/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "CoreVMFunctions.h" #include #include // for std::sort() #include #include #include "tree.h" #include "ScriptVM.h" namespace LinuxSampler { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class VMEmptyResultFunction VMFnResult* VMEmptyResultFunction::errorResult() { result.flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); return &result; } VMFnResult* VMEmptyResultFunction::successResult() { result.flags = STMT_SUCCESS; return &result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class VMIntResultFunction VMFnResult* VMIntResultFunction::errorResult(int i) { result.flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); result.value = i; return &result; } VMFnResult* VMIntResultFunction::successResult(int i) { result.flags = STMT_SUCCESS; result.value = i; return &result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class VMStringResultFunction VMFnResult* VMStringResultFunction::errorResult(const String& s) { result.flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); result.value = s; return &result; } VMFnResult* VMStringResultFunction::successResult(const String& s) { result.flags = STMT_SUCCESS; result.value = s; return &result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: message() bool CoreVMFunction_message::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_EXPR || type == STRING_EXPR; } VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_message::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { if (!args->argsCount()) return errorResult(); VMStringExpr* strExpr = dynamic_cast(args->arg(0)); if (strExpr) { std::cout << "[ScriptVM] " << strExpr->evalStr() << "\n"; return successResult(); } VMIntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(args->arg(0)); if (intExpr) { std::cout << "[ScriptVM] " << intExpr->evalInt() << "\n"; return successResult(); } return errorResult(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: exit() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_exit::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { this->result.flags = STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED; return &result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: wait() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_wait::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { ExecContext* ctx = dynamic_cast(vm->currentVMExecContext()); VMIntExpr* expr = dynamic_cast(args->arg(0)); int us = expr->evalInt(); if (us < 0) { wrnMsg("wait(): argument may not be negative! Aborting script!"); this->result.flags = STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED; } else if (us == 0) { wrnMsg("wait(): argument may not be zero! Aborting script!"); this->result.flags = STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED; } else { ctx->suspendMicroseconds = us; this->result.flags = STMT_SUSPEND_SIGNALLED; } return &result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: abs() bool CoreVMFunction_abs::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_abs::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return successResult( ::abs(args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt()) ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: random() bool CoreVMFunction_random::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_random::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int iMin = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int iMax = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); float f = float(::rand()) / float(RAND_MAX); return successResult( iMin + roundf( f * float(iMax - iMin) ) ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: num_elements() bool CoreVMFunction_num_elements::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { return type == INT_ARR_EXPR; } VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_num_elements::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { return successResult( args->arg(0)->asIntArray()->arraySize() ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: inc() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_inc::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { VMExpr* arg = args->arg(0); VMIntExpr* in = dynamic_cast(arg); VMVariable* out = dynamic_cast(arg); if (!in || !out) successResult(0); int i = in->evalInt() + 1; IntLiteral tmp(i); out->assignExpr(&tmp); return successResult(i); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: dec() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_dec::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { VMExpr* arg = args->arg(0); VMIntExpr* in = dynamic_cast(arg); VMVariable* out = dynamic_cast(arg); if (!in || !out) successResult(0); int i = in->evalInt() - 1; IntLiteral tmp(i); out->assignExpr(&tmp); return successResult(i); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: in_range() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_in_range::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int i = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int lo = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); int hi = args->arg(2)->asInt()->evalInt(); if (lo > hi) { // swap lo and hi int tmp = lo; lo = hi; hi = tmp; } return successResult(i >= lo && i <= hi); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: sh_left() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_sh_left::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int i = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int n = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); return successResult(i << n); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: sh_right() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_sh_right::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int i = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int n = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); return successResult(i >> n); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: min() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_min::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int l = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int r = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); return successResult(l < r ? l : r); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: max() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_max::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { int l = args->arg(0)->asInt()->evalInt(); int r = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); return successResult(l > r ? l : r); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: array_equal() VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_array_equal::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { VMIntArrayExpr* l = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); VMIntArrayExpr* r = args->arg(1)->asIntArray(); if (l->arraySize() != r->arraySize()) { wrnMsg("array_equal(): the two arrays differ in size"); return successResult(0); // false } const int n = l->arraySize(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (l->evalIntElement(i) != r->evalIntElement(i)) return successResult(0); // false return successResult(1); // true } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: search() ExprType_t CoreVMFunction_search::argType(int iArg) const { return (iArg == 0) ? INT_ARR_EXPR : INT_EXPR; } bool CoreVMFunction_search::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_search::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { VMIntArrayExpr* a = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); const int needle = args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); const int n = a->arraySize(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (a->evalIntElement(i) == needle) return successResult(i); return successResult(-1); // not found } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // built-in script function: sort() ExprType_t CoreVMFunction_sort::argType(int iArg) const { return (iArg == 0) ? INT_ARR_EXPR : INT_EXPR; } bool CoreVMFunction_sort::acceptsArgType(int iArg, ExprType_t type) const { if (iArg == 0) return type == INT_ARR_EXPR; else return type == INT_EXPR; } struct ArrElemPOD { VMIntArrayExpr* m_array; int m_index; }; static inline void swap(class ArrElemRef& a, class ArrElemRef& b); class ArrElemRef : protected ArrElemPOD { public: ArrElemRef() { m_array = NULL; m_index = 0; } ArrElemRef(VMIntArrayExpr* a, int index) { m_array = a; m_index = index; } inline ArrElemRef& operator=(const ArrElemRef& e) { setValue(e.getValue()); return *this; } inline ArrElemRef& operator=(int val) { setValue(val); return *this; } inline bool operator==(const ArrElemRef& e) const { if (m_index == e.m_index) return true; return getValue() == e.getValue(); } inline bool operator==(int val) const { return getValue() == val; } inline bool operator!=(const ArrElemRef& e) const { return !(operator==(e)); } inline bool operator!=(int val) const { return !(operator==(val)); } inline bool operator<(const ArrElemRef& e) const { if (m_index == e.m_index) return false; return getValue() < e.getValue(); } inline bool operator<(int val) const { return getValue() < val; } inline bool operator>(const ArrElemRef& e) const { if (m_index == e.m_index) return false; return getValue() > e.getValue(); } inline bool operator>(int val) const { return getValue() > val; } inline bool operator<=(const ArrElemRef& e) const { if (m_index == e.m_index) return true; return getValue() <= e.getValue(); } inline bool operator<=(int val) const { return getValue() <= val; } inline bool operator>=(const ArrElemRef& e) const { if (m_index == e.m_index) return true; return getValue() >= e.getValue(); } inline bool operator>=(int val) const { return getValue() >= val; } inline operator int() const { return getValue(); } protected: inline int getValue() const { return m_array->evalIntElement(m_index); } inline void setValue(int value) { m_array->assignIntElement(m_index, value); } friend void swap(class ArrElemRef& a, class ArrElemRef& b); }; class ArrElemPtr : protected ArrElemPOD { public: ArrElemPtr() { m_array = NULL; m_index = 0; } ArrElemPtr(VMIntArrayExpr* a, int index) { m_array = a; m_index = index; } inline ArrElemRef operator*() { return *(ArrElemRef*)this; } }; static inline void swap(ArrElemRef& a, ArrElemRef& b) { int valueA = a.getValue(); int valueB = b.getValue(); a.setValue(valueB); b.setValue(valueA); } class ArrExprIter : public ArrElemPOD { public: typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int value_type; typedef ssize_t difference_type; typedef ArrElemPtr pointer; typedef ArrElemRef reference; ArrExprIter(VMIntArrayExpr* a, int index) { m_array = a; m_index = index; } inline ArrElemRef operator*() { return *(ArrElemRef*)this; } inline ArrExprIter& operator++() { // prefix increment ++m_index; return *this; } inline ArrExprIter& operator--() { // prefix decrement --m_index; return *this; } inline ArrExprIter operator++(int) { // postfix increment ArrExprIter it = *this; ++m_index; return it; } inline ArrExprIter operator--(int) { // postfix decrement ArrExprIter it = *this; --m_index; return it; } inline bool operator==(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index == other.m_index; } inline bool operator!=(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index != other.m_index; } inline bool operator<(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index < other.m_index; } inline bool operator>(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index > other.m_index; } inline bool operator<=(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index <= other.m_index; } inline bool operator>=(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index >= other.m_index; } inline difference_type operator+(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index + other.m_index; } inline difference_type operator-(const ArrExprIter& other) const { return m_index - other.m_index; } inline ArrExprIter operator-(difference_type d) const { return ArrExprIter(m_array, m_index - d); } inline ArrExprIter operator+(difference_type d) const { return ArrExprIter(m_array, m_index + d); } inline ArrExprIter operator*(difference_type factor) const { return ArrExprIter(m_array, m_index * factor); } }; struct DescArrExprSorter { inline bool operator()(const int& a, const int& b) const { return a > b; } }; VMFnResult* CoreVMFunction_sort::exec(VMFnArgs* args) { VMIntArrayExpr* a = args->arg(0)->asIntArray(); bool bAscending = (args->argsCount() < 2) ? true : !args->arg(1)->asInt()->evalInt(); int n = a->arraySize(); ArrExprIter itBegin(a, 0); ArrExprIter itEnd(a, n); if (bAscending) { std::sort(itBegin, itEnd); } else { DescArrExprSorter sorter; std::sort(itBegin, itEnd, sorter); } return successResult(); } } // namespace LinuxSampler