// qsamplerOptions.cpp // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2016, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007,2015 Christian Schoenebeck This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerOptions.h" #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include #include #include #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG #include #endif namespace QSampler { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::Options - Prototype settings structure. // // Constructor. Options::Options (void) : m_settings(QSAMPLER_DOMAIN, QSAMPLER_TITLE) { loadOptions(); } // Default Destructor. Options::~Options (void) { saveOptions(); } // Explicit load method. void Options::loadOptions (void) { // Begin into general options group. m_settings.beginGroup("/Options"); // Load server options... m_settings.beginGroup("/Server"); sServerHost = m_settings.value("/ServerHost", "localhost").toString(); iServerPort = m_settings.value("/ServerPort", 8888).toInt(); #if defined(__APPLE__) // Toshi Nagata 20080105 // TODO: Should this be a configure option? iServerTimeout = m_settings.value("/ServerTimeout", 10000).toInt(); #else iServerTimeout = m_settings.value("/ServerTimeout", 1000).toInt(); #endif bServerStart = m_settings.value("/ServerStart", true).toBool(); #if defined(__APPLE__) sServerCmdLine = m_settings.value("/ServerCmdLine", "/usr/local/bin/linuxsampler").toString(); #else sServerCmdLine = m_settings.value("/ServerCmdLine", "linuxsampler").toString(); #endif iStartDelay = m_settings.value("/StartDelay", 3).toInt(); m_settings.endGroup(); // Load logging options... m_settings.beginGroup("/Logging"); bMessagesLog = m_settings.value("/MessagesLog", false).toBool(); sMessagesLogPath = m_settings.value("/MessagesLogPath", "qsampler.log").toString(); m_settings.endGroup(); // Load display options... m_settings.beginGroup("/Display"); sDisplayFont = m_settings.value("/DisplayFont").toString(); bDisplayEffect = m_settings.value("/DisplayEffect", true).toBool(); bAutoRefresh = m_settings.value("/AutoRefresh", true).toBool(); iAutoRefreshTime = m_settings.value("/AutoRefreshTime", 1000).toInt(); iMaxVolume = m_settings.value("/MaxVolume", 100).toInt(); sMessagesFont = m_settings.value("/MessagesFont").toString(); bMessagesLimit = m_settings.value("/MessagesLimit", true).toBool(); iMessagesLimitLines = m_settings.value("/MessagesLimitLines", 1000).toInt(); bConfirmRemove = m_settings.value("/ConfirmRemove", true).toBool(); bConfirmReset = m_settings.value("/ConfirmReset", true).toBool(); bConfirmRestart = m_settings.value("/ConfirmRestart", true).toBool(); bConfirmError = m_settings.value("/ConfirmError", true).toBool(); bKeepOnTop = m_settings.value("/KeepOnTop", true).toBool(); bStdoutCapture = m_settings.value("/StdoutCapture", true).toBool(); bCompletePath = m_settings.value("/CompletePath", true).toBool(); iMaxRecentFiles = m_settings.value("/MaxRecentFiles", 5).toInt(); iBaseFontSize = m_settings.value("/BaseFontSize", 0).toInt(); // if libgig provides a fast way to retrieve instrument names even for large // .gig files, then we enable this feature by default #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SETAUTOLOAD bInstrumentNames = m_settings.value("/InstrumentNames", true).toBool(); #else bInstrumentNames = m_settings.value("/InstrumentNames", false).toBool(); #endif m_settings.endGroup(); // And go into view options group. m_settings.beginGroup("/View"); bMenubar = m_settings.value("/Menubar", true).toBool(); bToolbar = m_settings.value("/Toolbar", true).toBool(); bStatusbar = m_settings.value("/Statusbar", true).toBool(); bAutoArrange = m_settings.value("/AutoArrange", true).toBool(); m_settings.endGroup(); m_settings.endGroup(); // Options group. // Recent file list. recentFiles.clear(); m_settings.beginGroup("/RecentFiles"); for (int iFile = 0; iFile < iMaxRecentFiles; iFile++) { QString sFilename = m_settings.value( "/File" + QString::number(iFile + 1)).toString(); if (!sFilename.isEmpty()) recentFiles.append(sFilename); } m_settings.endGroup(); // Sampler fine tuning settings. m_settings.beginGroup("/Tuning"); iMaxVoices = m_settings.value("/MaxVoices", -1).toInt(); iMaxStreams = m_settings.value("/MaxStreams", -1).toInt(); m_settings.endGroup(); // Last but not least, get the default directories. m_settings.beginGroup("/Default"); sSessionDir = m_settings.value("/SessionDir").toString(); sInstrumentDir = m_settings.value("/InstrumentDir").toString(); sEngineName = m_settings.value("/EngineName").toString(); sAudioDriver = m_settings.value("/AudioDriver").toString(); sMidiDriver = m_settings.value("/MidiDriver").toString(); iMidiMap = m_settings.value("/MidiMap", 0).toInt(); iMidiBank = m_settings.value("/MidiBank", 0).toInt(); iMidiProg = m_settings.value("/MidiProg", 0).toInt(); iVolume = m_settings.value("/Volume", 100).toInt(); iLoadMode = m_settings.value("/Loadmode", 0).toInt(); m_settings.endGroup(); } // Explicit save method. void Options::saveOptions (void) { // Make program version available in the future. m_settings.beginGroup("/Program"); m_settings.setValue("/Version", QSAMPLER_VERSION); m_settings.endGroup(); // And go into general options group. m_settings.beginGroup("/Options"); // Save server options. m_settings.beginGroup("/Server"); m_settings.setValue("/ServerHost", sServerHost); m_settings.setValue("/ServerPort", iServerPort); m_settings.setValue("/ServerTimeout", iServerTimeout); m_settings.setValue("/ServerStart", bServerStart); m_settings.setValue("/ServerCmdLine", sServerCmdLine); m_settings.setValue("/StartDelay", iStartDelay); m_settings.endGroup(); // Save logging options... m_settings.beginGroup("/Logging"); m_settings.setValue("/MessagesLog", bMessagesLog); m_settings.setValue("/MessagesLogPath", sMessagesLogPath); m_settings.endGroup(); // Save display options. m_settings.beginGroup("/Display"); m_settings.setValue("/DisplayFont", sDisplayFont); m_settings.setValue("/DisplayEffect", bDisplayEffect); m_settings.setValue("/AutoRefresh", bAutoRefresh); m_settings.setValue("/AutoRefreshTime", iAutoRefreshTime); m_settings.setValue("/MaxVolume", iMaxVolume); m_settings.setValue("/MessagesFont", sMessagesFont); m_settings.setValue("/MessagesLimit", bMessagesLimit); m_settings.setValue("/MessagesLimitLines", iMessagesLimitLines); m_settings.setValue("/ConfirmRemove", bConfirmRemove); m_settings.setValue("/ConfirmReset", bConfirmReset); m_settings.setValue("/ConfirmRestart", bConfirmRestart); m_settings.setValue("/ConfirmError", bConfirmError); m_settings.setValue("/KeepOnTop", bKeepOnTop); m_settings.setValue("/StdoutCapture", bStdoutCapture); m_settings.setValue("/CompletePath", bCompletePath); m_settings.setValue("/MaxRecentFiles", iMaxRecentFiles); m_settings.setValue("/BaseFontSize", iBaseFontSize); m_settings.setValue("/InstrumentNames", bInstrumentNames); m_settings.endGroup(); // View options group. m_settings.beginGroup("/View"); m_settings.setValue("/Menubar", bMenubar); m_settings.setValue("/Toolbar", bToolbar); m_settings.setValue("/Statusbar", bStatusbar); m_settings.setValue("/AutoArrange", bAutoArrange); m_settings.endGroup(); m_settings.endGroup(); // Options group. // Recent file list. int iFile = 0; m_settings.beginGroup("/RecentFiles"); QStringListIterator iter(recentFiles); while (iter.hasNext()) m_settings.setValue("/File" + QString::number(++iFile), iter.next()); m_settings.endGroup(); // Sampler fine tuning settings. m_settings.beginGroup("/Tuning"); if (iMaxVoices > 0) m_settings.setValue("/MaxVoices", iMaxVoices); if (iMaxStreams >= 0) m_settings.setValue("/MaxStreams", iMaxStreams); m_settings.endGroup(); // Default directories. m_settings.beginGroup("/Default"); m_settings.setValue("/SessionDir", sSessionDir); m_settings.setValue("/InstrumentDir", sInstrumentDir); m_settings.setValue("/EngineName", sEngineName); m_settings.setValue("/AudioDriver", sAudioDriver); m_settings.setValue("/MidiDriver", sMidiDriver); m_settings.setValue("/MidiMap", iMidiMap); m_settings.setValue("/MidiBank", iMidiBank); m_settings.setValue("/MidiProg", iMidiProg); m_settings.setValue("/Volume", iVolume); m_settings.setValue("/Loadmode", iLoadMode); m_settings.endGroup(); // Save/commit to disk. m_settings.sync(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings accessor. // QSettings& Options::settings (void) { return m_settings; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command-line argument stuff. // // Help about command line options. void Options::print_usage ( const QString& arg0 ) { QTextStream out(stderr); out << QObject::tr("Usage: %1 [options] [session-file]\n\n" QSAMPLER_TITLE " - " QSAMPLER_SUBTITLE "\n\n" "Options:\n\n" " -s, --start\n\tStart linuxsampler server locally\n\n" " -h, --hostname\n\tSpecify linuxsampler server hostname (default = localhost)\n\n" " -p, --port\n\tSpecify linuxsampler server port number (default = 8888)\n\n" " -?, --help\n\tShow help about command line options\n\n" " -v, --version\n\tShow version information\n\n") .arg(arg0); } // Parse command line arguments into m_settings. bool Options::parse_args ( const QStringList& args ) { QTextStream out(stderr); const QString sEol = "\n\n"; int iCmdArgs = 0; const int argc = args.count(); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (iCmdArgs > 0) { sSessionFile += " "; sSessionFile += args.at(i); iCmdArgs++; continue; } QString sArg = args.at(i); QString sVal = QString::null; const int iEqual = sArg.indexOf("="); if (iEqual >= 0) { sVal = sArg.right(sArg.length() - iEqual - 1); sArg = sArg.left(iEqual); } else if (i < argc - 1) { sVal = args.at(i + 1); if (sVal[0] == '-') sVal.clear(); } if (sArg == "-s" || sArg == "--start") { bServerStart = true; } else if (sArg == "-h" || sArg == "--hostname") { if (sVal.isNull()) { out << QObject::tr("Option -h requires an argument (host).") + sEol; return false; } sServerHost = sVal; if (iEqual < 0) i++; } else if (sArg == "-p" || sArg == "--port") { if (sVal.isNull()) { out << QObject::tr("Option -p requires an argument (port).") + sEol; return false; } iServerPort = sVal.toInt(); if (iEqual < 0) i++; } else if (sArg == "-?" || sArg == "--help") { print_usage(args.at(0)); return false; } else if (sArg == "-v" || sArg == "--version") { out << QObject::tr("Qt: %1\n") .arg(qVersion()); out << QObject::tr("%1: %2 (%3)\n") .arg(QSAMPLER_TITLE) .arg(QSAMPLER_VERSION) .arg(CONFIG_BUILD_DATE); #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG out << QString("%1: %2\n") .arg(gig::libraryName().c_str()) .arg(gig::libraryVersion().c_str()); #endif out << QString("%1: %2\n") .arg(::lscp_client_package()) .arg(::lscp_client_version()); return false; } else { // If we don't have one by now, // this will be the startup sesion file... sSessionFile += sArg; iCmdArgs++; } } // Alright with argument parsing. return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Widget geometry persistence helper methods. void Options::loadWidgetGeometry ( QWidget *pWidget, bool bVisible ) { // Try to restore old form window positioning. if (pWidget) { // if (bVisible) pWidget->show(); -- force initial exposure? m_settings.beginGroup("/Geometry/" + pWidget->objectName()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 const QByteArray& geometry = m_settings.value("/geometry").toByteArray(); if (!geometry.isEmpty()) pWidget->restoreGeometry(geometry); else #else//--LOAD_OLD_GEOMETRY QPoint wpos; QSize wsize; wpos.setX(m_settings.value("/x", -1).toInt()); wpos.setY(m_settings.value("/y", -1).toInt()); wsize.setWidth(m_settings.value("/width", -1).toInt()); wsize.setHeight(m_settings.value("/height", -1).toInt()); if (wpos.x() > 0 && wpos.y() > 0) pWidget->move(wpos); if (wsize.width() > 0 && wsize.height() > 0) pWidget->resize(wsize); else #endif pWidget->adjustSize(); if (!bVisible) bVisible = m_settings.value("/visible", false).toBool(); if (bVisible) pWidget->show(); else pWidget->hide(); m_settings.endGroup(); } } void Options::saveWidgetGeometry ( QWidget *pWidget, bool bVisible ) { // Try to save form window position... // (due to X11 window managers ideossincrasies, we better // only save the form geometry while its up and visible) if (pWidget) { m_settings.beginGroup("/Geometry/" + pWidget->objectName()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 m_settings.setValue("/geometry", pWidget->saveGeometry()); #else//--SAVE_OLD_GEOMETRY const QPoint& wpos = pWidget->pos(); const QSize& wsize = pWidget->size(); m_settings.setValue("/x", wpos.x()); m_settings.setValue("/y", wpos.y()); m_settings.setValue("/width", wsize.width()); m_settings.setValue("/height", wsize.height()); #endif if (!bVisible) bVisible = pWidget->isVisible(); m_settings.setValue("/visible", bVisible); m_settings.endGroup(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Combo box history persistence helper implementation. void Options::loadComboBoxHistory ( QComboBox *pComboBox, int iLimit ) { const bool bBlockSignals = pComboBox->blockSignals(true); // Load combobox list from configuration settings file... m_settings.beginGroup("/History/" + pComboBox->objectName()); if (m_settings.childKeys().count() > 0) { pComboBox->setUpdatesEnabled(false); pComboBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); pComboBox->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < iLimit; ++i) { const QString& sText = m_settings.value( "/Item" + QString::number(i + 1)).toString(); if (sText.isEmpty()) break; pComboBox->addItem(sText); } pComboBox->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } m_settings.endGroup(); pComboBox->blockSignals(bBlockSignals); } void Options::saveComboBoxHistory ( QComboBox *pComboBox, int iLimit ) { const bool bBlockSignals = pComboBox->blockSignals(true); // Add current text as latest item... const QString sCurrentText = pComboBox->currentText(); int iCount = pComboBox->count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { const QString& sText = pComboBox->itemText(i); if (sText == sCurrentText) { pComboBox->removeItem(i); --iCount; break; } } while (iCount >= iLimit) pComboBox->removeItem(--iCount); pComboBox->insertItem(0, sCurrentText); pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); ++iCount; // Save combobox list to configuration settings file... m_settings.beginGroup("/History/" + pComboBox->objectName()); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) { const QString& sText = pComboBox->itemText(i); if (sText.isEmpty()) break; m_settings.setValue("/Item" + QString::number(i + 1), sText); } m_settings.endGroup(); pComboBox->blockSignals(bBlockSignals); } int Options::getMaxVoices() { #ifndef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES return -1; #else if (iMaxVoices > 0) return iMaxVoices; return getEffectiveMaxVoices(); #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } int Options::getEffectiveMaxVoices() { #ifndef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES return -1; #else MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (!pMainForm || !pMainForm->client()) return -1; return ::lscp_get_voices(pMainForm->client()); #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } void Options::setMaxVoices(int iMaxVoices) { #ifdef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES if (iMaxVoices < 1) return; MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (!pMainForm || !pMainForm->client()) return; lscp_status_t result = ::lscp_set_voices(pMainForm->client(), iMaxVoices); if (result != LSCP_OK) { pMainForm->appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_voices"); return; } this->iMaxVoices = iMaxVoices; #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } int Options::getMaxStreams() { #ifndef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES return -1; #else if (iMaxStreams > 0) return iMaxStreams; return getEffectiveMaxStreams(); #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } int Options::getEffectiveMaxStreams() { #ifndef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES return -1; #else MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (!pMainForm || !pMainForm->client()) return -1; return ::lscp_get_streams(pMainForm->client()); #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } void Options::setMaxStreams(int iMaxStreams) { #ifdef CONFIG_MAX_VOICES if (iMaxStreams < 0) return; MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (!pMainForm || !pMainForm->client()) return; lscp_status_t result = ::lscp_set_streams(pMainForm->client(), iMaxStreams); if (result != LSCP_OK) { pMainForm->appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_streams"); return; } this->iMaxStreams = iMaxStreams; #endif // CONFIG_MAX_VOICES } void Options::sendFineTuningSettings() { setMaxVoices(iMaxVoices); setMaxStreams(iMaxStreams); MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (!pMainForm || !pMainForm->client()) return; pMainForm->appendMessages(QObject::tr("Sent fine tuning settings.")); } } // namespace QSampler // end of qsamplerOptions.cpp