// qsamplerChannelForm.ui.h // // ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2007, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerDeviceForm.h" #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include "qsamplerInstrument.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Kind of constructor. void qsamplerChannelForm::init (void) { // Initialize locals. m_pChannel = NULL; m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_midiDevices.setAutoDelete(true); m_audioDevices.setAutoDelete(true); m_pDeviceForm = NULL; // Try to restore normal window positioning. adjustSize(); } // Kind of destructor. void qsamplerChannelForm::destroy (void) { if (m_pDeviceForm) delete m_pDeviceForm; m_pDeviceForm = NULL; } // Channel dialog setup formal initializer. void qsamplerChannelForm::setup ( qsamplerChannel *pChannel ) { m_pChannel = pChannel; m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; if (m_pChannel == NULL) return; // It can be a brand new channel, remember? bool bNew = (m_pChannel->channelID() < 0); setCaption(QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + m_pChannel->channelName()); // Check if we're up and connected. qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; qsamplerOptions *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == NULL) return; // Avoid nested changes. m_iDirtySetup++; // Load combo box history... pOptions->loadComboBoxHistory(InstrumentFileComboBox); // Notify.that we've just changed one audio route. QObject::connect(AudioRoutingTable, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(changeAudioRouting(int,int))); // Populate Engines list. const char **ppszEngines = ::lscp_list_available_engines(pMainForm->client()); if (ppszEngines) { EngineNameComboBox->clear(); for (int iEngine = 0; ppszEngines[iEngine]; iEngine++) EngineNameComboBox->insertItem(ppszEngines[iEngine]); } else m_pChannel->appendMessagesClient("lscp_list_available_engines"); // Populate Audio output type list. AudioDriverComboBox->clear(); AudioDriverComboBox->insertStringList( qsamplerDevice::getDrivers(pMainForm->client(), qsamplerDevice::Audio)); // Populate MIDI input type list. MidiDriverComboBox->clear(); MidiDriverComboBox->insertStringList( qsamplerDevice::getDrivers(pMainForm->client(), qsamplerDevice::Midi)); // Populate Maps list. MidiMapComboBox->clear(); MidiMapComboBox->insertStringList(qsamplerInstrument::getMapNames()); // Read proper channel information, // and populate the channel form fields. // Engine name... QString sEngineName = pChannel->engineName(); if (sEngineName.isEmpty() || bNew) sEngineName = pOptions->sEngineName; if (sEngineName.isEmpty()) sEngineName = qsamplerChannel::noEngineName(); if (EngineNameComboBox->listBox()->findItem(sEngineName, Qt::ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive) == NULL) { EngineNameComboBox->insertItem(sEngineName); } EngineNameComboBox->setCurrentText(sEngineName); // Instrument filename and index... QString sInstrumentFile = pChannel->instrumentFile(); if (sInstrumentFile.isEmpty()) sInstrumentFile = qsamplerChannel::noInstrumentName(); InstrumentFileComboBox->setCurrentText(sInstrumentFile); InstrumentNrComboBox->clear(); InstrumentNrComboBox->insertStringList( qsamplerChannel::getInstrumentList(sInstrumentFile, pOptions->bInstrumentNames)); InstrumentNrComboBox->setCurrentItem(pChannel->instrumentNr()); // MIDI input device... qsamplerDevice midiDevice(qsamplerDevice::Midi, m_pChannel->midiDevice()); // MIDI input driver... QString sMidiDriver = midiDevice.driverName(); if (sMidiDriver.isEmpty() || bNew) sMidiDriver = pOptions->sMidiDriver.upper(); if (!sMidiDriver.isEmpty()) { if (MidiDriverComboBox->listBox()->findItem(sMidiDriver, Qt::ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive) == NULL) { MidiDriverComboBox->insertItem(sMidiDriver); } MidiDriverComboBox->setCurrentText(sMidiDriver); } selectMidiDriverItem(sMidiDriver); if (!bNew) MidiDeviceComboBox->setCurrentText(midiDevice.deviceName()); selectMidiDeviceItem(MidiDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); // MIDI input port... MidiPortSpinBox->setValue(pChannel->midiPort()); // MIDI input channel... int iMidiChannel = pChannel->midiChannel(); // When new, try to suggest a sensible MIDI channel... if (iMidiChannel < 0) iMidiChannel = (::lscp_get_channels(pMainForm->client()) % 16); MidiChannelComboBox->setCurrentItem(iMidiChannel); // MIDI instrument map... int iMidiMap = (bNew ? pOptions->iMidiMap : pChannel->midiMap()); // When new, try to suggest a sensible MIDI map... if (iMidiMap < 0) iMidiMap = 0; const QString& sMapName = qsamplerInstrument::getMapName(iMidiMap); if (!sMapName.isEmpty()) MidiMapComboBox->setCurrentText(sMapName); // It might be no maps around... bool bMidiMapEnabled = (MidiMapComboBox->count() > 0); MidiMapTextLabel->setEnabled(bMidiMapEnabled); MidiMapComboBox->setEnabled(bMidiMapEnabled); // Audio output device... qsamplerDevice audioDevice(qsamplerDevice::Audio, m_pChannel->audioDevice()); // Audio output driver... QString sAudioDriver = audioDevice.driverName(); if (sAudioDriver.isEmpty() || bNew) sAudioDriver = pOptions->sAudioDriver.upper(); if (!sAudioDriver.isEmpty()) { if (AudioDriverComboBox->listBox()->findItem(sAudioDriver, Qt::ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive) == NULL) { AudioDriverComboBox->insertItem(sAudioDriver); } AudioDriverComboBox->setCurrentText(sAudioDriver); } selectAudioDriverItem(sAudioDriver); if (!bNew) AudioDeviceComboBox->setCurrentText(audioDevice.deviceName()); selectAudioDeviceItem(AudioDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); // As convenient, make it ready on stabilizeForm() for // prompt acceptance, if we got the minimum required... /* if (sEngineName != qsamplerChannel::noEngineName() && sInstrumentFile != qsamplerChannel::noInstrumentName()) m_iDirtyCount++; */ // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; stabilizeForm(); } // Accept settings (OK button slot). void qsamplerChannelForm::accept (void) { if (m_pChannel == NULL) return; qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; qsamplerOptions *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == NULL) return; // Flush any pending editing... AudioRoutingTable->flush(); // We'll go for it! if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { int iErrors = 0; // Are we a new channel? if (!m_pChannel->addChannel()) iErrors++; // Accept Audio driver or device selection... if (m_audioDevices.isEmpty()) { if (!m_pChannel->setAudioDriver(AudioDriverComboBox->currentText())) iErrors++; } else { qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_audioDevices.at(AudioDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); if (pDevice == NULL) iErrors++; else if (!m_pChannel->setAudioDevice(pDevice->deviceID())) iErrors++; else if (!m_audioRouting.isEmpty()) { // Set the audio route changes... qsamplerChannelRoutingMap::ConstIterator iter; for (iter = m_audioRouting.begin(); iter != m_audioRouting.end(); ++iter) { if (!m_pChannel->setAudioChannel(iter.key(), iter.data())) iErrors++; } } } // Accept MIDI driver or device selection... if (m_midiDevices.isEmpty()) { if (!m_pChannel->setMidiDriver(MidiDriverComboBox->currentText())) iErrors++; } else { qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_midiDevices.at(MidiDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); if (pDevice == NULL) iErrors++; else if (!m_pChannel->setMidiDevice(pDevice->deviceID())) iErrors++; } // MIDI input port number... if (!m_pChannel->setMidiPort(MidiPortSpinBox->value())) iErrors++; // MIDI input channel... if (!m_pChannel->setMidiChannel(MidiChannelComboBox->currentItem())) iErrors++; // Engine name... if (!m_pChannel->loadEngine(EngineNameComboBox->currentText())) iErrors++; // Instrument file and index... const QString& sPath = InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText(); if (!sPath.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(sPath).exists()) { if (!m_pChannel->loadInstrument(sPath, InstrumentNrComboBox->currentItem())) iErrors++; } // MIDI intrument map... if (!m_pChannel->setMidiMap(MidiMapComboBox->currentItem())) iErrors++; // Show error messages? if (iErrors > 0) m_pChannel->appendMessagesError(tr("Some channel settings could not be set.\n\nSorry.")); } // Save default engine name, instrument directory and history... pOptions->sInstrumentDir = QFileInfo(InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText()).dirPath(true); pOptions->sEngineName = EngineNameComboBox->currentText(); pOptions->sAudioDriver = AudioDriverComboBox->currentText(); pOptions->sMidiDriver = MidiDriverComboBox->currentText(); pOptions->iMidiMap = MidiMapComboBox->currentItem(); pOptions->saveComboBoxHistory(InstrumentFileComboBox); // Just go with dialog acceptance. QDialog::accept(); } // Reject settings (Cancel button slot). void qsamplerChannelForm::reject (void) { bool bReject = true; // Check if there's any pending changes... if (m_iDirtyCount > 0 && OkPushButton->isEnabled()) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("Some channel settings have been changed.\n\n" "Do you want to apply the changes?"), tr("Apply"), tr("Discard"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: // Apply... accept(); return; case 1: // Discard break; default: // Cancel. bReject = false; break; } } if (bReject) QDialog::reject(); } // Browse and open an instrument file. void qsamplerChannelForm::openInstrumentFile (void) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; qsamplerOptions *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == NULL) return; // FIXME: the instrument file filters should be restricted, // depending on the current engine. QString sInstrumentFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( pOptions->sInstrumentDir, // Start here. tr("Instrument files") + " (*.gig *.dls)", // Filter (GIG and DLS files) this, 0, // Parent and name (none) QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Instrument files") // Caption. ); if (sInstrumentFile.isEmpty()) return; InstrumentFileComboBox->setCurrentText(sInstrumentFile); updateInstrumentName(); } // Refresh the actual instrument name. void qsamplerChannelForm::updateInstrumentName (void) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; qsamplerOptions *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == NULL) return; // Finally this better idea would be to use libgig // to retrieve the REAL instrument names. InstrumentNrComboBox->clear(); InstrumentNrComboBox->insertStringList( qsamplerChannel::getInstrumentList( InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText(), pOptions->bInstrumentNames) ); optionsChanged(); } // Show device options dialog. void qsamplerChannelForm::setupDevice ( qsamplerDevice *pDevice, qsamplerDevice::qsamplerDeviceType deviceTypeMode, const QString& sDriverName ) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; // Create the device form if not already... if (m_pDeviceForm == NULL) { m_pDeviceForm = new qsamplerDeviceForm(this, 0, WType_Dialog | WShowModal); QObject::connect(m_pDeviceForm, SIGNAL(devicesChanged()), this, SLOT(updateDevices())); } // Refresh the device form with selected data. if (m_pDeviceForm) { m_pDeviceForm->setDeviceTypeMode(deviceTypeMode); m_pDeviceForm->refreshDevices(); m_pDeviceForm->setDevice(pDevice); m_pDeviceForm->setDriverName(sDriverName); m_pDeviceForm->show(); } } // Refresh MIDI driver item devices. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectMidiDriverItem ( const QString& sMidiDriver ) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; const QString sDriverName = sMidiDriver.upper(); // Save current device id. int iDeviceID = 0; qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_midiDevices.at(MidiDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); if (pDevice) iDeviceID = pDevice->deviceID(); // Clean maplist. MidiDeviceComboBox->clear(); m_midiDevices.clear(); // Populate with the current ones... const QPixmap& midiPixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource("midi2.png"); int *piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(pMainForm->client(), qsamplerDevice::Midi); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { pDevice = new qsamplerDevice(qsamplerDevice::Midi, piDeviceIDs[i]); if (pDevice->driverName().upper() == sDriverName) { MidiDeviceComboBox->insertItem(midiPixmap, pDevice->deviceName()); m_midiDevices.append(pDevice); } else { delete pDevice; } } // Do proper enabling... bool bEnabled = !m_midiDevices.isEmpty(); if (bEnabled) { // Select the previous current device... int iMidiItem = 0; for (pDevice = m_midiDevices.first(); pDevice; pDevice = m_midiDevices.next()) { if (pDevice->deviceID() == iDeviceID) { MidiDeviceComboBox->setCurrentItem(iMidiItem); selectMidiDeviceItem(iMidiItem); break; } iMidiItem++; } } else { MidiDeviceComboBox->insertItem( tr("(New MIDI %1 device)").arg(sMidiDriver)); } MidiDeviceTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled); MidiDeviceComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled); } // Refresh MIDI device options slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectMidiDriver ( const QString& sMidiDriver ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; selectMidiDriverItem(sMidiDriver); optionsChanged(); } // Select MIDI device item. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectMidiDeviceItem ( int iMidiItem ) { qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_midiDevices.at(iMidiItem); if (pDevice) { const qsamplerDeviceParamMap& params = pDevice->params(); int iPorts = params["PORTS"].value.toInt(); MidiPortTextLabel->setEnabled(iPorts > 0); MidiPortSpinBox->setEnabled(iPorts > 0); if (iPorts > 0) MidiPortSpinBox->setMaxValue(iPorts - 1); } } // Select MIDI device options slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectMidiDevice ( int iMidiItem ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; selectMidiDeviceItem(iMidiItem); optionsChanged(); } // MIDI device options. void qsamplerChannelForm::setupMidiDevice (void) { setupDevice(m_midiDevices.at(MidiDeviceComboBox->currentItem()), qsamplerDevice::Midi, MidiDriverComboBox->currentText()); } // Refresh Audio driver item devices. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectAudioDriverItem ( const QString& sAudioDriver ) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = qsamplerMainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return; const QString sDriverName = sAudioDriver.upper(); // Save current device id. int iDeviceID = 0; qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_audioDevices.at(AudioDeviceComboBox->currentItem()); if (pDevice) iDeviceID = pDevice->deviceID(); // Clean maplist. AudioDeviceComboBox->clear(); m_audioDevices.clear(); // Populate with the current ones... const QPixmap& audioPixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource("audio2.png"); int *piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(pMainForm->client(), qsamplerDevice::Audio); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { pDevice = new qsamplerDevice(qsamplerDevice::Audio, piDeviceIDs[i]); if (pDevice->driverName().upper() == sDriverName) { AudioDeviceComboBox->insertItem(audioPixmap, pDevice->deviceName()); m_audioDevices.append(pDevice); } else { delete pDevice; } } // Do proper enabling... bool bEnabled = !m_audioDevices.isEmpty(); if (bEnabled) { // Select the previous current device... int iAudioItem = 0; for (pDevice = m_audioDevices.first(); pDevice; pDevice = m_audioDevices.next()) { if (pDevice->deviceID() == iDeviceID) { AudioDeviceComboBox->setCurrentItem(iAudioItem); selectAudioDeviceItem(iAudioItem); break; } iAudioItem++; } } else { AudioDeviceComboBox->insertItem( tr("(New Audio %1 device)").arg(sAudioDriver)); AudioRoutingTable->setNumRows(0); } AudioDeviceTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled); AudioDeviceComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled); AudioRoutingTable->setEnabled(bEnabled); } // Refresh Audio device options slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectAudioDriver ( const QString& sAudioDriver ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; selectAudioDriverItem(sAudioDriver); optionsChanged(); } // Select Audio device item. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectAudioDeviceItem ( int iAudioItem ) { qsamplerDevice *pDevice = m_audioDevices.at(iAudioItem); if (pDevice) { // Refresh the audio routing table. AudioRoutingTable->refresh(pDevice, m_pChannel->audioRouting()); // Reset routing change map. m_audioRouting.clear(); } } // Select Audio device options slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::selectAudioDevice ( int iAudioItem ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; selectAudioDeviceItem(iAudioItem); optionsChanged(); } // Audio device options. void qsamplerChannelForm::setupAudioDevice (void) { setupDevice(m_audioDevices.at(AudioDeviceComboBox->currentItem()), qsamplerDevice::Audio, AudioDriverComboBox->currentText()); } // Audio routing change slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::changeAudioRouting ( int iRow, int iCol ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (iRow < 0 || iCol < 0) return; // Verify that this is a QComboTableItem (magic rtti == 1) QTableItem *pItem = AudioRoutingTable->item(iRow, iCol); if (pItem == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelRoutingComboBox *pComboItem = static_cast (pItem); // FIXME: Its not garanteed that we must have // iAudioOut == iRow on all times forth! m_audioRouting[iRow] = pComboItem->currentItem(); // And let's get dirty... optionsChanged(); } // UPdate all device lists slot. void qsamplerChannelForm::updateDevices (void) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; selectMidiDriverItem(MidiDriverComboBox->currentText()); selectAudioDriverItem(AudioDriverComboBox->currentText()); optionsChanged(); } // Dirty up settings. void qsamplerChannelForm::optionsChanged (void) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Stabilize current form state. void qsamplerChannelForm::stabilizeForm (void) { bool bValid = true; #if 0 const QString& sPath = InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText(); bValid = bValid && !sPath.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(sPath).exists(); #endif OkPushButton->setEnabled(m_iDirtyCount > 0 && bValid); } // end of qsamplerChannelForm.ui.h