/* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Christian Schoenebeck This file is part of "gigedit" and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef GIGEDIT_SETTINGS #define GIGEDIT_SETTINGS #include #include #include #include /** * Reflects, saves and restores all settings for the gigedit application. * * This class holds a bunch of custom Property objects which can be accessed * as if they were basic data types (i.e. by using assignment operator, etc.). * As soon as a property gets modified this way, it will automatically be saved * to a local config file. */ class Settings : public Glib::Object { public: /** * Data types for the individual settings. */ enum RawValueType_t { BOOLEAN, INTEGER, UNKNOWN }; /** * All settings are grouped into these settings groups. */ enum Group_t { GLOBAL, MAIN_WINDOW, SCRIPT_EDITOR, DIMENSION_MANAGER, SCRIPT_SLOTS, COMBINE_INSTRUMENTS, MIDI_RULES, FILE_PROPS, INSTR_PROPS, SAMPLE_REFS, MACRO_EDITOR, }; /** * Extension of regular Glib::Property template class; this one * automatically calls Settings::onPropertyChanged() method passing this * property object as pointer; and it allows to assign new values to this * property by using the regular assignment operator; and requires a * "Setting group" to be assigned to the property at construction time. */ template class Property : public Glib::Property { public: Property(Settings& object, Group_t group, const Glib::ustring& name) : Glib::Property::Property(object, name) { m_settings = &object; m_group = group; const RawValueType_t type = rawValueType(); Glib::Property::get_proxy().signal_changed().connect( sigc::bind( sigc::bind( sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(m_settings, &Settings::onPropertyChanged), m_group ), type ), this ) ); } Property(Settings& object, Group_t group, const Glib::ustring& name, const T& default_value) : Glib::Property::Property(object, name, default_value) { m_settings = &object; m_group = group; const RawValueType_t type = rawValueType(); Glib::Property::get_proxy().signal_changed().connect( sigc::bind( sigc::bind( sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(m_settings, &Settings::onPropertyChanged), m_group ), type ), this ) ); } Property& operator=(const T value) { Glib::Property::set_value(value); return *this; } RawValueType_t rawValueType() const { const std::string name = typeid(T).name(); if (name == "bool" || name == "b") return BOOLEAN; if (name == "int" || name == "i") return INTEGER; return UNKNOWN; } Group_t group() const { return m_group; } private: Settings* m_settings; Group_t m_group; }; // settings of "Global" group Property warnUserOnExtensions; ///< if enabled, the user shall he be warned if he is trying to use a gig format extension that will not work with Gigasampler/GigaStudio Property syncSamplerInstrumentSelection; ///< if enabled, the sampler's current instrument will automatically be switched whenever another instrument was selected in gigedit Property moveRootNoteWithRegionMoved; ///< if enabled, the root note(s) of regions are automatically moving when the user drags a region around at the virtual keyboard Property autoRestoreWindowDimension; Property saveWithTemporaryFile; ///< If enabled and the user selects "Save" from the main menu, then the file is first saved as separate temporary file and after the save operation completed the temporary file is moved over the original file. // settings of "MainWindow" group Property mainWindowX; Property mainWindowY; Property mainWindowW; Property mainWindowH; // settings of "ScriptEditor" group Property scriptEditorWindowX; Property scriptEditorWindowY; Property scriptEditorWindowW; Property scriptEditorWindowH; Property scriptEditorFontSize; // settings of "DimensionManager" group Property dimensionManagerWindowX; Property dimensionManagerWindowY; Property dimensionManagerWindowW; Property dimensionManagerWindowH; // settings of "ScriptSlots" group Property scriptSlotsWindowX; Property scriptSlotsWindowY; Property scriptSlotsWindowW; Property scriptSlotsWindowH; // settings of "CombineInstruments" group Property combineInstrumentsWindowX; Property combineInstrumentsWindowY; Property combineInstrumentsWindowW; Property combineInstrumentsWindowH; // settings of "MidiRules" group Property midiRulesWindowX; Property midiRulesWindowY; Property midiRulesWindowW; Property midiRulesWindowH; // settings of "FileProps" group Property filePropsWindowX; Property filePropsWindowY; Property filePropsWindowW; Property filePropsWindowH; // settings of "InstrProps" group Property instrPropsWindowX; Property instrPropsWindowY; Property instrPropsWindowW; Property instrPropsWindowH; // settings of "SampleRefs" group Property sampleRefsWindowX; Property sampleRefsWindowY; Property sampleRefsWindowW; Property sampleRefsWindowH; // settings of "MacroEditor" group Property macroEditorWindowX; Property macroEditorWindowY; Property macroEditorWindowW; Property macroEditorWindowH; static Settings* singleton(); Settings(); void load(); protected: void onPropertyChanged(Glib::PropertyBase* pProperty, RawValueType_t type, Group_t group); private: std::vector m_boolProps; ///< Pointers to all 'bool' type properties this Setting class manages. std::vector m_intProps; ///< Pointers to all 'int' type properties this Setting class manages. bool m_ignoreNotifies; }; #endif // GIGEDIT_SETTINGS