qsamplerOptionsForm qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface. Copyright (C) 2004-2005, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela qsamplerOptionsForm 0 0 520 323 1 1 0 0 Qsampler: Options true unnamed FooterLayout unnamed spacer01 Horizontal Expanding 250 16 OkPushButton OK formAccept.png CancelPushButton Cancel formReject.png OptionsTabWidget false ServerTabPage &Server unnamed SettingsGroupBox 1 4 Settings true unnamed ServerHostTextLabel 0 &Host: AlignVCenter|AlignRight ServerHostComboBox 8888 ServerPortComboBox 60 32767 0 true LinuxSampler server listener port number ServerPortTextLabel 60 32767 0 &Port: AlignVCenter|AlignRight ServerPortComboBox localhost ServerHostComboBox 7 0 0 0 0 true LinuxSampler server host name or address ServerCmdLineTextLabel 0 &Command line: AlignVCenter|AlignRight ServerCmdLineComboBox ServerStartCheckBox 0 &Start server locally Alt+S Whether to start the LinuxSampler server on local machine linuxsampler ServerCmdLineComboBox 7 0 0 0 0 true Command line to start LinuxSampler server locally StartDelayTextLabel 0 Start &delay: AlignVCenter|AlignRight StartDelaySpinBox StartDelaySpinBox 5 0 0 0 40 0 0 secs 100 1 3 Delay time in seconds after server startup spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 320 16 spacer12 Vertical Expanding 20 80 spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 320 16 ServerTimeoutSpinBox 5 0 0 0 40 0 0 msec 60000 100 100 1000 Receive timeout in milliseconds ServerTimeoutTextLabel 0 &Timeout: AlignVCenter|AlignRight ServerTimeoutSpinBox DisplayTabPage &Display unnamed ChannelsGroupBox 1 4 Channels true unnamed DisplayFontTextLabel 3 1 0 0 180 0 180 32767 0 255 0 0 0 0 displaybg1.png 0 Panel Sunken 1 AlignCenter Sample channel display font display DisplayFontPushButton 0 &Font... Alt+F false Select font for the channel display spacer21 Horizontal Expanding 56 16 AutoRefreshCheckBox 0 &Auto refresh: Alt+A Whether to refresh the channels view automatically MaxVolumeTextLabel 0 Maximum &volume: AlignVCenter|AlignRight MaxVolumeSpinBox AutoRefreshTimeSpinBox 1 0 0 0 0 msec 20000 200 100 1000 Time in milliseconds between each auto-refresh cycle MaxVolumeSpinBox 1 0 0 0 0 % 1000 10 100 Upper limit for the sampler channel volume setting DisplayEffectCheckBox 0 Display shiny glass light &effect Alt+E Whether to enable a shiny glass light effect on the channel display MessagesGroupBox 1 4 Messages true unnamed MessagesFontTextLabel 3 1 0 0 180 0 180 32767 255 255 255 0 LineEditPanel Sunken AlignCenter Sample messages text font display MessagesFontPushButton 0 &Font... Alt+F false Select font for the messages text display spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 49 16 MessagesLimitCheckBox 0 &Messages limit: Alt+M Whether to keep a maximum number of lines in the messages window MessagesLimitLinesSpinBox 0 lines 10000 100 100 1000 The maximum number of message lines to keep in view OtherGroupBox 1 Other true unnamed layout2 unnamed ConfirmRemoveCheckBox 0 &Confirm channel and device removal Alt+C Whether to ask for confirmation on channel or device removal KeepOnTopCheckBox 0 &Keep child windows always on top Alt+K Whether to keep all child windows on top of the main window StdoutCaptureCheckBox 0 Capture standard &output Alt+O Whether to capture standard output (stdout/stderr) into messages window CompletePathCheckBox 0 Show complete &path of session files Alt+P Whether to show the complete directory path of loaded session files InstrumentNamesCheckBox 0 Show actual &instrument names Alt+I Whether to show the actual instrument names as read from instrument file (using libgig) MaxRecentFilesSpinBox 0 20 0 5 The maximum number of recent files to keep in menu MaxRecentFilesTextLabel 0 &Number of recent files: AlignVCenter|AlignRight MaxRecentFilesSpinBox spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 110 16 spacer24 Horizontal Expanding 280 16 ServerHostComboBox textChanged(const QString&) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() ServerPortComboBox textChanged(const QString&) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() ServerTimeoutSpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() ServerStartCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() ServerCmdLineComboBox textChanged(const QString&) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() StartDelaySpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() DisplayFontPushButton clicked() qsamplerOptionsForm chooseDisplayFont() DisplayEffectCheckBox toggled(bool) qsamplerOptionsForm toggleDisplayEffect(bool) AutoRefreshCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() AutoRefreshTimeSpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() MaxVolumeSpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() MessagesFontPushButton clicked() qsamplerOptionsForm chooseMessagesFont() MessagesLimitCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() MessagesLimitLinesSpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() ConfirmRemoveCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() KeepOnTopCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() StdoutCaptureCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() MaxRecentFilesSpinBox valueChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() CompletePathCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() InstrumentNamesCheckBox stateChanged(int) qsamplerOptionsForm optionsChanged() OkPushButton clicked() qsamplerOptionsForm accept() CancelPushButton clicked() qsamplerOptionsForm reject() OptionsTabWidget ServerHostComboBox ServerPortComboBox ServerTimeoutSpinBox ServerStartCheckBox ServerCmdLineComboBox StartDelaySpinBox DisplayFontPushButton DisplayEffectCheckBox AutoRefreshCheckBox AutoRefreshTimeSpinBox MaxVolumeSpinBox MessagesFontPushButton MessagesLimitCheckBox MessagesLimitLinesSpinBox ConfirmRemoveCheckBox KeepOnTopCheckBox StdoutCaptureCheckBox CompletePathCheckBox InstrumentNamesCheckBox MaxRecentFilesSpinBox OkPushButton CancelPushButton qsamplerOptionsForm.ui.h class qsamplerOptions; qsamplerOptions *m_pOptions; int m_iDirtySetup; int m_iDirtyCount; accept() reject() optionsChanged() stabilizeForm() chooseDisplayFont() chooseMessagesFont() toggleDisplayEffect( bool bOn ) init() destroy() setup( qsamplerOptions *pOptions )