
Changes the MIDI velocity of the requested note.

Changing the velocity with this function only succeeds if the respective note is new. That effectively means you should change the velocity before any wait() calls, and before entering any loops that may execute your script for a very long time. Because in both cases the sampler may suspend your script for a certain amount of time and once your script got resumed, the respective event and the resulting note may already have entered the sampler's regular event processing chain and thus the note's velocity can no longer be changed.

Function Prototype

change_velo(??event-id??, ??velocity??)


Argument Name Data Type Description
??event-id?? Event ID Number Event ID of the note to change.
??velocity?? Integer Number New MIDI velocity (1 to 127).

Return Value



None yet.

See also

set_event_par(), change_note()


Since LinuxSampler 2.0.0.svn49.