AudioDeviceWizardPage.lDevice = Audio Output Device: AudioDeviceWizardPage.mainInstructions = Choose an audio output device to be used by this sampler channel. AudioDeviceWizardPage.subtitle = Choose audio output device AudioDevicesPage.DevicePropsDlg = Device Properties AudioDevicesPage.channels = Audio Output Channels AudioDevicesPage.lChannels = Channels: AudioDevicesPage.title = Audio Devices AudioDevicesTableModel.deviceID = ID AudioDevicesTableModel.channels = Channels ChangeTabTitleDlg = Change Tab Title ChangeTabTitleDlg.lTitle = New Title: Channel.btnInstr = Load Instrument... Channel.loadingInstrument = Loading Instrument... ({0}%) Channel.volume = Channel Volume ({0}%) ChannelProperties.audioPane = Audio Output ChannelProperties.enginesPane = Engine ChannelProperties.lAudioDevice = Device: ChannelProperties.lMidiChannel = Channel: ChannelProperties.lMidiDevice = Device: ChannelProperties.lMidiPort = Port: ChannelProperties.midiPane = MIDI Input ChannelProperties.routing = Channel routing ChannelOutputRoutingDlg.audioIn = Audio In ChannelOutputRoutingDlg.audioOut = Audio Out ChannelOutputRoutingDlg.title = Channel Routing ChannelOutputRoutingDlg.ttChannel = The audio output channel of sampler channel #{0} ChannelOutputRoutingDlg.ttDevice = The audio channel to which the sampler output channel is routed to CloseTabDlg.? = What do you want to do with channels in this tab? EngineWizardPage.lEngine = Sampler Engine: EngineWizardPage.mainInstructions = Specify the engine to be used by this sampler channel. EngineWizardPage.subtitle = Select sampler engine HelpAboutDlg.lAuthor = Author: HelpAboutDlg.lAuthorEmail = Author's email: HelpAboutDlg.lCopyright = \nCopyright © 2005 Grigor Iliev. All rights reserved. HelpAboutDlg.lLSWebsite = LinuxSampler website: HelpAboutDlg.lLSMailingList = LinuxSampler mailing list: HelpAboutDlg.lLicense = License: HelpAboutDlg.title = About JS Classic HelpAboutDlg.ContactInfoPane = Contact Information HelpAboutDlg.tfAuthor = Grigor Iliev InstrumentChooser.btnBrowse = Browse... InstrumentChooser.lFilename = Filename: InstrumentChooser.lIndex = Instrument index: InstrumentChooser.selectFile = Please select instrument file first InstrumentChooser.title = Choose Instrument InstrumentWizardPage.mainInstructions = Specify an instrument to be loaded and assigned to this sampler channel. InstrumentWizardPage.subtitle = Choose instrument LSPrefsPane = LinuxSampler LSPrefsPane.Address = Address: LSPrefsPane.Port = Port LibraryInfoDlg.lAuthor = Author: LibraryInfoDlg.lLicense = License: LibraryInfoDlg.lWebsite = Website: LibraryInfoDlg.tfAuthor = Grigor Iliev MainFrame.title = JS Classic MidiDevicesPage.DevicePropsDlg = Device Properties MidiDevicesPage.lPorts = Port MidiDevicesPage.ports = MIDI ports MidiDevicesPage.title = MIDI Devices MidiDevicesTableModel.deviceID = Device ID MidiDevicesTableModel.ports = Ports MidiDeviceWizardPage.lDevice = MIDI input device: MidiDeviceWizardPage.subtitle = Choose MIDI input device MidiDeviceWizardPage.mainInstructions = Choose a MIDI input device this sampler channel
\ will be connected to. MidiPortWizardPage.lPort = MIDI port: MidiPortWizardPage.mainInstructions = Every MIDI device can have an arbitrary number of ports. MidiPortWizardPage.subtitle = Choose MIDI port NewAudioDeviceDlg.lDriver = Driver: NewAudioDeviceDlg.title = New Audio Output Device NewChannelWizard.step1 = Configure MIDI input NewChannelWizard.step2 = Configure audio output NewChannelWizard.step3 = Select engine NewChannelWizard.step4 = Choose instrument NewChannelWizard.step5 = Confirm Choices NewChannelWizard.title = New Channel Wizard NewChannelsTabDlg = New Channels Tab NewMidiDeviceDlg.lDriver = Driver: NewMidiDeviceDlg.title = New MIDI Input Device NewTabPane.lTitle = Title: PrefsDlg = Preferences PrefsDlg.tabConnection = Connection PrefsDlg.tabGeneral = General PrefsDlg.tabView = View SamplerInfoDlg.lProtocolVersion = Protocol Version: SamplerInfoDlg.lVersion = Version: SamplerInfoDlg.title = Sampler Information SamplerInfoDlg.unavailable = Information unavailable Statusbar.pbTotalVoices = voices {0} TasksPage.lAudioDevices = Audio devices TasksPage.lChannels = Sampler channels TasksPage.lMidiDevices = MIDI devices TasksPage.title = Tasks = Standard Toolbar ViewPane.lIfaceFont = Interface font: ViewPane.lIfaceLanguage = Interface language: