/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Christian Schoenebeck and Andreas Persson * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ /* Parser for NKSP real-time instrument script language. */ %{ #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #include "parser_shared.h" #include #include using namespace LinuxSampler; void InstrScript_error(YYLTYPE* locp, LinuxSampler::ParserContext* context, const char* err); void InstrScript_warning(YYLTYPE* locp, LinuxSampler::ParserContext* context, const char* txt); int InstrScript_tnamerr(char* yyres, const char* yystr); int InstrScript_lex(YYSTYPE* lvalp, YYLTYPE* llocp, void* scanner); #define scanner context->scanner #define PARSE_ERR(loc,txt) yyerror(&loc, context, txt) #define PARSE_WRN(loc,txt) InstrScript_warning(&loc, context, txt) #define PARSE_DROP(loc) context->addPreprocessorComment(loc.first_line, loc.last_line, loc.first_column+1, loc.last_column+1); #define yytnamerr(res,str) InstrScript_tnamerr(res, str) %} // generate reentrant safe parser %pure-parser %parse-param { LinuxSampler::ParserContext* context } %lex-param { void* scanner } // avoid symbol collision with other (i.e. future) auto generated (f)lex scanners // (NOTE: "=" is deprecated here with Bison 3.x, however removing it would cause an error with Bison 2.x) %name-prefix="InstrScript_" %locations %defines %error-verbose %token INTEGER "integer literal" %token REAL "real number literal" %token INTEGER_UNIT "integer literal with unit" %token REAL_UNIT "real number literal with unit" %token STRING "string literal" %token IDENTIFIER "function name" %token VARIABLE "variable name" %token ON "keyword 'on'" %token END "keyword 'end'" %token INIT "keyword 'init'" %token NOTE "keyword 'note'" %token RELEASE "keyword 'release'" %token CONTROLLER "keyword 'controller'" %token DECLARE "keyword 'declare'" %token ASSIGNMENT "operator ':='" %token CONST_ "keyword 'const'" %token POLYPHONIC "keyword 'polyphonic'" %token WHILE "keyword 'while'" %token SYNCHRONIZED "keyword 'synchronized'" %token IF "keyword 'if'" %token ELSE "keyword 'else'" %token SELECT "keyword 'select'" %token CASE "keyword 'case'" %token TO "keyword 'to'" %token OR "operator 'or'" %token AND "operator 'and'" %token NOT "operator 'not'" %token BITWISE_OR "bitwise operator '.or.'" %token BITWISE_AND "bitwise operator '.and.'" %token BITWISE_NOT "bitwise operator '.not.'" %token FUNCTION "keyword 'function'" %token CALL "keyword 'call'" %token MOD "operator 'mod'" %token LE "operator '<='" %token GE "operator '>='" %token END_OF_FILE 0 "end of file" %token UNKNOWN_CHAR "unknown character" %type script sections %type section eventhandler %type statements opt_statements userfunctioncall %type statement assignment %type functioncall %type args %type arg expr logical_or_expr logical_and_expr bitwise_or_expr bitwise_and_expr rel_expr add_expr mul_expr unary_expr concat_expr %type caseclause %type caseclauses %start script %% script: sections { $$ = context->handlers = $1; } sections: section { $$ = new EventHandlers(); if ($1) $$->add($1); } | sections section { $$ = $1; if ($2) $$->add($2); } section: function_declaration { $$ = EventHandlerRef(); } | eventhandler { $$ = $1; } eventhandler: ON NOTE opt_statements END ON { if (context->onNote) PARSE_ERR(@2, "Redeclaration of 'note' event handler."); context->onNote = new OnNote($3); $$ = context->onNote; } | ON INIT opt_statements END ON { if (context->onInit) PARSE_ERR(@2, "Redeclaration of 'init' event handler."); context->onInit = new OnInit($3); $$ = context->onInit; } | ON RELEASE opt_statements END ON { if (context->onRelease) PARSE_ERR(@2, "Redeclaration of 'release' event handler."); context->onRelease = new OnRelease($3); $$ = context->onRelease; } | ON CONTROLLER opt_statements END ON { if (context->onController) PARSE_ERR(@2, "Redeclaration of 'controller' event handler."); context->onController = new OnController($3); $$ = context->onController; } function_declaration: FUNCTION IDENTIFIER opt_statements END FUNCTION { const char* name = $2; if (context->functionProvider->functionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("There is already a built-in function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else if (context->userFunctionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("There is already a user defined function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else { context->userFnTable[name] = $3; } } opt_statements: /* epsilon (empty argument) */ { $$ = new Statements(); } | statements { $$ = $1; } statements: statement { $$ = new Statements(); if ($1) { if (!isNoOperation($1)) $$->add($1); // filter out NoOperation statements } else PARSE_WRN(@1, "Not a statement."); } | statements statement { $$ = $1; if ($2) { if (!isNoOperation($2)) $$->add($2); // filter out NoOperation statements } else PARSE_WRN(@2, "Not a statement."); } statement: functioncall { $$ = $1; } | userfunctioncall { $$ = $1; } | DECLARE VARIABLE { const char* name = $2; //printf("declared var '%s'\n", name); if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else if (name[0] == '@') { context->vartable[name] = new StringVariable(context); } else if (name[0] == '~') { context->vartable[name] = new RealVariable({ .ctx = context }); } else if (name[0] == '$') { context->vartable[name] = new IntVariable({ .ctx = context }); } else if (name[0] == '?') { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Real number array variable '") + name + "' declaration requires array size.").c_str()); } else if (name[0] == '%') { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Integer array variable '") + name + "' declaration requires array size.").c_str()); } else { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared with unknown type.").c_str()); } $$ = new NoOperation; } | DECLARE POLYPHONIC VARIABLE { const char* name = $3; //printf("declared polyphonic var '%s'\n", name); if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else if (name[0] != '$' && name[0] != '~') { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Polyphonic variables must only be declared either as integer or real number type."); } else if (name[0] == '~') { context->vartable[name] = new PolyphonicRealVariable({ .ctx = context }); } else { context->vartable[name] = new PolyphonicIntVariable({ .ctx = context }); } $$ = new NoOperation; } | DECLARE VARIABLE ASSIGNMENT expr { const char* name = $2; //printf("declared assign var '%s'\n", name); const ExprType_t declType = exprTypeOfVarName(name); if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new NoOperation; } else if ($4->exprType() == STRING_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '@') PARSE_WRN(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", string expression assigned though.").c_str()); StringExprRef expr = $4; if (expr->isConstExpr()) { const String s = expr->evalStr(); StringVariableRef var = new StringVariable(context); context->vartable[name] = var; $$ = new Assignment(var, new StringLiteral(s)); } else { StringVariableRef var = new StringVariable(context); context->vartable[name] = var; $$ = new Assignment(var, expr); } } else if ($4->exprType() == REAL_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '~') PARSE_WRN(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", real number expression assigned though.").c_str()); RealExprRef expr = $4; RealVariableRef var = new RealVariable({ .ctx = context, .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() }); if (expr->isConstExpr()) { $$ = new Assignment(var, new RealLiteral({ .value = expr->evalReal(), .unitFactor = expr->unitFactor(), .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() })); } else { $$ = new Assignment(var, expr); } context->vartable[name] = var; } else if ($4->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '$') PARSE_WRN(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", integer expression assigned though.").c_str()); IntExprRef expr = $4; IntVariableRef var = new IntVariable({ .ctx = context, .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() }); if (expr->isConstExpr()) { $$ = new Assignment(var, new IntLiteral({ .value = expr->evalInt(), .unitFactor = expr->unitFactor(), .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() })); } else { $$ = new Assignment(var, expr); } context->vartable[name] = var; } else if ($4->exprType() == EMPTY_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@4, "Expression does not result in a value."); $$ = new NoOperation; } else if (isArray($4->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as scalar type, array expression assigned though.").c_str()); $$ = new NoOperation; } } | DECLARE VARIABLE '[' expr ']' { //printf("declare array without args\n"); const char* name = $2; if (!$4->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' must be declared with constant array size.").c_str()); } else if ($4->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Size of array variable '") + name + "' declared with non integer expression.").c_str()); } else if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else { IntExprRef sizeExpr = $4; if (sizeExpr->unitType() || sizeExpr->hasUnitFactorNow()) { PARSE_ERR(@4, "Units are not allowed as array size."); } else { if (sizeExpr->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@4, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); vmint size = sizeExpr->evalInt(); if (size <= 0) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' declared with array size " + ToString(size) + ".").c_str()); } else { if (name[0] == '?') { context->vartable[name] = new RealArrayVariable(context, size); } else if (name[0] == '%') { context->vartable[name] = new IntArrayVariable(context, size); } else { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as unknown array type: use either '%' or '?' instead of '" + String(name).substr(0,1) + "'.").c_str()); } } } } $$ = new NoOperation; } | DECLARE VARIABLE '[' expr ']' ASSIGNMENT '(' args ')' { const char* name = $2; if (!$4->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' must be declared with constant array size.").c_str()); } else if ($4->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Size of array variable '") + name + "' declared with non integer expression.").c_str()); } else if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else { IntExprRef sizeExpr = $4; ArgsRef args = $8; vmint size = sizeExpr->evalInt(); if (size <= 0) { PARSE_ERR(@4, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' must be declared with positive array size.").c_str()); } else if (args->argsCount() > size) { PARSE_ERR(@8, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' was declared with size " + ToString(size) + " but " + ToString(args->argsCount()) + " values were assigned." ).c_str()); } else if (sizeExpr->unitType() || sizeExpr->hasUnitFactorNow()) { PARSE_ERR(@4, "Units are not allowed as array size."); } else { if (sizeExpr->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@4, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); ExprType_t declType = EMPTY_EXPR; if (name[0] == '%') { declType = INT_EXPR; } else if (name[0] == '?') { declType = REAL_EXPR; } else if (name[0] == '$') { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declaration ambiguous: Use '%' as name prefix for integer arrays instead of '$'.").c_str()); } else if (name[0] == '~') { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declaration ambiguous: Use '?' as name prefix for real number arrays instead of '~'.").c_str()); } else { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as unknown array type: use either '%' or '?' instead of '" + String(name).substr(0,1) + "'.").c_str()); } bool argsOK = true; if (declType == EMPTY_EXPR) { argsOK = false; } else { for (vmint i = 0; i < args->argsCount(); ++i) { if (args->arg(i)->exprType() != declType) { PARSE_ERR( @8, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " is not an " + typeStr(declType) + " expression.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } else if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR( @8, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " contains a unit type, only metric prefixes are allowed for arrays.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } else if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->isFinal()) { PARSE_ERR( @8, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " declared as 'final' value.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } } } if (argsOK) { if (declType == REAL_EXPR) context->vartable[name] = new RealArrayVariable(context, size, args); else context->vartable[name] = new IntArrayVariable(context, size, args); } } } $$ = new NoOperation; } | DECLARE CONST_ VARIABLE '[' expr ']' ASSIGNMENT '(' args ')' { const char* name = $3; if (!$5->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' must be declared with constant array size.").c_str()); } else if ($5->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Size of array variable '") + name + "' declared with non integer expression.").c_str()); } else if (context->variableByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Redeclaration of variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); } else { IntExprRef sizeExpr = $5; ArgsRef args = $9; vmint size = sizeExpr->evalInt(); if (size <= 0) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' must be declared with positive array size.").c_str()); } else if (args->argsCount() > size) { PARSE_ERR(@9, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' was declared with size " + ToString(size) + " but " + ToString(args->argsCount()) + " values were assigned." ).c_str()); } else if (sizeExpr->unitType() || sizeExpr->hasUnitFactorNow()) { PARSE_ERR(@5, "Units are not allowed as array size."); } else { if (sizeExpr->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@5, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); ExprType_t declType = EMPTY_EXPR; if (name[0] == '%') { declType = INT_EXPR; } else if (name[0] == '?') { declType = REAL_EXPR; } else if (name[0] == '$') { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declaration ambiguous: Use '%' as name prefix for integer arrays instead of '$'.").c_str()); } else if (name[0] == '~') { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declaration ambiguous: Use '?' as name prefix for real number arrays instead of '~'.").c_str()); } else { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as unknown array type: use either '%' or '?' instead of '" + String(name).substr(0,1) + "'.").c_str()); } bool argsOK = true; if (declType == EMPTY_EXPR) { argsOK = false; } else { for (vmint i = 0; i < args->argsCount(); ++i) { if (args->arg(i)->exprType() != declType) { PARSE_ERR( @9, (String("const array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " is not an " + typeStr(declType) + " expression.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } if (!args->arg(i)->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR( @9, (String("const array variable '") + name + "' must be defined with const values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " is not a const expression though.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } else if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR( @9, (String("const array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " contains a unit type, only metric prefixes are allowed for arrays.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } else if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->isFinal()) { PARSE_ERR( @9, (String("const array variable '") + name + "' declared with invalid assignment values. Assigned element " + ToString(i+1) + " declared as 'final' value.").c_str() ); argsOK = false; break; } } } if (argsOK) { if (declType == REAL_EXPR) context->vartable[name] = new RealArrayVariable(context, size, args, true); else context->vartable[name] = new IntArrayVariable(context, size, args, true); } } } $$ = new NoOperation; } | DECLARE CONST_ VARIABLE ASSIGNMENT expr { const char* name = $3; const ExprType_t declType = exprTypeOfVarName(name); if ($5->exprType() == STRING_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '@') PARSE_WRN(@5, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", string expression assigned though.").c_str()); String s; StringExprRef expr = $5; if (expr->isConstExpr()) s = expr->evalStr(); else PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Assignment to const string variable '") + name + "' requires const expression.").c_str()); ConstStringVariableRef var = new ConstStringVariable(context, s); context->vartable[name] = var; //$$ = new Assignment(var, new StringLiteral(s)); } else if ($5->exprType() == REAL_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '~') PARSE_WRN(@5, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", real number expression assigned though.").c_str()); RealExprRef expr = $5; if (!expr->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Assignment to const real number variable '") + name + "' requires const expression.").c_str()); } ConstRealVariableRef var = new ConstRealVariable( #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) (const RealVarDef&) // GCC 8.x requires this cast here (looks like a GCC bug to me); cast would cause an error with clang though #endif { .value = (expr->isConstExpr()) ? expr->evalReal() : vmfloat(0), .unitFactor = (expr->isConstExpr()) ? expr->unitFactor() : VM_NO_FACTOR, .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() }); context->vartable[name] = var; //$$ = new Assignment(var, new IntLiteral(i)); } else if ($5->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { if (name[0] != '$') PARSE_WRN(@5, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as " + typeStr(declType) + ", integer expression assigned though.").c_str()); IntExprRef expr = $5; if (!expr->isConstExpr()) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Assignment to const integer variable '") + name + "' requires const expression.").c_str()); } ConstIntVariableRef var = new ConstIntVariable( #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) (const IntVarDef&) // GCC 8.x requires this cast here (looks like a GCC bug to me); cast would cause an error with clang though #endif { .value = (expr->isConstExpr()) ? expr->evalInt() : 0, .unitFactor = (expr->isConstExpr()) ? expr->unitFactor() : VM_NO_FACTOR, .unitType = expr->unitType(), .isFinal = expr->isFinal() }); context->vartable[name] = var; //$$ = new Assignment(var, new IntLiteral(i)); } else if ($5->exprType() == EMPTY_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@5, "Expression does not result in a value."); } else if (isArray($5->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Variable '") + name + "' declared as scalar type, array expression assigned though.").c_str()); } $$ = new NoOperation(); } | assignment { $$ = $1; } | WHILE '(' expr ')' opt_statements END WHILE { if ($3->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { IntExprRef expr = $3; if (expr->asNumber()->unitType() || expr->asNumber()->hasUnitFactorEver()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Condition for 'while' loops contains a unit."); else if (expr->isFinal() && expr->isConstExpr()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); $$ = new While(expr, $5); } else { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Condition for 'while' loops must be integer expression."); $$ = new While(new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }), $5); } } | SYNCHRONIZED opt_statements END SYNCHRONIZED { $$ = new SyncBlock($2); } | IF '(' expr ')' opt_statements ELSE opt_statements END IF { if ($3->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { IntExprRef expr = $3; if (expr->asNumber()->unitType() || expr->asNumber()->hasUnitFactorEver()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Condition for 'if' contains a unit."); else if (expr->isFinal() && expr->isConstExpr()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); $$ = new If($3, $5, $7); } else { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Condition for 'if' must be integer expression."); $$ = new If(new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }), $5, $7); } } | IF '(' expr ')' opt_statements END IF { if ($3->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { IntExprRef expr = $3; if (expr->asNumber()->unitType() || expr->asNumber()->hasUnitFactorEver()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Condition for 'if' contains a unit."); else if (expr->isFinal() && expr->isConstExpr()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); $$ = new If($3, $5); } else { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Condition for 'if' must be integer expression."); $$ = new If(new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }), $5); } } | SELECT expr caseclauses END SELECT { if ($2->exprType() == INT_EXPR) { IntExprRef expr = $2; if (expr->unitType() || expr->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, "Units are not allowed here."); $$ = new SelectCase(new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }), $3); } else { if (expr->isFinal() && expr->isConstExpr()) PARSE_WRN(@2, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); $$ = new SelectCase(expr, $3); } } else { PARSE_ERR(@2, "Statement 'select' can only by applied to integer expressions."); $$ = new SelectCase(new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }), $3); } } caseclauses: caseclause { $$ = CaseBranches(); $$.push_back($1); } | caseclauses caseclause { $$ = $1; $$.push_back($2); } caseclause: CASE INTEGER opt_statements { $$ = CaseBranch(); $$.from = new IntLiteral({ .value = $2 }); $$.statements = $3; } | CASE INTEGER TO INTEGER opt_statements { $$ = CaseBranch(); $$.from = new IntLiteral({ .value = $2 }); $$.to = new IntLiteral({ .value = $4 }); $$.statements = $5; } userfunctioncall: CALL IDENTIFIER { const char* name = $2; StatementsRef fn = context->userFunctionByName(name); if (context->functionProvider->functionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Keyword 'call' must only be used for user defined functions, not for any built-in function like '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = StatementsRef(); } else if (!fn) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("No user defined function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = StatementsRef(); } else { $$ = fn; } } functioncall: IDENTIFIER '(' args ')' { const char* name = $1; //printf("function call of '%s' with args\n", name); ArgsRef args = $3; VMFunction* fn = context->functionProvider->functionByName(name); if (context->userFunctionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Missing 'call' keyword before user defined function name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (!fn) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No built-in function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (context->functionProvider->isFunctionDisabled(fn,context)) { PARSE_DROP(@$); $$ = new NoFunctionCall; } else if (args->argsCount() < fn->minRequiredArgs()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "' requires at least " + ToString(fn->minRequiredArgs()) + " arguments.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (args->argsCount() > fn->maxAllowedArgs()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "' accepts max. " + ToString(fn->maxAllowedArgs()) + " arguments.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else { bool argsOK = true; for (vmint i = 0; i < args->argsCount(); ++i) { if (!fn->acceptsArgType(i, args->arg(i)->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' expects " + acceptedArgTypesStr(fn, i) + " type, but type " + typeStr(args->arg(i)->exprType()) + " was given instead.").c_str()); argsOK = false; break; } else if (fn->modifiesArg(i) && !args->arg(i)->isModifyable()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' expects an assignable variable.").c_str()); argsOK = false; break; } else if (isNumber(args->arg(i)->exprType()) && !fn->acceptsArgUnitType(i, args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType())) { if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' does not expect unit " + unitTypeStr(args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) + ".").c_str()); else PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' expects a unit.").c_str()); argsOK = false; break; } else if (isNumber(args->arg(i)->exprType()) && args->arg(i)->asNumber()->hasUnitFactorEver() && !fn->acceptsArgUnitPrefix(i, args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType())) { if (args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' does not expect a unit prefix for unit" + unitTypeStr(args->arg(i)->asNumber()->unitType()) + ".").c_str()); else PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' does not expect a unit prefix.").c_str()); argsOK = false; break; } else if (!fn->acceptsArgFinal(i) && isNumber(args->arg(i)->exprType()) && args->arg(i)->asNumber()->isFinal()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Argument ") + ToString(i+1) + " of built-in function '" + name + "' does not expect a \"final\" value.").c_str()); argsOK = false; break; } } if (argsOK) { // perform built-in function's own, custom arguments checks (if any) fn->checkArgs(&*args, [&](String err) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "()': " + err).c_str()); argsOK = false; }, [&](String wrn) { PARSE_WRN(@3, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "()': " + wrn).c_str()); }); } $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, argsOK ? fn : NULL); } } | IDENTIFIER '(' ')' { const char* name = $1; //printf("function call of '%s' (with empty args)\n", name); ArgsRef args = new Args; VMFunction* fn = context->functionProvider->functionByName(name); if (context->userFunctionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Missing 'call' keyword before user defined function name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (!fn) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No built-in function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (context->functionProvider->isFunctionDisabled(fn,context)) { PARSE_DROP(@$); $$ = new NoFunctionCall; } else if (fn->minRequiredArgs() > 0) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "' requires at least " + ToString(fn->minRequiredArgs()) + " arguments.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else { $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, fn); } } | IDENTIFIER { const char* name = $1; //printf("function call of '%s' (without args)\n", name); ArgsRef args = new Args; VMFunction* fn = context->functionProvider->functionByName(name); if (context->userFunctionByName(name)) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Missing 'call' keyword before user defined function name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (!fn) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No built-in function with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else if (context->functionProvider->isFunctionDisabled(fn,context)) { PARSE_DROP(@$); $$ = new NoFunctionCall; } else if (fn->minRequiredArgs() > 0) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Built-in function '") + name + "' requires at least " + ToString(fn->minRequiredArgs()) + " arguments.").c_str()); $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, NULL); } else { $$ = new FunctionCall(name, args, fn); } } args: arg { $$ = new Args(); $$->add($1); } | args ',' arg { $$ = $1; $$->add($3); } arg: expr assignment: VARIABLE ASSIGNMENT expr { //printf("variable lookup with name '%s' as assignment expr\n", $1); const char* name = $1; VariableRef var = context->variableByName(name); if (!var) PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Variable assignment: No variable declared with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); else if (var->isConstExpr()) PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable assignment: Cannot modify const variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); else if (!var->isAssignable()) PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable assignment: Variable '") + name + "' is not assignable.").c_str()); else if (var->exprType() != $3->exprType()) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable assignment: Variable '") + name + "' is of type " + typeStr(var->exprType()) + ", assignment is of type " + typeStr($3->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); else if (isNumber(var->exprType())) { NumberVariableRef numberVar = var; NumberExprRef expr = $3; if (numberVar->unitType() != expr->unitType()) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable assignment: Variable '") + name + "' has unit type " + unitTypeStr(numberVar->unitType()) + ", assignment has unit type " + unitTypeStr(expr->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); else if (numberVar->isFinal() != expr->isFinal()) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Variable assignment: Variable '") + name + "' was declared as " + String(numberVar->isFinal() ? "final" : "not final") + ", assignment is " + String(expr->isFinal() ? "final" : "not final") + " though.").c_str()); } $$ = new Assignment(var, $3); } | VARIABLE '[' expr ']' ASSIGNMENT expr { const char* name = $1; VariableRef var = context->variableByName(name); if (!var) PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No variable declared with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); else if (!isArray(var->exprType())) PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' is not an array variable.").c_str()); else if (var->isConstExpr()) PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Variable assignment: Cannot modify const array variable '") + name + "'.").c_str()); else if (!var->isAssignable()) PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Variable assignment: Array variable '") + name + "' is not assignable.").c_str()); else if ($3->exprType() != INT_EXPR) PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' accessed with non integer expression.").c_str()); else if ($3->asInt()->unitType()) PARSE_ERR(@3, "Unit types are not allowed as array index."); else if ($6->exprType() != scalarTypeOfArray(var->exprType())) PARSE_ERR(@5, (String("Variable '") + name + "' was declared as " + typeStr(var->exprType()) + ", assigned expression is " + typeStr($6->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); else if ($6->asNumber()->unitType()) PARSE_ERR(@6, "Unit types are not allowed for array variables."); else if ($6->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_ERR(@6, "Final operator '!' not allowed for array variables."); else if ($3->isConstExpr() && $3->asInt()->evalInt() >= ((ArrayExprRef)var)->arraySize()) PARSE_WRN(@3, (String("Index ") + ToString($3->asInt()->evalInt()) + " exceeds size of array variable '" + name + "' which was declared with size " + ToString(((ArrayExprRef)var)->arraySize()) + ".").c_str()); else if ($3->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); if (var->exprType() == INT_ARR_EXPR) { IntArrayElementRef element = new IntArrayElement(var, $3); $$ = new Assignment(element, $6); } else if (var->exprType() == REAL_ARR_EXPR) { RealArrayElementRef element = new RealArrayElement(var, $3); $$ = new Assignment(element, $6); } else { $$ = new NoOperation; // actually not possible to ever get here } } unary_expr: INTEGER { $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = $1 }); } | REAL { $$ = new RealLiteral({ .value = $1 }); } | INTEGER_UNIT { IntLiteralRef literal = new IntLiteral({ .value = $1.iValue, .unitFactor = VMUnit::unitFactor($1.prefix), .unitType = $1.unit }); $$ = literal; } | REAL_UNIT { RealLiteralRef literal = new RealLiteral({ .value = $1.fValue, .unitFactor = VMUnit::unitFactor($1.prefix), .unitType = $1.unit }); $$ = literal; } | STRING { $$ = new StringLiteral($1); } | VARIABLE { //printf("variable lookup with name '%s' as unary expr\n", $1); VariableRef var = context->variableByName($1); if (var) $$ = var; else { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No variable declared with name '") + $1 + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } } | VARIABLE '[' expr ']' { const char* name = $1; VariableRef var = context->variableByName(name); if (!var) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("No variable declared with name '") + name + "'.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isArray(var->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Variable '") + name + "' is not an array variable.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if ($3->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Array variable '") + name + "' accessed with non integer expression.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if ($3->asInt()->unitType() || $3->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Units are not allowed as array index."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if ($3->isConstExpr() && $3->asInt()->evalInt() >= ((ArrayExprRef)var)->arraySize()) PARSE_WRN(@3, (String("Index ") + ToString($3->asInt()->evalInt()) + " exceeds size of array variable '" + name + "' which was declared with size " + ToString(((ArrayExprRef)var)->arraySize()) + ".").c_str()); else if ($3->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Final operator '!' is meaningless here."); if (var->exprType() == REAL_ARR_EXPR) { $$ = new RealArrayElement(var, $3); } else { $$ = new IntArrayElement(var, $3); } } } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | functioncall { $$ = $1; } | '+' unary_expr { $$ = $2; } | '-' unary_expr { $$ = new Neg($2); } | BITWISE_NOT unary_expr { if ($2->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Right operand of bitwise operator '.not.' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr($2->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if ($2->asInt()->unitType() || $2->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, "Units are not allowed for operands of bitwise operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { $$ = new BitwiseNot($2); } } | NOT unary_expr { if ($2->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Right operand of operator 'not' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr($2->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if ($2->asInt()->unitType() || $2->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, "Units are not allowed for operands of logical operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { $$ = new Not($2); } } | '!' unary_expr { if (!isNumber($2->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Right operand of \"final\" operator '!' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr($2->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { $$ = new Final($2); } } expr: concat_expr concat_expr: logical_or_expr | concat_expr '&' logical_or_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->isConstExpr() && rhs->isConstExpr()) { $$ = new StringLiteral( lhs->evalCastToStr() + rhs->evalCastToStr() ); } else { $$ = new ConcatString(lhs, rhs); } } logical_or_expr: logical_and_expr | logical_or_expr OR logical_and_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator 'or' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator 'or' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asInt()->unitType() || lhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@1, "Units are not allowed for operands of logical operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->asInt()->unitType() || rhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Units are not allowed for operands of logical operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && !rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of 'or' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of 'or' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Or(lhs, rhs); } } logical_and_expr: bitwise_or_expr { $$ = $1; } | logical_and_expr AND bitwise_or_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator 'and' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator 'and' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asInt()->unitType() || lhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@1, "Units are not allowed for operands of logical operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->asInt()->unitType() || rhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Units are not allowed for operands of logical operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && !rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of 'and' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of 'and' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new And(lhs, rhs); } } bitwise_or_expr: bitwise_and_expr | bitwise_or_expr BITWISE_OR bitwise_and_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of bitwise operator '.or.' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of bitwise operator '.or.' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asInt()->unitType() || lhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@1, "Units are not allowed for operands of bitwise operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->asInt()->unitType() || rhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Units are not allowed for operands of bitwise operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && !rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '.or.' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '.or.' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new BitwiseOr(lhs, rhs); } } bitwise_and_expr: rel_expr { $$ = $1; } | bitwise_and_expr BITWISE_AND rel_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of bitwise operator '.and.' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of bitwise operator '.and.' must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asInt()->unitType() || lhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@1, "Units are not allowed for operands of bitwise operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->asInt()->unitType() || rhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, "Units are not allowed for operands of bitwise operations."); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && !rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '.and.' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '.and.' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new BitwiseAnd(lhs, rhs); } } rel_expr: add_expr | rel_expr '<' add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '<' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '<' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '<' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '<' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::LESS_THAN, rhs); } } | rel_expr '>' add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '>' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '>' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '>' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '>' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::GREATER_THAN, rhs); } } | rel_expr LE add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '<=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '<=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '<=' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '<=' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::LESS_OR_EQUAL, rhs); } } | rel_expr GE add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '>=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '>=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '>=' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '>=' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, rhs); } } | rel_expr '=' add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '=' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '=' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '=' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::EQUAL, rhs); } } | rel_expr '#' add_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '#' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of operator '#' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of relative operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '#' comparison is not 'final', left operand is 'final' though."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '#' comparison is not 'final', right operand is 'final' though."); $$ = new Relation(lhs, Relation::NOT_EQUAL, rhs); } } add_expr: mul_expr | add_expr '+' mul_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '+' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Right operand of operator '+' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->exprType() != rhs->exprType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of operator '+' must have same type; left operand is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " and right operand is " + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of '+' operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '+' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '+' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Add(lhs,rhs); } } | add_expr '-' mul_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '-' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Right operand of operator '-' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->exprType() != rhs->exprType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of operator '-' must have same type; left operand is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " and right operand is " + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of '-' operations must have same unit, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '-' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '-' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Sub(lhs,rhs); } } mul_expr: unary_expr | mul_expr '*' unary_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '*' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Right operand of operator '*' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() && rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Only one operand of operator '*' may have a unit type, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->exprType() != rhs->exprType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of operator '*' must have same type; left operand is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " and right operand is " + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '*' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '*' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Mul(lhs,rhs); } } | mul_expr '/' unary_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (!isNumber(lhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of operator '/' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!isNumber(rhs->exprType())) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Right operand of operator '/' must be a scalar number expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->asNumber()->unitType() && rhs->asNumber()->unitType() && lhs->asNumber()->unitType() != rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of operator '/' with two different unit types, left operand is ") + unitTypeStr(lhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " and right operand is " + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (!lhs->asNumber()->unitType() && rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) { PARSE_ERR(@3, ("Dividing left operand without any unit type by right operand with unit type (" + unitTypeStr(rhs->asNumber()->unitType()) + ") is not possible.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (lhs->exprType() != rhs->exprType()) { PARSE_ERR(@2, (String("Operands of operator '/' must have same type; left operand is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " and right operand is " + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && !rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of '/' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asNumber()->isFinal() && rhs->asNumber()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of '/' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Div(lhs,rhs); } } | mul_expr MOD unary_expr { ExpressionRef lhs = $1; ExpressionRef rhs = $3; if (lhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@1, (String("Left operand of modulo operator must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(lhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else if (rhs->exprType() != INT_EXPR) { PARSE_ERR(@3, (String("Right operand of modulo operator must be an integer expression, is ") + typeStr(rhs->exprType()) + " though.").c_str()); $$ = new IntLiteral({ .value = 0 }); } else { if (lhs->asInt()->unitType() || lhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) PARSE_ERR(@1, "Operands of modulo operator must not use any unit."); if (rhs->asInt()->unitType() || rhs->asInt()->hasUnitFactorEver()) PARSE_ERR(@3, "Operands of modulo operator must not use any unit."); if (lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && !rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@3, "Right operand of 'mod' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since left operand is 'final'."); else if (!lhs->asInt()->isFinal() && rhs->asInt()->isFinal()) PARSE_WRN(@1, "Left operand of 'mod' operation is not 'final', result will be 'final' though since right operand is 'final'."); $$ = new Mod(lhs,rhs); } } %% void InstrScript_error(YYLTYPE* locp, LinuxSampler::ParserContext* context, const char* err) { //fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", locp->first_line, err); context->addErr(locp->first_line, locp->last_line, locp->first_column+1, locp->last_column+1, err); } void InstrScript_warning(YYLTYPE* locp, LinuxSampler::ParserContext* context, const char* txt) { //fprintf(stderr, "WRN %d: %s\n", locp->first_line, txt); context->addWrn(locp->first_line, locp->last_line, locp->first_column+1, locp->last_column+1, txt); } /// Custom implementation of yytnamerr() to ensure quotation is always stripped from token names before printing them to error messages. int InstrScript_tnamerr(char* yyres, const char* yystr) { if (*yystr == '"') { int yyn = 0; char const *yyp = yystr; for (;;) switch (*++yyp) { /* case '\'': case ',': goto do_not_strip_quotes; case '\\': if (*++yyp != '\\') goto do_not_strip_quotes; */ /* Fall through. */ default: if (yyres) yyres[yyn] = *yyp; yyn++; break; case '"': if (yyres) yyres[yyn] = '\0'; return yyn; } /* do_not_strip_quotes: ; */ } if (! yyres) return (int) yystrlen (yystr); return int( yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres ); }