// server.c // /**************************************************************************** liblscp - LinuxSampler Control Protocol API Copyright (C) 2004-2006, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "server.h" #define LSCP_SERVER_SLEEP 30 // Period in seconds for watchdog wakeup (idle loop). // Local prototypes. static lscp_connect_t *_lscp_connect_create (lscp_server_t *pServer, lscp_socket_t sock, struct sockaddr_in *pAddr, int cAddr); static lscp_status_t _lscp_connect_destroy (lscp_connect_t *pConnect); static lscp_status_t _lscp_connect_recv (lscp_connect_t *pConnect); static void _lscp_connect_list_append (lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem); static void _lscp_connect_list_remove (lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem); static void _lscp_connect_list_remove_safe (lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem); static void _lscp_connect_list_free (lscp_connect_list_t *pList); static lscp_connect_t *_lscp_connect_list_find_sock (lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_socket_t sock); static void _lscp_server_thread_proc (lscp_server_t *pServer); static void _lscp_server_select_proc (lscp_server_t *pServer); static void _lscp_server_agent_proc (void *pvServer); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Server-side client connection list methods. static void _lscp_connect_list_init ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList ) { // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_init: pList=%p.\n", pList); pList->first = NULL; pList->last = NULL; pList->count = 0; lscp_mutex_init(pList->mutex); } static void _lscp_connect_list_append ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem ) { // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_append: pList=%p pItem=%p.\n", pList, pItem); lscp_mutex_lock(pList->mutex); pItem->prev = pList->last; pItem->next = NULL; if (pList->last) (pList->last)->next = pItem; else pList->first = pItem; pList->last = pItem; pList->count++; lscp_mutex_unlock(pList->mutex); } static void _lscp_connect_list_remove ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem ) { // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_remove: pList=%p pItem=%p.\n", pList, pItem); if (pItem->next) (pItem->next)->prev = pItem->prev; else pList->last = pItem->prev; if (pItem->prev) (pItem->prev)->next = pItem->next; else pList->first = pItem->next; pItem->next = NULL; pItem->prev = NULL; pList->count--; } static void _lscp_connect_list_remove_safe ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_connect_t *pItem ) { lscp_connect_t *p; // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_remove_safe: pList=%p pItem=%p.\n", pList, pItem); lscp_mutex_lock(pList->mutex); for (p = pList->first; p; p = p->next) { if (p == pItem) { _lscp_connect_list_remove(pList, pItem); break; } } lscp_mutex_unlock(pList->mutex); } static void _lscp_connect_list_free ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList ) { lscp_connect_t *p, *pNext; // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_free: pList=%p.\n", pList); lscp_mutex_lock(pList->mutex); for (p = pList->first; p; p = pNext) { pNext = p->next; _lscp_connect_list_remove(pList, p); _lscp_connect_destroy(p); } lscp_mutex_unlock(pList->mutex); lscp_mutex_destroy(pList->mutex); } static lscp_connect_t *_lscp_connect_list_find_sock ( lscp_connect_list_t *pList, lscp_socket_t sock ) { lscp_connect_t *p; // fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_list_find_sock: pList=%p sock=%d.\n", pList, sock); for (p = pList->first; p; p = p->next) { if (sock == p->client.sock) return p; } return NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Server-side threaded client connections. static void _lscp_connect_proc ( void *pvConnect ) { lscp_connect_t *pConnect = (lscp_connect_t *) pvConnect; lscp_server_t *pServer = pConnect->server; while (pServer->agent.iState && pConnect->client.iState) { if (_lscp_connect_recv(pConnect) != LSCP_OK) pConnect->client.iState = 0; } (*pServer->pfnCallback)(pConnect, NULL, LSCP_CONNECT_CLOSE, pServer->pvData); _lscp_connect_list_remove_safe(&(pServer->connects), pConnect); closesocket(pConnect->client.sock); } static lscp_connect_t *_lscp_connect_create ( lscp_server_t *pServer, lscp_socket_t sock, struct sockaddr_in *pAddr, int cAddr ) { lscp_connect_t *pConnect; if (pServer == NULL || sock == INVALID_SOCKET || pAddr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_create: Invalid connection arguments.\n"); return NULL; } pConnect = (lscp_connect_t *) malloc(sizeof(lscp_connect_t)); if (pConnect == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_create: Out of memory.\n"); closesocket(sock); return NULL; } memset(pConnect, 0, sizeof(lscp_connect_t)); pConnect->server = pServer; pConnect->events = LSCP_EVENT_NONE; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_create: pConnect=%p: sock=%d addr=%s port=%d.\n", pConnect, sock, inet_ntoa(pAddr->sin_addr), ntohs(pAddr->sin_port)); #endif lscp_socket_agent_init(&(pConnect->client), sock, pAddr, cAddr); if (pServer->mode == LSCP_SERVER_THREAD) { if (lscp_socket_agent_start(&(pConnect->client), _lscp_connect_proc, pConnect, 0) != LSCP_OK) { closesocket(sock); free(pConnect); return NULL; } } return pConnect; } static lscp_status_t _lscp_connect_destroy ( lscp_connect_t *pConnect ) { lscp_status_t ret = LSCP_FAILED; if (pConnect == NULL) return ret; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_connect_destroy: pConnect=%p.\n", pConnect); #endif lscp_socket_agent_free(&(pConnect->client)); free(pConnect); return ret; } lscp_status_t _lscp_connect_recv ( lscp_connect_t *pConnect ) { lscp_status_t ret = LSCP_FAILED; lscp_server_t *pServer; char achBuffer[LSCP_BUFSIZ]; int cchBuffer; if (pConnect == NULL) return ret; pServer = pConnect->server; if (pServer == NULL) return ret; cchBuffer = recv(pConnect->client.sock, achBuffer, sizeof(achBuffer), 0); if (cchBuffer > 0) ret = (*pServer->pfnCallback)(pConnect, achBuffer, cchBuffer, pServer->pvData); else if (cchBuffer < 0) lscp_socket_perror("_lscp_connect_recv: recv"); return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command service (stream oriented). static void _lscp_server_thread_proc ( lscp_server_t *pServer ) { lscp_socket_t sock; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t cAddr; lscp_connect_t *pConnect; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_server_thread_proc: Server listening for connections.\n"); #endif while (pServer->agent.iState) { cAddr = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); sock = accept(pServer->agent.sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &cAddr); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { lscp_socket_perror("_lscp_server_thread_proc: accept"); pServer->agent.iState = 0; } else { pConnect = _lscp_connect_create(pServer, sock, &addr, cAddr); if (pConnect) { _lscp_connect_list_append(&(pServer->connects), pConnect); (*pServer->pfnCallback)(pConnect, NULL, LSCP_CONNECT_OPEN, pServer->pvData); } } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_server_thread_proc: Server closing.\n"); #endif } static void _lscp_server_select_proc ( lscp_server_t *pServer ) { fd_set master_fds; // Master file descriptor list. fd_set select_fds; // temp file descriptor list for select(). int fd, fdmax; // Maximum file descriptor number. struct timeval tv; // For specifying a timeout value. int iSelect; // Holds select return status. lscp_socket_t sock; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t cAddr; lscp_connect_t *pConnect; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_server_select_proc: Server listening for connections.\n"); #endif FD_ZERO(&master_fds); FD_ZERO(&select_fds); // Add the listener to the master set FD_SET((unsigned int) pServer->agent.sock, &master_fds); // Keep track of the biggest file descriptor; // So far, it's ourself, the listener. fdmax = (int) pServer->agent.sock; // Main loop... while (pServer->agent.iState) { // Use a copy of the master. select_fds = master_fds; // Use the timeout feature for watchdoggin. tv.tv_sec = LSCP_SERVER_SLEEP; tv.tv_usec = 0; // Wait for events... iSelect = select(fdmax + 1, &select_fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (iSelect < 0) { lscp_socket_perror("_lscp_server_select_proc: select"); pServer->agent.iState = 0; } else if (iSelect > 0) { // Run through the existing connections looking for data to read... for (fd = 0; fd < fdmax + 1; fd++) { if (FD_ISSET(fd, &select_fds)) { // We got one!! // Is it ourselves, the command listener? if (fd == (int) pServer->agent.sock) { // Accept the connection... cAddr = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); sock = accept(pServer->agent.sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &cAddr); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { lscp_socket_perror("_lscp_server_select_proc: accept"); pServer->agent.iState = 0; } else { // Add to master set. FD_SET((unsigned int) sock, &master_fds); // Keep track of the maximum. if ((int) sock > fdmax) fdmax = (int) sock; // And do create the client connection entry. pConnect = _lscp_connect_create(pServer, sock, &addr, cAddr); if (pConnect) { _lscp_connect_list_append(&(pServer->connects), pConnect); (*pServer->pfnCallback)(pConnect, NULL, LSCP_CONNECT_OPEN, pServer->pvData); } } // Done with one new connection. } else { // Otherwise it's trivial transaction... lscp_mutex_lock(pServer->connects.mutex); // Find the connection on our cache... pConnect = _lscp_connect_list_find_sock(&(pServer->connects), (lscp_socket_t) fd); // Handle data from a client. if (_lscp_connect_recv(pConnect) != LSCP_OK) { // Say bye bye! if (pConnect) { (*pServer->pfnCallback)(pConnect, NULL, LSCP_CONNECT_CLOSE, pServer->pvData); _lscp_connect_list_remove(&(pServer->connects), pConnect); _lscp_connect_destroy(pConnect); } // Remove from master set. FD_CLR((unsigned int) fd, &master_fds); } lscp_mutex_unlock(pServer->connects.mutex); } } } // Done (iSelect > 0) } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "_lscp_server_select_proc: Server closing.\n"); #endif } static void _lscp_server_agent_proc ( void *pvServer ) { lscp_server_t *pServer = (lscp_server_t *) pvServer; if (pServer->mode == LSCP_SERVER_THREAD) _lscp_server_thread_proc(pServer); else _lscp_server_select_proc(pServer); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Server versioning teller fuunction. /** Retrieve the current server library version string. */ const char* lscp_server_package (void) { return LSCP_PACKAGE; } /** Retrieve the current server library version string. */ const char* lscp_server_version (void) { return LSCP_VERSION; } /** Retrieve the current server library build timestamp string. */ const char* lscp_server_build (void) { return __DATE__ " " __TIME__; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Server sockets. /** * Create a server instance, listening on the given port for client * connections. A server callback function must be suplied that will * handle every and each client request. * * @param iPort Port number where the server will bind for listening. * @param pfnCallback Callback function to receive and handle client requests. * @param pvData Server context opaque data, that will be passed * to the callback function without change. * * @returns The new server instance pointer @ref lscp_server_t if successfull, * which shall be used on all subsequent server calls, NULL otherwise. */ lscp_server_t* lscp_server_create ( int iPort, lscp_server_proc_t pfnCallback, void *pvData ) { return lscp_server_create_ex(iPort, pfnCallback, pvData, LSCP_SERVER_SELECT); } /** * Create a server instance, listening on the given port for client * connections. A server callback function must be suplied that will * handle every and each client request. A server threading model * maybe specified either as multi-threaded (one thread per client) * or single thread multiplex mode (one thread serves all clients). * * @param iPort Port number where the server will bind for listening. * @param pfnCallback Callback function to receive and handle client requests. * @param pvData Server context opaque data, that will be passed * to the callback function without change. * @param mode Server mode of operation, regarding the internal * threading model, either @ref LSCP_SERVER_THREAD for * a multi-threaded server, or @ref LSCP_SERVER_SELECT * for a single-threaded multiplexed server. * * @returns The new server instance pointer if successfull, which shall be * used on all subsequent server calls, NULL otherwise. */ lscp_server_t* lscp_server_create_ex ( int iPort, lscp_server_proc_t pfnCallback, void *pvData, lscp_server_mode_t mode ) { lscp_server_t *pServer; lscp_socket_t sock; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t cAddr; int iSockOpt = (-1); if (pfnCallback == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_create: Invalid server callback function.\n"); return NULL; } // Allocate server descriptor... pServer = (lscp_server_t *) malloc(sizeof(lscp_server_t)); if (pServer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_create: Out of memory.\n"); return NULL; } memset(pServer, 0, sizeof(lscp_server_t)); _lscp_connect_list_init(&(pServer->connects)); pServer->mode = mode; pServer->pfnCallback = pfnCallback; pServer->pvData = pvData; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_create: pServer=%p: iPort=%d.\n", pServer, iPort); #endif // Prepare the command stream server socket... sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: socket"); free(pServer); return NULL; } if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &iSockOpt, sizeof(int)) == SOCKET_ERROR) lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)"); #if defined(WIN32) if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, (char *) &iSockOpt, sizeof(int)) == SOCKET_ERROR) lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: setsockopt(SO_DONTLINGER)"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG lscp_socket_getopts("lscp_server_create", sock); #endif cAddr = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset((char *) &addr, 0, cAddr); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.sin_port = htons((short) iPort); if (bind(sock, (const struct sockaddr *) &addr, cAddr) == SOCKET_ERROR) { lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: bind"); closesocket(sock); free(pServer); return NULL; } if (listen(sock, 10) == SOCKET_ERROR) { lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: listen"); closesocket(sock); free(pServer); return NULL; } if (iPort == 0) { if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &cAddr) == SOCKET_ERROR) { lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_create: getsockname"); closesocket(sock); free(pServer); } } lscp_socket_agent_init(&(pServer->agent), sock, &addr, cAddr); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_create: sock=%d addr=%s port=%d.\n", pServer->agent.sock, inet_ntoa(pServer->agent.addr.sin_addr), ntohs(pServer->agent.addr.sin_port)); #endif // Now's finally time to startup threads... // Command service thread... if (lscp_socket_agent_start(&(pServer->agent), _lscp_server_agent_proc, pServer, 0) != LSCP_OK) { lscp_socket_agent_free(&(pServer->agent)); free(pServer); return NULL; } // Finally we've some success... return pServer; } /** * Wait for a server instance to terminate graciously. * * @param pServer Pointer to server instance structure. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_join ( lscp_server_t *pServer ) { if (pServer == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_join: pServer=%p.\n", pServer); #endif lscp_socket_agent_join(&(pServer->agent)); return LSCP_OK; } /** * Terminate and destroy a server instance. * * @param pServer Pointer to server instance structure. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_destroy ( lscp_server_t *pServer ) { if (pServer == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "lscp_server_destroy: pServer=%p.\n", pServer); #endif _lscp_connect_list_free(&(pServer->connects)); lscp_socket_agent_free(&(pServer->agent)); free(pServer); return LSCP_OK; } /** * Send an event notification message to all subscribed clients. * * @param pServer Pointer to server instance structure. * @param event Event type flag to send to all subscribed clients. * @param pchData Pointer to event data to be sent to all clients. * @param cchData Length of the event data to be sent in bytes. * * @returns LSCP_OK on success, LSCP_FAILED otherwise. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_broadcast ( lscp_server_t *pServer, lscp_event_t event, const char *pchData, int cchData ) { lscp_connect_t *p; const char *pszEvent; char achBuffer[LSCP_BUFSIZ]; int cchBuffer; if (pServer == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; if (pchData == NULL || cchData < 1) return LSCP_FAILED; // Which (single) event? pszEvent = lscp_event_to_text(event); if (pszEvent == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; // Build the event message string... cchBuffer = sprintf(achBuffer, "NOTIFY:%s:", pszEvent); if (pchData) { if (cchData > LSCP_BUFSIZ - cchBuffer - 2) cchData = LSCP_BUFSIZ - cchBuffer - 2; strncpy(&achBuffer[cchBuffer], pchData, cchData); cchBuffer += cchData; } achBuffer[cchBuffer++] = '\r'; achBuffer[cchBuffer++] = '\n'; // And do the direct broadcasting... lscp_mutex_lock(pServer->connects.mutex); for (p = pServer->connects.first; p; p = p->next) { if (p->events & event) send(p->client.sock, achBuffer, cchBuffer, 0); } lscp_mutex_unlock(pServer->connects.mutex); return LSCP_OK; } /** * Send response for the current client callback request. * * @param pConnect Pointer to client connection instance structure. * @param pchBuffer Pointer to data to be sent to the client as response. * @param cchBuffer Length of the response data to be sent in bytes. * * @returns LSCP_OK on success, LSCP_FAILED otherwise. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_result ( lscp_connect_t *pConnect, const char *pchBuffer, int cchBuffer ) { lscp_status_t ret = LSCP_FAILED; if (pConnect == NULL) return ret; if (pchBuffer == NULL || cchBuffer < 1) return ret; if (send(pConnect->client.sock, pchBuffer, cchBuffer, 0) != cchBuffer) lscp_socket_perror("lscp_server_result"); else ret = LSCP_OK; return ret; } /** * Register client as a subscriber of event broadcast messages. * * @param pConnect Pointer to client connection instance structure. * @param event Event type flag of the requesting client subscription. * * @returns LSCP_OK on success, LSCP_FAILED otherwise. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_subscribe ( lscp_connect_t *pConnect, lscp_event_t event ) { if (pConnect == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; if (event == LSCP_EVENT_NONE) return LSCP_FAILED; pConnect->events |= event; return LSCP_OK; } /** * Deregister client as subscriber of event broadcast messages. * * @param pConnect Pointer to client connection instance structure. * @param event Event type flag of the requesting client unsubscription. * * @returns LSCP_OK on success, LSCP_FAILED otherwise. */ lscp_status_t lscp_server_unsubscribe ( lscp_connect_t *pConnect, lscp_event_t event ) { if (pConnect == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; if (event == LSCP_EVENT_NONE) return LSCP_FAILED; pConnect->events &= ~event; return LSCP_OK; } // end of server.c