/*************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 Grigor Iliev * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * * MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "InstrumentsDbUtilities.h" #include "../common/File.h" #include "../common/global_private.h" #include #include #include "../common/Exception.h" #include "InstrumentsDb.h" namespace LinuxSampler { void DbInstrument::Copy(const DbInstrument& Instr) { if (this == &Instr) return; InstrFile = Instr.InstrFile; InstrNr = Instr.InstrNr; FormatFamily = Instr.FormatFamily; FormatVersion = Instr.FormatVersion; Size = Instr.Size; Created = Instr.Created; Modified = Instr.Modified; Description = Instr.Description; IsDrum = Instr.IsDrum; Product = Instr.Product; Artists = Instr.Artists; Keywords = Instr.Keywords; } void DbDirectory::Copy(const DbDirectory& Dir) { if (this == &Dir) return; Created = Dir.Created; Modified = Dir.Modified; Description = Dir.Description; } SearchQuery::SearchQuery() { MinSize = -1; MaxSize = -1; InstrType = BOTH; } void SearchQuery::SetFormatFamilies(String s) { if (s.length() == 0) return; int i = 0; int j = s.find(',', 0); while (j != std::string::npos) { FormatFamilies.push_back(s.substr(i, j - i)); i = j + 1; j = s.find(',', i); } if (i < s.length()) FormatFamilies.push_back(s.substr(i)); } void SearchQuery::SetSize(String s) { String s2 = GetMin(s); if (s2.length() > 0) MinSize = atoll(s2.c_str()); else MinSize = -1; s2 = GetMax(s); if (s2.length() > 0) MaxSize = atoll(s2.c_str()); else MaxSize = -1; } void SearchQuery::SetCreated(String s) { CreatedAfter = GetMin(s); CreatedBefore = GetMax(s); } void SearchQuery::SetModified(String s) { ModifiedAfter = GetMin(s); ModifiedBefore = GetMax(s); } String SearchQuery::GetMin(String s) { if (s.length() < 3) return ""; if (s.at(0) == '.' && s.at(1) == '.') return ""; int i = s.find(".."); if (i == std::string::npos) return ""; return s.substr(0, i); } String SearchQuery::GetMax(String s) { if (s.length() < 3) return ""; if (s.find("..", s.length() - 2) != std::string::npos) return ""; int i = s.find(".."); if (i == std::string::npos) return ""; return s.substr(i + 2); } void ScanJob::Copy(const ScanJob& Job) { if (this == &Job) return; JobId = Job.JobId; FilesTotal = Job.FilesTotal; FilesScanned = Job.FilesScanned; Scanning = Job.Scanning; Status = Job.Status; } int JobList::AddJob(ScanJob Job) { if (Counter + 1 < Counter) Counter = 0; else Counter++; Job.JobId = Counter; Jobs.push_back(Job); if (Jobs.size() > 3) { std::vector::iterator iter = Jobs.begin(); Jobs.erase(iter); } return Job.JobId; } ScanJob& JobList::GetJobById(int JobId) { for (int i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) { if (Jobs.at(i).JobId == JobId) return Jobs.at(i); } throw Exception("Invalid job ID: " + ToString(JobId)); } bool AbstractFinder::IsRegex(String Pattern) { if(Pattern.find('?') != String::npos) return true; if(Pattern.find('*') != String::npos) return true; return false; } void AbstractFinder::AddSql(String Col, String Pattern, std::stringstream& Sql) { if (Pattern.length() == 0) return; if (IsRegex(Pattern)) { #ifndef WIN32 Sql << " AND " << Col << " regexp ?"; #else for (int i = 0; i < Pattern.length(); i++) { if (Pattern.at(i) == '?') Pattern.at(i) = '_'; else if (Pattern.at(i) == '*') Pattern.at(i) = '%'; } Sql << " AND " << Col << " LIKE ?"; #endif Params.push_back(Pattern); return; } String buf; std::vector tokens; std::vector tokens2; std::stringstream ss(Pattern); while (ss >> buf) tokens.push_back(buf); if (tokens.size() == 0) { Sql << " AND " << Col << " LIKE ?"; Params.push_back("%" + Pattern + "%"); return; } bool b = false; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { Sql << (i == 0 ? " AND (" : ""); for (int j = 0; j < tokens.at(i).length(); j++) { if (tokens.at(i).at(j) == '+') tokens.at(i).at(j) = ' '; } ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss << tokens.at(i); tokens2.clear(); while (ss >> buf) tokens2.push_back(buf); if (b && tokens2.size() > 0) Sql << " OR "; if (tokens2.size() > 1) Sql << "("; for (int j = 0; j < tokens2.size(); j++) { if (j != 0) Sql << " AND "; Sql << Col << " LIKE ?"; Params.push_back("%" + tokens2.at(j) + "%"); b = true; } if (tokens2.size() > 1) Sql << ")"; } if (!b) Sql << "0)"; else Sql << ")"; } DirectoryFinder::DirectoryFinder(SearchQuery* pQuery) : pDirectories(new std::vector) { pStmt = NULL; this->pQuery = pQuery; std::stringstream sql; sql << "SELECT dir_name from instr_dirs WHERE dir_id!=0 AND parent_dir_id=?"; if (pQuery->CreatedAfter.length() != 0) { sql << " AND created > ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->CreatedAfter); } if (pQuery->CreatedBefore.length() != 0) { sql << " AND created < ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->CreatedBefore); } if (pQuery->ModifiedAfter.length() != 0) { sql << " AND modified > ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->ModifiedAfter); } if (pQuery->ModifiedBefore.length() != 0) { sql << " AND modified < ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->ModifiedBefore); } AddSql("dir_name", pQuery->Name, sql); AddSql("description", pQuery->Description, sql); SqlQuery = sql.str(); InstrumentsDb* idb = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); int res = sqlite3_prepare(idb->GetDb(), SqlQuery.c_str(), -1, &pStmt, NULL); if (res != SQLITE_OK) { throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } for(int i = 0; i < Params.size(); i++) { idb->BindTextParam(pStmt, i + 2, Params.at(i)); } } DirectoryFinder::~DirectoryFinder() { if (pStmt != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); } StringListPtr DirectoryFinder::GetDirectories() { return pDirectories; } void DirectoryFinder::ProcessDirectory(String Path, int DirId) { InstrumentsDb* idb = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); idb->BindIntParam(pStmt, 1, DirId); String s = Path; if(Path.compare("/") != 0) s += "/"; int res = sqlite3_step(pStmt); while(res == SQLITE_ROW) { pDirectories->push_back(s + idb->toAbstractName(ToString(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0)))); res = sqlite3_step(pStmt); } if (res != SQLITE_DONE) { sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } res = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if (res != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } } InstrumentFinder::InstrumentFinder(SearchQuery* pQuery) : pInstruments(new std::vector) { pStmt = NULL; this->pQuery = pQuery; std::stringstream sql; sql << "SELECT instr_name from instruments WHERE dir_id=?"; if (pQuery->CreatedAfter.length() != 0) { sql << " AND created > ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->CreatedAfter); } if (pQuery->CreatedBefore.length() != 0) { sql << " AND created < ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->CreatedBefore); } if (pQuery->ModifiedAfter.length() != 0) { sql << " AND modified > ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->ModifiedAfter); } if (pQuery->ModifiedBefore.length() != 0) { sql << " AND modified < ?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->ModifiedBefore); } if (pQuery->MinSize != -1) sql << " AND instr_size > " << pQuery->MinSize; if (pQuery->MaxSize != -1) sql << " AND instr_size < " << pQuery->MaxSize; if (pQuery->InstrType == SearchQuery::CHROMATIC) sql << " AND is_drum = 0"; else if (pQuery->InstrType == SearchQuery::DRUM) sql << " AND is_drum != 0"; if (pQuery->FormatFamilies.size() > 0) { sql << " AND (format_family=?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->FormatFamilies.at(0)); for (int i = 1; i < pQuery->FormatFamilies.size(); i++) { sql << "OR format_family=?"; Params.push_back(pQuery->FormatFamilies.at(i)); } sql << ")"; } AddSql("instr_name", pQuery->Name, sql); AddSql("description", pQuery->Description, sql); AddSql("product", pQuery->Product, sql); AddSql("artists", pQuery->Artists, sql); AddSql("keywords", pQuery->Keywords, sql); SqlQuery = sql.str(); InstrumentsDb* idb = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); int res = sqlite3_prepare(idb->GetDb(), SqlQuery.c_str(), -1, &pStmt, NULL); if (res != SQLITE_OK) { throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } for(int i = 0; i < Params.size(); i++) { idb->BindTextParam(pStmt, i + 2, Params.at(i)); } } InstrumentFinder::~InstrumentFinder() { if (pStmt != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); } void InstrumentFinder::ProcessDirectory(String Path, int DirId) { InstrumentsDb* idb = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); idb->BindIntParam(pStmt, 1, DirId); String s = Path; if(Path.compare("/") != 0) s += "/"; int res = sqlite3_step(pStmt); while(res == SQLITE_ROW) { pInstruments->push_back(s + idb->toAbstractName(ToString(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0)))); res = sqlite3_step(pStmt); } if (res != SQLITE_DONE) { sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } res = sqlite3_reset(pStmt); if (res != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); throw Exception("DB error: " + ToString(sqlite3_errmsg(idb->GetDb()))); } } StringListPtr InstrumentFinder::GetInstruments() { return pInstruments; } void DirectoryCounter::ProcessDirectory(String Path, int DirId) { count += InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb()->GetDirectoryCount(DirId); } void InstrumentCounter::ProcessDirectory(String Path, int DirId) { count += InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb()->GetInstrumentCount(DirId); } DirectoryCopier::DirectoryCopier(String SrcParentDir, String DestDir) { this->SrcParentDir = SrcParentDir; this->DestDir = DestDir; if (DestDir.at(DestDir.length() - 1) != '/') { this->DestDir.append("/"); } if (SrcParentDir.at(SrcParentDir.length() - 1) != '/') { this->SrcParentDir.append("/"); } } void DirectoryCopier::ProcessDirectory(String Path, int DirId) { InstrumentsDb* db = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); String dir = DestDir; String subdir = Path; if(subdir.length() > SrcParentDir.length()) { subdir = subdir.substr(SrcParentDir.length()); dir += subdir; db->AddDirectory(dir); } int dstDirId = db->GetDirectoryId(dir); if(dstDirId == -1) { throw Exception("Unkown DB directory: " + InstrumentsDb::toEscapedPath(dir)); } IntListPtr ids = db->GetInstrumentIDs(DirId); for (int i = 0; i < ids->size(); i++) { String name = db->GetInstrumentName(ids->at(i)); db->CopyInstrument(ids->at(i), name, dstDirId, dir); } } ScanProgress::ScanProgress() { TotalFileCount = ScannedFileCount = Status = 0; CurrentFile = ""; GigFileProgress.custom = this; GigFileProgress.callback = GigFileProgressCallback; } void ScanProgress::StatusChanged() { InstrumentsDb* db = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); db->Jobs.GetJobById(JobId).FilesTotal = GetTotalFileCount(); db->Jobs.GetJobById(JobId).FilesScanned = GetScannedFileCount(); db->Jobs.GetJobById(JobId).Scanning = CurrentFile; db->Jobs.GetJobById(JobId).Status = GetStatus(); InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb()->FireJobStatusChanged(JobId); } int ScanProgress::GetTotalFileCount() { return TotalFileCount; } void ScanProgress::SetTotalFileCount(int Count) { if (TotalFileCount == Count) return; TotalFileCount = Count; StatusChanged(); } int ScanProgress::GetScannedFileCount() { return ScannedFileCount; } void ScanProgress::SetScannedFileCount(int Count) { if (ScannedFileCount == Count) return; ScannedFileCount = Count; if (Count > TotalFileCount) TotalFileCount = Count; StatusChanged(); } int ScanProgress::GetStatus() { return Status; } void ScanProgress::SetStatus(int Status) { if (this->Status == Status) return; if (Status < 0) this->Status = 0; else if (Status > 100) this->Status = 100; else this->Status = Status; StatusChanged(); } void ScanProgress::SetErrorStatus(int Err) { if (Err > 0) Err *= -1; Status = Err; StatusChanged(); } void ScanProgress::GigFileProgressCallback(gig::progress_t* pProgress) { if (pProgress == NULL) return; ScanProgress* sp = static_cast (pProgress->custom); sp->SetStatus((int)(pProgress->factor * 100)); } AddInstrumentsJob::AddInstrumentsJob(int JobId, ScanMode Mode, String DbDir, String FsDir, bool insDir) { this->JobId = JobId; Progress.JobId = JobId; this->Mode = Mode; this->DbDir = DbDir; this->FsDir = FsDir; this->insDir = insDir; } void AddInstrumentsJob::Run() { try { InstrumentsDb* db = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); switch (Mode) { case NON_RECURSIVE: Progress.SetTotalFileCount(GetFileCount()); db->AddInstrumentsNonrecursive(DbDir, FsDir, insDir, &Progress); break; case RECURSIVE: db->AddInstrumentsRecursive(DbDir, FsDir, false, insDir, &Progress); break; case FLAT: db->AddInstrumentsRecursive(DbDir, FsDir, true, insDir, &Progress); break; default: throw Exception("Unknown scan mode"); } // Just to be sure that the frontends will be notified about the job completion if (Progress.GetTotalFileCount() != Progress.GetScannedFileCount()) { Progress.SetTotalFileCount(Progress.GetScannedFileCount()); } if (Progress.GetStatus() != 100) Progress.SetStatus(100); } catch(Exception e) { Progress.SetErrorStatus(-1); throw e; } } int AddInstrumentsJob::GetFileCount() { int count = 0; try { FileListPtr fileList = File::GetFiles(FsDir); for (int i = 0; i < fileList->size(); i++) { String s = fileList->at(i); if (s.length() < 4) continue; if(!strcasecmp(".gig", s.substr(s.length() - 4).c_str())) count++; } } catch(Exception e) { e.PrintMessage(); return 0; } return count; } AddInstrumentsFromFileJob::AddInstrumentsFromFileJob(int JobId, String DbDir, String FilePath, int Index, bool insDir) { this->JobId = JobId; Progress.JobId = JobId; Progress.SetTotalFileCount(1); this->DbDir = DbDir; this->FilePath = FilePath; this->Index = Index; this->insDir = insDir; } void AddInstrumentsFromFileJob::Run() { try { InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb()->AddInstruments(DbDir, insDir, FilePath, Index, &Progress); // Just to be sure that the frontends will be notified about the job completion if (Progress.GetTotalFileCount() != Progress.GetScannedFileCount()) { Progress.SetTotalFileCount(Progress.GetScannedFileCount()); } if (Progress.GetStatus() != 100) Progress.SetStatus(100); } catch(Exception e) { Progress.SetErrorStatus(-1); throw e; } } void DirectoryScanner::Scan(String DbDir, String FsDir, bool Flat, bool insDir, ScanProgress* pProgress) { dmsg(2,("DirectoryScanner: Scan(DbDir=%s,FsDir=%s,Flat=%d,insDir=%d)\n", DbDir.c_str(), FsDir.c_str(), Flat, insDir)); if (DbDir.empty() || FsDir.empty()) throw Exception("Directory expected"); this->DbDir = DbDir; this->FsDir = FsDir; this->insDir = insDir; if (DbDir.at(DbDir.length() - 1) != '/') { this->DbDir.append("/"); } if (FsDir.at(FsDir.length() - 1) != File::DirSeparator) { this->FsDir.push_back(File::DirSeparator); } this->Flat = Flat; this->pProgress = pProgress; File::WalkDirectoryTree(FsDir, this); } void DirectoryScanner::DirectoryEntry(std::string Path) { dmsg(2,("DirectoryScanner: DirectoryEntry(Path=%s)\n", Path.c_str())); String dir = DbDir; if (!Flat) { String subdir = Path; if(subdir.length() > FsDir.length()) { subdir = subdir.substr(FsDir.length()); #ifdef WIN32 replace(subdir.begin(), subdir.end(), '\\', '/'); #endif dir += subdir; } } InstrumentsDb* db = InstrumentsDb::GetInstrumentsDb(); if (HasInstrumentFiles(Path)) { if (!db->DirectoryExist(dir)) db->AddDirectory(dir); db->AddInstrumentsNonrecursive(dir, Path, insDir, pProgress); } }; bool DirectoryScanner::HasInstrumentFiles(String Dir) { InstrumentFileCounter c; return c.Count(Dir) > 0; } int InstrumentFileCounter::Count(String FsDir) { dmsg(2,("InstrumentFileCounter: Count(FsDir=%s)\n", FsDir.c_str())); if (FsDir.empty()) throw Exception("Directory expected"); FileCount = 0; File::WalkDirectoryTree(FsDir, this); return FileCount; } void InstrumentFileCounter::FileEntry(std::string Path) { dmsg(2,("InstrumentFileCounter: FileEntry(Path=%s)\n", Path.c_str())); if(Path.length() < 4) return; if(!strcasecmp(".gig", Path.substr(Path.length() - 4).c_str())) FileCount++; }; } // namespace LinuxSampler