/* libakai - C++ cross-platform akai sample disk reader Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Sébastien Métrot Linux port by Christian Schoenebeck 2003-2014 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // Akai.cpp #include "Akai.h" #include #include #include #include #if defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) # if defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) # include # else # include # endif #endif #include #include #include #if defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) // These definitions were taken from mount_cd9660.c // There are some similar definitions in IOCDTypes.h // however there seems to be some dissagreement in // the definition of CDTOC.length struct _CDMSF { u_char minute; u_char second; u_char frame; }; #define MSF_TO_LBA(msf) \ (((((msf).minute * 60UL) + (msf).second) * 75UL) + (msf).frame - 150) struct _CDTOC_Desc { u_char session; u_char ctrl_adr; /* typed to be machine and compiler independent */ u_char tno; u_char point; struct _CDMSF address; u_char zero; struct _CDMSF p; }; struct _CDTOC { u_short length; /* in native cpu endian */ u_char first_session; u_char last_session; struct _CDTOC_Desc trackdesc[1]; }; // Most of the following Mac CDROM IO functions were taken from Apple's IOKit // examples (BSD style license). ReadTOC() function was taken from the Bochs x86 // Emulator (LGPL). Most probably they have taken it however also from some // other BSD style licensed example code as well ... // Returns an iterator across all CD media (class IOCDMedia). Caller is responsible for releasing // the iterator when iteration is complete. static kern_return_t FindEjectableCDMedia(io_iterator_t *mediaIterator) { kern_return_t kernResult; CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch; // CD media are instances of class kIOCDMediaClass classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching(kIOCDMediaClass); if (classesToMatch == NULL) { printf("IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n"); } else { CFDictionarySetValue(classesToMatch, CFSTR(kIOMediaEjectableKey), kCFBooleanTrue); // Each IOMedia object has a property with key kIOMediaEjectableKey which is true if the // media is indeed ejectable. So add this property to the CFDictionary we're matching on. } kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, classesToMatch, mediaIterator); return kernResult; } // Given an iterator across a set of CD media, return the BSD path to the // next one. If no CD media was found the path name is set to an empty string. static kern_return_t GetBSDPath(io_iterator_t mediaIterator, char *bsdPath, CFIndex maxPathSize) { io_object_t nextMedia; kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE; *bsdPath = '\0'; nextMedia = IOIteratorNext(mediaIterator); if (nextMedia) { CFTypeRef bsdPathAsCFString; bsdPathAsCFString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(nextMedia, CFSTR(kIOBSDNameKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); if (bsdPathAsCFString) { strlcpy(bsdPath, _PATH_DEV, maxPathSize); // Add "r" before the BSD node name from the I/O Registry to specify the raw disk // node. The raw disk nodes receive I/O requests directly and do not go through // the buffer cache. strlcat(bsdPath, "r", maxPathSize); size_t devPathLength = strlen(bsdPath); if (CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)bsdPathAsCFString, bsdPath + devPathLength, maxPathSize - devPathLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { printf("BSD path: %s\n", bsdPath); kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS; } CFRelease(bsdPathAsCFString); } IOObjectRelease(nextMedia); } return kernResult; } // Given the path to a CD drive, open the drive. // Return the file descriptor associated with the device. /*static int OpenDrive(const char *bsdPath) { int fileDescriptor; // This open() call will fail with a permissions error if the sample has been changed to // look for non-removable media. This is because device nodes for fixed-media devices are // owned by root instead of the current console user. fileDescriptor = open(bsdPath, O_RDONLY); if (fileDescriptor == -1) { printf("Error opening device %s: ", bsdPath); perror(NULL); } return fileDescriptor; }*/ // Given the file descriptor for a whole-media CD device, read a sector from the drive. // Return true if successful, otherwise false. /*static Boolean ReadSector(int fileDescriptor) { char *buffer; ssize_t numBytes; u_int32_t blockSize; // This ioctl call retrieves the preferred block size for the media. It is functionally // equivalent to getting the value of the whole media object's "Preferred Block Size" // property from the IORegistry. if (ioctl(fileDescriptor, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &blockSize)) { perror("Error getting preferred block size"); // Set a reasonable default if we can't get the actual preferred block size. A real // app would probably want to bail at this point. blockSize = kCDSectorSizeCDDA; } printf("Media has block size of %d bytes.\n", blockSize); // Allocate a buffer of the preferred block size. In a real application, performance // can be improved by reading as many blocks at once as you can. buffer = (char*) malloc(blockSize); // Do the read. Note that we use read() here, not fread(), since this is a raw device // node. numBytes = read(fileDescriptor, buffer, blockSize); // Free our buffer. Of course, a real app would do something useful with the data first. free(buffer); return numBytes == blockSize ? true : false; }*/ // Given the file descriptor for a device, close that device. /*static void CloseDrive(int fileDescriptor) { close(fileDescriptor); }*/ // path is the BSD path to a raw device such as /dev/rdisk1 static struct _CDTOC * ReadTOC(const char *devpath) { struct _CDTOC * toc_p = NULL; io_iterator_t iterator = 0; io_registry_entry_t service = 0; CFDictionaryRef properties = 0; CFDataRef data = 0; mach_port_t port = 0; char *devname; if ((devname = strrchr(devpath, '/')) != NULL) { ++devname; } else { devname = (char *) devpath; } if (IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &port) != KERN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "IOMasterPort failed\n"); goto Exit; } if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(port, IOBSDNameMatching(port, 0, devname), &iterator) != KERN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed\n"); goto Exit; } service = IOIteratorNext(iterator); IOObjectRelease(iterator); iterator = 0; while (service && !IOObjectConformsTo(service, "IOCDMedia")) { if (IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator(service, kIOServicePlane, &iterator) != KERN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n"); goto Exit; } IOObjectRelease(service); service = IOIteratorNext(iterator); IOObjectRelease(iterator); } if (!service) { fprintf(stderr, "CD media not found\n"); goto Exit; } if (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(service, (__CFDictionary **) &properties, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions) != KERN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n"); goto Exit; } data = (CFDataRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR(kIOCDMediaTOCKey)); if (data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "CFDictionaryGetValue failed\n"); goto Exit; } else { CFRange range; CFIndex buflen; buflen = CFDataGetLength(data) + 1; range = CFRangeMake(0, buflen); toc_p = (struct _CDTOC *) malloc(buflen); if (toc_p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); goto Exit; } else { CFDataGetBytes(data, range, (unsigned char *) toc_p); } /* fprintf(stderr, "Table of contents\n length %d first %d last %d\n", toc_p->length, toc_p->first_session, toc_p->last_session); */ CFRelease(properties); } Exit: if (service) { IOObjectRelease(service); } return toc_p; } #endif // defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) ////////////////////////////////// // AkaiSample: AkaiSample::AkaiSample(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiVolume* pParent, const AkaiDirEntry& DirEntry) : AkaiDiskElement(pDisk->GetPos()) { mpParent = pParent; mpDisk = pDisk; mDirEntry = DirEntry; mpSamples = NULL; mHeaderOK = false; mPos = 0; // LoadHeader(); } AkaiSample::~AkaiSample() { if (mpSamples) free(mpSamples); } AkaiDirEntry AkaiSample::GetDirEntry() { return mDirEntry; } bool AkaiSample::LoadSampleData() { if (!LoadHeader()) return false; if (mpSamples) return true; mpDisk->SetPos(mImageOffset); mpSamples = (int16_t*) malloc(mNumberOfSamples * sizeof(int16_t)); if (!mpSamples) return false; mpDisk->ReadInt16((uint16_t*)mpSamples, mNumberOfSamples); return true; } void AkaiSample::ReleaseSampleData() { if (!mpSamples) return; free(mpSamples); mpSamples = NULL; } int AkaiSample::SetPos(int Where, akai_stream_whence_t Whence) { if (!mHeaderOK) return -1; int w = Where; switch (Whence) { case akai_stream_start: mPos = w; break; /*case eStreamRewind: w = -w;*/ case akai_stream_curpos: mPos += w; break; case akai_stream_end: mPos = mNumberOfSamples - w; break; } if (mPos > mNumberOfSamples) mPos = mNumberOfSamples; if (mPos < 0) mPos = 0; return mPos; } int AkaiSample::Read(void* pBuffer, uint SampleCount) { if (!mHeaderOK) return 0; if (mPos + SampleCount > mNumberOfSamples) SampleCount = mNumberOfSamples - mPos; mpDisk->SetPos(mImageOffset + mPos * 2); // FIXME: assumes 16 bit sample depth mpDisk->ReadInt16((uint16_t*)pBuffer, SampleCount); return SampleCount; } bool AkaiSample::LoadHeader() { if (mHeaderOK) return true; mpDisk->SetPos(mpParent->GetParent()->GetOffset() + mDirEntry.mStart * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE ); // Length Format Description // -------------------------------------------------------------- // 1 3 if (mpDisk->ReadInt8() != AKAI_SAMPLE_ID) return false; // 1 Not important: 0 for 22050Hz, 1 for 44100Hz mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 unsigned MIDI root note (C3=60) mMidiRootNote = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 12 AKAII Filename char buffer[13]; mpDisk->Read(buffer, 12, 1); AkaiToAscii(buffer, 12); mName = buffer; // 1 128 mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 unsigned Number of active loops mActiveLoops = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 unsigned char First active loop (0 for none) mFirstActiveLoop = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 0 mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 unsigned Loop mode: 0=in release 1=until release // 2=none 3=play to end mLoopMode = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 signed Cents tune -50...+50 mTuneCents = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 1 signed Semi tune -50...+50 mTuneSemitones = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 4 0,8,2,0 mpDisk->ReadInt8(); mpDisk->ReadInt8(); mpDisk->ReadInt8(); mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // // 4 unsigned Number of sample words mNumberOfSamples = mpDisk->ReadInt32(); // 4 unsigned Start marker mStartMarker = mpDisk->ReadInt32(); // 4 unsigned End marker mEndMarker = mpDisk->ReadInt32(); // // 4 unsigned Loop 1 marker // 2 unsigned Loop 1 fine length (65536ths) // 4 unsigned Loop 1 coarse length (words) // 2 unsigned Loop 1 time (msec. or 9999=infinite) // // 84 [as above] Loops 2 to 8 // int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) mLoops[i].Load(mpDisk); // 4 0,0,255,255 mpDisk->ReadInt32(); // 2 unsigned Sampling frequency mSamplingFrequency = mpDisk->ReadInt16(); // 1 signed char Loop tune offset -50...+50 mLoopTuneOffset = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); mImageOffset = mpParent->GetParent()->GetOffset() + mDirEntry.mStart * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE + 150; // 150 is the size of the header //FIXME: no header validation yet implemented return (mHeaderOK = true); } bool AkaiSampleLoop::Load(DiskImage* pDisk) { // 4 unsigned Loop 1 marker mMarker = pDisk->ReadInt32(); // 2 unsigned Loop 1 fine length (65536ths) mFineLength = pDisk->ReadInt16(); // 4 unsigned Loop 1 coarse length (words) mCoarseLength = pDisk->ReadInt32(); // 2 unsigned Loop 1 time (msec. or 9999=infinite) mTime = pDisk->ReadInt16(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////// // AkaiProgram: AkaiProgram::AkaiProgram(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiVolume* pParent, const AkaiDirEntry& DirEntry) : AkaiDiskElement(pDisk->GetPos()) { mpParent = pParent; mpDisk = pDisk; mDirEntry = DirEntry; mpKeygroups = NULL; Load(); } AkaiProgram::~AkaiProgram() { if (mpKeygroups) delete[] mpKeygroups; } AkaiDirEntry AkaiProgram::GetDirEntry() { return mDirEntry; } bool AkaiProgram::Load() { // Read each of the program parameters uint temppos = mpDisk->GetPos(); mpDisk->SetPos(mpParent->GetParent()->GetOffset() + mDirEntry.mStart * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE ); // byte description default range/comments // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1 program ID 1 uint8_t ProgID = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); if (ProgID != AKAI_PROGRAM_ID) { mpDisk->SetPos(temppos); return false; } // 2-3 first keygroup address 150,0 /*uint16_t KeygroupAddress =*/ mpDisk->ReadInt16(); // 4-15 program name 10,10,10... AKAII character set char buffer[13]; mpDisk->Read(buffer, 12, 1); AkaiToAscii(buffer, 12); mName = buffer; // 16 MIDI program number 0 0..127 mMidiProgramNumber = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 17 MIDI channel 0 0..15, 255=OMNI mMidiChannel = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 18 polyphony 15 1..16 mPolyphony = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 19 priority 1 0=LOW 1=NORM 2=HIGH 3=HOLD mPriority = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 20 low key 24 24..127 mLowKey = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 21 high key 127 24..127 mHighKey = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 22 octave shift 0 -2..2 mOctaveShift = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 23 aux output select 255 0..7, 255=OFF mAuxOutputSelect = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 24 mix output level 99 0..99 mMixOutputSelect = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 25 mix output pan 0 -50..50 mMixPan = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 26 volume 80 0..99 mVolume = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 27 vel>volume 20 -50..50 mVelocityToVolume = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 28 key>volume 0 -50..50 mKeyToVolume = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 29 pres>volume 0 -50..50 mPressureToVolume = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 30 pan lfo rate 50 0..99 mPanLFORate = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 31 pan lfo depth 0 0..99 mPanLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 32 pan lfo delay 0 0..99 mPanLFODelay = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 33 key>pan 0 -50..50 mKeyToPan = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 34 lfo rate 50 0..99 mLFORate = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 35 lfo depth 0 0..99 mLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 36 lfo delay 0 0..99 mLFODelay = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 37 mod>lfo depth 30 0..99 mModulationToLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 38 pres>lfo depth 0 0..99 mPressureToLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 39 vel>lfo depth 0 0..99 mVelocityToLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 40 bend>pitch 2 0..12 semitones mBendToPitch = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 41 pres>pitch 0 -12..12 semitones mPressureToPitch = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 42 keygroup crossfade 0 0=OFF 1=ON mKeygroupCrossfade = mpDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 43 number of keygroups 1 1..99 mNumberOfKeygroups = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 44 (internal use) 0 program number mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 45-56 key temperament C,C#,D... 0 -25..25 cents uint i; for (i = 0; i<11; i++) mKeyTemperament[i] = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 57 fx output 0 0=OFF 1=ON mFXOutput = mpDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 58 mod>pan 0 -50..50 mModulationToPan = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 59 stereo coherence 0 0=OFF 1=ON mStereoCoherence = mpDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 60 lfo desync 1 0=OFF 1=ON mLFODesync = mpDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 61 pitch law 0 0=LINEAR mPitchLaw = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 62 voice re-assign 0 0=OLDEST 1=QUIETEST mVoiceReassign = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 63 softped>volume 10 0..99 mSoftpedToVolume = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 64 softped>attack 10 0..99 mSoftpedToAttack = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 65 softped>filt 10 0..99 mSoftpedToFilter = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 66 tune cents 0 -128..127 (-50..50 cents) mSoftpedToTuneCents = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 67 tune semitones 0 -50..50 mSoftpedToTuneSemitones = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 68 key>lfo rate 0 -50..50 mKeyToLFORate = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 69 key>lfo depth 0 -50..50 mKeyToLFODepth = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 70 key>lfo delay 0 -50..50 mKeyToLFODelay = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 71 voice output scale 1 0=-6dB 1=0dB 2=+12dB mVoiceOutputScale = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 72 stereo output scale 0 0=0dB 1=+6dB mStereoOutputScale = mpDisk->ReadInt8(); // 73-150 (not used) // Read the key groups: if (mpKeygroups) delete[] mpKeygroups; mpKeygroups = new AkaiKeygroup[mNumberOfKeygroups]; for (i = 0; i < mNumberOfKeygroups; i++) { // Go where the key group is on the disk: mpDisk->SetPos(mpParent->GetParent()->GetOffset() + mDirEntry.mStart * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE + 150 * (i+1)); if (!mpKeygroups[i].Load(mpDisk)) { mpDisk->SetPos(temppos); return false; } } mpDisk->SetPos(temppos); return true; } uint AkaiProgram::ListSamples(std::list& rSamples) { return 0; } AkaiSample* AkaiProgram::GetSample(uint Index) { return NULL; } AkaiSample* AkaiProgram::GetSample(const String& rName) { return NULL; } // AkaiKeygroup: bool AkaiKeygroup::Load(DiskImage* pDisk) { uint i; // byte description default range/comments // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1 keygroup ID 2 if (pDisk->ReadInt8() != AKAI_KEYGROUP_ID) return false; // 2-3 next keygroup address 44,1 300,450,600,750.. (16-bit) /*uint16_t NextKeygroupAddress =*/ pDisk->ReadInt16(); // 4 low key 24 24..127 mLowKey = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 5 high key 127 24..127 mHighKey = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 6 tune cents 0 -128..127 (-50..50 cents) mTuneCents = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 7 tune semitones 0 -50..50 mTuneSemitones = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 8 filter 99 0..99 mFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 9 key>filter 12 0..24 semitone/oct mKeyToFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 10 vel>filt 0 -50..50 mVelocityToFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 11 pres>filt 0 -50..50 mPressureToFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 12 env2>filt 0 -50..50 mEnveloppe2ToFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 13 env1 attack 0 0..99 // 14 env1 decay 30 0..99 // 15 env1 sustain 99 0..99 // 16 env1 release 45 0..99 // 17 env1 vel>attack 0 -50..50 // 18 env1 vel>release 0 -50..50 // 19 env1 offvel>release 0 -50..50 // 20 env1 key>dec&rel 0 -50..50 // 21 env2 attack 0 0..99 // 22 env2 decay 50 0..99 // 23 env2 sustain 99 0..99 // 24 env2 release 45 0..99 // 25 env2 vel>attack 0 -50..50 // 26 env2 vel>release 0 -50..50 // 27 env2 offvel>release 0 -50..50 // 28 env2 key>dec&rel 0 -50..50 for (i=0; i<2; i++) mEnveloppes[i].Load(pDisk); // 29 vel>env2>filter 0 -50..50 mVelocityToEnveloppe2ToFilter = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 30 env2>pitch 0 -50..50 mEnveloppe2ToPitch = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 31 vel zone crossfade 1 0=OFF 1=ON mVelocityZoneCrossfade = pDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 32 vel zones used 4 mVelocityZoneUsed = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 33 (internal use) 255 pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 34 (internal use) 255 pDisk->ReadInt8(); // // 35-46 sample 1 name 10,10,10... AKAII character set // 47 low vel 0 0..127 // 48 high vel 127 0..127 // 49 tune cents 0 -128..127 (-50..50 cents) // 50 tune semitones 0 -50..50 // 51 loudness 0 -50..+50 // 52 filter 0 -50..+50 // 53 pan 0 -50..+50 // 54 loop mode 0 0=AS_SAMPLE 1=LOOP_IN_REL // 2=LOOP_UNTIL_REL 3=NO_LOOP // 4=PLAY_TO_END // 55 (internal use) 255 // 56 (internal use) 255 // 57-58 (internal use) 44,1 // // 59-82 [repeat 35-58 for sample 2] // // 83-106 [repeat 35-58 for sample 3] // // 107-130 [repeat 35-58 for sample 4] // for (i=0; i<4; i++) mSamples[i].Load(pDisk); // 131 beat detune 0 -50..50 mBeatDetune = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 132 hold attack until loop 0 0=OFF 1=ON mHoldAttackUntilLoop = pDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 133-136 sample 1-4 key tracking 0 0=TRACK 1=FIXED for (i=0; i<4; i++) mSampleKeyTracking[i] = pDisk->ReadInt8()?true:false; // 137-140 sample 1-4 aux out offset 0 0..7 for (i=0; i<4; i++) mSampleAuxOutOffset[i] = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 141-148 vel>sample start 0 -9999..9999 (16-bit signed) for (i=0; i<4; i++) mVelocityToSampleStart[i] = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 149 vel>volume offset 0 -50..50 for (i=0; i<4; i++) mVelocityToVolumeOffset[i] = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 150 (not used) return true; } bool AkaiEnveloppe::Load(DiskImage* pDisk) { // 13 env1 attack 0 0..99 mAttack = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 14 env1 decay 30 0..99 mDecay = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 15 env1 sustain 99 0..99 mSustain = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 16 env1 release 45 0..99 mRelease = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 17 env1 vel>attack 0 -50..50 mVelocityToAttack = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 18 env1 vel>release 0 -50..50 mVelocityToRelease = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 19 env1 offvel>release 0 -50..50 mOffVelocityToRelease = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 20 env1 key>dec&rel 0 -50..50 mKeyToDecayAndRelease = pDisk->ReadInt8(); return true; } bool AkaiKeygroupSample::Load(DiskImage* pDisk) { // 35-46 sample 1 name 10,10,10... AKAII character set char buffer[13]; pDisk->Read(buffer, 12, 1); AkaiToAscii(buffer, 12); mName = buffer; // 47 low vel 0 0..127 mLowLevel = pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 48 high vel 127 0..127 /*uint8_t mHighLevel =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 49 tune cents 0 -128..127 (-50..50 cents) /*int8_t mTuneCents =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 50 tune semitones 0 -50..50 /*int8_t mTuneSemitones =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 51 loudness 0 -50..+50 /*int8_t mLoudness =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 52 filter 0 -50..+50 /*int8_t mFilter =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 53 pan 0 -50..+50 /*int8_t mPan =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 54 loop mode 0 0=AS_SAMPLE 1=LOOP_IN_REL // 2=LOOP_UNTIL_REL 3=NO_LOOP // 4=PLAY_TO_END /*uint8_t mLoopMode =*/ pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 55 (internal use) 255 pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 56 (internal use) 255 pDisk->ReadInt8(); // 57-58 (internal use) 44,1 pDisk->ReadInt16(); // return true; } ////////////////////////////////// // AkaiVolume: AkaiVolume::AkaiVolume(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiPartition* pParent, const AkaiDirEntry& DirEntry) : AkaiDiskElement() { mpDisk = pDisk; mpParent = pParent; mDirEntry = DirEntry; if (mDirEntry.mType != AKAI_TYPE_DIR_S1000 && mDirEntry.mType != AKAI_TYPE_DIR_S3000) { printf("Creating Unknown Volume type! %d\n",mDirEntry.mType); #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugString("Creating Unknown Volume type!\n"); #endif } } AkaiVolume::~AkaiVolume() { { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPrograms.end(); for (it = mpPrograms.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) (*it)->Release(); } { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpSamples.end(); for (it = mpSamples.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) (*it)->Release(); } } uint AkaiVolume::ReadDir() { uint i; if (mpPrograms.empty()) { uint maxfiles = ReadFAT(mpDisk, mpParent,mDirEntry.mStart) ? AKAI_MAX_FILE_ENTRIES_S1000 : AKAI_MAX_FILE_ENTRIES_S3000; for (i = 0; i < maxfiles; i++) { AkaiDirEntry DirEntry; ReadDirEntry(mpDisk, mpParent, DirEntry, mDirEntry.mStart, i); DirEntry.mIndex = i; if (DirEntry.mType == 'p') { AkaiProgram* pProgram = new AkaiProgram(mpDisk, this, DirEntry); pProgram->Acquire(); mpPrograms.push_back(pProgram); } else if (DirEntry.mType == 's') { AkaiSample* pSample = new AkaiSample(mpDisk, this, DirEntry); pSample->Acquire(); mpSamples.push_back(pSample); } } } return (uint)(mpPrograms.size() + mpSamples.size()); } uint AkaiVolume::ListPrograms(std::list& rPrograms) { rPrograms.clear(); ReadDir(); std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPrograms.end(); for (it = mpPrograms.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) rPrograms.push_back((*it)->GetDirEntry()); return (uint)rPrograms.size(); } AkaiProgram* AkaiVolume::GetProgram(uint Index) { uint i = 0; if (mpPrograms.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListPrograms(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPrograms.end(); for (it = mpPrograms.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && i == Index) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } i++; } return NULL; } AkaiProgram* AkaiVolume::GetProgram(const String& rName) { if (mpPrograms.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListPrograms(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPrograms.end(); for (it = mpPrograms.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && rName == (*it)->GetDirEntry().mName) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } } return NULL; } uint AkaiVolume::ListSamples(std::list& rSamples) { rSamples.clear(); ReadDir(); std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpSamples.end(); for (it = mpSamples.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) rSamples.push_back((*it)->GetDirEntry()); return (uint)rSamples.size(); } AkaiSample* AkaiVolume::GetSample(uint Index) { uint i = 0; if (mpSamples.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListSamples(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpSamples.end(); for (it = mpSamples.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && i == Index) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } i++; } return NULL; } AkaiSample* AkaiVolume::GetSample(const String& rName) { if (mpSamples.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListSamples(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpSamples.end(); for (it = mpSamples.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && rName == (*it)->GetDirEntry().mName) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } } return NULL; } AkaiDirEntry AkaiVolume::GetDirEntry() { return mDirEntry; } bool AkaiVolume::IsEmpty() { return ReadDir() == 0; } ////////////////////////////////// // AkaiPartition: AkaiPartition::AkaiPartition(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiDisk* pParent) { mpDisk = pDisk; mpParent = pParent; } AkaiPartition::~AkaiPartition() { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpVolumes.end(); for (it = mpVolumes.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) (*it)->Release(); } uint AkaiPartition::ListVolumes(std::list& rVolumes) { rVolumes.clear(); uint i; if (mpVolumes.empty()) { for (i = 0; i < AKAI_MAX_DIR_ENTRIES; i++) { AkaiDirEntry DirEntry; ReadDirEntry(mpDisk, this, DirEntry, AKAI_ROOT_ENTRY_OFFSET, i); DirEntry.mIndex = i; if (DirEntry.mType == AKAI_TYPE_DIR_S1000 || DirEntry.mType == AKAI_TYPE_DIR_S3000) { AkaiVolume* pVolume = new AkaiVolume(mpDisk, this, DirEntry); pVolume->Acquire(); if (!pVolume->IsEmpty()) { mpVolumes.push_back(pVolume); rVolumes.push_back(DirEntry); } else pVolume->Release(); } } } else { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpVolumes.end(); for (it = mpVolumes.begin(); it != end; it++) if (*it) rVolumes.push_back((*it)->GetDirEntry()); } return (uint)rVolumes.size(); } AkaiVolume* AkaiPartition::GetVolume(uint Index) { uint i = 0; if (mpVolumes.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListVolumes(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpVolumes.end(); for (it = mpVolumes.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && i == Index) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } i++; } return NULL; } AkaiVolume* AkaiPartition::GetVolume(const String& rName) { if (mpVolumes.empty()) { std::list dummy; ListVolumes(dummy); } std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpVolumes.end(); for (it = mpVolumes.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (*it && rName == (*it)->GetDirEntry().mName) { (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } } return NULL; } bool AkaiPartition::IsEmpty() { std::list Volumes; return ListVolumes(Volumes) == 0; } ////////////////////////////////// // AkaiDisk: AkaiDisk::AkaiDisk(DiskImage* pDisk) { mpDisk = pDisk; } AkaiDisk::~AkaiDisk() { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPartitions.end(); for (it = mpPartitions.begin(); it != end ; it++) if (*it) (*it)->Release(); } uint AkaiDisk::GetPartitionCount() { if (!mpPartitions.empty()) return (uint)mpPartitions.size(); uint offset = 0; uint16_t size = 0; while (size != AKAI_PARTITION_END_MARK && size != 0x0fff && size != 0xffff && size<30720 && mpPartitions.size()<9) { // printf("size: %x\t",size); AkaiPartition* pPartition = new AkaiPartition(mpDisk,this); pPartition->Acquire(); pPartition->SetOffset(offset); if (!pPartition->IsEmpty()) { mpPartitions.push_back(pPartition); // Add this partitions' offset to the list. } mpDisk->SetPos(offset); if (!mpDisk->ReadInt16(&size)) return (uint)mpPartitions.size(); uint t = size; offset += AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE * t; // printf("new offset %d / size %d\n",offset,size); } return (uint)mpPartitions.size(); } AkaiPartition* AkaiDisk::GetPartition(uint count) { std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator end = mpPartitions.end(); uint i = 0; for (i = 0, it = mpPartitions.begin(); it != end && i != count; i++) it++; if (i != count || it == end) return NULL; (*it)->Acquire(); return *it; } ///////////////////////// // AkaiDiskElement int AkaiDiskElement::ReadFAT(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiPartition* pPartition, int block) { int16_t value = 0; pDisk->SetPos(pPartition->GetOffset()+AKAI_FAT_OFFSET + block*2); pDisk->Read(&value, 2,1); return value; } bool AkaiDiskElement::ReadDirEntry(DiskImage* pDisk, AkaiPartition* pPartition, AkaiDirEntry& rEntry, int block, int pos) { char buffer[13]; if (block == AKAI_ROOT_ENTRY_OFFSET) { pDisk->SetPos(pPartition->GetOffset()+AKAI_DIR_ENTRY_OFFSET + pos * AKAI_DIR_ENTRY_SIZE); pDisk->Read(buffer, 12, 1); AkaiToAscii(buffer, 12); rEntry.mName = buffer; pDisk->ReadInt16(&rEntry.mType); pDisk->ReadInt16(&rEntry.mStart); rEntry.mSize = 0; return true; } else { if (pos < 341) { pDisk->SetPos(block * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE + pos * AKAI_FILE_ENTRY_SIZE + pPartition->GetOffset()); } else { int temp; temp = ReadFAT(pDisk, pPartition, block); pDisk->SetPos(pPartition->GetOffset()+temp * AKAI_BLOCK_SIZE + (pos - 341) * AKAI_FILE_ENTRY_SIZE); } pDisk->Read(buffer, 12, 1); AkaiToAscii(buffer, 12); rEntry.mName = buffer; uint8_t t1,t2,t3; pDisk->SetPos(4,akai_stream_curpos); pDisk->Read(&t1, 1,1); rEntry.mType = t1; pDisk->Read(&t1, 1,1); pDisk->Read(&t2, 1,1); pDisk->Read(&t3, 1,1); rEntry.mSize = (unsigned char)t1 | ((unsigned char)t2 <<8) | ((unsigned char)t3<<16); pDisk->ReadInt16(&rEntry.mStart,1); return true; } // not root block } void AkaiDiskElement::AkaiToAscii(char * buffer, int length) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (buffer[i]>=0 && buffer[i]<=9) buffer[i] +=48; else if (buffer[i]==10) buffer[i] = 32; else if (buffer[i]>=11 && buffer[i]<=36) buffer[i] = 64+(buffer[i]-10); else buffer[i] = 32; } buffer[length] = '\0'; while (length-- > 0 && buffer[length] == 32) { // This block intentionaly left blank :) } buffer[length+1] = '\0'; } ////////////////////////////////// // DiskImage: DiskImage::DiskImage(const char* path) { Init(); OpenStream(path); } #ifdef _CARBON_ kern_return_t FindEjectableCDMedia( io_iterator_t *mediaIterator ) { kern_return_t kernResult; mach_port_t masterPort; CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch; kernResult = IOMasterPort( MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort ); if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult ) { printf( "IOMasterPort returned %d\n", kernResult ); } classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching( kIOCDMediaClass ); if ( classesToMatch == NULL ) { printf( "IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n" ); } else { CFDictionarySetValue( classesToMatch, CFSTR( kIOMediaEjectableKey ), kCFBooleanTrue ); } kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( masterPort, classesToMatch, mediaIterator ); if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult ) { printf( "IOServiceGetMatchingServices returned %d\n", kernResult ); } return kernResult; } kern_return_t GetBSDPath( io_iterator_t mediaIterator, char *bsdPath, CFIndex maxPathSize ) { io_object_t nextMedia; kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE; *bsdPath = '\0'; nextMedia = IOIteratorNext( mediaIterator ); if ( nextMedia ) { CFTypeRef bsdPathAsCFString; bsdPathAsCFString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( nextMedia, CFSTR( kIOBSDNameKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ); if ( bsdPathAsCFString ) { size_t devPathLength; strcpy( bsdPath, _PATH_DEV ); strcat( bsdPath, "r" ); devPathLength = strlen( bsdPath ); if ( CFStringGetCString( (__CFString*)bsdPathAsCFString, bsdPath + devPathLength, maxPathSize - devPathLength, kCFStringEncodingASCII ) ) { printf( "BSD path: %s\n", bsdPath ); kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS; } CFRelease( bsdPathAsCFString ); } IOObjectRelease( nextMedia ); } return kernResult; } struct _CDMSF { u_char minute; u_char second; u_char frame; }; /* converting from minute-second to logical block entity */ #define MSF_TO_LBA(msf) (((((msf).minute * 60UL) + (msf).second) * 75UL) + (msf).frame - 150) struct _CDTOC_Desc { u_char session; u_char ctrl_adr; /* typed to be machine and compiler independent */ u_char tno; u_char point; struct _CDMSF address; u_char zero; struct _CDMSF p; }; struct _CDTOC { u_short length; /* in native cpu endian */ u_char first_session; u_char last_session; struct _CDTOC_Desc trackdesc[1]; }; static struct _CDTOC * ReadTOC (const char * devpath ) { struct _CDTOC * toc_p = NULL; io_iterator_t iterator = 0; io_registry_entry_t service = 0; CFDictionaryRef properties = 0; CFDataRef data = 0; mach_port_t port = 0; char * devname; if (( devname = strrchr( devpath, '/' )) != NULL ) { ++devname; } else { devname = ( char *) devpath; } if ( IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &port ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { printf( "IOMasterPort failed\n" ); goto Exit ; } if ( IOServiceGetMatchingServices( port, IOBSDNameMatching( port, 0, devname ), &iterator ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { printf( "IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed\n" ); goto Exit ; } char buffer[1024]; IOObjectGetClass(iterator,buffer); printf("Service: %s\n",buffer); IOIteratorReset (iterator); service = IOIteratorNext( iterator ); IOObjectRelease( iterator ); iterator = 0; while ( service && !IOObjectConformsTo( service, "IOCDMedia" )) { char buffer[1024]; IOObjectGetClass(service,buffer); printf("Service: %s\n",buffer); if ( IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator( service, kIOServicePlane, &iterator ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { printf( "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n" ); goto Exit ; } IOObjectRelease( service ); service = IOIteratorNext( iterator ); IOObjectRelease( iterator ); } if ( service == NULL ) { printf( "CD media not found\n" ); goto Exit ; } if ( IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( service, (__CFDictionary **) &properties, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) { printf( "IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed\n" ); goto Exit ; } data = (CFDataRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( "TOC" ) ); if ( data == NULL ) { printf( "CFDictionaryGetValue failed\n" ); goto Exit ; } else { CFRange range; CFIndex buflen; buflen = CFDataGetLength( data ) + 1; range = CFRangeMake( 0, buflen ); toc_p = ( struct _CDTOC *) malloc( buflen ); if ( toc_p == NULL ) { printf( "Out of memory\n" ); goto Exit ; } else { CFDataGetBytes( data, range, ( unsigned char *) toc_p ); } /* fprintf( stderr, "Table of contents\n length %d first %d last %d\n", toc_p->length, toc_p->first_session, toc_p->last_session ); */ CFRelease( properties ); } Exit : if ( service ) { IOObjectRelease( service ); } return toc_p; } #endif // _CARBON_ DiskImage::DiskImage(int disk) { Init(); #ifdef _WIN32_ char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer,"%c:\\",'A'+disk); mSize = GetFileSize(buffer,NULL); sprintf(buffer,"\\\\.\\%c:",'a'+disk); mFile = CreateFile(buffer, GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS,NULL); DWORD junk; DISK_GEOMETRY dg; DISK_GEOMETRY* pdg = &dg; BOOL res = DeviceIoControl(mFile, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, pdg, sizeof(*pdg), &junk, NULL); if (res) { mSize = dg.BytesPerSector * dg.SectorsPerTrack * dg.TracksPerCylinder * dg.Cylinders.LowPart; mClusterSize = dg.BytesPerSector; } #elif defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) kern_return_t kernResult; io_iterator_t mediaIterator; char bsdPath[ MAXPATHLEN ]; kernResult = FindEjectableCDMedia( &mediaIterator ); kernResult = GetBSDPath( mediaIterator, bsdPath, sizeof( bsdPath ) ); if ( bsdPath[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { strcpy(bsdPath,"/dev/rdisk1s0"); struct _CDTOC * toc = ReadTOC( bsdPath ); if ( toc ) { size_t toc_entries = ( toc->length - 2 ) / sizeof (struct _CDTOC_Desc ); int start_sector = -1; int data_track = -1; // Iterate through the list backward. Pick the first data track and // get the address of the immediately previous (or following depending // on how you look at it). The difference in the sector numbers // is returned as the sized of the data track. for (ssize_t i=toc_entries - 1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( start_sector != -1 ) { start_sector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->trackdesc[i].p) - start_sector; break ; } if (( toc->trackdesc[i].ctrl_adr >> 4) != 1 ) continue ; if ( toc->trackdesc[i].ctrl_adr & 0x04 ) { data_track = toc->trackdesc[i].point; start_sector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->trackdesc[i].p); } } free( toc ); if ( start_sector == -1 ) { start_sector = 0; } } // mSize = start_sector; // printf("size %d\n",mSize); mFile = open(bsdPath,O_RDONLY); if (!mFile) printf("Error while opening file: %s\n",bsdPath); else { printf("opened file: %s\n",bsdPath); mSize = (int) lseek(mFile,1000000000,SEEK_SET); printf("size %d\n",mSize); lseek(mFile,0,SEEK_SET); mSize = 700 * 1024 * 1024; } } if ( mediaIterator ) { IOObjectRelease( mediaIterator ); } #elif LINUX OpenStream("/dev/cdrom"); #endif } void DiskImage::Init() { mFile = 0; mPos = 0; mCluster = (uint)-1; mStartFrame = -1; mEndFrame = -1; #ifdef WIN32 mpCache = (char*) VirtualAlloc(NULL,mClusterSize,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); #else mpCache = NULL; // we allocate the cache later when we know what type of media we access #endif } DiskImage::~DiskImage() { #ifdef WIN32 if (mFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(mFile); } #elif defined _CARBON_ || defined(__APPLE__) || LINUX if (mFile) { close(mFile); } #endif if (mpCache) { #ifdef WIN32 VirtualFree(mpCache, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #elif defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) || LINUX free(mpCache); #endif } } akai_stream_state_t DiskImage::GetState() const { if (!mFile) return akai_stream_closed; if (mPos > mSize) return akai_stream_end_reached; return akai_stream_ready; } int DiskImage::GetPos() const { return mPos; } int DiskImage::SetPos(int Where, akai_stream_whence_t Whence) { // printf("setpos %d\n",Where); int w = Where; switch (Whence) { case akai_stream_start: mPos = w; break; /*case eStreamRewind: w = -w;*/ case akai_stream_curpos: mPos += w; break; case akai_stream_end: mPos = mSize - w; break; } // if (mPos > mSize) // mPos = mSize; if (mPos < 0) mPos = 0; return mPos; } int DiskImage::Available (uint WordSize) { return (mSize-mPos)/WordSize; } int DiskImage::Read(void* pData, uint WordCount, uint WordSize) { int readbytes = 0; int sizetoread = WordCount * WordSize; while (sizetoread > 0) { if (mSize <= mPos) return readbytes / WordSize; int requestedCluster = (mRegularFile) ? mPos / mClusterSize : mPos / mClusterSize + mStartFrame; if (mCluster != requestedCluster) { // read the requested cluster into cache mCluster = requestedCluster; #ifdef WIN32 if (mCluster * mClusterSize != SetFilePointer(mFile, mCluster * mClusterSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { printf("ERROR: couldn't seek device!\n"); #if 0 // FIXME: endian correction is missing correct detection if ((readbytes > 0) && (mEndian != eEndianNative)) { switch (WordSize) { case 2: bswap_16_s ((uint16*)pData, readbytes); break; case 4: bswap_32_s ((uint32*)pData, readbytes); break; case 8: bswap_64_s ((uint64*)pData, readbytes); break; } } #endif return readbytes / WordSize; } DWORD size; ReadFile(mFile, mpCache, mClusterSize, &size, NULL); #elif defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) || LINUX if (mCluster * mClusterSize != lseek(mFile, mCluster * mClusterSize, SEEK_SET)) return readbytes / WordSize; // printf("trying to read %d bytes from device!\n",mClusterSize); /*int size =*/ read(mFile, mpCache, mClusterSize); // printf("read %d bytes from device!\n",size); #endif } // printf("read %d bytes at pos %d\n",WordCount*WordSize,mPos); int currentReadSize = sizetoread; int posInCluster = mPos % mClusterSize; if (currentReadSize > mClusterSize - posInCluster) // restrict to this current cached cluster. currentReadSize = mClusterSize - posInCluster; memcpy((uint8_t*)pData + readbytes, mpCache + posInCluster, currentReadSize); mPos += currentReadSize; readbytes += currentReadSize; sizetoread -= currentReadSize; // printf("new pos %d\n",mPos); } #if 0 // FIXME: endian correction is missing correct detection if ((readbytes > 0) && (mEndian != eEndianNative)) switch (WordSize) { case 2: bswap_16_s ((uint16_t*)pData, readbytes); break; case 4: bswap_32_s ((uint32_t*)pData, readbytes); break; case 8: bswap_64_s ((uint64_t*)pData, readbytes); break; } #endif return readbytes / WordSize; } void DiskImage::ReadInt8(uint8_t* pData, uint WordCount) { Read(pData, WordCount, 1); } void DiskImage::ReadInt16(uint16_t* pData, uint WordCount) { int i; for (i = 0; i < WordCount; i++) { *(pData + i) = ReadInt16(); } } void DiskImage::ReadInt32(uint32_t* pData, uint WordCount) { int i; for (i = 0; i < WordCount; i++) { *(pData + i) = ReadInt32(); } } int DiskImage::ReadInt8(uint8_t* pData) { return Read(pData, 1, 1); } int DiskImage::ReadInt16(uint16_t* pData) { int result = Read(pData, 1, 2); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN swapBytes_16(pData); #endif return result; } int DiskImage::ReadInt32(uint32_t* pData) { int result = Read(pData, 1, 4); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN swapBytes_32(pData); #endif return result; } uint8_t DiskImage::ReadInt8() { uint8_t word; Read(&word,1,1); return word; } uint16_t DiskImage::ReadInt16() { uint16_t word; Read(&word,1,2); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN swapBytes_16(&word); #endif return word; } uint32_t DiskImage::ReadInt32() { uint32_t word; Read(&word,1,4); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN swapBytes_32(&word); #endif return word; } void DiskImage::OpenStream(const char* path) { #ifdef WIN32 mFile = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS,NULL); BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION FileInfo; GetFileInformationByHandle(mFile,&FileInfo); mSize = FileInfo.nFileSizeLow; #elif defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) || LINUX struct stat filestat; stat(path,&filestat); mFile = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (mFile <= 0) { printf("Can't open %s\n", path); mFile = 0; return; } // TODO: we should also check here if 'path' is a link or something if (S_ISREG(filestat.st_mode)) { // regular file printf("Using regular Akai image file.\n"); mRegularFile = true; mSize = (int) filestat.st_size; mClusterSize = DISK_CLUSTER_SIZE; mpCache = (char*) malloc(mClusterSize); } else { // CDROM #if defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) printf("Can't open %s: not a regular file\n", path); #else // Linux ... mRegularFile = false; mClusterSize = CD_FRAMESIZE; mpCache = (char*) malloc(mClusterSize); struct cdrom_tochdr tochdr; struct cdrom_tocentry tocentry; int prev_addr = 0; if (ioctl(mFile, CDROMREADTOCHDR, (unsigned long)&tochdr) < 0) { printf("Trying to read TOC of %s failed\n", path); close(mFile); mFile = 0; return; } printf("Total tracks: %d\n", tochdr.cdth_trk1); /* we access the CD with logical blocks as entity */ tocentry.cdte_format = CDROM_LBA; int firstDataTrack = -1; int start, end, length; /* we pick up the lowest data track by iterating backwards, starting with Lead Out */ for (int t = tochdr.cdth_trk1; t >= 0; t--) { tocentry.cdte_track = (t == tochdr.cdth_trk1) ? CDROM_LEADOUT : t + 1; if (ioctl(mFile, CDROMREADTOCENTRY, (unsigned long)&tocentry) < 0){ printf("Failed to read TOC entry for track %d\n", tocentry.cdte_track); close(mFile); mFile = 0; return; } if (tocentry.cdte_track == CDROM_LEADOUT) { printf("Lead Out: Start(LBA)=%d\n", tocentry.cdte_addr.lba); } else { printf("Track %d: Start(LBA)=%d End(LBA)=%d Length(Blocks)=%d ", tocentry.cdte_track, tocentry.cdte_addr.lba, prev_addr - 1, prev_addr - tocentry.cdte_addr.lba); if (tocentry.cdte_ctrl & CDROM_DATA_TRACK) { printf("Type: Data\n"); firstDataTrack = tocentry.cdte_track; start = tocentry.cdte_addr.lba; end = prev_addr - 1; length = prev_addr - tocentry.cdte_addr.lba; } else printf("Type: Audio\n"); } prev_addr = tocentry.cdte_addr.lba; } if (firstDataTrack == -1) { printf("Sorry, no data track found on %s\n", path); close(mFile); mFile = 0; return; } printf("Ok, I'll pick track %d\n", firstDataTrack); mStartFrame = start; mEndFrame = end; mSize = length * CD_FRAMESIZE; #endif } // CDROM #endif } bool DiskImage::WriteImage(const char* path) { #if defined(_CARBON_) || defined(__APPLE__) || LINUX const uint bufferSize = 524288; // 512 kB int fOut = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP); if (mFile <= 0) { printf("Can't open output file %s\n", path); return false; } uint8_t* pBuffer = new uint8_t[bufferSize]; SetPos(0); while (Available() > 0) { int readBytes = Read(pBuffer,bufferSize,1); if (readBytes > 0) write(fOut,pBuffer,readBytes); } delete[] pBuffer; close(fOut); return true; #endif // _CARBON_ || LINUX return false; } inline void DiskImage::swapBytes_16(void* Word) { uint8_t byteCache; byteCache = *((uint8_t*) Word); *((uint8_t*) Word) = *((uint8_t*) Word + 1); *((uint8_t*) Word + 1) = byteCache; } inline void DiskImage::swapBytes_32(void* Word) { uint8_t byteCache; byteCache = *((uint8_t*) Word); *((uint8_t*) Word) = *((uint8_t*) Word + 3); *((uint8_t*) Word + 3) = byteCache; byteCache = *((uint8_t*) Word + 1); *((uint8_t*) Word + 1) = *((uint8_t*) Word + 2); *((uint8_t*) Word + 2) = byteCache; }