/* * JSampler - a java front-end for LinuxSampler * * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Grigor Iliev * * This file is part of JSampler. * * JSampler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * JSampler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with JSampler; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.jsampler.view; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.jsampler.CC; import org.jsampler.JSampler; import org.jsampler.SamplerChannelModel; import org.jsampler.Server; import org.jsampler.event.SamplerChannelListEvent; import org.jsampler.event.SamplerChannelListListener; import org.jsampler.view.SessionViewConfig.ChannelConfig; /** * Defines the skeleton of a JSampler's main frame. * @author Grigor Iliev */ public abstract class JSMainFrame extends JFrame { private final Vector chnPaneList = new Vector(); private boolean autoUpdateChannelListUI = true; /** Creates a new instance of JSMainFrame. */ public JSMainFrame() { super(JSampler.NAME + ' ' + JSampler.VERSION); setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { onWindowClose(); } }); CC.getSamplerModel().addSamplerChannelListListener(new EventHandler()); getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put ( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_G, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK | KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK), "RunGarbageCollector" ); getRootPane().getActionMap().put ("RunGarbageCollector", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.gc(); } }); } /** * Invoked when this window is about to close. * Don't forget to call super.onWindowClose() at the end, * when override this method. */ public void onWindowClose() { CC.cleanExit(); } /** * Invoked on startup when no JSampler home directory is specified * or the specified JSampler home directory doesn't exist. * This method should ask the user to specify a JSampler * home directory and then set the specified JSampler home directory using * {@link org.jsampler.CC#setJSamplerHome} method. * @see org.jsampler.CC#getJSamplerHome * @see org.jsampler.CC#setJSamplerHome */ public abstract void installJSamplerHome(); /** * Shows a detailed error information about the specified exception. */ public abstract void showDetailedErrorMessage(Frame owner, String err, String details); /** * Shows a detailed error information about the specified exception. */ public abstract void showDetailedErrorMessage(Dialog owner, String err, String details); public abstract void handleConnectionFailure(); protected Vector channelsPaneListeners = new Vector(); /** * Registers the specified listener for receiving event messages. * @param l The ListSelectionListener to register. */ public void addChannelsPaneSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener l) { channelsPaneListeners.add(l); } /** * Removes the specified listener. * @param l The ListSelectionListener to remove. */ public void removeChannelsPaneSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener l) { channelsPaneListeners.remove(l); } protected void fireChannelsPaneSelectionChanged() { int i = getChannelsPaneIndex(getSelectedChannelsPane()); ListSelectionEvent e = new ListSelectionEvent(this, i, i, false); for(ListSelectionListener l : channelsPaneListeners) l.valueChanged(e); } /** * Returns a list containing all JSChannelsPanes added to the view. * @return A list containing all JSChannelsPanes added to the view. * @see #addChannelsPane * @see #removeChannelsPane */ public Vector getChannelsPaneList() { return chnPaneList; } /** * Return the JSChannelsPane at the specified position. * @param idx The position of the JSChannelsPane to be returned. * @return The JSChannelsPane at the specified position. */ public JSChannelsPane getChannelsPane(int idx) { return chnPaneList.get(idx); } /** * Adds the specified JSChannelsPane to the view. * @param chnPane The JSChannelsPane to be added. */ public void addChannelsPane(JSChannelsPane chnPane) { chnPaneList.add(chnPane); } /** * Removes the specified JSChannelsPane from the view. * Override this method to remove chnPane from the view, * and don't forget to call super.removeChannelsPane(chnPane);. * @param chnPane The JSChannelsPane to be removed. * @return true if the specified code>JSChannelsPane * is actually removed from the view, false otherwise. */ public boolean removeChannelsPane(JSChannelsPane chnPane) { return chnPaneList.remove(chnPane); } /** * Gets the current number of JSChannelsPanes added to the view. * @return The current number of JSChannelsPanes added to the view. */ public int getChannelsPaneCount() { return chnPaneList.size(); } /** * Returns the index of the specified channels pane, or -1 if * the specified channels pane is not found. */ public int getChannelsPaneIndex(JSChannelsPane chnPane) { return chnPaneList.indexOf(chnPane); } /** * Inserts the specified JSChannelsPane at the specified position * in the view and in the code>JSChannelsPane list. * Where and how this pane will be shown depends on the view/GUI implementation. * Note that some GUI implementation may have only one pane containing sampler channels. * @param pane The JSChannelsPane to be inserted. * @param idx Specifies the position of the JSChannelsPane. * @see #getChannelsPaneList */ public abstract void insertChannelsPane(JSChannelsPane pane, int idx); /** * Gets the JSChannelsPane that is currently shown, * or has the focus if more than one channels' panes are shown. * If the GUI implementation has only one pane containing sampler channels, * than this method should always return that pane (the JSChannelsPane * with index 0). * @return The selected JSChannelsPane. */ public abstract JSChannelsPane getSelectedChannelsPane(); /** * Gets the server address to which to connect. If the server should be * manually selected, a dialog asking the user to choose a server is displayed. */ public abstract Server getServer(); /** * Gets the server address to which to connect. If the server should be * manually selected, a dialog asking the user to choose a server is displayed. * @param manualSelect Determines whether the server should be manually selected. */ public abstract Server getServer(boolean manualSelect); /** * Sets the JSChannelsPane to be selected. * Note that all registered listeners should be notified * when the selection is changed. * @param pane The JSChannelsPane to be shown. * @see #fireChannelsPaneSelectionChanged */ public abstract void setSelectedChannelsPane(JSChannelsPane pane); private class EventHandler implements SamplerChannelListListener { /** * Invoked when a new sampler channel is created. * @param e A SamplerChannelListEvent * instance providing the event information. */ @Override public void channelAdded(SamplerChannelListEvent e) { if(e.getChannelModel() == null) return; Integer id = e.getChannelModel().getChannelId(); if(findChannel(id) != null) { CC.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "JSMainFrame.channelExist!", id); return; } ChannelConfig config = null; JSViewConfig viewConfig = CC.getViewConfig(); if(viewConfig != null && viewConfig.getSessionViewConfig() != null) { config = viewConfig.getSessionViewConfig().pollChannelConfig(); } if(config == null) { getSelectedChannelsPane().addChannel(e.getChannelModel()); } else { int i = config.channelsPanel; if(i >= 0 && i < getChannelsPaneCount()) { getChannelsPane(i).addChannel(e.getChannelModel(), config); } else { getSelectedChannelsPane().addChannel(e.getChannelModel(), config); } } } /** * Invoked when a sampler channel is removed. * @param e A SamplerChannelListEvent * instance providing the event information. */ @Override public void channelRemoved(SamplerChannelListEvent e) { removeChannel(e.getChannelModel().getChannelId()); } } /** * Searches for the first occurence of a channel with numerical ID id. * @return The first occurence of a channel with numerical ID id or * null if there is no channel with numerical ID id. */ public JSChannel findChannel(int id) { if(id < 0) return null; for(JSChannelsPane cp : getChannelsPaneList()) { for(JSChannel c : cp.getChannels()) if(c.getChannelId() == id) return c; } return null; } /** * Removes the first occurence of a channel with numerical ID id. * This method is invoked when a sampler channel is removed in the back-end. * @return The removed channel or null * if there is no channel with numerical ID id. */ public JSChannel removeChannel(int id) { if(id < 0) return null; for(JSChannelsPane cp : getChannelsPaneList()) { for(JSChannel c : cp.getChannels()) { if(c.getChannelId() == id) { cp.removeChannel(c); return c; } } } return null; } /** * Gets the zero-based position of the specified sampler channel * in the channels pane, to which the channel is added. * Note that the position may change when adding/removing sampler channels. * @return The zero-based position of the specified sampler channel * in the channels pane, or -1 if the specified channels is not found. */ public int getChannelNumber(SamplerChannelModel channel) { if(channel == null) return -1; for(int i = 0; i < getChannelsPaneCount(); i++) { JSChannelsPane chnPane = getChannelsPane(i); for(int j = 0; j < chnPane.getChannelCount(); j++) { if(chnPane.getChannel(j).getChannelId() == channel.getChannelId()) { return j; } } } return -1; } /** * Returns a string in the format channelPaneNumber/channelNumber, * where channelPaneNumber is the one-based number of the channels * pane containing the specified channel and channelNumber is the * one-based number of the channel's position in the channels pane. * Note that this path may change when adding/removing channels/channels panes. * @return The channels path, or null if the specified channels is not found. */ public String getChannelPath(SamplerChannelModel channel) { if(channel == null) return null; for(int i = 0; i < getChannelsPaneCount(); i++) { JSChannelsPane chnPane = getChannelsPane(i); for(int j = 0; j < chnPane.getChannelCount(); j++) { if(chnPane.getChannel(j).getChannelId() == channel.getChannelId()) { return (i + 1) + "." + (j + 1); } } } return null; } /** * Gets the zero-based number of the channels pane, * to which the specified sampler channel is added. * Note that the can be moved from one channels pane to another. * @return The zero-based index of the channels pane, * to which the specified sampler channel is added, or * -1 if the specified channels is not found. */ public int getChannelsPaneNumber(SamplerChannelModel channel) { if(channel == null) return -1; for(int i = 0; i < getChannelsPaneCount(); i++) { JSChannelsPane chnPane = getChannelsPane(i); for(int j = 0; j < chnPane.getChannelCount(); j++) { if(chnPane.getChannel(j).getChannelId() == channel.getChannelId()) { return i; } } } return -1; } /** * Sends the specified script to the backend. * @param script The file name of the script to run. */ public abstract void runScript(String script); /** * Determines whether the channel list UI should be automatically updated * when channel is added/removed. The default value is true. */ public boolean getAutoUpdateChannelListUI() { return autoUpdateChannelListUI; } /** * Determines whether the channel list UI should be automatically updated * when channel is added/removed. */ public void setAutoUpdateChannelListUI(boolean b) { if(b == autoUpdateChannelListUI) return; autoUpdateChannelListUI = b; for(JSChannelsPane cp : getChannelsPaneList()) { cp.setAutoUpdate(b); } } /** * Updates the channel list UI. */ public void updateChannelListUI() { for(JSChannelsPane cp : getChannelsPaneList()) { cp.updateChannelListUI(); } } }