'c' { $$ = 'c'; } | 'd' { $$ = 'd'; } | 'e' { $$ = 'e'; } | 'f' { $$ = 'f'; } | 'g' { $$ = 'g'; } | 'h' { $$ = 'h'; } | 'i' { $$ = 'i'; } | 'j' { $$ = 'j'; } | 'k' { $$ = 'k'; } | 'l' { $$ = 'l'; } | 'm' { $$ = 'm'; } | 'n' { $$ = 'n'; } | 'o' { $$ = 'o'; } | 'p' { $$ = 'p'; } | 'q' { $$ = 'q'; } | 'r' { $$ = 'r'; } | 's' { $$ = 's'; } | 't' { $$ = 't'; } | 'u' { $$ = 'u'; } | 'v' { $$ = 'v'; } | 'w' { $$ = 'w'; } | 'x' { $$ = 'x'; } | 'y' { $$ = 'y'; } | 'z' { $$ = 'z'; } | '0' { $$ = '0'; } | '1' { $$ = '1'; } | '2' { $$ = '2'; } | '3' { $$ = '3'; } | '4' { $$ = '4'; } | '5' { $$ = '5'; } | '6' { $$ = '6'; } | '7' { $$ = '7'; } | '8' { $$ = '8'; } | '9' { $$ = '9'; } | '!' { $$ = '!'; } | '#' { $$ = '#'; } | '$' { $$ = '$'; } | '%' { $$ = '%'; } | '&' { $$ = '&'; } | '(' { $$ = '('; } | ')' { $$ = ')'; } | '*' { $$ = '*'; } | '+' { $$ = '+'; } | '-' { $$ = '-'; } | '.' { $$ = '.'; } | ',' { $$ = ','; } | ':' { $$ = ':'; } | ';' { $$ = ';'; } | '<' { $$ = '<'; } | '=' { $$ = '='; } | '>' { $$ = '>'; } | '?' { $$ = '?'; } | '@' { $$ = '@'; } | '[' { $$ = '['; } | ']' { $$ = ']'; } | '^' { $$ = '^'; } | '_' { $$ = '_'; } | '{' { $$ = '{'; } | '|' { $$ = '|'; } | '}' { $$ = '}'; } | '~' { $$ = '~'; } | EXT_ASCII_CHAR ; escape_seq : '\\' '\'' { $$ = '\''; } | '\\' '\"' { $$ = '\"'; } | '\\' '\\' { $$ = '\\'; } | '\\' '/' { $$ = '/'; } | '\\' 'n' { $$ = '\n'; } | '\\' 'r' { $$ = '\r'; } | '\\' 'f' { $$ = '\f'; } | '\\' 't' { $$ = '\t'; } | '\\' 'v' { $$ = '\v'; } | escape_seq_octal | escape_seq_hex ; escape_seq_octal : '\\' digit_oct { $$ = (char) octalsToNumber($2); } | '\\' digit_oct digit_oct { $$ = (char) octalsToNumber($3,$2); } | '\\' digit_oct digit_oct digit_oct { $$ = (char) octalsToNumber($4,$3,$2); } ; escape_seq_hex : '\\' 'x' digit_hex { $$ = (char) hexsToNumber($3); } | '\\' 'x' digit_hex digit_hex { $$ = (char) hexsToNumber($4,$3); } ; // rules which are more or less just terminal symbols SP : ' ' ; LF : '\n' ; CR : '\r' ; ADD : 'A''D''D' ; GET : 'G''E''T' ; MAP : 'M''A''P' ; UNMAP : 'U''N''M''A''P' ; CLEAR : 'C''L''E''A''R' ; FIND : 'F''I''N''D' ; MOVE : 'M''O''V''E' ; COPY : 'C''O''P''Y' ; CREATE : 'C''R''E''A''T''E' ; DESTROY : 'D''E''S''T''R''O''Y' ; LIST : 'L''I''S''T' ; LOAD : 'L''O''A''D' ; ALL : 'A''L''L' ; NONE : 'N''O''N''E' ; DEFAULT : 'D''E''F''A''U''L''T' ; NON_MODAL : 'N''O''N''_''M''O''D''A''L' ; REMOVE : 'R''E''M''O''V''E' ; SET : 'S''E''T' ; SUBSCRIBE : 'S''U''B''S''C''R''I''B''E' ; UNSUBSCRIBE : 'U''N''S''U''B''S''C''R''I''B''E' ; CHANNEL : 'C''H''A''N''N''E''L' ; AVAILABLE_ENGINES : 'A''V''A''I''L''A''B''L''E''_''E''N''G''I''N''E''S' ; AVAILABLE_AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVERS : 'A''V''A''I''L''A''B''L''E''_''A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R''S' ; CHANNELS : 'C''H''A''N''N''E''L''S' ; INFO : 'I''N''F''O' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_COUNT : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_INFO : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''I''N''F''O' ; MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_COUNT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''I''N''F''O' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_COUNT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''M''A''P''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP_INFO : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''M''A''P''_''I''N''F''O' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_INFO : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''I''N''F''O' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_COUNT : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''D''I''R''E''C''T''O''R''Y''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY_INFO : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''D''I''R''E''C''T''O''R''Y''_''I''N''F''O' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_COUNT : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_INFO : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''I''N''F''O' ; DB_INSTRUMENTS_JOB_INFO : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''S''_''J''O''B''_''I''N''F''O' ; CHANNEL_COUNT : 'C''H''A''N''N''E''L''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; CHANNEL_INFO : 'C''H''A''N''N''E''L''_''I''N''F''O' ; FX_SEND_COUNT : 'F''X''_''S''E''N''D''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; FX_SEND_INFO : 'F''X''_''S''E''N''D''_''I''N''F''O' ; BUFFER_FILL : 'B''U''F''F''E''R''_''F''I''L''L' ; STREAM_COUNT : 'S''T''R''E''A''M''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; VOICE_COUNT : 'V''O''I''C''E''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT : 'T''O''T''A''L''_''V''O''I''C''E''_''C''O''U''N''T' ; TOTAL_VOICE_COUNT_MAX: 'T''O''T''A''L''_''V''O''I''C''E''_''C''O''U''N''T''_''M''A''X' ; GLOBAL_INFO : 'G''L''O''B''A''L''_''I''N''F''O' ; INSTRUMENT : 'I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T' ; ENGINE : 'E' 'N' 'G' 'I' 'N' 'E' ; ON_DEMAND : 'O''N''_''D''E''M''A''N''D' ; ON_DEMAND_HOLD : 'O''N''_''D''E''M''A''N''D''_''H''O''L''D' ; PERSISTENT : 'P''E''R''S''I''S''T''E''N''T' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_PARAMETER : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICES : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''S' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_DRIVER : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_PARAMETER : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''C''H''A''N''N''E''L''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''C''H''A''N''N''E''L' ; AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE : 'A''U''D''I''O''_''O''U''T''P''U''T''_''T''Y''P''E' ; AVAILABLE_MIDI_INPUT_DRIVERS : 'A''V''A''I''L''A''B''L''E''_''M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R''S' ; MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE_PARAMETER : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; MIDI_INPUT_PORT_PARAMETER : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''P''O''R''T''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; MIDI_INPUT_DEVICES : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E''S' ; MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''E''V''I''C''E' ; MIDI_INPUT_DRIVER_PARAMETER : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R''_''P''A''R''A''M''E''T''E''R' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENTS : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''S' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''M''A''P' ; MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAPS : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''M''A''P''S' ; MIDI_INPUT_DRIVER : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''D''R''I''V''E''R' ; MIDI_INPUT_PORT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''P''O''R''T' ; MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''C''H''A''N''N''E''L' ; MIDI_INPUT_TYPE : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T''_''T''Y''P''E' ; MIDI_INPUT : 'M''I''D''I''_''I''N''P''U''T' ; MIDI_CONTROLLER : 'M''I''D''I''_''C''O''N''T''R''O''L''L''E''R' ; FX_SEND : 'F''X''_''S''E''N''D' ; FX_SENDS : 'F''X''_''S''E''N''D''S' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORY : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''D''I''R''E''C''T''O''R''Y' ; DB_INSTRUMENT_DIRECTORIES : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''_''D''I''R''E''C''T''O''R''I''E''S' ; DB_INSTRUMENTS : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''S' ; DB_INSTRUMENT : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T' ; DB_INSTRUMENTS_JOB : 'D''B''_''I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''S''_''J''O''B' ; INSTRUMENTS_DB : 'I''N''S''T''R''U''M''E''N''T''S''_''D''B' ; DESCRIPTION : 'D''E''S''C''R''I''P''T''I''O''N' ; FORCE : 'F''O''R''C''E' ; FLAT : 'F''L''A''T' ; RECURSIVE : 'R''E''C''U''R''S''I''V''E' ; NON_RECURSIVE : 'N''O''N''_''R''E''C''U''R''S''I''V''E' ; SERVER : 'S''E''R''V''E''R' ; VOLUME : 'V''O''L''U''M''E' ; LEVEL : 'L''E''V''E''L' ; MUTE : 'M''U''T''E' ; SOLO : 'S''O''L''O' ; BYTES : 'B''Y''T''E''S' ; PERCENTAGE : 'P''E''R''C''E''N''T''A''G''E' ; EDIT : 'E''D''I''T' ; FORMAT : 'F''O''R''M''A''T' ; RESET : 'R''E''S''E''T' ; MISCELLANEOUS : 'M''I''S''C''E''L''L''A''N''E''O''U''S' ; NAME : 'N''A''M''E' ; ECHO : 'E''C''H''O' ; QUIT : 'Q''U''I''T' ; %% /** * Will be called when an error occured (usually syntax error). */ void yyerror(const char* s) { yyparse_param_t* param = GetCurrentYaccSession(); String msg = s + (" (line:" + ToString(param->iLine+1)) + ( ",column:" + ToString(param->iColumn)) + ")"; dmsg(2,("LSCPParser: %s\n", msg.c_str())); sLastError = msg; } /** * Clears input buffer. */ void restart(yyparse_param_t* pparam, int& yychar) { bytes = 0; ptr = 0; sLastError = ""; }