/* * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "ScriptVM.h" #include #include #include "../common/global_private.h" #include "tree.h" #include "CoreVMFunctions.h" #include "CoreVMDynVars.h" #include "editor/NkspScanner.h" #define DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE 0 /** * Maximum amount of VM instructions to be executed per ScriptVM::exec() call * in case loops are involved, before the script got automatically suspended * for a certain amount of time to avoid any RT instability issues. * * The following value takes a max. execution time of 300 microseconds as aimed * target, assuming an execution time of approximately 5 microseconds per * instruction this leads to the very approximate value set below. */ #define SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_SOFT 70 /** * Absolute maximum amount of VM instructions to be executed per * ScriptVM::exec() call (even if no loops are involved), before the script got * automatically suspended for a certain amount of time to avoid any RT * instability issues. * * A distinction between "soft" and "hard" limit is done here ATM because a * script author typically expects that his script might be interrupted * automatically if he is using while() loops, however he might not be * prepared that his script might also be interrupted if no loop is involved * (i.e. on very large scripts). * * The following value takes a max. execution time of 1000 microseconds as * aimed target, assuming an execution time of approximately 5 microseconds per * instruction this leads to the very approximate value set below. */ #define SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_HARD 210 /** * In case either SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_SOFT or * SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_HARD was exceeded when calling * ScriptVM::exec() : the amount of microseconds the respective script * execution instance should be automatically suspended by the VM. */ #define SCRIPT_VM_FORCE_SUSPENSION_MICROSECONDS 1000 int InstrScript_parse(LinuxSampler::ParserContext*); namespace LinuxSampler { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE static void _printIndents(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf(" "); fflush(stdout); } #endif static int _requiredMaxStackSizeFor(Statement* statement, int depth = 0) { if (!statement) return 1; switch (statement->statementType()) { case STMT_LEAF: #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(depth); printf("-> STMT_LEAF\n"); #endif return 1; case STMT_LIST: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(depth); printf("-> STMT_LIST\n"); #endif Statements* stmts = (Statements*) statement; int max = 0; for (int i = 0; stmts->statement(i); ++i) { int size = _requiredMaxStackSizeFor( stmts->statement(i), depth+1 ); if (max < size) max = size; } return max + 1; } case STMT_BRANCH: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(depth); printf("-> STMT_BRANCH\n"); #endif BranchStatement* branchStmt = (BranchStatement*) statement; int max = 0; for (int i = 0; branchStmt->branch(i); ++i) { int size = _requiredMaxStackSizeFor( branchStmt->branch(i), depth+1 ); if (max < size) max = size; } return max + 1; } case STMT_LOOP: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(depth); printf("-> STMT_LOOP\n"); #endif While* whileStmt = (While*) statement; if (whileStmt->statements()) return _requiredMaxStackSizeFor( whileStmt->statements() ) + 1; else return 1; } } return 1; // actually just to avoid compiler warning } static int _requiredMaxStackSizeFor(EventHandlers* handlers) { int max = 1; for (int i = 0; i < handlers->size(); ++i) { int size = _requiredMaxStackSizeFor(handlers->eventHandler(i)); if (max < size) max = size; } return max; } ScriptVM::ScriptVM() : m_eventHandler(NULL), m_parserContext(NULL), m_autoSuspend(true) { m_fnMessage = new CoreVMFunction_message; m_fnExit = new CoreVMFunction_exit; m_fnWait = new CoreVMFunction_wait(this); m_fnAbs = new CoreVMFunction_abs; m_fnRandom = new CoreVMFunction_random; m_fnNumElements = new CoreVMFunction_num_elements; m_fnInc = new CoreVMFunction_inc; m_fnDec = new CoreVMFunction_dec; m_varRealTimer = new CoreVMDynVar_NKSP_REAL_TIMER; m_varPerfTimer = new CoreVMDynVar_NKSP_PERF_TIMER; m_fnShLeft = new CoreVMFunction_sh_left; m_fnShRight = new CoreVMFunction_sh_right; m_fnMin = new CoreVMFunction_min; m_fnMax = new CoreVMFunction_max; } ScriptVM::~ScriptVM() { delete m_fnMessage; delete m_fnExit; delete m_fnWait; delete m_fnAbs; delete m_fnRandom; delete m_fnNumElements; delete m_fnInc; delete m_fnDec; delete m_fnShLeft; delete m_fnShRight; delete m_fnMin; delete m_fnMax; delete m_varRealTimer; delete m_varPerfTimer; } VMParserContext* ScriptVM::loadScript(const String& s) { std::istringstream iss(s); return loadScript(&iss); } VMParserContext* ScriptVM::loadScript(std::istream* is) { ParserContext* context = new ParserContext(this); //printf("parserCtx=0x%lx\n", (uint64_t)context); context->registerBuiltInConstIntVariables( builtInConstIntVariables() ); context->registerBuiltInIntVariables( builtInIntVariables() ); context->registerBuiltInIntArrayVariables( builtInIntArrayVariables() ); context->registerBuiltInDynVariables( builtInDynamicVariables() ); context->createScanner(is); InstrScript_parse(context); dmsg(2,("Allocating %ld bytes of global int VM memory.\n", long(context->globalIntVarCount * sizeof(int)))); dmsg(2,("Allocating %d of global VM string variables.\n", context->globalStrVarCount)); if (!context->globalIntMemory) context->globalIntMemory = new ArrayList(); if (!context->globalStrMemory) context->globalStrMemory = new ArrayList(); context->globalIntMemory->resize(context->globalIntVarCount); memset(&((*context->globalIntMemory)[0]), 0, context->globalIntVarCount * sizeof(int)); context->globalStrMemory->resize(context->globalStrVarCount); context->destroyScanner(); return context; } void ScriptVM::dumpParsedScript(VMParserContext* context) { ParserContext* ctx = dynamic_cast(context); if (!ctx) { std::cerr << "No VM context. So nothing to dump.\n"; return; } if (!ctx->handlers) { std::cerr << "No event handlers defined in script. So nothing to dump.\n"; return; } if (!ctx->globalIntMemory) { std::cerr << "Internal error: no global memory assigend to script VM.\n"; return; } ctx->handlers->dump(); } VMExecContext* ScriptVM::createExecContext(VMParserContext* parserContext) { ParserContext* parserCtx = dynamic_cast(parserContext); ExecContext* execCtx = new ExecContext(); if (parserCtx->requiredMaxStackSize < 0) { parserCtx->requiredMaxStackSize = _requiredMaxStackSizeFor(&*parserCtx->handlers); } execCtx->stack.resize(parserCtx->requiredMaxStackSize); dmsg(2,("Created VM exec context with %ld bytes VM stack size.\n", long(parserCtx->requiredMaxStackSize * sizeof(ExecContext::StackFrame)))); //printf("execCtx=0x%lx\n", (uint64_t)execCtx); const int polySize = parserCtx->polyphonicIntVarCount; execCtx->polyphonicIntMemory.resize(polySize); memset(&execCtx->polyphonicIntMemory[0], 0, polySize * sizeof(int)); dmsg(2,("Allocated %ld bytes polyphonic memory.\n", long(polySize * sizeof(int)))); return execCtx; } std::vector ScriptVM::syntaxHighlighting(const String& s) { std::istringstream iss(s); return syntaxHighlighting(&iss); } std::vector ScriptVM::syntaxHighlighting(std::istream* is) { NkspScanner scanner(is); std::vector tokens = scanner.tokens(); std::vector result; result.resize(tokens.size()); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { SourceToken* st = new SourceToken; *st = tokens[i]; result[i] = VMSourceToken(st); } return result; } VMFunction* ScriptVM::functionByName(const String& name) { if (name == "message") return m_fnMessage; else if (name == "exit") return m_fnExit; else if (name == "wait") return m_fnWait; else if (name == "abs") return m_fnAbs; else if (name == "random") return m_fnRandom; else if (name == "num_elements") return m_fnNumElements; else if (name == "inc") return m_fnInc; else if (name == "dec") return m_fnDec; else if (name == "sh_left") return m_fnShLeft; else if (name == "sh_right") return m_fnShRight; else if (name == "min") return m_fnMin; else if (name == "max") return m_fnMax; return NULL; } std::map ScriptVM::builtInIntVariables() { return std::map(); } std::map ScriptVM::builtInIntArrayVariables() { return std::map(); } std::map ScriptVM::builtInDynamicVariables() { std::map m; m["$NKSP_PERF_TIMER"] = m_varPerfTimer; m["$NKSP_REAL_TIMER"] = m_varRealTimer; m["$KSP_TIMER"] = m_varRealTimer; return m; } std::map ScriptVM::builtInConstIntVariables() { std::map m; m["$NI_CB_TYPE_INIT"] = VM_EVENT_HANDLER_INIT; m["$NI_CB_TYPE_NOTE"] = VM_EVENT_HANDLER_NOTE; m["$NI_CB_TYPE_RELEASE"] = VM_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASE; m["$NI_CB_TYPE_CONTROLLER"] = VM_EVENT_HANDLER_CONTROLLER; return m; } VMEventHandler* ScriptVM::currentVMEventHandler() { return m_eventHandler; } VMParserContext* ScriptVM::currentVMParserContext() { return m_parserContext; } VMExecContext* ScriptVM::currentVMExecContext() { if (!m_parserContext) return NULL; return m_parserContext->execContext; } void ScriptVM::setAutoSuspendEnabled(bool b) { m_autoSuspend = b; } bool ScriptVM::isAutoSuspendEnabled() const { return m_autoSuspend; } VMExecStatus_t ScriptVM::exec(VMParserContext* parserContext, VMExecContext* execContex, VMEventHandler* handler) { m_parserContext = dynamic_cast(parserContext); if (!m_parserContext) { std::cerr << "No VM parser context provided. Did you load a script?.\n"; return VMExecStatus_t(VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING | VM_EXEC_ERROR); } // a ParserContext object is always tied to exactly one ScriptVM object assert(m_parserContext->functionProvider == this); ExecContext* ctx = dynamic_cast(execContex); if (!ctx) { std::cerr << "Invalid VM exec context.\n"; return VMExecStatus_t(VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING | VM_EXEC_ERROR); } EventHandler* h = dynamic_cast(handler); if (!h) return VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING; m_eventHandler = handler; m_parserContext->execContext = ctx; ctx->status = VM_EXEC_RUNNING; StmtFlags_t flags = STMT_SUCCESS; int instructionsCounter = 0; int& frameIdx = ctx->stackFrame; if (frameIdx < 0) { // start condition ... frameIdx = -1; ctx->pushStack(h); } while (flags == STMT_SUCCESS && frameIdx >= 0) { if (frameIdx >= ctx->stack.size()) { // should never happen, otherwise it's a bug ... std::cerr << "CRITICAL: VM stack overflow! (" << frameIdx << ")\n"; flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); break; } ExecContext::StackFrame& frame = ctx->stack[frameIdx]; switch (frame.statement->statementType()) { case STMT_LEAF: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(frameIdx); printf("-> STMT_LEAF\n"); #endif LeafStatement* leaf = (LeafStatement*) frame.statement; flags = leaf->exec(); ctx->popStack(); break; } case STMT_LIST: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(frameIdx); printf("-> STMT_LIST subidx=%d\n", frame.subindex); #endif Statements* stmts = (Statements*) frame.statement; if (stmts->statement(frame.subindex)) { ctx->pushStack( stmts->statement(frame.subindex++) ); } else { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(frameIdx); printf("[END OF LIST] subidx=%d\n", frame.subindex); #endif ctx->popStack(); } break; } case STMT_BRANCH: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(frameIdx); printf("-> STMT_BRANCH\n"); #endif if (frame.subindex < 0) ctx->popStack(); else { BranchStatement* branchStmt = (BranchStatement*) frame.statement; frame.subindex = branchStmt->evalBranch(); if (frame.subindex >= 0) { ctx->pushStack( branchStmt->branch(frame.subindex) ); frame.subindex = -1; } else ctx->popStack(); } break; } case STMT_LOOP: { #if DEBUG_SCRIPTVM_CORE _printIndents(frameIdx); printf("-> STMT_LOOP\n"); #endif While* whileStmt = (While*) frame.statement; if (whileStmt->evalLoopStartCondition() && whileStmt->statements()) { ctx->pushStack( whileStmt->statements() ); if (flags == STMT_SUCCESS && m_autoSuspend && instructionsCounter > SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_SOFT) { flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_SUSPEND_SIGNALLED); ctx->suspendMicroseconds = SCRIPT_VM_FORCE_SUSPENSION_MICROSECONDS; } } else ctx->popStack(); break; } } if (flags == STMT_SUCCESS && m_autoSuspend && instructionsCounter > SCRIPTVM_MAX_INSTR_PER_CYCLE_HARD) { flags = StmtFlags_t(STMT_SUSPEND_SIGNALLED); ctx->suspendMicroseconds = SCRIPT_VM_FORCE_SUSPENSION_MICROSECONDS; } ++instructionsCounter; } if (flags & STMT_SUSPEND_SIGNALLED) { ctx->status = VM_EXEC_SUSPENDED; } else { ctx->status = VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING; if (flags & STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED) ctx->status = VM_EXEC_ERROR; ctx->reset(); } m_eventHandler = NULL; m_parserContext->execContext = NULL; m_parserContext = NULL; return ctx->status; } } // namespace LinuxSampler