// qsamplerMainForm.ui.h // // ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerOptions.h" #include "qsamplerMessages.h" #include "qsamplerChannelStrip.h" #include "qsamplerOptionsForm.h" #include "config.h" // Timer constant stuff. #define QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS 200 // Status bar item indexes #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT 0 // Client connection state. #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER 1 // Currenr server address (host:port) #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL 2 // Active channel caption. #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION 3 // Current session modification state. #if defined(WIN32) static WSADATA _wsaData; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Main window form implementation. // Kind of constructor. void qsamplerMainForm::init (void) { // Initialize some pointer references. m_pOptions = NULL; // All child forms are to be created later, not earlier than setup. m_pMessages = NULL; // We'll start clean. m_iUntitled = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_pServer = NULL; m_pClient = NULL; m_iStartDelay = 0; m_iTimerDelay = 0; m_iTimerSlot = 0; // Make it an MDI workspace. m_pWorkspace = new QWorkspace(this); m_pWorkspace->setScrollBarsEnabled(true); // Set the activation connection. QObject::connect(m_pWorkspace, SIGNAL(windowActivated(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(stabilizeForm())); // Make it shine :-) setCentralWidget(m_pWorkspace); // Create some statusbar labels... QLabel *pLabel; // Client status. pLabel = new QLabel(tr("Connected"), this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); pLabel->setMinimumSize(pLabel->sizeHint()); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel); // Server address. pLabel = new QLabel(this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel, 1); // Channel title. pLabel = new QLabel(this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel, 2); // Session modification status. pLabel = new QLabel(tr("MOD"), this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); pLabel->setMinimumSize(pLabel->sizeHint()); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel); // Create the recent files sub-menu. m_pRecentFilesMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); fileMenu->insertSeparator(4); fileMenu->insertItem(tr("Recent &Files"), m_pRecentFilesMenu, 0, 5); #if defined(WIN32) WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &_wsaData); #endif } // Kind of destructor. void qsamplerMainForm::destroy (void) { // Do final processing anyway. processServerExit(); // Delete recentfiles menu. if (m_pRecentFilesMenu) delete m_pRecentFilesMenu; // Delete status item labels one by one. if (m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]) delete m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]; if (m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]) delete m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]; if (m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]) delete m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]; if (m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]) delete m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]; // Finally drop any widgets around... if (m_pMessages) delete m_pMessages; if (m_pWorkspace) delete m_pWorkspace; #if defined(WIN32) WSACleanup(); #endif } // Make and set a proper setup options step. void qsamplerMainForm::setup ( qsamplerOptions *pOptions ) { // We got options? m_pOptions = pOptions; // Some child forms are to be created right now. m_pMessages = new qsamplerMessages(this); // Set message defaults... updateMessagesFont(); updateMessagesLimit(); updateMessagesCapture(); // Set the visibility signal. QObject::connect(m_pMessages, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(stabilizeForm())); // Initial decorations toggle state. viewMenubarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bMenubar); viewToolbarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bToolbar); viewStatusbarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bStatusbar); channelsAutoArrangeAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bAutoArrange); // Initial decorations visibility state. viewMenubar(m_pOptions->bMenubar); viewToolbar(m_pOptions->bToolbar); viewStatusbar(m_pOptions->bStatusbar); // Restore whole dock windows state. QString sDockables = m_pOptions->settings().readEntry("/Layout/DockWindows" , QString::null); if (sDockables.isEmpty()) { // Message window is forced to dock on the bottom. moveDockWindow(m_pMessages, Qt::DockBottom); } else { // Make it as the last time. QTextIStream istr(&sDockables); istr >> *this; } // Try to restore old window positioning. m_pOptions->loadWidgetGeometry(this); // Final startup stabilization... updateRecentFilesMenu(); stabilizeForm(); // Make it ready :-) statusBar()->message(tr("Ready"), 3000); // We'll try to start immediately... startSchedule(0); // Register the first timer slot. QTimer::singleShot(QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS, this, SLOT(timerSlot())); } // Window close event handlers. bool qsamplerMainForm::queryClose (void) { bool bQueryClose = closeSession(false); // Try to save current general state... if (m_pOptions) { // Some windows default fonts is here on demand too. if (bQueryClose && m_pMessages) m_pOptions->sMessagesFont = m_pMessages->messagesFont().toString(); // Try to save current positioning. if (bQueryClose) { // Save decorations state. m_pOptions->bMenubar = MenuBar->isVisible(); m_pOptions->bToolbar = (fileToolbar->isVisible() || editToolbar->isVisible() || channelsToolbar->isVisible()); m_pOptions->bStatusbar = statusBar()->isVisible(); // Save the dock windows state. QString sDockables; QTextOStream ostr(&sDockables); ostr << *this; m_pOptions->settings().writeEntry("/Layout/DockWindows", sDockables); // And the main windows state. m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(this); // Stop client and/or server, gracefully. stopServer(); } } return bQueryClose; } void qsamplerMainForm::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *pCloseEvent ) { if (queryClose()) pCloseEvent->accept(); else pCloseEvent->ignore(); } void qsamplerMainForm::dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent* pDragEnterEvent ) { bool bAccept = false; if (QTextDrag::canDecode(pDragEnterEvent)) { QString sUrl; if (QTextDrag::decode(pDragEnterEvent, sUrl) && m_pClient) bAccept = QFileInfo(QUrl(sUrl).path()).exists(); } pDragEnterEvent->accept(bAccept); } void qsamplerMainForm::dropEvent ( QDropEvent* pDropEvent ) { if (QTextDrag::canDecode(pDropEvent)) { QString sUrl; if (QTextDrag::decode(pDropEvent, sUrl) && closeSession(true)) loadSessionFile(QUrl(sUrl).path()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Brainless public property accessors. // The global options settings property. qsamplerOptions *qsamplerMainForm::options (void) { return m_pOptions; } // The LSCP client descriptor property. lscp_client_t *qsamplerMainForm::client (void) { return m_pClient; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Session file stuff. // Format the displayable session filename. QString qsamplerMainForm::sessionName ( const QString& sFilename ) { bool bCompletePath = (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bCompletePath); QString sSessionName = sFilename; if (sSessionName.isEmpty()) sSessionName = tr("Untitled") + QString::number(m_iUntitled); else if (!bCompletePath) sSessionName = QFileInfo(sSessionName).fileName(); return sSessionName; } // Create a new session file from scratch. bool qsamplerMainForm::newSession (void) { // Check if we can do it. if (!closeSession(true)) return false; // Ok increment untitled count. m_iUntitled++; // Stabilize form. m_sFilename = QString::null; m_iDirtyCount = 0; appendMessages(tr("New session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); stabilizeForm(); return true; } // Open an existing sampler session. bool qsamplerMainForm::openSession (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; // Ask for the filename to open... QString sFilename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( m_pOptions->sSessionDir, // Start here. tr("LSCP Session files") + " (*.lscp)", // Filter (LSCP files) this, 0, // Parent and name (none) tr("Open Session") // Caption. ); // Have we cancelled? if (sFilename.isEmpty()) return false; // Check if we're going to discard safely the current one... if (!closeSession(true)) return false; // Load it right away. return loadSessionFile(sFilename); } // Save current sampler session with another name. bool qsamplerMainForm::saveSession ( bool bPrompt ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; QString sFilename = m_sFilename; // Ask for the file to save, if there's none... if (bPrompt || sFilename.isEmpty()) { // If none is given, assume default directory. if (sFilename.isEmpty()) sFilename = m_pOptions->sSessionDir; // Prompt the guy... sFilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( sFilename, // Start here. tr("LSCP Session files") + " (*.lscp)", // Filter (LSCP files) this, 0, // Parent and name (none) tr("Save Session") // Caption. ); // Have we cancelled it? if (sFilename.isEmpty()) return false; // Enforce .lscp extension... if (QFileInfo(sFilename).extension().isEmpty()) sFilename += ".lscp"; // Check if already exists... if (sFilename != m_sFilename && QFileInfo(sFilename).exists()) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("The file already exists:\n\n" "\"%1\"\n\n" "Do you want to replace it?") .arg(sFilename), tr("Replace"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return false; } } // Save it right away. return saveSessionFile(sFilename); } // Close current session. bool qsamplerMainForm::closeSession ( bool bForce ) { bool bClose = true; // Are we dirty enough to prompt it? if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("The current session has been changed:\n\n" "\"%1\"\n\n" "Do you want to save the changes?") .arg(sessionName(m_sFilename)), tr("Save"), tr("Discard"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: // Save... bClose = saveSession(false); // Fall thru.... case 1: // Discard break; default: // Cancel. bClose = false; break; } } // If we may close it, dot it. if (bClose) { // Remove all channel strips from sight... m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (bForce && ::lscp_remove_channel(m_pClient, pChannel->channelID()) != LSCP_OK) appendMessagesClient("lscp_remove_channel"); delete pChannel; } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // We're now clean, for sure. m_iDirtyCount = 0; } return bClose; } // Load a session from specific file path. bool qsamplerMainForm::loadSessionFile ( const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return false; // Open and read from real file. QFile file(sFilename); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not open \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); return false; } // Read the file. int iErrors = 0; QTextStream ts(&file); while (!ts.atEnd()) { // Read the line. QString sCommand = ts.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace(); // If not empty, nor a comment, call the server... if (!sCommand.isEmpty() && sCommand[0] != '#') { appendMessagesColor(sCommand, "#996633"); // Remember that, no matter what, // all LSCP commands are CR/LF terminated. sCommand += "\r\n"; if (::lscp_client_query(m_pClient, sCommand.latin1()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_client_query"); iErrors++; } } // Try to make it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } // Ok. we've read it. file.close(); // Have we any errors? if (iErrors > 0) appendMessagesError(tr("Some setttings could not be loaded\nfrom \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); // Now we'll try to create the whole GUI session. int iChannels = ::lscp_get_channels(m_pClient); if (iChannels < 0) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_channels"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not get current number of channels.\n\nSorry.")); } // Try to (re)create each channel. m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannelID = 0; iChannelID < iChannels; iChannelID++) { createChannel(iChannelID, false); QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // Save as default session directory. if (m_pOptions) m_pOptions->sSessionDir = QFileInfo(sFilename).dirPath(true); // We're not dirty anymore. m_iDirtyCount = 0; // Stabilize form... m_sFilename = sFilename; updateRecentFiles(sFilename); appendMessages(tr("Open session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); stabilizeForm(); return true; } // Save current session to specific file path. bool qsamplerMainForm::saveSessionFile ( const QString& sFilename ) { // Open and write into real file. QFile file(sFilename); if (!file.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate)) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not open \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); return false; } // Write the file. int iErrors = 0; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << "# " << QSAMPLER_TITLE " - " << tr(QSAMPLER_SUBTITLE) << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Version") << ": " QSAMPLER_VERSION << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Build") << ": " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << endl; ts << "#" << endl; ts << "# " << tr("File") << ": " << QFileInfo(sFilename).fileName() << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Date") << ": " << QDate::currentDate().toString("MMMM dd yyyy") << " " << QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") << endl; ts << "#" << endl; ts << endl; QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); int iChannelID = pChannel->channelID(); ts << "# " << pChannel->caption() << endl; ts << "ADD CHANNEL" << endl; ts << "SET CHANNEL AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE " << iChannelID << " " << pChannel->audioDriver() << endl; ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_TYPE " << iChannelID << " " << pChannel->midiDriver() << endl; // ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_PORT " << iChannelID << " " << pChannel->midiPort() << endl; ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL " << iChannelID << " " << pChannel->midiChannel() << endl; ts << "LOAD ENGINE " << pChannel->engineName() << " " << iChannelID << endl; ts << "LOAD INSTRUMENT " << pChannel->instrumentFile() << " " << pChannel->instrumentNr() << " " << iChannelID << endl; ts << "SET CHANNEL VOLUME " << iChannelID << " " << pChannel->volume() << endl; ts << endl; // Try to keep it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } // Ok. we've wrote it. file.close(); // Have we any errors? if (iErrors > 0) appendMessagesError(tr("Some settings could not be saved\nto \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); // Save as default session directory. if (m_pOptions) m_pOptions->sSessionDir = QFileInfo(sFilename).dirPath(true); // We're not dirty anymore. m_iDirtyCount = 0; // Stabilize form... m_sFilename = sFilename; updateRecentFiles(sFilename); appendMessages(tr("Save session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); stabilizeForm(); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- File Action slots. // Create a new sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileNew (void) { // Of course we'll start clean new. newSession(); } // Open an existing sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileOpen (void) { // Open it right away. openSession(); } // Open a recent file session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileOpenRecent ( int iIndex ) { // Check if we can safely close the current session... if (m_pOptions && closeSession(true)) { QString sFilename = m_pOptions->recentFiles[iIndex]; loadSessionFile(sFilename); } } // Save current sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileSave (void) { // Save it right away. saveSession(false); } // Save current sampler session with another name. void qsamplerMainForm::fileSaveAs (void) { // Save it right away, maybe with another name. saveSession(true); } // Restart the client/server instance. void qsamplerMainForm::fileRestart (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; bool bRestart = true; // Ask user whether he/she want's a complete restart... // (if we're currently up and running) if (bRestart && m_pClient) { bRestart = (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("New settings will be effective after\n" "restarting the client/server connection.\n\n" "Please note that this operation may cause\n" "temporary MIDI and Audio disruption\n\n" "Do you want to restart the connection now?"), tr("Restart"), tr("Cancel")) == 0); } // Are we still for it? if (bRestart && closeSession(true)) { // Stop server, it will force the client too. stopServer(); // Reschedule a restart... startSchedule(m_pOptions->iStartDelay); } } // Exit application program. void qsamplerMainForm::fileExit (void) { // Go for close the whole thing. close(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Edit Action slots. // Add a new sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editAddChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Create the new sampler channel. int iChannelID = ::lscp_add_channel(m_pClient); if (iChannelID < 0) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_add_channel"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not create the new channel.\n\nSorry.")); return; } // Log this happening. appendMessages(tr("Channel %1 created.").arg(iChannelID)); // Just create the channel strip with given id. createChannel(iChannelID, true); // We'll be dirty, for sure... m_iDirtyCount++; // Stabilize form anyway. stabilizeForm(); } // Remove current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editRemoveChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = activeChannel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Prompt user if he/she's sure about this... if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bConfirmRemove) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("About to remove channel:\n\n" "%1\n\n" "Are you sure?") .arg(pChannel->caption()), tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return; } // Remove the existing sampler channel. if (::lscp_remove_channel(m_pClient, pChannel->channelID()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_remove_channel"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not remove channel.\n\nSorry.")); return; } // Log this happening. appendMessages(tr("Channel %1 removed.").arg(pChannel->channelID())); // Just delete the channel strip. delete pChannel; // Do we auto-arrange? if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) channelsArrange(); // We'll be dirty, for sure... m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Setup current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editSetupChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = activeChannel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Just invoque the channel strip procedure. pChannel->channelSetup(); } // Reset current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editResetChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = activeChannel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Remove the existing sampler channel. if (::lscp_reset_channel(m_pClient, pChannel->channelID()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_reset_channel"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not reset channel.\n\nSorry.")); return; } // Log this. appendMessages(tr("Channel %1 reset.").arg(pChannel->channelID())); // Refresh channel strip info. pChannel->updateChannelInfo(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- View Action slots. // Show/hide the main program window menubar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewMenubar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) MenuBar->show(); else MenuBar->hide(); } // Show/hide the main program window toolbar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewToolbar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) { fileToolbar->show(); editToolbar->show(); channelsToolbar->show(); } else { fileToolbar->hide(); editToolbar->hide(); channelsToolbar->hide(); } } // Show/hide the main program window statusbar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewStatusbar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) statusBar()->show(); else statusBar()->hide(); } // Show/hide the messages window logger. void qsamplerMainForm::viewMessages ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) m_pMessages->show(); else m_pMessages->hide(); } // Show options dialog. void qsamplerMainForm::viewOptions (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; qsamplerOptionsForm *pOptionsForm = new qsamplerOptionsForm(this); if (pOptionsForm) { // Check out some initial nullities(tm)... qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = activeChannel(); if (m_pOptions->sDisplayFont.isEmpty() && pChannel) m_pOptions->sDisplayFont = pChannel->displayFont().toString(); if (m_pOptions->sMessagesFont.isEmpty() && m_pMessages) m_pOptions->sMessagesFont = m_pMessages->messagesFont().toString(); // To track down deferred or immediate changes. QString sOldServerHost = m_pOptions->sServerHost; int iOldServerPort = m_pOptions->iServerPort; int iOldServerTimeout = m_pOptions->iServerTimeout; bool bOldServerStart = m_pOptions->bServerStart; QString sOldServerCmdLine = m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine; QString sOldDisplayFont = m_pOptions->sDisplayFont; QString sOldMessagesFont = m_pOptions->sMessagesFont; bool bOldStdoutCapture = m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture; int bOldMessagesLimit = m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit; int iOldMessagesLimitLines = m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines; bool bOldCompletePath = m_pOptions->bCompletePath; int iOldMaxRecentFiles = m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles; // Load the current setup settings. pOptionsForm->setup(m_pOptions); // Show the setup dialog... if (pOptionsForm->exec()) { // Warn if something will be only effective on next run. if (( bOldStdoutCapture && !m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture) || (!bOldStdoutCapture && m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Some settings may be only effective\n" "next time you start this program."), tr("OK")); updateMessagesCapture(); } // Check wheather something immediate has changed. if (( bOldCompletePath && !m_pOptions->bCompletePath) || (!bOldCompletePath && m_pOptions->bCompletePath) || (iOldMaxRecentFiles != m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles)) updateRecentFilesMenu(); if (sOldDisplayFont != m_pOptions->sDisplayFont) updateDisplayFont(); if (sOldMessagesFont != m_pOptions->sMessagesFont) updateMessagesFont(); if (( bOldMessagesLimit && !m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) || (!bOldMessagesLimit && m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) || (iOldMessagesLimitLines != m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines)) updateMessagesLimit(); // And now the main thing, whether we'll do client/server recycling? if ((sOldServerHost != m_pOptions->sServerHost) || (iOldServerPort != m_pOptions->iServerPort) || (iOldServerTimeout != m_pOptions->iServerTimeout) || ( bOldServerStart && !m_pOptions->bServerStart) || (!bOldServerStart && m_pOptions->bServerStart) || (sOldServerCmdLine != m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine && m_pOptions->bServerStart)) fileRestart(); } // Done. delete pOptionsForm; } // This makes it. stabilizeForm(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Channels action slots. // Arrange channel strips. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsArrange (void) { // Full width vertical tiling QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); int y = 0; for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); /* if (pChannel->testWState(WState_Maximized | WState_Minimized)) { // Prevent flicker... pChannel->hide(); pChannel->showNormal(); } */ pChannel->adjustSize(); int iWidth = m_pWorkspace->width(); if (iWidth < pChannel->width()) iWidth = pChannel->width(); // int iHeight = pChannel->height() + pChannel->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); int iHeight = pChannel->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); pChannel->parentWidget()->setGeometry(0, y, iWidth, iHeight); y += iHeight; } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); stabilizeForm(); } // Auto-arrange channel strips. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsAutoArrange ( bool bOn ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Toggle the auto-arrange flag. m_pOptions->bAutoArrange = bOn; // If on, update whole workspace... if (m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) channelsArrange(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Help Action slots. // Show information about the Qt toolkit. void qsamplerMainForm::helpAboutQt (void) { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this); } // Show information about application program. void qsamplerMainForm::helpAbout (void) { // Stuff the about box text... QString sText = "

\n"; sText += "" QSAMPLER_TITLE " - " + tr(QSAMPLER_SUBTITLE) + "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Version") + ": " QSAMPLER_VERSION "
\n"; sText += "" + tr("Build") + ": " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "
\n"; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG sText += ""; sText += tr("Debugging option enabled."); sText += "
"; #endif sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Using") + ": "; sText += ::lscp_client_package(); sText += " "; sText += ::lscp_client_version(); sText += "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Website") + ": " QSAMPLER_WEBSITE "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += ""; sText += QSAMPLER_COPYRIGHT "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it") + "
\n"; sText += tr("under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later."); sText += "
"; sText += "

\n"; QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About") + " " QSAMPLER_TITLE, sText); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Main window stabilization. void qsamplerMainForm::stabilizeForm (void) { // Update the main application caption... QString sSessioName = sessionName(m_sFilename); if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) sSessioName += '*'; setCaption(tr(QSAMPLER_TITLE " - [%1]").arg(sSessioName)); // Update the main menu state... qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = activeChannel(); bool bHasClient = (m_pOptions != NULL && m_pClient != NULL); bool bHasChannel = (bHasClient && pChannel != NULL); fileNewAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileOpenAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileSaveAction->setEnabled(bHasClient && m_iDirtyCount > 0); fileSaveAsAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileRestartAction->setEnabled(bHasClient || m_pServer == NULL); editAddChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); editRemoveChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); editSetupChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); editResetChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); channelsArrangeAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); viewMessagesAction->setOn(m_pMessages && m_pMessages->isVisible()); // Client/Server status... if (bHasClient) { m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]->setText(tr("Connected")); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]->setText(m_pOptions->sServerHost + ":" + QString::number(m_pOptions->iServerPort)); } else { m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]->clear(); m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]->clear(); } // Channel status... if (bHasChannel) m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]->setText(pChannel->caption()); else m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]->clear(); // Session status... if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]->setText(tr("MOD")); else m_status[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]->clear(); // Recent files menu. m_pRecentFilesMenu->setEnabled(bHasClient && m_pOptions->recentFiles.count() > 0); // Always make the latest message visible. if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->scrollToBottom(); } // Channel change receiver slot. void qsamplerMainForm::channelChanged( qsamplerChannelStrip * ) { // Just mark the dirty form. m_iDirtyCount++; // and update the form status... stabilizeForm(); } // Update the recent files list and menu. void qsamplerMainForm::updateRecentFiles ( const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Remove from list if already there (avoid duplicates) QStringList::Iterator iter = m_pOptions->recentFiles.find(sFilename); if (iter != m_pOptions->recentFiles.end()) m_pOptions->recentFiles.remove(iter); // Put it to front... m_pOptions->recentFiles.push_front(sFilename); // May update the menu. updateRecentFilesMenu(); } // Update the recent files list and menu. void qsamplerMainForm::updateRecentFilesMenu (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Time to keep the list under limits. int iRecentFiles = m_pOptions->recentFiles.count(); while (iRecentFiles > m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles) { m_pOptions->recentFiles.pop_back(); iRecentFiles--; } // rebuild the recent files menu... m_pRecentFilesMenu->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < iRecentFiles; i++) { const QString& sFilename = m_pOptions->recentFiles[i]; if (QFileInfo(sFilename).exists()) { m_pRecentFilesMenu->insertItem(QString("&%1 %2") .arg(i + 1).arg(sessionName(sFilename)), this, SLOT(fileOpenRecent(int)), 0, i); } } } // Force update of the channels display font. void qsamplerMainForm::updateDisplayFont (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Check if display font is legal. if (m_pOptions->sDisplayFont.isEmpty()) return; // Realize it. QFont font; if (!font.fromString(m_pOptions->sDisplayFont)) return; // Full channel list update... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); pChannel->setDisplayFont(font); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Messages window form handlers. // Messages output methods. void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessages( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessages(s); statusBar()->message(s, 3000); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesColor( const QString& s, const QString& c ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessagesColor(s, c); statusBar()->message(s, 3000); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesText( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessagesText(s); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesError( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->show(); appendMessagesColor(s.simplifyWhiteSpace(), "#ff0000"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), s, tr("Cancel")); } // This is a special message format, just for client results. void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesClient( const QString& s ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; appendMessagesColor(s + QString(": %1 (errno=%2)") .arg(::lscp_client_get_result(m_pClient)) .arg(::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)), "#996666"); } // Force update of the messages font. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesFont (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages && !m_pOptions->sMessagesFont.isEmpty()) { QFont font; if (font.fromString(m_pOptions->sMessagesFont)) m_pMessages->setMessagesFont(font); } } // Update messages window line limit. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesLimit (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages) { if (m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) m_pMessages->setMessagesLimit(m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines); else m_pMessages->setMessagesLimit(0); } } // Enablement of the messages capture feature. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesCapture (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->setCaptureEnabled(m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- MDI channel strip management. // The channel strip creation executive. void qsamplerMainForm::createChannel ( int iChannelID, bool bPrompt ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Prepare for auto-arrange? qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = NULL; int y = 0; if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) { QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); // y += pChannel->height() + pChannel->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); y += pChannel->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); } } // Add a new channel itema... WFlags wflags = Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_Tool | Qt::WStyle_Title | Qt::WStyle_NoBorder; pChannel = new qsamplerChannelStrip(m_pWorkspace, 0, wflags); pChannel->setup(this, iChannelID); // We'll need a display font. QFont font; if (m_pOptions && font.fromString(m_pOptions->sDisplayFont)) pChannel->setDisplayFont(font); // Track channel setup changes. QObject::connect(pChannel, SIGNAL(channelChanged(qsamplerChannelStrip *)), this, SLOT(channelChanged(qsamplerChannelStrip *))); // Before we show it up, may be we'll // better ask for some initial values? if (bPrompt) pChannel->channelSetup(); // Now we show up us to the world. pChannel->show(); // Only then, we'll auto-arrange... if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) { int iWidth = m_pWorkspace->width(); // int iHeight = pChannel->height() + pChannel->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); int iHeight = pChannel->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); pChannel->parentWidget()->setGeometry(0, y, iWidth, iHeight); } } // Retrieve the active channel strip. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::activeChannel (void) { return (qsamplerChannelStrip *) m_pWorkspace->activeWindow(); } // Retrieve a channel strip by index. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::channelAt ( int iChannel ) { QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return 0; return (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); } // Construct the windows menu. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsMenuAboutToShow (void) { channelsMenu->clear(); channelsArrangeAction->addTo(channelsMenu); channelsAutoArrangeAction->addTo(channelsMenu); QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (!wlist.isEmpty()) { channelsMenu->insertSeparator(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); int iItemID = channelsMenu->insertItem(pChannel->caption(), this, SLOT(channelsMenuActivated(int))); channelsMenu->setItemParameter(iItemID, iChannel); channelsMenu->setItemChecked(iItemID, activeChannel() == pChannel); } } } // Windows menu activation slot void qsamplerMainForm::channelsMenuActivated ( int iChannel ) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = channelAt(iChannel); if (pChannel) pChannel->showNormal(); pChannel->setFocus(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Timer stuff. // Set the pseudo-timer delay schedule. void qsamplerMainForm::startSchedule ( int iStartDelay ) { m_iStartDelay = 1 + (iStartDelay * 1000); m_iTimerDelay = 0; } // Suspend the pseudo-timer delay schedule. void qsamplerMainForm::stopSchedule (void) { m_iStartDelay = 0; m_iTimerDelay = 0; } // Timer slot funtion. void qsamplerMainForm::timerSlot (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Is it the first shot on server start after a few delay? if (m_iTimerDelay < m_iStartDelay) { m_iTimerDelay += QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS; if (m_iTimerDelay >= m_iStartDelay) { // If we cannot start it now, maybe a lil'mo'later ;) if (!startClient()) { m_iStartDelay += m_iTimerDelay; m_iTimerDelay = 0; } } } // Refresh each channel usage, on each period... if (m_pClient && m_pOptions->bAutoRefresh && m_pWorkspace->isUpdatesEnabled()) { m_iTimerSlot += QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS; if (m_iTimerSlot >= m_pOptions->iAutoRefreshTime) { m_iTimerSlot = 0; QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannel = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannel->isVisible()) pChannel->updateChannelUsage(); } } } // Register the next timer slot. QTimer::singleShot(QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS, this, SLOT(timerSlot())); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Server stuff. // Start linuxsampler server... void qsamplerMainForm::startServer (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Aren't already a client, are we? if (!m_pOptions->bServerStart || m_pClient) return; // Is the server process instance still here? if (m_pServer) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Could not start the LinuxSampler server.\n\n" "Maybe it ss already started."), tr("Stop"), tr("Kill"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: m_pServer->tryTerminate(); break; case 1: m_pServer->kill(); break; } return; } // Reset our timer counters... stopSchedule(); // OK. Let's build the startup process... m_pServer = new QProcess(this); // Setup stdout/stderr capture... //if (m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture) { m_pServer->setCommunication(QProcess::Stdout | QProcess::Stderr | QProcess::DupStderr); QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()), this, SLOT(readServerStdout())); QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()), this, SLOT(readServerStdout())); //} // The unforgiveable signal communication... QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(processServerExit())); // Build process arguments... m_pServer->setArguments(QStringList::split(' ', m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine)); appendMessages(tr("Server is starting...")); appendMessagesColor(m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine, "#990099"); // Go jack, go... if (!m_pServer->start()) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not start server.\n\nSorry.")); processServerExit(); return; } // Show startup results... appendMessages(tr("Server was started with PID=%1.").arg((long) m_pServer->processIdentifier())); // Reset (yet again) the timer counters, // but this time is deferred as the user opted. startSchedule(m_pOptions->iStartDelay); stabilizeForm(); } // Stop linuxsampler server... void qsamplerMainForm::stopServer (void) { // Stop client code. stopClient(); // And try to stop server. if (m_pServer) { appendMessages(tr("Server is stopping...")); if (m_pServer->isRunning()) { m_pServer->tryTerminate(); return; } } // Do final processing anyway. processServerExit(); } // Stdout handler... void qsamplerMainForm::readServerStdout (void) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendStdoutBuffer(m_pServer->readStdout()); } // Linuxsampler server cleanup. void qsamplerMainForm::processServerExit (void) { // Force client code cleanup. stopClient(); // Flush anything that maybe pending... if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->flushStdoutBuffer(); if (m_pServer) { // Force final server shutdown... appendMessages(tr("Server was stopped with exit status %1.").arg(m_pServer->exitStatus())); if (!m_pServer->normalExit()) m_pServer->kill(); // Destroy it. delete m_pServer; m_pServer = NULL; } // Again, make status visible stable. stabilizeForm(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Client stuff. // The LSCP client callback procedure. lscp_status_t qsampler_client_callback ( lscp_client_t *pClient, const char *pchBuffer, int cchBuffer, void *pvData ) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = (qsamplerMainForm *) pvData; if (pMainForm == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; char *pszBuffer = (char *) malloc(cchBuffer + 1); if (pszBuffer == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; memcpy(pszBuffer, pchBuffer, cchBuffer); pszBuffer[cchBuffer] = (char) 0; pMainForm->appendMessagesColor(pszBuffer, "#996699"); free(pszBuffer); return LSCP_OK; } // Start our almighty client... bool qsamplerMainForm::startClient (void) { // Have it a setup? if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; // Aren't we already started, are we? if (m_pClient) return true; // Log prepare here. appendMessages(tr("Client connecting...")); // Create the client handle... m_pClient = ::lscp_client_create(m_pOptions->sServerHost.latin1(), m_pOptions->iServerPort, qsampler_client_callback, this); if (m_pClient == NULL) { // Is this the first try? // maybe we need to start a local server... if ((m_pServer && m_pServer->isRunning()) || !m_pOptions->bServerStart) appendMessagesError(tr("Could not connect to server as client.\n\nSorry.")); else startServer(); // This is always a failure. stabilizeForm(); return false; } // Just set receive timeout value, blindly. ::lscp_client_set_timeout(m_pClient, m_pOptions->iServerTimeout); appendMessages(tr("Client receive timeout is set to %1 msec.").arg(::lscp_client_get_timeout(m_pClient))); // We may stop scheduling around. stopSchedule(); // We'll accept drops from now on... setAcceptDrops(true); // Log success here. appendMessages(tr("Client connected.")); // Is any session pending to be loaded? if (!m_pOptions->sSessionFile.isEmpty()) { // Just load the prabably startup session... if (loadSessionFile(m_pOptions->sSessionFile)) { m_pOptions->sSessionFile = QString::null; return true; } } // Make a new session return newSession(); } // Stop client... void qsamplerMainForm::stopClient (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Log prepare here. appendMessages(tr("Client disconnecting...")); // Clear timer counters... stopSchedule(); // We'll reject drops from now on... setAcceptDrops(false); // Force any channel strips around, but // but avoid removing the corresponding // channels from the back-end server. m_iDirtyCount = 0; closeSession(false); // Close us as a client... lscp_client_destroy(m_pClient); m_pClient = NULL; // Log final here. appendMessages(tr("Client disconnected.")); // Make visible status. stabilizeForm(); } // end of qsamplerMainForm.ui.h