/*************************************************************************** * * * LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler * * * * Copyright (C) 2003 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * * MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "audiothread.h" AudioThread::AudioThread(AudioIO* pAudioIO) { this->pAudioIO = pAudioIO; this->pDiskThread = new DiskThread(((pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle() << MAX_PITCH) << 1) + 6); //FIXME: assuming stereo this->pInstrument = NULL; this->Pitch = 0; this->SustainPedal = 0; Voice::pDiskThread = this->pDiskThread; Voice::pEngine = this; pEventQueue = new RingBuffer(MAX_EVENTS_PER_FRAGMENT); pEventPool = new RTELMemoryPool(MAX_EVENTS_PER_FRAGMENT); pVoicePool = new RTELMemoryPool(MAX_AUDIO_VOICES); pActiveKeys = new RTELMemoryPool(128); pEvents = new RTEList(pEventPool); pCCEvents = new RTEList(pEventPool); for (uint i = 0; i < ModulationSystem::destination_count; i++) { pSynthesisEvents[i] = new RTEList(pEventPool); } for (uint i = 0; i < 128; i++) { pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pActiveVoices = new RTEList(pVoicePool); pMIDIKeyInfo[i].KeyPressed = false; pMIDIKeyInfo[i].Active = false; pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pSelf = NULL; pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pEvents = new RTEList(pEventPool); } // FIXME: assuming stereo output pAudioSumBuffer[0] = new float[pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle() * pAudioIO->Channels()]; pAudioSumBuffer[1] = &pAudioSumBuffer[0][pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle()]; // set all voice outputs to the AudioSumBuffer for (Voice* pVoice = pVoicePool->alloc(); pVoice; pVoice = pVoicePool->alloc()) { //FIXME: assuming stereo pVoice->SetOutputLeft(pAudioSumBuffer[0], pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle()); pVoice->SetOutputRight(pAudioSumBuffer[1], pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle()); } pVoicePool->clear(); pRIFF = NULL; pGig = NULL; pInstrument = NULL; // initialize modulation system ModulationSystem::Initialize(pAudioIO->SampleRate(), pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle()); // set all MIDI controller values to zero memset(ControllerTable, 0x00, 128); SuspensionRequested = false; pthread_mutex_init(&__render_state_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&__render_exit_condition, NULL); dmsg(1,("Starting disk thread...")); pDiskThread->StartThread(); dmsg(1,("OK\n")); } AudioThread::~AudioThread() { if (pDiskThread) { pDiskThread->StopThread(); delete pDiskThread; } if (pGig) delete pGig; if (pRIFF) delete pRIFF; ModulationSystem::Close(); for (uint i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pActiveVoices) delete pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pActiveVoices; if (pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pEvents) delete pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pEvents; } for (uint i = 0; i < ModulationSystem::destination_count; i++) { if (pSynthesisEvents[i]) delete pSynthesisEvents[i]; } delete[] pSynthesisEvents; if (pEvents) delete pEvents; if (pCCEvents) delete pCCEvents; if (pEventQueue) delete pEventQueue; if (pEventPool) delete pEventPool; if (pVoicePool) delete pVoicePool; if (pActiveKeys) delete pActiveKeys; delete[] pAudioSumBuffer[0]; // this also frees the right channel buffer pthread_cond_destroy(&__render_exit_condition); pthread_mutex_destroy(&__render_state_mutex); } /** * Let this engine proceed to render the given amount of sample points. The * calculated audio data of all voices of this engine will be placed into * the engine's audio sum buffer which has to be copied and eventually be * converted to the appropriate value range by the audio output class (e.g. * AlsaIO or JackIO) right after. * * @param Samples - number of sample points to be rendered * @returns 0 on success */ int AudioThread::RenderAudio(uint Samples) { // zero out the output sum buffer (left and right channel) memset(pAudioSumBuffer[0], 0, Samples * pAudioIO->Channels() * sizeof(float)); // check if rendering process was requested to be interrupted (e.g. to load another instrument) if (SuspensionRequested) { pthread_cond_broadcast(&__render_exit_condition); // wake up anybody waiting for us return 0; } // empty the event lists for the new fragment pEvents->clear(); pCCEvents->clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < ModulationSystem::destination_count; i++) { pSynthesisEvents[i]->clear(); } // read and copy events from input queue ModulationSystem::Event Event; while (true) { if (!pEventQueue->pop(&Event)) break; pEvents->alloc_assign(Event); } // update time of start and end of this audio fragment (as events' time stamps relate to this) ModulationSystem::UpdateFragmentTime(); // process events ModulationSystem::Event* pNextEvent = pEvents->first(); while (pNextEvent) { ModulationSystem::Event* pEvent = pNextEvent; pEvents->set_current(pEvent); pNextEvent = pEvents->next(); switch (pEvent->Type) { case ModulationSystem::event_type_note_on: dmsg(5,("Audio Thread: Note on received\n")); ProcessNoteOn(pEvent); break; case ModulationSystem::event_type_note_off: dmsg(5,("Audio Thread: Note off received\n")); ProcessNoteOff(pEvent); break; case ModulationSystem::event_type_control_change: dmsg(5,("Audio Thread: MIDI CC received\n")); ProcessControlChange(pEvent); break; case ModulationSystem::event_type_pitchbend: dmsg(5,("Audio Thread: Pitchbend received\n")); ProcessPitchbend(pEvent); break; } } // render audio from all active voices int active_voices = 0; uint* piKey = pActiveKeys->first(); while (piKey) { // iterate through all active keys midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[*piKey]; pActiveKeys->set_current(piKey); piKey = pActiveKeys->next(); Voice* pVoiceNext = pKey->pActiveVoices->first(); while (pVoiceNext) { // iterate through all voices on this key // already get next voice on key Voice* pVoice = pVoiceNext; pKey->pActiveVoices->set_current(pVoice); pVoiceNext = pKey->pActiveVoices->next(); // now render current voice pVoice->Render(Samples); if (pVoice->IsActive()) active_voices++; // still active else { // voice reached end, is now inactive KillVoice(pVoice); // remove voice from the list of active voices } } pKey->pEvents->clear(); // free all events on the key } // write that to the disk thread class so that it can print it // on the console for debugging purposes ActiveVoiceCount = active_voices; if (ActiveVoiceCount > ActiveVoiceCountMax) ActiveVoiceCountMax = ActiveVoiceCount; return 0; } /** * Will be called by the MIDIIn Thread to let the audio thread trigger a new * voice for the given key. * * @param Key - MIDI key number of the triggered key * @param Velocity - MIDI velocity value of the triggered key */ void AudioThread::SendNoteOn(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { ModulationSystem::Event Event; Event.Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_note_on; Event.Key = Key; Event.Velocity = Velocity; if (this->pEventQueue->write_space() > 0) this->pEventQueue->push(&Event); else dmsg(1,("AudioThread: Input event queue full!")); } /** * Will be called by the MIDIIn Thread to signal the audio thread to release * voice(s) on the given key. * * @param Key - MIDI key number of the released key * @param Velocity - MIDI release velocity value of the released key */ void AudioThread::SendNoteOff(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { ModulationSystem::Event Event; Event.Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_note_off; Event.Key = Key; Event.Velocity = Velocity; if (this->pEventQueue->write_space() > 0) this->pEventQueue->push(&Event); else dmsg(1,("AudioThread: Input event queue full!")); } /** * Will be called by the MIDIIn Thread to signal the audio thread to change * the pitch value for all voices. * * @param Pitch - MIDI pitch value (-8192 ... +8191) */ void AudioThread::SendPitchbend(int Pitch) { ModulationSystem::Event Event; Event.Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_pitchbend; Event.Pitch = Pitch; if (this->pEventQueue->write_space() > 0) this->pEventQueue->push(&Event); else dmsg(1,("AudioThread: Input event queue full!")); } /** * Will be called by the MIDIIn Thread to signal the audio thread that a * continuous controller value has changed. * * @param Controller - MIDI controller number of the occured control change * @param Value - value of the control change */ void AudioThread::SendControlChange(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value) { ModulationSystem::Event Event; Event.Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_control_change; Event.Controller = Controller; Event.Value = Value; if (this->pEventQueue->write_space() > 0) this->pEventQueue->push(&Event); else dmsg(1,("AudioThread: Input event queue full!")); } /** * Assigns and triggers a new voice for the respective MIDI key. * * @param pNoteOnEvent - key, velocity and time stamp of the event */ void AudioThread::ProcessNoteOn(ModulationSystem::Event* pNoteOnEvent) { midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[pNoteOnEvent->Key]; pKey->KeyPressed = true; // the MIDI key was now pressed down // cancel release process of voices on this key if needed if (pKey->Active && !SustainPedal) { pNoteOnEvent->Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_cancel_release; // transform event type pEvents->move(pNoteOnEvent, pKey->pEvents); // move event to the key's own event list } // allocate a new voice for the key Voice* pNewVoice = pKey->pActiveVoices->alloc(); if (pNewVoice) { // launch the new voice if (pNewVoice->Trigger(pNoteOnEvent, this->Pitch, this->pInstrument) < 0) { dmsg(1,("Triggering new voice failed!\n")); pKey->pActiveVoices->free(pNewVoice); } else if (!pKey->Active) { // mark as active key pKey->Active = true; pKey->pSelf = pActiveKeys->alloc(); *pKey->pSelf = pNoteOnEvent->Key; } } else std::cerr << "No free voice!" << std::endl << std::flush; } /** * Releases the voices on the given key if sustain pedal is not pressed. * If sustain is pressed, the release of the note will be postponed until * sustain pedal will be released or voice turned inactive by itself (e.g. * due to completion of sample playback). * * @param pNoteOffEvent - key, velocity and time stamp of the event */ void AudioThread::ProcessNoteOff(ModulationSystem::Event* pNoteOffEvent) { midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[pNoteOffEvent->Key]; pKey->KeyPressed = false; // the MIDI key was now released // release voices on this key if needed if (pKey->Active && !SustainPedal) { pNoteOffEvent->Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_release; // transform event type pEvents->move(pNoteOffEvent, pKey->pEvents); // move event to the key's own event list } } /** * Moves pitchbend event from the general (input) event list to the pitch * event list and converts absolute pitch value to delta pitch value. * * @param pPitchbendEvent - absolute pitch value and time stamp of the event */ void AudioThread::ProcessPitchbend(ModulationSystem::Event* pPitchbendEvent) { int currentPitch = pPitchbendEvent->Pitch; pPitchbendEvent->Pitch -= this->Pitch; // convert to delta this->Pitch = currentPitch; // store current absolute pitch value pEvents->move(pPitchbendEvent, pSynthesisEvents[ModulationSystem::destination_vco]); } /** * Immediately kills the voice given with pVoice (no matter if sustain is * pressed or not) and removes it from the MIDI key's list of active voice. * This method will e.g. be called if a voice went inactive by itself. * * @param pVoice - points to the voice to be killed */ void AudioThread::KillVoice(Voice* pVoice) { if (pVoice) { if (pVoice->IsActive()) pVoice->Kill(); midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[pVoice->MIDIKey]; // free the voice object pVoicePool->free(pVoice); // check if there are no voices left on the MIDI key and update the key info if so if (pKey->pActiveVoices->is_empty()) { pKey->Active = false; pActiveKeys->free(pKey->pSelf); // remove key from list of active keys pKey->pSelf = NULL; dmsg(3,("Key has no more voices now\n")); } } else std::cerr << "Couldn't release voice! (pVoice == NULL)\n" << std::flush; } /** * Reacts on supported control change commands (e.g. pitch bend wheel, * modulation wheel, aftertouch). * * @param pControlChangeEvent - controller, value and time stamp of the event */ void AudioThread::ProcessControlChange(ModulationSystem::Event* pControlChangeEvent) { dmsg(4,("AudioThread::ContinuousController cc=%d v=%d\n", pControlChangeEvent->Controller, pControlChangeEvent->Value)); switch (pControlChangeEvent->Controller) { case 64: { if (pControlChangeEvent->Value >= 64 && !SustainPedal) { dmsg(4,("PEDAL DOWN\n")); SustainPedal = true; // cancel release process of voices if necessary uint* piKey = pActiveKeys->first(); if (piKey) { pControlChangeEvent->Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_cancel_release; // transform event type while (piKey) { midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[*piKey]; pActiveKeys->set_current(piKey); piKey = pActiveKeys->next(); if (!pKey->KeyPressed) { ModulationSystem::Event* pNewEvent = pKey->pEvents->alloc(); if (pNewEvent) *pNewEvent = *pControlChangeEvent; // copy event to the key's own event list else dmsg(1,("Event pool emtpy!\n")); } } } } if (pControlChangeEvent->Value < 64 && SustainPedal) { dmsg(4,("PEDAL UP\n")); SustainPedal = false; // release voices if their respective key is not pressed uint* piKey = pActiveKeys->first(); if (piKey) { pControlChangeEvent->Type = ModulationSystem::event_type_release; // transform event type while (piKey) { midi_key_info_t* pKey = &pMIDIKeyInfo[*piKey]; pActiveKeys->set_current(piKey); piKey = pActiveKeys->next(); if (!pKey->KeyPressed) { ModulationSystem::Event* pNewEvent = pKey->pEvents->alloc(); if (pNewEvent) *pNewEvent = *pControlChangeEvent; // copy event to the key's own event list else dmsg(1,("Event pool emtpy!\n")); } } } } break; } } // update controller value in the engine's controller table ControllerTable[pControlChangeEvent->Controller] = pControlChangeEvent->Value; // move event from the unsorted event list to the control change event list pEvents->move(pControlChangeEvent, pCCEvents); } /** * Caches a certain size at the beginning of the given sample in RAM. If the * sample is very short, the whole sample will be loaded into RAM and thus * no disk streaming is needed for this sample. Caching an initial part of * samples is needed to compensate disk reading latency. * * @param pSample - points to the sample to be cached */ void AudioThread::CacheInitialSamples(gig::Sample* pSample) { if (!pSample || pSample->GetCache().Size) return; if (pSample->SamplesTotal <= NUM_RAM_PRELOAD_SAMPLES) { // Sample is too short for disk streaming, so we load the whole // sample into RAM and place 'pAudioIO->FragmentSize << MAX_PITCH' // number of '0' samples (silence samples) behind the official buffer // border, to allow the interpolator do it's work even at the end of // the sample. gig::buffer_t buf = pSample->LoadSampleDataWithNullSamplesExtension((pAudioIO->MaxSamplesPerCycle() << MAX_PITCH) + 3); dmsg(4,("Cached %d Bytes, %d silence bytes.\n", buf.Size, buf.NullExtensionSize)); } else { // we only cache NUM_RAM_PRELOAD_SAMPLES and stream the other sample points from disk pSample->LoadSampleData(NUM_RAM_PRELOAD_SAMPLES); } if (!pSample->GetCache().Size) std::cerr << "Unable to cache sample - maybe memory full!" << std::endl << std::flush; } /** * Load an instrument from a .gig file. * * @param FileName - file name of the Gigasampler instrument file * @param Instrument - index of the instrument in the .gig file * @returns detailed description of the result of the method call */ result_t AudioThread::LoadInstrument(const char* FileName, uint Instrument) { result_t result; if (pInstrument) { // if already running // signal audio thread not to enter render part anymore SuspensionRequested = true; // sleep until wakened by audio thread pthread_mutex_lock(&__render_state_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&__render_exit_condition, &__render_state_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&__render_state_mutex); dmsg(1,("Freeing old instrument from memory...")); delete pGig; delete pRIFF; pInstrument = NULL; dmsg(1,("OK\n")); } // loading gig file try { dmsg(1,("Loading gig file...")); pRIFF = new RIFF::File(FileName); pGig = new gig::File(pRIFF); pInstrument = pGig->GetInstrument(Instrument); if (!pInstrument) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "There's no instrument with index " << Instrument << "."; std::cerr << msg << std::endl; result.type = result_type_error; result.code = LSCP_ERR_UNKNOWN; result.message = msg.str(); return result; } pGig->GetFirstSample(); // just to complete instrument loading before we enter the realtime part dmsg(1,("OK\n")); } catch (RIFF::Exception e) { e.PrintMessage(); result.type = result_type_error; result.code = LSCP_ERR_UNKNOWN; result.message = e.Message; return result; } catch (...) { dmsg(1,("Unknown exception while trying to parse gig file.\n")); result.type = result_type_error; result.code = LSCP_ERR_UNKNOWN; result.message = "Unknown exception while trying to parse gig file."; return result; } // cache initial samples points (for actually needed samples) dmsg(1,("Caching initial samples...")); gig::Region* pRgn = this->pInstrument->GetFirstRegion(); while (pRgn) { if (!pRgn->GetSample()->GetCache().Size) { dmsg(2,("C")); CacheInitialSamples(pRgn->GetSample()); } for (uint i = 0; i < pRgn->DimensionRegions; i++) { CacheInitialSamples(pRgn->pDimensionRegions[i]->pSample); } pRgn = this->pInstrument->GetNextRegion(); } dmsg(1,("OK\n")); ResetInternal(); // reset engine // signal audio thread to continue with rendering SuspensionRequested = false; // success result.type = result_type_success; return result; } /** * Reset all voices and disk thread and clear input event queue and all * control and status variables. */ void AudioThread::Reset() { if (pInstrument) { // if already running // signal audio thread not to enter render part anymore SuspensionRequested = true; // sleep until wakened by audio thread pthread_mutex_lock(&__render_state_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&__render_exit_condition, &__render_state_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&__render_state_mutex); } ResetInternal(); // signal audio thread to continue with rendering SuspensionRequested = false; } /** * Reset all voices and disk thread and clear input event queue and all * control and status variables. This method is not thread safe! */ void AudioThread::ResetInternal() { this->Pitch = 0; SustainPedal = 0; ActiveVoiceCount = 0; ActiveVoiceCountMax = 0; // reset key info for (uint i = 0; i < 128; i++) { pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pActiveVoices->clear(); pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pEvents->clear(); pMIDIKeyInfo[i].KeyPressed = false; pMIDIKeyInfo[i].Active = false; pMIDIKeyInfo[i].pSelf = NULL; } // reset all voices for (Voice* pVoice = pVoicePool->first(); pVoice; pVoice = pVoicePool->next()) { pVoice->Reset(); } // free all active keys pActiveKeys->clear(); // reset disk thread pDiskThread->Reset(); // delete all input events pEventQueue->init(); }