qsamplerMainForm 0 0 800 600 MainWindow 0 0 800 31 &Edit &View &Channels &Help &File :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/fileNew.png &New New New session New sampler session Ctrl+N :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/fileOpen.png &Open... Open Open session Open sampler session Ctrl+O :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/fileSave.png &Save Save Save session Save sampler session Ctrl+S Save &As... Save As Save current sampler session with another name :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/fileReset.png Rese&t Reset Reset instance Reset sampler instance Ctrl+R :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/fileRestart.png &Restart Restart Restart instance Restart sampler instance Ctrl+Shift+R E&xit Exit Exit this application program :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editAddChannel.png &Add Channel Add Add channel Add a new sampler channel Ctrl+A :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editRemoveChannel.png &Remove Channel Remove Remove channel Remove current sampler channel Ctrl+X :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editResetChannel.png Re&set Channel Reset Reset channel Reset current sampler channel :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editResetAllChannels.png R&eset All Channels Reset All Reset all channels Reset all sampler channels :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editSetupChannel.png &Setup Channel... Setup Setup channel Setup current sampler channel F2 :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/editEditChannel.png Ed&it Channel... Edit Edit channel Edit current sampler channel F9 true &Menubar Menubar Show/hide menubar Show/hide the main program window menubar Ctrl+M true &Toolbar viewToolbars Show/hide toolbar Show/hide main program window toolbars Ctrl+T true &Statusbar Statusbar Show/hide statusbar Show/hide the main program window statusbar true M&essages Messages Show/hide messages Show/hide the messages window true :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/qsamplerInstrument.png &Instruments Instruments MIDI instruments configuration Show/hide the MIDI instruments configuration window F10 true :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/qsamplerDevice.png &Devices Devices Device configuration Show/hide the device configuration window F11 &Options... Options General options Change general application program options F12 false :/qsampler/pixmaps/icons/channelsArrange.png &Arrange Arrange Arrange channels Line up all channel strips F5 true A&uto Arrange Auto Arrange Auto-arrange channels Auto-arrange channel strips &About... About Show information about this application program About &Qt... About Qt Show information about the Qt toolkit