/* * JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler * * Copyright (C) 2009 Grigor Iliev * * This file is part of JSampler. * * JSampler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * JSampler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JSampler; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.jsampler; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; import org.jsampler.view.JSChannel; import org.jsampler.view.JSChannelsPane; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.AudioOutputChannel; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.AudioOutputDevice; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.Client; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.FxSend; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.MidiInputDevice; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.MidiPort; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.Parameter; import org.linuxsampler.lscp.SamplerChannel; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import static org.jsampler.CC.preferences; import static org.jsampler.JSI18n.i18n; /** * * @author Grigor Iliev */ public class JSUtils { /** Forbids the instantiation of this class */ private JSUtils() { } /** * Checks whether the JSampler home directory is specified and exist. * If the JSampler home directory is not specifed, or is specified * but doesn't exist, a procedure of specifying a JSampler home * directory is initiated. * @see org.jsampler.view.JSMainFrame#installJSamplerHome */ public static void checkJSamplerHome() { if(CC.getJSamplerHome() != null) { File f = new File(CC.getJSamplerHome()); if(f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { return; } } CC.getMainFrame().installJSamplerHome(); } /** * Changes the JSampler's home directory and moves all files from * the old JSampler's home directory to the new one. If all files are * moved succesfully, the old directory is deleted. * @param path The location of the new JSampler's home directory. If * the last directory in the path doesn't exist, it is created. */ public static void changeJSamplerHome(String path) { File fNew = new File(path); if(fNew.exists() && fNew.isFile()) { HF.showErrorMessage(i18n.getError("CC.JSamplerHomeIsNotDir!")); return; } if(!fNew.exists()) { if(!fNew.mkdir()) { String s = fNew.getAbsolutePath(); HF.showErrorMessage(i18n.getError("CC.mkdirFailed", s)); return; } } if(CC.getJSamplerHome() == null || path.equals(CC.getJSamplerHome())) { CC.setJSamplerHome(fNew.getAbsolutePath()); return; } File fOld = new File(CC.getJSamplerHome()); if(!fOld.exists() || !fOld.isDirectory()) { CC.setJSamplerHome(fNew.getAbsolutePath()); return; } File[] files = fOld.listFiles(); boolean b = true; if(files != null) { String s = fNew.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; for(File f : files) if(!f.renameTo(new File(s + f.getName()))) b = false; } if(b) fOld.delete(); CC.setJSamplerHome(fNew.getAbsolutePath()); } public static String exportInstrMapsToLscpScript() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("# Exported by: "); sb.append("JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler\r\n# Version: "); sb.append(JSampler.VERSION).append("\r\n"); sb.append("# Date: ").append(new java.util.Date().toString()).append("\r\n\r\n"); Client lscpClient = new Client(true); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lscpClient.setPrintOnlyModeOutputStream(out); exportInstrMapsToLscpScript(lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); return sb.toString(); } private static void exportInstrMapsToLscpScript(Client lscpClient) { try { lscpClient.removeAllMidiInstrumentMaps(); MidiInstrumentMap[] maps = CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiInstrumentMaps(); for(int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { lscpClient.addMidiInstrumentMap(maps[i].getName()); exportInstrumentsToLscpScript(i, maps[i], lscpClient); } } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); HF.showErrorMessage(e); } } private static void exportInstrumentsToLscpScript(int mapId, MidiInstrumentMap map, Client lscpClient) throws Exception { boolean b = preferences().getBoolProperty(JSPrefs.LOAD_MIDI_INSTRUMENTS_IN_BACKGROUND); for(MidiInstrument i : map.getAllMidiInstruments()) { lscpClient.mapMidiInstrument(mapId, i.getInfo().getEntry(), i.getInfo(), b); } } public static String exportInstrMapsToText() { String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); MidiInstrumentMap[] maps = CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiInstrumentMaps(); for(int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { sb.append("MIDI Instrument Map: "); sb.append(maps[i].getName()).append(nl); exportInstrumentsToText(maps[i], sb); } String date = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new java.util.Date()); sb.append("Date: ").append(date).append(nl); sb.append("Exported by: JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler, Version "); sb.append(JSampler.VERSION).append(nl); return sb.toString(); } private static void exportInstrumentsToText(MidiInstrumentMap map, StringBuffer sb) { int bank = -1; String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); int bnkOffset = preferences().getIntProperty(JSPrefs.FIRST_MIDI_BANK_NUMBER); int prgOffset = preferences().getIntProperty(JSPrefs.FIRST_MIDI_PROGRAM_NUMBER); for(MidiInstrument i : map.getAllMidiInstruments()) { int newBank = i.getInfo().getMidiBank(); if(newBank != bank) { bank = newBank; sb.append(nl).append("\tMIDI Bank "); sb.append(bank + bnkOffset).append(nl); } sb.append("\t[").append(bank + bnkOffset).append("] "); sb.append(i.getInfo().getMidiProgram() + prgOffset); sb.append(" - ").append(i.getName()).append(nl); } sb.append(nl); } public static String exportInstrMapsToHtml() { String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("").append(nl); sb.append("MIDI Instrument Maps"); sb.append("").append(nl); sb.append("

MIDI Instrument Maps

").append(nl); String date = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new java.util.Date()); sb.append("Date: ").append(date).append("
").append(nl); sb.append("Exported by "); sb.append("JSampler version "); sb.append(JSampler.VERSION).append("
").append(nl); MidiInstrumentMap[] maps = CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiInstrumentMaps(); sb.append("
    ").append(nl); for(int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { String name = toHtmlEscapedText(maps[i].getName()); sb.append("
  1. "); sb.append(name).append("
  2. ").append(nl); } sb.append("
").append(nl); for(int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { String s = toHtmlEscapedText(maps[i].getName()); sb.append("

"); sb.append(s).append("

").append(nl); exportInstrumentsToHtml(i, maps[i], sb); } sb.append(nl).append("").append(nl).append(""); return sb.toString(); } private static void exportInstrumentsToHtml(int mapId, MidiInstrumentMap map, StringBuffer sb) { int bank = -1; String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); int bnkOffset = preferences().getIntProperty(JSPrefs.FIRST_MIDI_BANK_NUMBER); int prgOffset = preferences().getIntProperty(JSPrefs.FIRST_MIDI_PROGRAM_NUMBER); sb.append("
    ").append(nl); for(MidiInstrument i : map.getAllMidiInstruments()) { int newBank = i.getInfo().getMidiBank(); if(newBank != bank) { bank = newBank; String s = "map-" + (mapId + 1) + "-bank-" + (bank + bnkOffset); sb.append(nl).append("
  1. MIDI Bank "); sb.append(bank + bnkOffset).append("
  2. ").append(nl); } } sb.append("
").append(nl); bank = -1; String bankName = ""; sb.append("").append(nl); for(MidiInstrument i : map.getAllMidiInstruments()) { int newBank = i.getInfo().getMidiBank(); if(newBank != bank) { bank = newBank; sb.append("
").append(nl); bankName = "map-" + (mapId + 1) + "-bank-" + (bank + bnkOffset); sb.append(nl).append("

MIDI Bank "); sb.append(bank + bnkOffset).append("

").append(nl); sb.append("").append(nl); } sb.append(""); String file = i.getInfo().getFilePath(); String tooltip = "File: " + file + ", Index: " + i.getInfo().getInstrumentIndex(); sb.append(""); sb.append("").append(nl); sb.append(""); } sb.append("
"); sb.append(i.getInfo().getMidiProgram() + prgOffset).append(" - "); String s = toHtmlEscapedText(i.getName()); sb.append(s).append("  "); sb.append("[").append(bank + bnkOffset).append("]
").append(nl); sb.append(nl); } private static String toHtmlEscapedText(String s) { s = s.replaceAll("&", "&"); s = s.replaceAll("<", "<"); s = s.replaceAll(">", ">"); return s; } public static byte[] exportInstrMapsToRGD() { Document doc = DOMUtils.createEmptyDocument(); Element rgd = doc.createElement("rosegarden-data"); rgd.setAttribute("version", "1.7.2"); doc.appendChild(rgd); Element studio = doc.createElement("studio"); studio.setAttribute("thrufilter", "0"); studio.setAttribute("recordfilter", "0"); rgd.appendChild(studio); MidiInstrumentMap[] maps = CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiInstrumentMaps(); for(int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { Element dev = doc.createElement("device"); dev.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i)); dev.setAttribute("name", "LinuxSampler: " + maps[i].getName()); dev.setAttribute("type", "midi"); studio.appendChild(dev); Element el = doc.createElement("librarian"); el.setAttribute("name", "Grigor Iliev"); el.setAttribute("email", "grigor@grigoriliev.com"); dev.appendChild(el); exportInstrumentsToRGD(maps[i], dev); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DOMUtils.writeObject(doc, baos); // Hack to insert the file name in the archive byte[] data2 = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(baos2); gzos.write(baos.toByteArray()); gzos.finish(); byte[] data = baos2.toByteArray(); data[3] = 8; // File name byte[] fn = "x-rosegarden-device".getBytes("US-ASCII"); int fnsize = fn.length; data2 = new byte[data.length + fnsize + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) data2[i] = data[i]; for(int i = 0; i < fnsize; i++) data2[i + 10] = fn[i]; data2[10 + fnsize] = 0; for(int i = 10; i < data.length; i++) data2[i + fnsize + 1] = data[i]; } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ////////////// return data2; } private static void exportInstrumentsToRGD(MidiInstrumentMap map, Element el) { int bank = -1; int bnkOffset = preferences().getIntProperty(JSPrefs.FIRST_MIDI_BANK_NUMBER); Element elBank = null; for(MidiInstrument i : map.getAllMidiInstruments()) { int newBank = i.getInfo().getMidiBank(); if(newBank != bank) { bank = newBank; elBank = el.getOwnerDocument().createElement("bank"); elBank.setAttribute("name", "Bank " + (bank + bnkOffset)); elBank.setAttribute("msb", String.valueOf((bank >> 7) & 0x7f)); elBank.setAttribute("lsb", String.valueOf(bank & 0x7f)); el.appendChild(elBank); } Element elProgram = el.getOwnerDocument().createElement("program"); elProgram.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i.getInfo().getMidiProgram())); elProgram.setAttribute("name", i.getName()); elBank.appendChild(elProgram); } } public static String exportSessionToLscpScript() { CC.getSamplerModel().setModified(false); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("# Exported by: "); sb.append("JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler\r\n# Version: "); sb.append(JSampler.VERSION).append("\r\n"); sb.append("# Date: ").append(new java.util.Date().toString()).append("\r\n\r\n"); Client lscpClient = new Client(true); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lscpClient.setPrintOnlyModeOutputStream(out); try { lscpClient.resetSampler(); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); lscpClient.setVolume(CC.getSamplerModel().getVolume()); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); } MidiDeviceModel[] mDevs = CC.getSamplerModel().getMidiDevices(); for(int i = 0; i < mDevs.length; i++) { exportMidiDeviceToLscpScript(mDevs[i].getDeviceInfo(), i, lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); } AudioDeviceModel[] aDevs = CC.getSamplerModel().getAudioDevices(); int fxInsts = 0; for(int i = 0; i < aDevs.length; i++) { fxInsts += exportAudioDeviceToLscpScript(aDevs[i], i, fxInsts, lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); } boolean b = preferences().getBoolProperty(JSPrefs.EXPORT_MIDI_MAPS_TO_SESSION_SCRIPT); if(b) { exportInstrMapsToLscpScript(lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); } int chnId = 0; for(JSChannelsPane cp : CC.getMainFrame().getChannelsPaneList()) { for(JSChannel chn : cp.getChannels()) { SamplerChannelModel scm; scm = CC.getSamplerModel().getChannelById(chn.getChannelId()); exportChannelToLscpScript(scm.getChannelInfo(), chnId, lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); exportFxSendsToLscpScript(scm, chnId, lscpClient); sb.append(out.toString()); out.reset(); sb.append("\r\n"); chnId++; } } sb.append(CC.getViewConfig().exportSessionViewConfig()); return sb.toString(); } private static void exportMidiDeviceToLscpScript(MidiInputDevice mid, int devId, Client lscpCLient) { try { String s = mid.getDriverName(); lscpCLient.createMidiInputDevice(s, mid.getAdditionalParameters()); MidiPort[] mPorts = mid.getMidiPorts(); int l = mPorts.length; if(l != 1) lscpCLient.setMidiInputPortCount(devId, l); for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) { Parameter[] prms = mPorts[i].getAllParameters(); for(Parameter p : prms) { if(!p.isFixed() && p.getStringValue().length() > 0) lscpCLient.setMidiInputPortParameter(devId, i, p); } } } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); } } /** * @param fxInsts The current number of created effect instances. * @return The number of effect instances in this audio device. */ private static int exportAudioDeviceToLscpScript(AudioDeviceModel model, int devId, int fxInsts, Client lscpCLient) { int effectInstances = 0; try { AudioOutputDevice aod = model.getDeviceInfo(); String s = aod.getDriverName(); lscpCLient.createAudioOutputDevice(s, aod.getAllParameters()); AudioOutputChannel[] chns = aod.getAudioChannels(); for(int i = 0; i < chns.length; i++) { Parameter[] prms = chns[i].getAllParameters(); for(Parameter p : prms) { if(p.isFixed() || p.getStringValue().length() == 0); else lscpCLient.setAudioOutputChannelParameter(devId, i, p); } } for(int i = 0; i < model.getSendEffectChainCount(); i++) { lscpCLient.addSendEffectChain(devId); EffectChain chain = model.getSendEffectChain(i); for(int j = 0; j < chain.getEffectInstanceCount(); j++) { EffectInstance ei = chain.getEffectInstance(j); String sys = ei.getInfo().getSystem(); String mod = ei.getInfo().getModule(); String name = ei.getInfo().getName(); lscpCLient.createEffectInstance(sys, mod, name); int fxInstanceId = fxInsts + effectInstances++; lscpCLient.appendEffectInstance(devId, i, fxInstanceId); } } } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); } return effectInstances; } private static void exportChannelToLscpScript(SamplerChannel chn, int chnId, Client lscpCLient) { try { lscpCLient.addSamplerChannel(); SamplerModel sm = CC.getSamplerModel(); int id = chn.getMidiInputDevice(); if(id != -1) { for(int i = 0; i < sm.getMidiDeviceCount(); i++) { if(sm.getMidiDevice(i).getDeviceId() == id) { lscpCLient.setChannelMidiInputDevice(chnId, i); break; } } lscpCLient.setChannelMidiInputPort(chnId, chn.getMidiInputPort()); lscpCLient.setChannelMidiInputChannel(chnId, chn.getMidiInputChannel()); } if(chn.getEngine() != null) { lscpCLient.loadSamplerEngine(chn.getEngine().getName(), chnId); lscpCLient.setChannelVolume(chnId, chn.getVolume()); int mapId = chn.getMidiInstrumentMapId(); lscpCLient.setChannelMidiInstrumentMap(chnId, mapId); } id = chn.getAudioOutputDevice(); if(id != -1) { for(int i = 0; i < sm.getAudioDeviceCount(); i++) { if(sm.getAudioDevice(i).getDeviceId() == id) { lscpCLient.setChannelAudioOutputDevice(chnId, i); break; } } Integer[] routing = chn.getAudioOutputRouting(); for(int j = 0; j < routing.length; j++) { int k = routing[j]; if(k == j) continue; lscpCLient.setChannelAudioOutputChannel(chnId, j, k); } } String s = chn.getInstrumentFile(); int i = chn.getInstrumentIndex(); if(s != null) lscpCLient.loadInstrument(s, i, chnId, true); if(chn.isMuted() && !chn.isMutedBySolo()) lscpCLient.setChannelMute(chnId, true); if(chn.isSoloChannel()) lscpCLient.setChannelSolo(chnId, true); } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); } } private static void exportFxSendsToLscpScript(SamplerChannelModel scm, int chnId, Client lscpClient) { try { FxSend[] fxSends = scm.getFxSends(); for(int i = 0; i < fxSends.length; i++) { FxSend f = fxSends[i]; lscpClient.createFxSend(chnId, f.getMidiController(), f.getName()); lscpClient.setFxSendLevel(chnId, i, f.getLevel()); Integer[] r = f.getAudioOutputRouting(); for(int j = 0; j < r.length; j++) { lscpClient.setFxSendAudioOutputChannel(chnId, i, j, r[j]); } int chainId = f.getDestChainId(); int chainPos = f.getDestChainPos(); if(chainId != -1) { int aid = scm.getChannelInfo().getAudioOutputDevice(); AudioDeviceModel m = CC.getSamplerModel().getAudioDeviceById(aid); int idx = m.getSendEffectChainIndex(chainId); lscpClient.setFxSendEffect(chnId, i, idx, chainPos); } } } catch(Exception e) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, HF.getErrorMessage(e), e); } } }