/* * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Christian Schoenebeck and Andreas Persson * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include #include #include "tree.h" #include "../common/global_private.h" #include "../common/RTMath.h" #include #include "CoreVMFunctions.h" // for VMIntResult, VMRealResult namespace LinuxSampler { bool isNoOperation(StatementRef statement) { return statement->statementType() == STMT_NOOP; } String acceptedArgTypesStr(VMFunction* fn, vmint iArg) { static const ExprType_t allTypes[] = { INT_EXPR, INT_ARR_EXPR, REAL_EXPR, REAL_ARR_EXPR, STRING_EXPR, STRING_ARR_EXPR, }; const size_t nTypes = sizeof(allTypes) / sizeof(ExprType_t); std::vector supportedTypes; for (int iType = 0; iType < nTypes; ++iType) { const ExprType_t& type = allTypes[iType]; if (fn->acceptsArgType(iArg, type)) supportedTypes.push_back(type); } assert(!supportedTypes.empty()); if (supportedTypes.size() == 1) { return typeStr(*supportedTypes.begin()); } else { String s = "either "; for (size_t i = 0; i < supportedTypes.size(); ++i) { const ExprType_t& type = supportedTypes[i]; if (i == 0) { s += typeStr(type); } else if (i == supportedTypes.size() - 1) { s += " or " + typeStr(type); } else { s += ", " + typeStr(type); } } return s; } } Node::Node() { } Node::~Node() { } void Node::printIndents(int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf(" "); fflush(stdout); } vmint Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(vmint iValue, VMUnit* srcUnit, VMUnit* dstUnit) { vmfloat f = (vmfloat) iValue; vmfloat factor = srcUnit->unitFactor() / dstUnit->unitFactor(); if (sizeof(vmfloat) == sizeof(float)) return llroundf(f * factor); else return llround(f * factor); } vmint Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(vmint iValue, vmfloat srcFactor, vmfloat dstFactor) { vmfloat f = (vmfloat) iValue; vmfloat factor = srcFactor / dstFactor; if (sizeof(vmfloat) == sizeof(float)) return llroundf(f * factor); else return llround(f * factor); } vmfloat Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(vmfloat fValue, VMUnit* srcUnit, VMUnit* dstUnit) { vmfloat factor = srcUnit->unitFactor() / dstUnit->unitFactor(); return fValue * factor; } vmfloat Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(vmfloat fValue, vmfloat srcFactor, vmfloat dstFactor) { vmfloat factor = srcFactor / dstFactor; return fValue * factor; } vmint IntExpr::evalIntToUnitFactor(vmfloat unitFactor) { vmfloat f = (vmfloat) evalInt(); vmfloat factor = this->unitFactor() / unitFactor; if (sizeof(vmfloat) == sizeof(float)) return llroundf(f * factor); else return llround(f * factor); } static String _unitFactorToShortStr(vmfloat unitFactor) { const long int tens = lround( log10(unitFactor) ); switch (tens) { case 3: return "k"; // kilo = 10^3 case 2: return "h"; // hecto = 10^2 case 1: return "da"; // deca = 10 case 0: return "" ; // -- = 1 case -1: return "d"; // deci = 10^-1 case -2: return "c"; // centi = 10^-2 (this is also used for tuning "cents") case -3: return "m"; // milli = 10^-3 case -4: return "md"; // milli deci = 10^-4 case -5: return "mc"; // milli centi = 10^-5 (this is also used for tuning "cents") case -6: return "u"; // micro = 10^-6 default: return "*10^" + ToString(tens); } } static String _unitToStr(VMUnit* unit) { const StdUnit_t type = unit->unitType(); String sType; switch (type) { case VM_NO_UNIT: break; case VM_SECOND: sType = "s"; break; case VM_HERTZ: sType = "Hz"; break; case VM_BEL: sType = "B"; break; } String prefix = _unitFactorToShortStr( unit->unitFactor() ); return prefix + sType; } String IntExpr::evalCastToStr() { return ToString(evalInt()) + _unitToStr(this); } vmfloat RealExpr::evalRealToUnitFactor(vmfloat unitFactor) { vmfloat f = evalReal(); vmfloat factor = this->unitFactor() / unitFactor; return f * factor; } String RealExpr::evalCastToStr() { return ToString(evalReal()) + _unitToStr(this); } String IntArrayExpr::evalCastToStr() { String s = "{"; for (vmint i = 0; i < arraySize(); ++i) { vmint val = evalIntElement(i); vmfloat factor = unitFactorOfElement(i); if (i) s += ","; s += ToString(val) + _unitFactorToShortStr(factor); } s += "}"; return s; } String RealArrayExpr::evalCastToStr() { String s = "{"; for (vmint i = 0; i < arraySize(); ++i) { vmfloat val = evalRealElement(i); vmfloat factor = unitFactorOfElement(i); if (i) s += ","; s += ToString(val) + _unitFactorToShortStr(factor); } s += "}"; return s; } IntLiteral::IntLiteral(const IntLitDef& def) : IntExpr(), Unit(def.unitType), value(def.value), unitPrefixFactor(def.unitFactor), finalVal(def.isFinal) { } vmint IntLiteral::evalInt() { return value; } void IntLiteral::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("IntLiteral %" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)value); } RealLiteral::RealLiteral(const RealLitDef& def) : RealExpr(), Unit(def.unitType), value(def.value), unitPrefixFactor(def.unitFactor), finalVal(def.isFinal) { } vmfloat RealLiteral::evalReal() { return value; } void RealLiteral::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("RealLiteral %f\n", value); } void StringLiteral::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("StringLiteral: '%s'\n", value.c_str()); } Add::Add(NumberExprRef lhs, NumberExprRef rhs) : VaritypeScalarBinaryOp(lhs, rhs), Unit( // lhs and rhs are forced to be same unit type at parse time, so either one is fine here (lhs) ? lhs->unitType() : VM_NO_UNIT ) { } vmint Add::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; // eval*() call is required before calling unitFactor(), since the latter does not evaluate expressions! vmint lvalue = pLHS->evalInt(); vmint rvalue = pRHS->evalInt(); if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue + rvalue; if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue + Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS); else return Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS) + rvalue; } vmfloat Add::evalReal() { RealExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); RealExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; // eval*() call is required before calling unitFactor(), since the latter does not evaluate expressions! vmfloat lvalue = pLHS->evalReal(); vmfloat rvalue = pRHS->evalReal(); if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue + rvalue; if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue + Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS); else return Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS) + rvalue; } vmfloat Add::unitFactor() const { const NumberExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); const NumberExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) ? pLHS->unitFactor() : pRHS->unitFactor(); } void Add::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Add(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } Sub::Sub(NumberExprRef lhs, NumberExprRef rhs) : VaritypeScalarBinaryOp(lhs, rhs), Unit( // lhs and rhs are forced to be same unit type at parse time, so either one is fine here (lhs) ? lhs->unitType() : VM_NO_UNIT ) { } vmint Sub::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; // eval*() call is required before calling unitFactor(), since the latter does not evaluate expressions! vmint lvalue = pLHS->evalInt(); vmint rvalue = pRHS->evalInt(); if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue - rvalue; if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue - Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS); else return Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS) - rvalue; } vmfloat Sub::evalReal() { RealExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); RealExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; // eval*() call is required before calling unitFactor(), since the latter does not evaluate expressions! vmfloat lvalue = pLHS->evalReal(); vmfloat rvalue = pRHS->evalReal(); if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue - rvalue; if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return lvalue - Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS); else return Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS) - rvalue; } vmfloat Sub::unitFactor() const { const NumberExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); const NumberExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) ? pLHS->unitFactor() : pRHS->unitFactor(); } void Sub::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Sub(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } Mul::Mul(NumberExprRef lhs, NumberExprRef rhs) : VaritypeScalarBinaryOp(lhs, rhs), Unit( // currently the NKSP parser only allows a unit type on either side on multiplications (lhs->unitType()) ? lhs->unitType() : rhs->unitType() ) { } vmint Mul::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs);; return (pLHS && pRHS) ? pLHS->evalInt() * pRHS->evalInt() : 0; } vmfloat Mul::evalReal() { RealExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); RealExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs);; return (pLHS && pRHS) ? pLHS->evalReal() * pRHS->evalReal() : 0; } void Mul::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Mul(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } vmfloat Mul::unitFactor() const { const NumberExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); const NumberExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return pLHS->unitFactor() * pRHS->unitFactor(); } Div::Div(NumberExprRef lhs, NumberExprRef rhs) : VaritypeScalarBinaryOp(lhs, rhs), Unit( // the NKSP parser only allows either A) a unit type on left side and none // on right side or B) an identical unit type on both sides (lhs->unitType() && rhs->unitType()) ? VM_NO_UNIT : lhs->unitType() ) { } vmint Div::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; vmint l = pLHS->evalInt(); vmint r = pRHS->evalInt(); if (r == 0) return 0; return l / r; } vmfloat Div::evalReal() { RealExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); RealExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); if (!pLHS || !pRHS) return 0; vmfloat l = pLHS->evalReal(); vmfloat r = pRHS->evalReal(); if (r == vmfloat(0)) return 0; return l / r; } void Div::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Div(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } vmfloat Div::unitFactor() const { const NumberExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); const NumberExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return pLHS->unitFactor() / pRHS->unitFactor(); } vmint Mod::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return (pLHS && pRHS) ? pLHS->evalInt() % pRHS->evalInt() : 0; } void Mod::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Mod(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } void Args::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Args(\n"); for (std::vector::iterator it = args.begin() ; it != args.end() ; ++it) { (*it)->dump(level+1); } printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } bool Args::isPolyphonic() const { for (vmint i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) if (args[i]->isPolyphonic()) return true; return false; } EventHandlers::EventHandlers() { //printf("EventHandlers::Constructor 0x%lx\n", (long long)this); } EventHandlers::~EventHandlers() { } void EventHandlers::add(EventHandlerRef arg) { args.push_back(arg); } void EventHandlers::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("EventHandlers {\n"); for (std::vector::iterator it = args.begin() ; it != args.end() ; ++it) { (*it)->dump(level+1); } printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } EventHandler* EventHandlers::eventHandlerByName(const String& name) const { for (vmint i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) if (args.at(i)->eventHandlerName() == name) return const_cast(&*args.at(i)); return NULL; } EventHandler* EventHandlers::eventHandler(uint index) const { if (index >= args.size()) return NULL; return const_cast(&*args.at(index)); } bool EventHandlers::isPolyphonic() const { for (vmint i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) if (args[i]->isPolyphonic()) return true; return false; } Assignment::Assignment(VariableRef variable, ExpressionRef value) : variable(variable), value(value) { } void Assignment::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Assignment\n"); } StmtFlags_t Assignment::exec() { if (!variable) return StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); variable->assign(&*value); return STMT_SUCCESS; } Subroutine::Subroutine(StatementsRef statements) { this->statements = statements; } void Subroutine::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Subroutine {\n"); statements->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } UserFunction::UserFunction(StatementsRef statements) : Subroutine(statements) { } EventHandler::EventHandler(StatementsRef statements) : Subroutine(statements) { usingPolyphonics = statements->isPolyphonic(); } void EventHandler::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("EventHandler {\n"); Subroutine::dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } void Statements::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Statements {\n"); for (std::vector::iterator it = args.begin() ; it != args.end() ; ++it) { (*it)->dump(level+1); } printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } Statement* Statements::statement(uint i) { if (i >= args.size()) return NULL; return &*args.at(i); } bool Statements::isPolyphonic() const { for (vmint i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) if (args[i]->isPolyphonic()) return true; return false; } DynamicVariableCall::DynamicVariableCall(const String& name, ParserContext* ctx, VMDynVar* v) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .elements = 0 }), Unit(VM_NO_UNIT), dynVar(v), varName(name) { } vmint DynamicVariableCall::evalInt() { VMIntExpr* expr = dynamic_cast(dynVar); if (!expr) return 0; return expr->evalInt(); } String DynamicVariableCall::evalStr() { VMStringExpr* expr = dynamic_cast(dynVar); if (!expr) return ""; return expr->evalStr(); } String DynamicVariableCall::evalCastToStr() { if (dynVar->exprType() == STRING_EXPR) { return evalStr(); } else { VMIntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(dynVar); return intExpr ? ToString(intExpr->evalInt()) : ""; } } void DynamicVariableCall::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Dynamic Variable '%s'\n", varName.c_str()); } FunctionCall::FunctionCall(const char* function, ArgsRef args, VMFunction* fn) : Unit( (fn) ? fn->returnUnitType(dynamic_cast(&*args)) : VM_NO_UNIT ), functionName(function), args(args), fn(fn), result( (fn) ? fn->allocResult(dynamic_cast(&*args)) : NULL ) { } FunctionCall::~FunctionCall() { if (result) { delete result; result = NULL; } } void FunctionCall::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("FunctionCall '%s' args={\n", functionName.c_str()); args->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } ExprType_t FunctionCall::exprType() const { if (!fn) return EMPTY_EXPR; FunctionCall* self = const_cast(this); return fn->returnType(dynamic_cast(&*self->args)); } vmfloat FunctionCall::unitFactor() const { if (!fn || !result) return VM_NO_FACTOR; VMExpr* expr = result->resultValue(); if (!expr) return VM_NO_FACTOR; VMNumberExpr* scalar = expr->asNumber(); if (!scalar) return VM_NO_FACTOR; return scalar->unitFactor(); } bool FunctionCall::isFinal() const { if (!fn) return false; FunctionCall* self = const_cast(this); return fn->returnsFinal(dynamic_cast(&*self->args)); } VMFnResult* FunctionCall::execVMFn() { if (!fn) return NULL; // tell function where it shall dump its return value to VMFnResult* oldRes = fn->boundResult(); fn->bindResult(result); // assuming here that all argument checks (amount and types) have been made // at parse time, to avoid time intensive checks on each function call VMFnResult* res = fn->exec(dynamic_cast(&*args)); // restore previous result binding of some potential toplevel or concurrent // caller, i.e. if exactly same function is called more than one time, // concurrently in a term by other FunctionCall objects, e.g.: // ~c := ceil( ceil(~a) + ~b) fn->bindResult(oldRes); if (!res) return res; VMExpr* expr = res->resultValue(); if (!expr) return res; // For performance reasons we always only let 'FunctionCall' assign the unit // type to the function's result expression, never by the function // implementation itself, nor by other classes, because a FunctionCall // object solely knows the unit type in O(1). ExprType_t type = expr->exprType(); if (type == INT_EXPR) { VMIntResult* intRes = dynamic_cast(res); intRes->unitBaseType = unitType(); } else if (type == REAL_EXPR) { VMRealResult* realRes = dynamic_cast(res); realRes->unitBaseType = unitType(); } return res; } StmtFlags_t FunctionCall::exec() { VMFnResult* result = execVMFn(); if (!result) return StmtFlags_t(STMT_ABORT_SIGNALLED | STMT_ERROR_OCCURRED); return result->resultFlags(); } vmint FunctionCall::evalInt() { VMFnResult* result = execVMFn(); if (!result) return 0; VMIntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); if (!intExpr) return 0; return intExpr->evalInt(); } vmfloat FunctionCall::evalReal() { VMFnResult* result = execVMFn(); if (!result) return 0; VMRealExpr* realExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); if (!realExpr) return 0; return realExpr->evalReal(); } VMIntArrayExpr* FunctionCall::asIntArray() const { //FIXME: asIntArray() not intended for evaluation semantics (for both // performance reasons with arrays, but also to prevent undesired value // mutation by implied (hidden) evaluation, as actually done here. We must // force function evaluation here though, because we need it for function // calls to be evaluated at all. This issue should be addressed cleanly by // adjusting the API appropriately. FunctionCall* rwSelf = const_cast(this); VMFnResult* result = rwSelf->execVMFn(); if (!result) return 0; VMIntArrayExpr* intArrExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); return intArrExpr; } VMRealArrayExpr* FunctionCall::asRealArray() const { //FIXME: asRealArray() not intended for evaluation semantics (for both // performance reasons with arrays, but also to prevent undesired value // mutation by implied (hidden) evaluation, as actually done here. We must // force function evaluation here though, because we need it for function // calls to be evaluated at all. This issue should be addressed cleanly by // adjusting the API appropriately. FunctionCall* rwSelf = const_cast(this); VMFnResult* result = rwSelf->execVMFn(); if (!result) return 0; VMRealArrayExpr* realArrExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); return realArrExpr; } String FunctionCall::evalStr() { VMFnResult* result = execVMFn(); if (!result) return ""; VMStringExpr* strExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); if (!strExpr) return ""; return strExpr->evalStr(); } String FunctionCall::evalCastToStr() { VMFnResult* result = execVMFn(); if (!result) return ""; const ExprType_t resultType = result->resultValue()->exprType(); if (resultType == STRING_EXPR) { VMStringExpr* strExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); return strExpr ? strExpr->evalStr() : ""; } else if (resultType == REAL_EXPR) { VMRealExpr* realExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); return realExpr ? ToString(realExpr->evalReal()) + _unitToStr(realExpr) : ""; } else { VMIntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(result->resultValue()); return intExpr ? ToString(intExpr->evalInt()) + _unitToStr(intExpr) : ""; } } Variable::Variable(const VariableDecl& decl) : context(decl.ctx), memPos(decl.memPos), bConst(decl.isConst) { } NumberVariable::NumberVariable(const VariableDecl& decl) : Variable(decl), Unit(decl.unitType), unitFactorMemPos(decl.unitFactorMemPos), polyphonic(decl.isPolyphonic), finalVal(decl.isFinal) { } vmfloat NumberVariable::unitFactor() const { if (isPolyphonic()) { return context->execContext->polyphonicUnitFactorMemory[unitFactorMemPos]; } return (*context->globalUnitFactorMemory)[unitFactorMemPos]; } inline static vmint postfixInc(vmint& object, vmint incBy) { const vmint i = object; object += incBy; return i; } IntVariable::IntVariable(const VariableDecl& decl) : NumberVariable({ .ctx = decl.ctx, .isPolyphonic = decl.isPolyphonic, .isConst = decl.isConst, .elements = decl.elements, .memPos = ( (!decl.ctx) ? 0 : (decl.isPolyphonic) ? postfixInc(decl.ctx->polyphonicIntVarCount, decl.elements) : postfixInc(decl.ctx->globalIntVarCount, decl.elements) ), .unitFactorMemPos = ( (!decl.ctx) ? 0 : (decl.isPolyphonic) ? postfixInc(decl.ctx->polyphonicUnitFactorCount, decl.elements) : postfixInc(decl.ctx->globalUnitFactorCount, decl.elements) ), .unitType = decl.unitType, .isFinal = decl.isFinal, }), Unit(decl.unitType) { //printf("IntVar parserctx=0x%lx memPOS=%d\n", ctx, memPos); assert(!decl.isPolyphonic || decl.ctx); } void IntVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { IntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (intExpr) { //NOTE: sequence matters! evalInt() must be called before getting unitFactor() ! if (isPolyphonic()) { context->execContext->polyphonicIntMemory[memPos] = intExpr->evalInt(); context->execContext->polyphonicUnitFactorMemory[unitFactorMemPos] = intExpr->unitFactor(); } else { (*context->globalIntMemory)[memPos] = intExpr->evalInt(); (*context->globalUnitFactorMemory)[unitFactorMemPos] = intExpr->unitFactor(); } } } vmint IntVariable::evalInt() { //printf("IntVariable::eval pos=%d\n", memPos); if (isPolyphonic()) { //printf("evalInt() poly memPos=%d execCtx=0x%lx\n", memPos, (uint64_t)context->execContext); return context->execContext->polyphonicIntMemory[memPos]; } return (*context->globalIntMemory)[memPos]; } void IntVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("IntVariable\n"); //printf("IntVariable memPos=%d\n", memPos); } RealVariable::RealVariable(const VariableDecl& decl) : NumberVariable({ .ctx = decl.ctx, .isPolyphonic = decl.isPolyphonic, .isConst = decl.isConst, .elements = decl.elements, .memPos = ( (!decl.ctx) ? 0 : (decl.isPolyphonic) ? postfixInc(decl.ctx->polyphonicRealVarCount, decl.elements) : postfixInc(decl.ctx->globalRealVarCount, decl.elements) ), .unitFactorMemPos = ( (!decl.ctx) ? 0 : (decl.isPolyphonic) ? postfixInc(decl.ctx->polyphonicUnitFactorCount, decl.elements) : postfixInc(decl.ctx->globalUnitFactorCount, decl.elements) ), .unitType = decl.unitType, .isFinal = decl.isFinal, }), Unit(decl.unitType) { //printf("RealVar parserctx=0x%lx memPOS=%d\n", ctx, memPos); assert(!decl.isPolyphonic || decl.ctx); } void RealVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { RealExpr* realExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (realExpr) { //NOTE: sequence matters! evalReal() must be called before getting unitFactor() ! if (isPolyphonic()) { context->execContext->polyphonicRealMemory[memPos] = realExpr->evalReal(); context->execContext->polyphonicUnitFactorMemory[unitFactorMemPos] = realExpr->unitFactor(); } else { (*context->globalRealMemory)[memPos] = realExpr->evalReal(); (*context->globalUnitFactorMemory)[unitFactorMemPos] = realExpr->unitFactor(); } } } vmfloat RealVariable::evalReal() { //printf("RealVariable::eval pos=%d\n", memPos); if (isPolyphonic()) { //printf("evalReal() poly memPos=%d execCtx=0x%lx\n", memPos, (uint64_t)context->execContext); return context->execContext->polyphonicRealMemory[memPos]; } return (*context->globalRealMemory)[memPos]; } void RealVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("RealVariable\n"); //printf("RealVariable memPos=%d\n", memPos); } ConstIntVariable::ConstIntVariable(const IntVarDef& def) : IntVariable({ .ctx = def.ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = true, .elements = 1, .memPos = def.memPos, .unitFactorMemPos = def.unitFactorMemPos, .unitType = def.unitType, .isFinal = def.isFinal, }), Unit(def.unitType), value(def.value), unitPrefixFactor(def.unitFactor) { } void ConstIntVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { // ignore assignment /* printf("ConstIntVariable::assign()\n"); IntExpr* intExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (intExpr) { value = intExpr->evalInt(); } */ } vmint ConstIntVariable::evalInt() { return value; } void ConstIntVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("ConstIntVariable val=%" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)value); } ConstRealVariable::ConstRealVariable(const RealVarDef& def) : RealVariable({ .ctx = def.ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = true, .elements = 1, .memPos = def.memPos, .unitFactorMemPos = def.unitFactorMemPos, .unitType = def.unitType, .isFinal = def.isFinal, }), Unit(def.unitType), value(def.value), unitPrefixFactor(def.unitFactor) { } void ConstRealVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { // ignore assignment } vmfloat ConstRealVariable::evalReal() { return value; } void ConstRealVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("ConstRealVariable val=%f\n", value); } BuiltInIntVariable::BuiltInIntVariable(const String& name, VMIntPtr* ptr) : IntVariable({ .ctx = NULL, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = false, // may or may not be modifyable though! .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }), Unit(VM_NO_UNIT), name(name), ptr(ptr) { } void BuiltInIntVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { IntExpr* valueExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (!valueExpr) return; ptr->assign(valueExpr->evalInt()); } vmint BuiltInIntVariable::evalInt() { return ptr->evalInt(); } void BuiltInIntVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Built-in IntVar '%s'\n", name.c_str()); } PolyphonicIntVariable::PolyphonicIntVariable(const VariableDecl& decl) : IntVariable({ .ctx = decl.ctx, .isPolyphonic = true, .isConst = decl.isConst, .elements = 1, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = decl.unitType, .isFinal = decl.isFinal, }), Unit(decl.unitType) { } void PolyphonicIntVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("PolyphonicIntVariable\n"); } PolyphonicRealVariable::PolyphonicRealVariable(const VariableDecl& decl) : RealVariable({ .ctx = decl.ctx, .isPolyphonic = true, .isConst = decl.isConst, .elements = 1, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = decl.unitType, .isFinal = decl.isFinal, }), Unit(decl.unitType) { } void PolyphonicRealVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("PolyphonicRealVariable\n"); } IntArrayVariable::IntArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, vmint size) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = false, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { values.resize(size); memset(&values[0], 0, size * sizeof(vmint)); unitFactors.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } IntArrayVariable::IntArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, vmint size, ArgsRef values, bool _bConst) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = _bConst, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { this->values.resize(size); this->unitFactors.resize(size); for (vmint i = 0; i < values->argsCount(); ++i) { VMIntExpr* expr = dynamic_cast(values->arg(i)); if (expr) { this->values[i] = expr->evalInt(); this->unitFactors[i] = expr->unitFactor(); } else { this->values[i] = 0; this->unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } } for (vmint i = values->argsCount(); i < size; ++i) { this->values[i] = 0; this->unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } } IntArrayVariable::IntArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, bool bConst) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = bConst, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { } vmint IntArrayVariable::evalIntElement(vmuint i) { if (i >= values.size()) return 0; return values[i]; } void IntArrayVariable::assignIntElement(vmuint i, vmint value) { if (i >= values.size()) return; values[i] = value; } vmfloat IntArrayVariable::unitFactorOfElement(vmuint i) const { if (i >= unitFactors.size()) return VM_NO_FACTOR; return unitFactors[i]; } void IntArrayVariable::assignElementUnitFactor(vmuint i, vmfloat factor) { if (i >= unitFactors.size()) return; unitFactors[i] = factor; } void IntArrayVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("IntArray("); for (vmint i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { if (i % 12 == 0) { printf("\n"); printIndents(level+1); } printf("%" PRId64 ", ", (int64_t)values[i]); } printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } RealArrayVariable::RealArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, vmint size) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = false, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { values.resize(size); memset(&values[0], 0, size * sizeof(vmfloat)); unitFactors.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } RealArrayVariable::RealArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, vmint size, ArgsRef values, bool _bConst) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = _bConst, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { this->values.resize(size); this->unitFactors.resize(size); for (vmint i = 0; i < values->argsCount(); ++i) { VMRealExpr* expr = dynamic_cast(values->arg(i)); if (expr) { this->values[i] = expr->evalReal(); this->unitFactors[i] = expr->unitFactor(); } else { this->values[i] = (vmfloat) 0; this->unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } } for (vmint i = values->argsCount(); i < size; ++i) { this->values[i] = (vmfloat) 0; this->unitFactors[i] = VM_NO_FACTOR; } } RealArrayVariable::RealArrayVariable(ParserContext* ctx, bool bConst) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isPolyphonic = false, .isConst = bConst, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }) { } vmfloat RealArrayVariable::evalRealElement(vmuint i) { if (i >= values.size()) return 0; return values[i]; } void RealArrayVariable::assignRealElement(vmuint i, vmfloat value) { if (i >= values.size()) return; values[i] = value; } vmfloat RealArrayVariable::unitFactorOfElement(vmuint i) const { if (i >= unitFactors.size()) return VM_NO_FACTOR; return unitFactors[i]; } void RealArrayVariable::assignElementUnitFactor(vmuint i, vmfloat factor) { if (i >= unitFactors.size()) return; unitFactors[i] = factor; } void RealArrayVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("RealArray("); for (vmint i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { if (i % 12 == 0) { printf("\n"); printIndents(level+1); } printf("%f, ", values[i]); } printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } BuiltInIntArrayVariable::BuiltInIntArrayVariable(const String& name, VMInt8Array* array) : IntArrayVariable(NULL, false), name(name), array(array) { } vmint BuiltInIntArrayVariable::evalIntElement(vmuint i) { return i >= array->size ? 0 : array->data[i]; } void BuiltInIntArrayVariable::assignIntElement(vmuint i, vmint value) { if (i >= array->size) return; array->data[i] = value; } void BuiltInIntArrayVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Built-In Int Array Variable '%s'\n", name.c_str()); } IntArrayElement::IntArrayElement(IntArrayExprRef array, IntExprRef arrayIndex) : IntVariable({ .ctx = NULL, .isPolyphonic = (array) ? array->isPolyphonic() : false, .isConst = (array) ? array->isConstExpr() : false, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }), Unit(VM_NO_UNIT), array(array), index(arrayIndex), currentIndex(-1) { } void IntArrayElement::assign(Expression* expr) { IntExpr* valueExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (!valueExpr) return; vmint value = valueExpr->evalInt(); vmfloat unitFactor = valueExpr->unitFactor(); if (!index) return; vmint idx = currentIndex = index->evalInt(); if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return; array->assignIntElement(idx, value); array->assignElementUnitFactor(idx, unitFactor); } vmint IntArrayElement::evalInt() { if (!index) return 0; vmint idx = currentIndex = index->evalInt(); if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return 0; return array->evalIntElement(idx); } vmfloat IntArrayElement::unitFactor() const { if (!index) return VM_NO_FACTOR; vmint idx = currentIndex; if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return 0; return array->unitFactorOfElement(idx); } void IntArrayElement::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("IntArrayElement\n"); } RealArrayElement::RealArrayElement(RealArrayExprRef array, IntExprRef arrayIndex) : RealVariable({ .ctx = NULL, .isPolyphonic = (array) ? array->isPolyphonic() : false, .isConst = (array) ? array->isConstExpr() : false, .elements = 0, .memPos = 0, .unitFactorMemPos = 0, .unitType = VM_NO_UNIT, .isFinal = false, }), Unit(VM_NO_UNIT), array(array), index(arrayIndex), currentIndex(-1) { } void RealArrayElement::assign(Expression* expr) { RealExpr* valueExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); if (!valueExpr) return; vmfloat value = valueExpr->evalReal(); vmfloat unitFactor = valueExpr->unitFactor(); if (!index) return; vmint idx = currentIndex = index->evalInt(); if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return; array->assignRealElement(idx, value); array->assignElementUnitFactor(idx, unitFactor); } vmfloat RealArrayElement::evalReal() { if (!index) return 0; vmint idx = currentIndex = index->evalInt(); if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return 0; return array->evalRealElement(idx); } vmfloat RealArrayElement::unitFactor() const { if (!index) return VM_NO_FACTOR; vmint idx = currentIndex; if (idx < 0 || idx >= array->arraySize()) return 0; return array->unitFactorOfElement(idx); } void RealArrayElement::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("RealArrayElement\n"); } StringVariable::StringVariable(ParserContext* ctx) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .elements = 1, .memPos = ctx->globalStrVarCount++ }) { } StringVariable::StringVariable(ParserContext* ctx, bool bConst) : Variable({ .ctx = ctx, .isConst = bConst, .memPos = 0, }) { } void StringVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { StringExpr* strExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); (*context->globalStrMemory)[memPos] = strExpr->evalStr(); } String StringVariable::evalStr() { //printf("StringVariable::eval pos=%d\n", memPos); return (*context->globalStrMemory)[memPos]; } void StringVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("StringVariable memPos=%" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)memPos); } ConstStringVariable::ConstStringVariable(ParserContext* ctx, String _value) : StringVariable(ctx,true), value(_value) { } void ConstStringVariable::assign(Expression* expr) { // ignore assignment // StringExpr* strExpr = dynamic_cast(expr); // if (strExpr) value = strExpr->evalStr(); } String ConstStringVariable::evalStr() { return value; } void ConstStringVariable::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("ConstStringVariable val='%s'\n", value.c_str()); } bool NumberBinaryOp::isFinal() const { NumberExprRef l = (NumberExprRef) lhs; NumberExprRef r = (NumberExprRef) rhs; return l->isFinal() || r->isFinal(); } ExprType_t VaritypeScalarBinaryOp::exprType() const { return (lhs->exprType() == REAL_EXPR || rhs->exprType() == REAL_EXPR) ? REAL_EXPR : INT_EXPR; } String VaritypeScalarBinaryOp::evalCastToStr() { return (exprType() == REAL_EXPR) ? RealExpr::evalCastToStr() : IntExpr::evalCastToStr(); } void If::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); if (ifStatements && elseStatements) printf("if cond stmts1 else stmts2 end if\n"); else if (ifStatements) printf("if cond statements end if\n"); else printf("if [INVALID]\n"); } vmint If::evalBranch() { if (condition->evalInt()) return 0; if (elseStatements) return 1; return -1; } Statements* If::branch(vmuint i) const { if (i == 0) return (Statements*) &*ifStatements; if (i == 1) return (elseStatements) ? (Statements*) &*elseStatements : NULL; return NULL; } bool If::isPolyphonic() const { if (condition->isPolyphonic() || ifStatements->isPolyphonic()) return true; return elseStatements ? elseStatements->isPolyphonic() : false; } void SelectCase::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); if (select) if (select->isConstExpr()) printf("Case select %" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)select->evalInt()); else printf("Case select [runtime expr]\n"); else printf("Case select NULL\n"); for (vmint i = 0; i < branches.size(); ++i) { printIndents(level+1); CaseBranch& branch = branches[i]; if (branch.from && branch.to) if (branch.from->isConstExpr() && branch.to->isConstExpr()) printf("case %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)branch.from->evalInt(), (int64_t)branch.to->evalInt()); else if (branch.from->isConstExpr() && !branch.to->isConstExpr()) printf("case %" PRId64 " to [runtime expr]\n", (int64_t)branch.from->evalInt()); else if (!branch.from->isConstExpr() && branch.to->isConstExpr()) printf("case [runtime expr] to %" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)branch.to->evalInt()); else printf("case [runtime expr] to [runtime expr]\n"); else if (branch.from) if (branch.from->isConstExpr()) printf("case %" PRId64 "\n", (int64_t)branch.from->evalInt()); else printf("case [runtime expr]\n"); else printf("case NULL\n"); } } vmint SelectCase::evalBranch() { vmint value = select->evalInt(); for (vmint i = 0; i < branches.size(); ++i) { if (branches.at(i).from && branches.at(i).to) { // i.e. "case 4 to 7" ... if (branches.at(i).from->evalInt() <= value && branches.at(i).to->evalInt() >= value) return i; } else { // i.e. "case 5" ... if (branches.at(i).from->evalInt() == value) return i; } } return -1; } Statements* SelectCase::branch(vmuint i) const { if (i < branches.size()) return const_cast( &*branches[i].statements ); return NULL; } bool SelectCase::isPolyphonic() const { if (select->isPolyphonic()) return true; for (vmint i = 0; i < branches.size(); ++i) if (branches[i].statements->isPolyphonic()) return true; return false; } void While::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); if (m_condition) if (m_condition->isConstExpr()) printf("while (%" PRId64 ") {\n", (int64_t)m_condition->evalInt()); else printf("while ([runtime expr]) {\n"); else printf("while ([INVALID]) {\n"); m_statements->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } Statements* While::statements() const { return (m_statements) ? const_cast( &*m_statements ) : NULL; } bool While::evalLoopStartCondition() { if (!m_condition) return false; return m_condition->evalInt(); } void SyncBlock::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("sync {\n"); m_statements->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf("}\n"); } Statements* SyncBlock::statements() const { return (m_statements) ? const_cast( &*m_statements ) : NULL; } String Neg::evalCastToStr() { return expr->evalCastToStr(); } void Neg::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Negative Expr\n"); } String ConcatString::evalStr() { // temporaries required here to enforce the associative left (to right) order // ( required for GCC and Visual Studio, see: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25842902/why-stdstring-concatenation-operator-works-like-right-associative-one // Personally I am not convinced that this is "not a bug" of the // compiler/STL implementation and the allegedly underlying "function call" // nature causing this is IMO no profound reason that the C++ language's // "+" operator's left associativity is ignored. -- Christian, 2016-07-14 ) String l = lhs->evalCastToStr(); String r = rhs->evalCastToStr(); return l + r; } void ConcatString::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("ConcatString(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")"); } bool ConcatString::isConstExpr() const { return lhs->isConstExpr() && rhs->isConstExpr(); } Relation::Relation(ExpressionRef lhs, Type type, ExpressionRef rhs) : Unit(VM_NO_UNIT), lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs), type(type) { } // Equal / unequal comparison of real numbers in NKSP scripts: // // Unlike system level languages like C/C++ we are less conservative about // comparing floating point numbers for 'equalness' or 'unequalness' in NKSP // scripts. Due to the musical context of the NKSP language we automatically // take the (to be) expected floating point tolerances into account when // comparing two floating point numbers with each other, however only for '=' // and '#' operators. The '<=' and '>=' still use conservative low level // floating point comparison for not breaking their transitivity feature. template struct RelComparer { static inline bool isEqual(T_LHS a, T_RHS b) { // for int comparison ('3 = 3') return a == b; } static inline bool isUnequal(T_LHS a, T_RHS b) { // for int comparison ('3 # 3') return a != b; } }; template<> struct RelComparer { static inline bool isEqual(float a, float b) { // for real number comparison ('3.1 = 3.1') return RTMath::fEqual32(a, b); } static inline bool isUnequal(float a, float b) { // for real number comparison ('3.1 # 3.1') return !RTMath::fEqual32(a, b); } }; template<> struct RelComparer { static inline bool isEqual(double a, double b) { // for future purpose return RTMath::fEqual64(a, b); } static inline bool isUnqqual(double a, double b) { // for future purpose return !RTMath::fEqual64(a, b); } }; template inline vmint _evalRelation(Relation::Type type, T_LHS lhs, T_RHS rhs) { switch (type) { case Relation::LESS_THAN: return lhs < rhs; case Relation::GREATER_THAN: return lhs > rhs; case Relation::LESS_OR_EQUAL: return lhs <= rhs; case Relation::GREATER_OR_EQUAL: return lhs >= rhs; case Relation::EQUAL: return RelComparer::isEqual(lhs, rhs); case Relation::NOT_EQUAL: return RelComparer::isUnequal(lhs, rhs); } return 0; } template inline vmint _evalRealRelation(Relation::Type type, T_LVALUE lvalue, T_RVALUE rvalue, T_LEXPR* pLHS, T_REXPR* pRHS) { if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return _evalRelation(type, lvalue, rvalue); if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return _evalRelation(type, lvalue, Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS)); else return _evalRelation(type, Unit::convRealToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS), rvalue); } template inline vmint _evalIntRelation(Relation::Type type, vmint lvalue, vmint rvalue, T_LEXPR* pLHS, T_REXPR* pRHS) { if (pLHS->unitFactor() == pRHS->unitFactor()) return _evalRelation(type, lvalue, rvalue); if (pLHS->unitFactor() < pRHS->unitFactor()) return _evalRelation(type, lvalue, Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(rvalue, pRHS, pLHS)); else return _evalRelation(type, Unit::convIntToUnitFactor(lvalue, pLHS, pRHS), rvalue); } vmint Relation::evalInt() { const ExprType_t lType = lhs->exprType(); const ExprType_t rType = rhs->exprType(); if (lType == STRING_EXPR || rType == STRING_EXPR) { switch (type) { case EQUAL: return lhs->evalCastToStr() == rhs->evalCastToStr(); case NOT_EQUAL: return lhs->evalCastToStr() != rhs->evalCastToStr(); default: return 0; } } else if (lType == REAL_EXPR && rType == REAL_EXPR) { vmfloat lvalue = lhs->asReal()->evalReal(); vmfloat rvalue = rhs->asReal()->evalReal(); return _evalRealRelation( type, lvalue, rvalue, lhs->asReal(), rhs->asReal() ); } else if (lType == REAL_EXPR && rType == INT_EXPR) { vmfloat lvalue = lhs->asReal()->evalReal(); vmint rvalue = rhs->asInt()->evalInt(); return _evalRealRelation( type, lvalue, rvalue, lhs->asReal(), rhs->asInt() ); } else if (lType == INT_EXPR && rType == REAL_EXPR) { vmint lvalue = lhs->asInt()->evalInt(); vmfloat rvalue = rhs->asReal()->evalReal(); return _evalRealRelation( type, lvalue, rvalue, lhs->asInt(), rhs->asReal() ); } else { vmint lvalue = lhs->asInt()->evalInt(); vmint rvalue = rhs->asInt()->evalInt(); return _evalIntRelation( type, lvalue, rvalue, lhs->asInt(), rhs->asInt() ); } } void Relation::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Relation(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); switch (type) { case LESS_THAN: printf("LESS_THAN\n"); break; case GREATER_THAN: printf("GREATER_THAN\n"); break; case LESS_OR_EQUAL: printf("LESS_OR_EQUAL\n"); break; case GREATER_OR_EQUAL: printf("GREATER_OR_EQUAL\n"); break; case EQUAL: printf("EQUAL\n"); break; case NOT_EQUAL: printf("NOT_EQUAL\n"); break; } rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } bool Relation::isConstExpr() const { return lhs->isConstExpr() && rhs->isConstExpr(); } vmint Or::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); if (pLHS->evalInt()) return 1; IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return (pRHS->evalInt()) ? 1 : 0; } void Or::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Or(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } vmint BitwiseOr::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return pLHS->evalInt() | pRHS->evalInt(); } void BitwiseOr::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("BitwiseOr(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } vmint And::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); if (!pLHS->evalInt()) return 0; IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return (pRHS->evalInt()) ? 1 : 0; } void And::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("And(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } vmint BitwiseAnd::evalInt() { IntExpr* pLHS = dynamic_cast(&*lhs); IntExpr* pRHS = dynamic_cast(&*rhs); return pLHS->evalInt() & pRHS->evalInt(); } void BitwiseAnd::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("BitwiseAnd(\n"); lhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(",\n"); rhs->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } void Not::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Not(\n"); expr->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } void BitwiseNot::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("BitwiseNot(\n"); expr->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } String Final::evalCastToStr() { if (exprType() == REAL_EXPR) return ToString(evalReal()); else return ToString(evalInt()); } void Final::dump(int level) { printIndents(level); printf("Final(\n"); expr->dump(level+1); printIndents(level); printf(")\n"); } UserFunctionRef ParserContext::userFunctionByName(const String& name) { if (!userFnTable.count(name)) { return UserFunctionRef(); } return userFnTable.find(name)->second; } VariableRef ParserContext::variableByName(const String& name) { if (!vartable.count(name)) { return VariableRef(); } return vartable.find(name)->second; } VariableRef ParserContext::globalVar(const String& name) { if (!vartable.count(name)) { //printf("No global var '%s'\n", name.c_str()); //for (std::map::const_iterator it = vartable.begin(); it != vartable.end(); ++it) // printf("-> var '%s'\n", it->first.c_str()); return VariableRef(); } return vartable.find(name)->second; } IntVariableRef ParserContext::globalIntVar(const String& name) { return globalVar(name); } RealVariableRef ParserContext::globalRealVar(const String& name) { return globalVar(name); } StringVariableRef ParserContext::globalStrVar(const String& name) { return globalVar(name); } ParserContext::~ParserContext() { destroyScanner(); if (globalIntMemory) { delete globalIntMemory; globalIntMemory = NULL; } if (globalRealMemory) { delete globalRealMemory; globalRealMemory = NULL; } for (void* data : vAutoFreeAfterParse) free(data); vAutoFreeAfterParse.clear(); } void ParserContext::addErr(int firstLine, int lastLine, int firstColumn, int lastColumn, int firstByte, int lengthBytes, const char* txt) { ParserIssue e; e.type = PARSER_ERROR; e.txt = txt; e.firstLine = firstLine; e.lastLine = lastLine; e.firstColumn = firstColumn; e.lastColumn = lastColumn; e.firstByte = firstByte; e.lengthBytes = lengthBytes; vErrors.push_back(e); vIssues.push_back(e); } void ParserContext::addWrn(int firstLine, int lastLine, int firstColumn, int lastColumn, int firstByte, int lengthBytes, const char* txt) { ParserIssue w; w.type = PARSER_WARNING; w.txt = txt; w.firstLine = firstLine; w.lastLine = lastLine; w.firstColumn = firstColumn; w.lastColumn = lastColumn; w.firstByte = firstByte; w.lengthBytes = lengthBytes; vWarnings.push_back(w); vIssues.push_back(w); } void ParserContext::addPreprocessorComment(int firstLine, int lastLine, int firstColumn, int lastColumn, int firstByte, int lengthBytes) { CodeBlock block; block.firstLine = firstLine; block.lastLine = lastLine; block.firstColumn = firstColumn; block.lastColumn = lastColumn; block.firstByte = firstByte; block.lengthBytes = lengthBytes; vPreprocessorComments.push_back(block); } bool ParserContext::setPreprocessorCondition(const char* name) { if (builtinPreprocessorConditions.count(name)) return false; if (userPreprocessorConditions.count(name)) return false; userPreprocessorConditions.insert(name); return true; } bool ParserContext::resetPreprocessorCondition(const char* name) { if (builtinPreprocessorConditions.count(name)) return false; if (!userPreprocessorConditions.count(name)) return false; userPreprocessorConditions.erase(name); return true; } bool ParserContext::isPreprocessorConditionSet(const char* name) { if (builtinPreprocessorConditions.count(name)) return true; return userPreprocessorConditions.count(name); } void ParserContext::autoFreeAfterParse(void* data) { vAutoFreeAfterParse.push_back(data); } std::vector ParserContext::issues() const { return vIssues; } std::vector ParserContext::errors() const { return vErrors; } std::vector ParserContext::warnings() const { return vWarnings; } std::vector ParserContext::preprocessorComments() const { return vPreprocessorComments; } VMEventHandler* ParserContext::eventHandler(uint index) { if (!handlers) return NULL; return handlers->eventHandler(index); } VMEventHandler* ParserContext::eventHandlerByName(const String& name) { if (!handlers) return NULL; return handlers->eventHandlerByName(name); } void ParserContext::registerBuiltInConstIntVariables(const std::map& vars) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { ConstIntVariableRef ref = new ConstIntVariable({ .value = it->second }); vartable[it->first] = ref; } } void ParserContext::registerBuiltInConstRealVariables(const std::map& vars) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { ConstRealVariableRef ref = new ConstRealVariable({ .value = it->second }); vartable[it->first] = ref; } } void ParserContext::registerBuiltInIntVariables(const std::map& vars) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { BuiltInIntVariableRef ref = new BuiltInIntVariable(it->first, it->second); vartable[it->first] = ref; } } void ParserContext::registerBuiltInIntArrayVariables(const std::map& vars) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { BuiltInIntArrayVariableRef ref = new BuiltInIntArrayVariable(it->first, it->second); vartable[it->first] = ref; } } void ParserContext::registerBuiltInDynVariables(const std::map& vars) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it) { DynamicVariableCallRef ref = new DynamicVariableCall(it->first, this, it->second); vartable[it->first] = ref; } } ExecContext::ExecContext() : status(VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING), flags(STMT_SUCCESS), stackFrame(-1), suspendMicroseconds(0), instructionsCount(0) { exitRes.value = NULL; } void ExecContext::copyPolyphonicDataFrom(VMExecContext* ectx) { ExecContext* src = dynamic_cast(ectx); polyphonicIntMemory.copyFlatFrom(src->polyphonicIntMemory); polyphonicRealMemory.copyFlatFrom(src->polyphonicRealMemory); } void ExecContext::forkTo(VMExecContext* ectx) const { ExecContext* child = dynamic_cast(ectx); child->polyphonicIntMemory.copyFlatFrom(polyphonicIntMemory); child->polyphonicRealMemory.copyFlatFrom(polyphonicRealMemory); child->status = VM_EXEC_SUSPENDED; child->flags = STMT_SUCCESS; child->stack.copyFlatFrom(stack); child->stackFrame = stackFrame; child->suspendMicroseconds = 0; child->instructionsCount = 0; } } // namespace LinuxSampler