/* Copyright (C) 2008 - 2016 Christian Schoenebeck */ #include "VirtualMidiDevice.h" #include "../../common/global_private.h" #include "../../common/atomic.h" #include "../../common/RingBuffer.h" #define MIDI_KEYS 128 #define MIDI_CONTROLLERS 128 // assuming VirtualMidiDevice implementation is only controlled // by mouse (and the user not being Billy the Kid) #define MAX_EVENTS 12 namespace LinuxSampler { struct VirtualMidiDevice::private_data_t { atomic_t notesChanged; // whether some key changed at all atomic_t pNoteChanged[MIDI_KEYS]; // which key(s) changed atomic_t pNoteIsActive[MIDI_KEYS]; // status of each key (either active or inactive) atomic_t pNoteOnVelocity[MIDI_KEYS]; atomic_t pNoteOffVelocity[MIDI_KEYS]; atomic_t ccsChanged; // whether some controller changed at all atomic_t pCCChanged[MIDI_CONTROLLERS]; // which controller(s) changed atomic_t pCCValue[MIDI_CONTROLLERS]; // current value of each controller RingBuffer events; private_data_t() : events(MAX_EVENTS, 0) {} }; VirtualMidiDevice::VirtualMidiDevice() : p(new private_data_t) { atomic_t zero = ATOMIC_INIT(0); atomic_t defaultVelocity = ATOMIC_INIT(127); atomic_t defaultCCValue = ATOMIC_INIT(0); p->notesChanged = zero; p->ccsChanged = zero; for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_KEYS; i++) { p->pNoteChanged[i] = zero; p->pNoteIsActive[i] = zero; p->pNoteOnVelocity[i] = defaultVelocity; p->pNoteOffVelocity[i] = defaultVelocity; p->pCCChanged[i] = zero; p->pCCValue[i] = defaultCCValue; } } VirtualMidiDevice::~VirtualMidiDevice() { delete p; } void VirtualMidiDevice::SetMaxEvents(int n) { p->events.resize(n); } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendNoteOnToSampler(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { if (Key >= MIDI_KEYS || Velocity > 127) return false; if (Velocity == 0) { return SendNoteOffToSampler(Key, Velocity); } event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_NOTEON, Key, Velocity }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendNoteOffToSampler(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { if (Key >= MIDI_KEYS || Velocity > 127) return false; event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_NOTEOFF, Key, Velocity }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendCCToSampler(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value) { if (Controller >= MIDI_CONTROLLERS || Value > 127) return false; event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_CC, Controller, Value }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendChannelPressureToSampler(uint8_t Pressure) { if (Pressure > 127) return false; event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_CHPRESSURE, 128 /*actually ignored by engine*/, Pressure }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendPitchBendToSampler(int Pitch) { if (Pitch < -8192 || Pitch > 8191) return false; Pitch += 8192; // order: LSB, MSB like it would be in a regular pitch bend MIDI message event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_PITCHBEND, static_cast(Pitch & 0x7f), static_cast((Pitch >> 7) & 0x7f) }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::SendProgramChangeToSampler(uint8_t Program) { if (Program > 127) return false; event_t ev = { EVENT_TYPE_PROGRAM, Program, 0 }; if (p->events.write_space() <= 0) return false; p->events.push(&ev); return true; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::GetMidiEventFromDevice(event_t& Event) { return (p->events.pop(&Event) > 0); } bool VirtualMidiDevice::NotesChanged() { int c = atomic_read( &p->notesChanged ); atomic_sub(c, &p->notesChanged ); return c; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::ControllersChanged() { int c = atomic_read( &p->ccsChanged ); atomic_sub(c, &p->ccsChanged ); return c; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::NoteChanged(uint8_t Key) { int c = atomic_read( &(p->pNoteChanged)[Key] ); atomic_sub(c, &(p->pNoteChanged)[Key] ); return c; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::ControllerChanged(uint8_t Controller) { int c = atomic_read( &(p->pCCChanged)[Controller] ); atomic_sub(c, &(p->pCCChanged)[Controller] ); return c; } bool VirtualMidiDevice::NoteIsActive(uint8_t Key) { return atomic_read( &(p->pNoteIsActive)[Key] ); } uint8_t VirtualMidiDevice::NoteOnVelocity(uint8_t Key) { return atomic_read( &(p->pNoteOnVelocity)[Key] ); } uint8_t VirtualMidiDevice::NoteOffVelocity(uint8_t Key) { return atomic_read( &(p->pNoteOffVelocity)[Key] ); } uint8_t VirtualMidiDevice::ControllerValue(uint8_t Controller) { return atomic_read( &(p->pCCValue)[Controller] ); } void VirtualMidiDevice::SendNoteOnToDevice(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { if (Key >= MIDI_KEYS) return; if (Velocity == 0) { SendNoteOffToDevice(Key, Velocity); return; } atomic_set( &(p->pNoteOnVelocity)[Key], Velocity ); atomic_inc( &(p->pNoteIsActive)[Key] ); atomic_inc( &(p->pNoteChanged)[Key] ); atomic_inc( &p->notesChanged ); } void VirtualMidiDevice::SendNoteOffToDevice(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity) { if (Key >= MIDI_KEYS) return; atomic_set( &(p->pNoteOffVelocity)[Key], Velocity ); if (atomic_read( &(p->pNoteIsActive)[Key] )) // only decrement if not zero atomic_dec( &(p->pNoteIsActive)[Key] ); atomic_inc( &(p->pNoteChanged)[Key] ); atomic_inc( &p->notesChanged ); } void VirtualMidiDevice::SendCCToDevice(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value) { if (Controller >= MIDI_CONTROLLERS) return; atomic_set( &(p->pCCValue)[Controller], Value ); atomic_inc( &(p->pCCChanged)[Controller] ); atomic_inc( &p->ccsChanged ); } } // namespace LinuxSampler