// qsamplerMessages.cpp // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2021, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007, Christian Schoenebeck This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerMessages.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) #include #include #endif // Deprecated QTextStreamFunctions/Qt namespaces workaround. #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) #define endl Qt::endl #endif namespace QSampler { // The default maximum number of message lines. #define QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_MAXLINES 1000 // Notification pipe descriptors #define QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDNIL -1 #define QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD 0 #define QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDWRITE 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::Messages - Messages log dockable window. // // Constructor. Messages::Messages ( QWidget *pParent ) : QDockWidget(pParent) { // Surely a name is crucial (e.g.for storing geometry settings) QDockWidget::setObjectName("qsamplerMessages"); // Intialize stdout capture stuff. m_pStdoutNotifier = nullptr; m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD] = QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDNIL; m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDWRITE] = QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDNIL; // Create local text view widget. m_pMessagesTextView = new QTextBrowser(this); // QFont font(m_pMessagesTextView->font()); // font.setFamily("Fixed"); // m_pMessagesTextView->setFont(font); m_pMessagesTextView->setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit::NoWrap); // m_pMessagesTextView->setReadOnly(true); // m_pMessagesTextView->setUndoRedoEnabled(false); // m_pMessagesTextView->setTextFormat(Qt::LogText); // Initialize default message limit. m_iMessagesLines = 0; setMessagesLimit(QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_MAXLINES); m_pMessagesLog = nullptr; // Prepare the dockable window stuff. QDockWidget::setWidget(m_pMessagesTextView); // QDockWidget::setFeatures(QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures); QDockWidget::setAllowedAreas( Qt::TopDockWidgetArea | Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea); // Some specialties to this kind of dock window... QDockWidget::setMinimumHeight(120); // Finally set the default caption and tooltip. const QString& sCaption = tr("Messages"); QDockWidget::setWindowTitle(sCaption); // QDockWidget::setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/qsamplerMessages.png")); QDockWidget::setToolTip(sCaption); } // Destructor. Messages::~Messages (void) { // Turn off and close logging. setLogging(false); // No more notifications. if (m_pStdoutNotifier) delete m_pStdoutNotifier; // No need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us. } #if defined(Q_CC_GNU) || defined(Q_CC_MINGW) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #endif // Set stdout/stderr blocking mode. bool Messages::stdoutBlock ( int fd, bool bBlock ) const { #if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) const int iFlags = ::fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); const bool bNonBlock = bool(iFlags & O_NONBLOCK); if (bBlock && bNonBlock) bBlock = (::fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, iFlags & ~O_NONBLOCK) == 0); else if (!bBlock && !bNonBlock) bBlock = (::fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, iFlags | O_NONBLOCK) != 0); #endif return bBlock; } // Own stdout/stderr socket notifier slot. void Messages::stdoutNotify ( int fd ) { #if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) // Set non-blocking reads, if not already... const bool bBlock = stdoutBlock(fd, false); // Read as much as is available... QString sTemp; char achBuffer[1024]; const int cchBuffer = sizeof(achBuffer) - 1; int cchRead = ::read(fd, achBuffer, cchBuffer); while (cchRead > 0) { achBuffer[cchRead] = (char) 0; sTemp.append(achBuffer); cchRead = (bBlock ? 0 : ::read(fd, achBuffer, cchBuffer)); } // Needs to be non-empty... if (!sTemp.isEmpty()) appendStdoutBuffer(sTemp); #endif } #if defined(Q_CC_GNU) || defined(Q_CC_MINGW) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // Stdout buffer handler -- now splitted by complete new-lines... void Messages::appendStdoutBuffer ( const QString& s ) { m_sStdoutBuffer.append(s); processStdoutBuffer(); } void Messages::processStdoutBuffer (void) { const int iLength = m_sStdoutBuffer.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (iLength > 0) { QStringListIterator iter(m_sStdoutBuffer.left(iLength).split('\n')); while (iter.hasNext()) { const QString& sTemp = iter.next(); if (!sTemp.isEmpty()) #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) appendMessagesText(sTemp.trimmed()); #else appendMessagesText(sTemp); #endif } m_sStdoutBuffer.remove(0, iLength + 1); } } // Stdout flusher -- show up any unfinished line... void Messages::flushStdoutBuffer (void) { processStdoutBuffer(); if (!m_sStdoutBuffer.isEmpty()) { #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) appendMessagesText(m_sStdoutBuffer.trimmed()); #else appendMessagesText(m_sStdoutBuffer); #endif m_sStdoutBuffer.clear(); } } // Stdout capture accessors. bool Messages::isCaptureEnabled (void) { return (m_pStdoutNotifier != nullptr); } void Messages::setCaptureEnabled ( bool bCapture ) { // Flush current buffer. flushStdoutBuffer(); #if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) // Destroy if already enabled. if (!bCapture && m_pStdoutNotifier) { delete m_pStdoutNotifier; m_pStdoutNotifier = nullptr; // Close the notification pipes. if (m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD] != QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDNIL) { ::close(m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD]); m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD] = QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDNIL; } } // Are we going to make up the capture? if (bCapture && m_pStdoutNotifier == nullptr && ::pipe(m_fdStdout) == 0) { ::dup2(m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDWRITE], STDOUT_FILENO); ::dup2(m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDWRITE], STDERR_FILENO); m_pStdoutNotifier = new QSocketNotifier( m_fdStdout[QSAMPLER_MESSAGES_FDREAD], QSocketNotifier::Read, this); QObject::connect(m_pStdoutNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(stdoutNotify(int))); } #endif } // Message font accessors. QFont Messages::messagesFont (void) { return m_pMessagesTextView->font(); } void Messages::setMessagesFont ( const QFont& font ) { m_pMessagesTextView->setFont(font); } // Maximum number of message lines accessors. int Messages::messagesLimit (void) { return m_iMessagesLimit; } void Messages::setMessagesLimit ( int iMessagesLimit ) { m_iMessagesLimit = iMessagesLimit; m_iMessagesHigh = iMessagesLimit + (iMessagesLimit / 3); } // Messages logging stuff. bool Messages::isLogging (void) const { return (m_pMessagesLog != nullptr); } void Messages::setLogging ( bool bEnabled, const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pMessagesLog) { appendMessages(tr("Logging stopped --- %1 ---") .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString())); m_pMessagesLog->close(); delete m_pMessagesLog; m_pMessagesLog = nullptr; } if (bEnabled) { m_pMessagesLog = new QFile(sFilename); if (m_pMessagesLog->open(QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { appendMessages(tr("Logging started --- %1 ---") .arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString())); } else { delete m_pMessagesLog; m_pMessagesLog = nullptr; } } } // Messages log output method. void Messages::appendMessagesLog ( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessagesLog) { QTextStream(m_pMessagesLog) << QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << ' ' << s << endl; m_pMessagesLog->flush(); } } // Messages widget output method. void Messages::appendMessagesLine ( const QString& s ) { // Check for message line limit... if (m_iMessagesLines > m_iMessagesHigh) { m_pMessagesTextView->setUpdatesEnabled(false); QTextCursor textCursor(m_pMessagesTextView->document()->begin()); while (m_iMessagesLines > m_iMessagesLimit) { // Move cursor extending selection // from start to next line-block... textCursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::NextBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_iMessagesLines--; } // Remove the excessive line-blocks... textCursor.removeSelectedText(); m_pMessagesTextView->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } m_pMessagesTextView->append(s); m_iMessagesLines++; } // The main utility methods. void Messages::appendMessages ( const QString& s ) { appendMessagesColor(s, Qt::gray); } void Messages::appendMessagesColor ( const QString& s, const QColor& rgb ) { appendMessagesLine("" + s + ""); appendMessagesLog(s); } void Messages::appendMessagesText ( const QString& s ) { appendMessagesLine(s); appendMessagesLog(s); } // History reset. void Messages::clear (void) { m_iMessagesLines = 0; m_pMessagesTextView->clear(); } } // namespace QSampler // end of qsamplerMessages.cpp