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Revision 2957 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sat Jul 16 15:46:48 2016 UTC (8 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
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* Site Layout: Added "NKSP Language" and "NKSP Reference" to site's
  topmost menu header.

1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <meta charset="utf-8">
4 <title>Conditional Statements</title>
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20 <a href="/Instrument_Scripts/" title="Real-Time Instrument Scripts.">Instrument Scripts</a>
21 <a href="/Instrument_Scripts/NKSP_Language/" title="NKSP Language Tour.">NKSP Language</a>
22 <a href="/Instrument_Scripts/NKSP_Language/Reference/" title="Quick reference to all built-in functions and and built-in variables of the NKSP real-rime instrument script language.">NKSP Reference</a>
23 </menu>
24 </header>
26 <nav>
27 <ul>
28 <li><a href="#">Docs</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#">Instrument Scripts</a>
30 <ul>
31 <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li>
32 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
34 <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li>
35 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
36 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li>
38 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
39 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
40 </ul>
41 </li>
42 <li><a href="#">NKSP Language</a>
43 <ul>
44 <li><a href="#p4">Article 1</a></li>
45 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
46 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
47 <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li>
48 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
50 <li><a href="#">Article 1</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#">Article 2</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#">Article 3</a></li>
53 </ul>
54 </li>
55 <li><a href="#">Introduction</a></li>
56 </ul>
57 </nav>
59 <aside>
60 <div class="toc">
61 <ul>
62 <li><span section="p1">Overview</span>
63 <ul>
64 <li section="p2">A deeper view</li>
65 <li section="p3">Starting the hack</li>
66 <li section="p4">Tearing it down</li>
67 </ul>
68 </li>
69 <li><span onclick="lsdScrollTo(this);" section="p5">The next level</span>
70 <ul>
71 <li>A deeper view</li>
72 <li>Starting the hack</li>
73 <li>Tearing it down</li>
74 </ul>
75 </li>
76 <li>And more</li>
77 <li>Conditional Statements
78 <ul>
79 <li>A deeper view</li>
80 <li>Starting the hack</li>
81 <li>Tearing it down</li>
82 </ul>
83 </li>
84 </ul>
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86 <a href="#p1" title="Go back to previous article." class="top disabled"><span class="arrow">���</span>&nbsp;Previous</a>
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90 </aside>
92 <article>
93 <h1 id="p1">Conditional Statemens</h1>
94 <p>
95 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for <a href="#" title="<b><u>foo</u></b> boo la la la.">testing purposes</a>. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
96 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
97 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
98 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
99 </p>
100 <p>
101 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
102 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
103 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
104 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
105 </p>
106 <h3 id="p2">A deeper view</h3>
107 <p>
108 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
109 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
110 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
111 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
112 <table>
113 <tr>
114 <th>Function Name</th> <th>Description</th>
115 </tr>
116 <tr>
117 <td><a href="#">message()</a></td> <td>Print a debug message</td>
118 </tr>
119 <tr>
120 <td>wait()</td> <td>Suspend execution for certain amount of microseconds.</td>
121 </tr>
122 <tr>
123 <td><a href="#">message()</a></td> <td>Print a debug message</td>
124 </tr>
125 <tr>
126 <td>wait()</td> <td>This is just a test. Suspend <b>execution</b> for certain amount of microseconds.</td>
127 </tr>
128 </table>
129 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
130 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
131 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
132 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
133 <ul>
134 <li>Point one. Because this is a bla bla bla and so you can do la lal al.</li>
135 <li>Point two. And this is another line bla here and there and even thing.</li>
136 </ul>
137 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
138 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
139 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
140 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
141 <ol>
142 <li>Point one. Because this is a bla bla bla and so you can do la lal al.</li>
143 <li>Point two. And this is another line bla here and there and even thing.
144 <ol>
145 <li>Point one. Because this is a bla bla bla and so you can do la lal al.</li>
146 <li>Point two. And this is another line bla here and there and even thing.</li>
147 </ol>
148 </li>
149 </ol>
150 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
151 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
152 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
153 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
154 </p>
156 <note>This is just the beginning. You should be aware about this before you continue to read this note
157 block, because it might save you a load of time.
158 </note>
160 And the following is just a short note.
162 <note>The mentioned short note.</note>
164 Followed by an important note:
166 <note class="important">This is an important note.</note>
168 <p>
169 <img src="smallfigure.png">This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
170 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
171 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
172 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
173 </p>
175 <p>
176 <img src="largefigure.png"> And this is a paragraph with a fairly
177 large image. It should automatically be constrained by the CSS
178 rules in case the screen size gets too small.
179 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
180 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
181 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
182 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
183 </p>
185 <p>And this is a sole and centered image:</p>
186 <img src="smallfigure.png" caption="This is a figure.">
188 <p>And this another one:</p>
189 <img src="largefigure.png" caption="asdf">
192 <h3 id="p3">And even more</h3>
193 <p>
194 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
195 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
196 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
197 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
198 </p>
199 <h2 id="p4">The next level</h2>
200 <p>
201 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
202 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
203 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
204 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
205 </p>
206 <code>
207 <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> $<span class="v">SIZE</span> := <span class="m">Some Numeric Value</span>
208 </code>
209 <p>
210 And this could be:
211 </p>
212 <code>
213 <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> $<span class="v">SIZE</span> := <span class="n">5</span>
214 </code>
215 <p>
216 The foo bar is the thing lala la. And you could do <code>i := <span class="n">4</span></code>, because bla bla and
217 la is <code><span class="n">4</span></code>.
218 </p>
220 <h2 id="p5">And more</h2>
221 <p>
222 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
223 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
224 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
225 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
226 </p>
227 <h2 id="p6">Break it down</h2>
228 <p>
229 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
230 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
231 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
232 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
233 </p>
235 <ul class="code">
237 <li><span class="q">{ Array variables are always global variables, with constant size defined at</span></li>
238 <li><span class="q">parse time. Trying to declare an array size with a runtime expression (i.e. a</span></li>
239 <li><span class="q">non const variable), will cause a parser error. }</span></li>
240 <li></li>
241 <li><span class="p">SET_CONDITION(DEBUG)</span></li>
242 <li></li>
243 <li><span class="k">on</span> <span class="h">init</span></li>
244 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> $<span class="v">SIZE</span> := <span class="n">5</span></li>
245 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">SIZE</span>] := ( <span class="n">0</span>,<span class="n">1</span>,<span class="n">2</span>,<span class="n">3</span>,<span class="n">4</span> )</li>
246 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> $<span class="v">i</span></li>
247 <li></li>
248 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"num_elements(%a) = "</span> & <span class="i">num_elements</span>(%<span class="a">a</span>))</li>
249 <li></li>
250 <li><span class="p">USE_CODE_IF(DEBUG)</span></li>
251 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> @<span class="s">str</span> := <span class="c">"Initial values of array:"</span></li>
252 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(@<span class="s">str</span>)</li>
253 <li><span class="p">END_USE_CODE</span></li>
254 <li></li>
255 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := <span class="m">Value</span></li>
256 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := <span class="n">0</span></li>
257 <li> <span class="k">while</span> ($<span class="v">i</span> < $<span class="v">SIZE</span>)</li>
258 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"array["</span> & $<span class="v">i</span> & <span class="c">"] = "</span> & %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">i</span>])</li>
259 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := $<span class="v">i</span> + <span class="n">1</span></li>
260 <li> <span class="k">end while</span></li>
261 <li></li>
262 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">0</span>] := <span class="n">2</span></li>
263 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">1</span>] := <span class="n">3</span></li>
264 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">2</span>] := <span class="n">5</span></li>
265 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">3</span>] := <span class="n">7</span></li>
266 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">4</span>] := <span class="n">11</span></li>
267 <li></li>
268 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">""</span>)</li>
269 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"New values of array:"</span>)</li>
270 <li></li>
271 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := <span class="n">0</span></li>
272 <li> <span class="k">while</span> ($<span class="v">i</span> < $<span class="v">SIZE</span>)</li>
273 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"array["</span> & $<span class="v">i</span> & <span class="c">"] = "</span> & %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">i</span>])</li>
274 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := $<span class="v">i</span> + <span class="n">1</span></li>
275 <li> <span class="k">end while</span></li>
276 <li><span class="k">end on</span></li>
278 </ul>
281 <h2 id="p6">Break it down</h2>
282 <p>
283 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
284 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
285 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
286 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
287 </p>
289 <ul class="code">
291 <li><span class="q">{ Array variables are always global variables, with constant size defined at</span></li>
292 <li><span class="q">parse time. Trying to declare an array size with a runtime expression (i.e. a</span></li>
293 <li><span class="q">non const variable), will cause a parser error. }</span></li>
294 <li></li>
295 <li><span class="p">SET_CONDITION(DEBUG)</span></li>
296 <li></li>
297 <li><span class="k">on</span> <span class="h">init</span></li>
298 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> $<span class="v">SIZE</span> := <span class="n">5</span></li>
299 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">SIZE</span>] := ( <span class="n">0</span>,<span class="n">1</span>,<span class="n">2</span>,<span class="n">3</span>,<span class="n">4</span> )</li>
300 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> $<span class="v">i</span></li>
301 <li></li>
302 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"num_elements(%a) = "</span> & <span class="i">num_elements</span>(%<span class="a">a</span>))</li>
303 <li></li>
304 <li><span class="p">USE_CODE_IF(DEBUG)</span></li>
305 <li> <span class="k">declare</span> <span class="k">const</span> @<span class="s">str</span> := <span class="c">"Initial values of array:"</span></li>
306 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(@<span class="s">str</span>)</li>
307 <li><span class="p">END_USE_CODE</span></li>
308 <li></li>
309 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := <span class="n">0</span></li>
310 <li> <span class="k">while</span> ($<span class="v">i</span> < $<span class="v">SIZE</span>)</li>
311 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"array["</span> & $<span class="v">i</span> & <span class="c">"] = "</span> & %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">i</span>])</li>
312 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := $<span class="v">i</span> + <span class="n">1</span></li>
313 <li> <span class="k">end while</span></li>
314 <li></li>
315 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">0</span>] := <span class="n">2</span></li>
316 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">1</span>] := <span class="n">3</span></li>
317 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">2</span>] := <span class="n">5</span></li>
318 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">3</span>] := <span class="n">7</span></li>
319 <li> %<span class="a">a</span>[<span class="n">4</span>] := <span class="n">11</span></li>
320 <li></li>
321 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">""</span>)</li>
322 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"New values of array:"</span>)</li>
323 <li></li>
324 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := <span class="n">0</span></li>
325 <li> <span class="k">while</span> ($<span class="v">i</span> < $<span class="v">SIZE</span>)</li>
326 <li> <span class="i">message</span>(<span class="c">"array["</span> & $<span class="v">i</span> & <span class="c">"] = "</span> & %<span class="a">a</span>[$<span class="v">i</span>])</li>
327 <li> $<span class="v">i</span> := $<span class="v">i</span> + <span class="n">1</span></li>
328 <li> <span class="k">end while</span></li>
329 <li><span class="k">end on</span></li>
331 </ul>
332 <p>
333 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
334 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
335 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
336 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
337 </p>
339 <dir>root
340 <dir>tmp</dir>
341 <file>foo.png</file>
342 <file>bla.png</file>
343 </dir>
345 <p>
346 This is just some kind of auto wrapping text for testing purposes. The semantic content is totally irrevant.
347 In fact you are currently wasting your time by reading this at all. Nevertheless I am going to continue
348 writing all kind of crap here, just to get some decent amount of characters onto the screen for seeing
349 various aspects of the final layout and its considerations that may be needed to be taken.
350 </p>
352 <ul class="docpager">
353 <li><a href="#">Previous Article</a></li>
354 <li><a href="#">Parent Topic</a></li>
355 <li><a href="#">Next Article</a></li>
356 </ul>
357 <div class="endline">
358 Document Updated: 2015-04-03&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;Author: Christian Schoenebeck
359 </div>
360 </article>
363 <footer>
364 Copyright &copy;&nbsp;&nbsp;2002&nbsp;-&nbsp;2015&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.linuxsampler.org/developers.html">The LinuxSampler Developers</a>.
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