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Log of /linuxsampler/trunk/src/engines/common

View Directory Listing Directory Listing

Sticky Revision:

Revision 3639 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 25 18:46:58 2019 UTC (4 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Using now cubic interpolation as resampling algorithm by default; and
  linear interpolation is deprecated now.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn23).

Revision 3638 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 25 17:08:46 2019 UTC (4 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
Use #if instead of #ifdef for boolean preprocessor configs.

Revision 3625 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Oct 3 13:37:25 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* gig format extension: Added support for different LFO wave forms
  (currently either sine [default], triangle, saw or square).

* gig format extension: Added support for LFO phase displacement

* gig format extension: Added support for flipping LFO polarity on LFO 3
  (in the original gig format this was only available for LFO 1 and LFO 2).

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn22).

Revision 3618 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 1 16:18:11 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Trivial fixes.

Revision 3616 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 1 10:50:29 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Gig engine: Changed default wave form for all 3 LFOs to sine
  (instead of triangle; see discussion "GigaStudio LFO
  compatibility" on mailing list from 2019-09-26 for details).
* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn21).

Revision 3614 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 1 09:11:27 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
Refactored LFO class names and their header file names:

* Renamed PulseLFO -> LFOPulse, LFOSawIntMath -> LFOSawIntMathNew,
  SawLFO -> LFOSawIntMathOld, SineLFO -> LFOSineBuiltinFn,
  LFOSine -> LFOSineNumericComplexNr, SquareLFO -> LFOSquarePulse.

* Separated LFOSquarePulse (previously "SquareLFO") to its own
  header file.

* Renamed type LFOSigned -> LFOTriangleSigned.

* Renamed type LFOUnsigned -> LFOTriangleUnsigned.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn19).

Revision 3612 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Sep 30 18:03:43 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
Added new LFO implementations:

* Added int math square LFO implementation.

* Added int math saw LFO implementation.

* Added numeric complex nr sine LFO implementation.

* Added public API C++ class "LFO", which is a cluster class
  encapsulating all the sampler's LFO implementations to be used by
  3rd party applications (e.g. by Gigedit).

* Marked class LFOTriangleDiHarmonic as deprecated
  (will be removed in future).

* Added LFOAll.h which includes all LFO implementation's header files.

* Fixed benchmarks/triang.cpp falsely having favoured "int math abs"
  algorithm (since result of 2nd run was not accumulated).

* Added benchmark for saw wave (benchmarks/saw.cpp).

* Added benchmark for sine wave (benchmarks/sine.cpp).

* Added benchmark for square wave (benchmarks/square.cpp).

* Increased amount of benchmarks runs by factor 6 to achieve benchmark
  times which are large enough on modern systems.

* Cleanup of LFO APIs.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn18).

Revision 3611 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Sep 30 17:35:43 2019 UTC (4 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* LFOTriangleIntMath and LFOTriangleIntAbsMath: Fixed FlipPhase=true
  behaviour for start_level_mid.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn17).

Revision 3588 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Sep 1 16:06:48 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Built-in instrument functions fixes & hardening:

* Fixed the following built-in functions having misinterpreted values given
  with unit type (for their 2nd argument) as if they were relative values
  (that is as if they were passed without a unit type): "change_attack()",
  "change_decay()", "change_release()", "change_cutoff_attack()",
  "change_cutoff_decay()", "change_cutoff_release()".

* Fixed the following built-in functions having applied completely wrong
  'final' values: "change_sustain()", "change_cutoff_sustain()" (since the
  respective EGs being their modulation sink assume uint data type with
  value range 0..1000 instead of 0.0..1.0.

* Added individual parse-time checks of function arguments for the following
  built-in functions: "play_note()", "note_off()", "set_event_mark()",
  "delete_event_mark()", "by_marks()", "change_cutoff()", "change_attack()",
  "change_decay()", "change_release()", "change_cutoff_attack()",
  "change_cutoff_decay()", "change_cutoff_release()",
  "change_amp_lfo_freq()", "change_cutoff_lfo_freq()",
  "change_pitch_lfo_freq()", "change_vol_time()", "change_tune_time()" and

* Don't abort function call if unit type was used and at the same time
  'final' operator was omitted for the primary value argument of the
  following built-in functions: "change_cutoff()", "change_attack()",
  "change_decay()", "change_release()", "change_cutoff_attack()",
  "change_cutoff_decay()", "change_cutoff_release()",
  "change_amp_lfo_freq()", "change_cutoff_lfo_freq()",
  "change_pitch_lfo_freq()", "change_vol_time()", "change_tune_time()",
  "change_pan_time()", instead imply 'final'ness at runtime and raise an
  appropriate parser warning at parse time.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn13).

Revision 3587 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Aug 31 12:08:49 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Real number support for core instrument built-in functions.

* NKSP: Built-in function "play_note()" accepts now real numbers and
  seconds as unit type as well for its 3rd and 4th function arguments.

* NKSP: The following built-in functions accept now real numbers as well for
  their 2nd function argument: "change_vol()", "change_tune()",
  "change_cutoff()", "change_attack()", "change_decay()",
  "change_release()", "change_sustain()", "change_cutoff_attack()",
  "change_cutoff_decay()", "change_cutoff_sustain()",
  "change_cutoff_release()", "change_amp_lfo_freq()",
  "change_cutoff_lfo_freq()", "change_pitch_lfo_freq()",
  "change_vol_time()", "change_tune_time()", "change_pan_time()",
  "fade_in()", "fade_out()", "change_play_pos()".

* NKSP: Fixed built-in function "change_play_pos()" not having accepted
  metric prefixes at all.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn12).

Revision 3585 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 30 17:51:24 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Cleanup regarding multiple data types for built-in function args.

* NKSP VM API cleanup: Get rid of legacy method
  VMFunction::argType(vmint iArg) which was already superseded by its new
  replacement VMFunction::acceptsArgType(vmint iArg, ExprType_t type).

* NKSP parser: if wrong argument type was passed to a built-in function and
  that built-in function accepts more than one data type for the argument,
  then show all supported data types as parser error message.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn10).

Revision 3581 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 30 11:40:25 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Allow more wider support of standard measuring units & 'final'ness.

* Raised compiler requirement to be C++14 compliant (due to severe
  restrictions regarding C-style aggregate initializer lists in C++11
  which are now massively used throughout the code base).

* NKSP VM API: Allow units and 'final'ness to be returned as result from
  built-in functions (added methods VMFunction::returnUnitType() and
  VMFunction::returnsFinal() for that purpose which must be implemented by
  built-in function implementations).

* NKSP language: Allow metric unit prefixes of numeric scalar and array
  variables to be changed freely at runtime (unlike unit types like Hz etc.
  which are still sticky parse-time features of variables which cannot be
  changed at runtime for the intentional sake of determinism).

* NKSP language: 'final' values are prohibited for array variables for now
  (attempt causes a parsers error).

* NKSP language: expressions with unit types (e.g. Hz) are prohibited for
  conditions of runtime control structures like if(), while(), select()
  (attempt causes a parser error).

* NKSP VM API: Allow built-in functions to perform their own, individual
  parse time checks of arguments going to be passed to the function at
  runtime (added method VMFunction::checkArgs() for that purpose).

* NKSP language: raise parser warning if only one operand of binary
  operators (like logical 'or' comparison) contain a 'final' value (because
  it would always yield in a 'final' result in such cases).

* NKSP language: Allow comparison (=, #, <, >, <=, >=) of values with
  different metric unit prefixes, which will behave as expected (e.g.
  result of expression '1000us < 2ms' is true).

* NKSP language: Allow adding values with different metric unit prefixes
  (e.g. result of expression '100Hz + 5kHz' is '5100Hz').

* NKSP language: Allow subtracting values with different metric unit
  prefixes (e.g. result of expression '1ms - 20us' is '980us').

* NKSP language: Allow multiplying with any metric unit prefixes
  (e.g. result of expression '2k * 3ms' is '6s'), however multiplications
  with unit types on both sides (e.g. '2s * 2s') is still prohibited since
  we don't have any considerable practical use for a term like '4s^2'
  (hence any attempt multiplying two unit types still causes parser error).

* NKSP language: Allow dividing by any metric unit prefixes and allow
  division of same unit type on both sides (e.g. expression '8kHz / 1000Hz'
  yields in unit free result '8'). So this is now a way to cast units away
  e.g. for passing the result to other expressions, certain function calls
  or variables which are not accepting any units (or that specific unit).

* NKSP language: integer arrays and real number arrays can now be converted
  to strings (e.g. for dumping their content with message() calls for
  script debugging purposes).

* NKSP language: expressions and variables with units are now correctly
  casted to strings (e.g. with message() calls).

* NKSP language: comparing real numbers for equalness (e.g. '~foo = 3.1') or
  unequalness (e.g. '~foo # 3.1') is now less strict and takes the expected
  floating point tolerances into account.

* NKSP VM API: Added methods VMScalarNumberExpr::evalCastInt() and

* NKSP VM API: Added base class 'VMNumberArrayExpr' for classes
  'VMIntArrayExpr' and 'VMRealArrayExpr'.

* NKSP VM API: replaced all unitPrefix() (parse time) methods by
  unitFactor() (runtime) methods.

* Built-in function "exit()" supports now returning units and 'final'ness
  exclusively for test cases.

* The following built-in functions support now units as well: "abs()",
  "random()", "inc()", "dec()", "in_range()", "min()", "max()",
  "real_to_int()", "int()", "int_to_real()" and "real()".

* Built-in functions "array_equal()", "search()" and "sort()" support now
  real number arrays (correctly) as well.

* Added individual parse time checks of arguments to be passed to built-in
  functions "random()", "inc()", "dec()", "in_range()", "min()", "max()",
  "array_equal()" and "search()" specific for their individual purposes.

* Test cases: Added massive amount of NKSP test cases for standard
  measuring units and 'final' operator usage cases.

* Test cases: Added NKSP test cases for (floating point tolerance aware)
  real number equalness / unequalness comparison.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn8).

Revision 3577 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 28 15:23:23 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Introducing variable return type for built-in functions.

* Changed method signature VMFunction::returnType() ->
  VMFunction::returnType(VMFnArgs* args) to allow built-in
  functions to proclaim a different result value type depending
  on the arguments to be passed to the function.

* Built-in script function abs() optionally accepts and returns
  real number.

* Built-in script functions min() and max() optionally accept
  real number arguments and return real number as result in that

* Added real number test cases for the built-in abs(), min() and
  max() functions.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn7).

Revision 3565 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Aug 24 11:22:52 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Fixed compiler error on Windows.

Revision 3564 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Aug 24 09:18:57 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Bug fixes regarding new measurement units feature:

* Fix: Engine internal Fade of script synthesis parameters volume, pitch
  and pan were not rendered at all.

* Fix: Backward compatibility of built-in function arguments without a
  metric unit prefix was broken (resulted in incorrect value

* Fix: built-in script function change_play_pos() resolved wrong arguments.

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn5).

Revision 3563 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 23 13:33:21 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Fixed no notes being processed
  (bug was introduced by SVN r3561).

Revision 3561 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 23 11:44:00 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
NKSP: Added standard units support for numbers and final "!" operator:

* NKSP strictness: Variable names, function names and preprocessor condition
  names must start with a regular character (a-z or A-Z); starting them with
  a digit or underscore is no longer allowed.

* NKSP parser fix: equal comparison operator "=" and not equal comparison
  operator "#" must only accept integer operands.

* NKSP language: Implemented support for standard units like Hertz, seconds,
  Bel including support for metric unit prefixes; so one can now e.g.
  conveniently use numbers in scripts like "5us" meaning "5 microseconds",
  or e.g. "12kHz" meaning "12 kilo Hertz", or e.g. "-14mdB" meaning
  "minus 14 Millidecibel", or e.g. "28c" meaning "28 cents" (for tuning).

* NKSP language: Introduced "final" operator "!" which is specifically
  intended for synthesis parameter values to denote that the synthesis
  parameter value is intended to be the "final" value for that synthesis
  parameter that should explicitly be used by the engine and thus causing
  the sampler engine to ignore all other modulation sources for the same
  synthesis parameter (like e.g. LFO, EG); by simply prefixing a value,
  variable or formula with this new "!" operator the expression is marked as
  being "final".

* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn4).

Revision 3557 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Aug 18 00:06:04 2019 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Introducing 64 bit support for NKSP integer scripts
  variables (declare $foo).
* Require C++11 compiler support.
* Autoconf: Added m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4 macro which is used
  for checking in configure for C++11 support (as mandatory
  requirement) and automatically adds compiler argument if required
  (e.g. -std=C++11).
* Bumped version (2.1.1.svn3).

Revision 3492 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Mar 7 12:34:44 2019 UTC (5 years, 3 months ago) by schoenebeck
* SFZ: Fixed potential crash when a sample is shared by more than one
  region (fixes bug #308, patch by Jacek Roszkowski).
* SFZ: Added OVERRIDEs to avoid bug #307 in future.
* Bumped version (2.1.0.svn6).

Revision 3455 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jan 27 10:07:54 2019 UTC (5 years, 4 months ago) by persson
* Fixed some compiler warnings
* Fixed compilation error when cross-compiling to Mac

Revision 3452 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jan 3 12:08:48 2019 UTC (5 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed potential endless recursion introduced by SVN r3444
  (patch by Ivan Maguidhir).
* Bumped version (2.1.0.svn4).

Revision 3445 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Dec 23 20:08:41 2018 UTC (5 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Fix of previous commit.

Revision 3444 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Dec 23 19:32:11 2018 UTC (5 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Only play release trigger samples on sustain pedal up if this behaviour
  was explicitly requested by the instrument (otherwise only on note-off).
* Bumped version (2.1.0.svn2).

Revision 3381 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Nov 28 15:54:49 2017 UTC (6 years, 6 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Fixed behavior of built-in functions change_sustain(),
  change_cutoff_attack(), change_cutoff_decay(), change_cutoff_sustain()
  and change_cutoff_release().
* Bumped version (2.1.0.svn1).

Revision 3360 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 27 21:19:18 2017 UTC (6 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_attack()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_decay()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_sustain()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_release()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_lfo_depth()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_cutoff_lfo_freq()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn77).

Revision 3335 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 30 14:33:15 2017 UTC (6 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_pan_time()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "change_pan_curve()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn75).

Revision 3317 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 20 12:18:45 2017 UTC (6 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Minor adjustment to previous commit: don't limit the max.
  value of new script function "change_sustain()".

Revision 3316 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 20 12:05:53 2017 UTC (6 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_sustain()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn72).

Revision 3306 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jul 11 15:50:05 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed Note object leak when triggering notes on keys which did
  not have a valid sample mapped (fixes bug #252).
* Fixed compilation errors when compiling with CONFIG_DEVMODE
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn69).

Revision 3303 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jul 10 17:45:30 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Removed max. value limitation of built-in functions
  "change_attack()", "change_decay()" and "change_release()" to
  i.e. allow passing 2000000 for doubling the respective time.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn68).

Revision 3302 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 9 19:35:18 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Got rid of resembling an ancient GSt misbehavior which did not pitch at
  all if an up-pitch of more than 40 semi tones was requested (I don't
  think there is any stock gig sound that requires this misbehavior to
  resemble its original sound).
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn67).

Revision 3296 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 28 09:45:56 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Added built-in script function "callback_status()".
* Added built-in constant $CALLBACK_STATUS_TERMINATED.
* Added built-in constant $CALLBACK_STATUS_QUEUE.
* Added built-in constant $CALLBACK_STATUS_RUNNING.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn66).

Revision 3293 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 27 22:19:19 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "fork()".
* NKSP: Added built-in array variable %NKSP_CALLBACK_CHILD_ID[].
* NKSP: Added built-in variable $NKSP_CALLBACK_PARENT_ID.
* NKSP: Fixed potential crash when accessing dynamic built-in
  array variables.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn65).

Revision 3283 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 21 20:59:06 2017 UTC (6 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* RT Instrument Scripts: Fixed potential memory access bug
  and potential undefined behavior of "init" event handlers.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn62).

Revision 3277 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jun 5 18:40:18 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "abort()" which allows
  to abort another script handler by passing its callback ID.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn61).

Revision 3255 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue May 30 15:43:39 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_play_pos()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn57).

Revision 3253 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue May 30 12:08:45 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: built-in "play_note()" function now accepts -2 for its fourth
  argument (note duration) which means the life time of the note shall
  be sticked to the requested note number of argument 1.
* NKSP Fix: built-in "play_note()" function now returns 0 as result
  value if -1 was passed for its fourth argument (note duration) and
  the respective parent note is already gone.
* NKSP: Built-in array variable %KEY_DOWN[] is now a read-only
* Built-in variable $EVENT_NOTE is now a read-only variable.
* Built-in variable $EVENT_VELOCITY is now a read-only variable.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn56).

Revision 3251 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon May 29 22:19:19 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: built-in "play_note()" function now supports a sample playback
  start offset with argument 3, where special value -1 means to use the
  regular sample offset as defined by the instrument file.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn55).

Revision 3246 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 28 22:22:56 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_vol_curve()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_tune_curve()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NKSP_LINEAR".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NKSP_EASE_IN_EASE_OUT".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn54).

Revision 3218 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu May 25 16:32:17 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Adjusted behavior of "change_vol()" and "change_tune()" to a more
  intuitive behavior if used in combination with "change_vol_time()" or
  "change_tune_time()" respectively: now tuning/volume changes are only
  assigned (without delay) immediately to a new note if the respective
  timing function has not been called before, otherwise the volume/tuning
  changes are automatically faded (before, only the event's time stamp was
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn50).

Revision 3216 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu May 25 15:16:28 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
- Fixed compilation error with some compilers.

Revision 3214 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu May 25 14:46:47 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_velo()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_note()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn49).

Revision 3212 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu May 25 13:17:47 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Built-in "ignore_event()" function: argument is now optional,
  like with built-in function "ignore_controller()".

Revision 3205 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed May 24 20:05:38 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed invalid (note-on) event ID being assigned to new Note
* Fixed a bunch of scheduler time related bugs.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn47).

Revision 3193 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat May 20 12:28:57 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "get_event_par()" and implemented
  some of its possible parameter selections.
* NKSP: Added built-in script function "set_event_par()" and implemented
  some of its possible parameter selections.
* NKSP: Fixed (removed) artificial value limit for duration argument of
  built-in script functions "change_vol_time()" and "change_tune_time()".
* Fixed compile error with pre-C++11 compilers.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn46).

Revision 3188 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri May 19 14:23:12 2017 UTC (7 years ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_vol_time()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_tune_time()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "fade_in()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "fade_out()".
* NKSP: Fixed acceptance of wrong data type of parameters passed to
  built-in script functions "change_vol()", "change_tune()",
  "change_pan()", "change_cutoff()", "change_reso()",
  "change_attack()", "change_decay()", "change_release()",
  "change_amp_lfo_depth()", "change_amp_lfo_freq()",
  "change_pitch_lfo_depth()" and "change_pitch_lfo_freq()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn45).

Revision 3118 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Apr 21 13:33:03 2017 UTC (7 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Fixed crash when using built-in script array variable "%ALL_EVENTS".
* NKSP: Added built-in function "change_amp_lfo_depth()".
* NKSP: Added built-in function "change_amp_lfo_freq()".
* NKSP: Added built-in function "change_pitch_lfo_depth()".
* NKSP: Added built-in function "change_pitch_lfo_freq()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn44).

Revision 3100 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Feb 4 16:53:20 2017 UTC (7 years, 4 months ago) by schoenebeck
* SFZ: Fixed unintended volume fade-in of voices under certain
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn42).

Revision 3082 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jan 9 18:39:35 2017 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Added support for sfz extension opcode 'script' which may be used to
  load real-time instrument script file (NKSP script language).
* Removed code duplication in SFZ file loading code.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn37).

Revision 3073 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jan 5 16:04:00 2017 UTC (7 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script array variable "%ALL_EVENTS".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn35).

Revision 3054 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Dec 15 12:47:45 2016 UTC (7 years, 6 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed numerous compiler warnings.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn32).

Revision 3052 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Dec 14 17:34:54 2016 UTC (7 years, 6 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Preparations for Xcode project update.

Revision 3035 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Oct 31 12:00:00 2016 UTC (7 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Check compiler for supported pragma diagnostics to avoid
  compiler errors.

Revision 3034 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Oct 31 00:05:00 2016 UTC (7 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed a bunch of minor issues (mostly compiler warnings).
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn31).

Revision 3017 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Oct 19 12:28:40 2016 UTC (7 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Follow-up fix regarding aftertouch handling.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn29).

Revision 3016 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 18 21:01:46 2016 UTC (7 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
- Follow-up of previous fix.

Revision 2963 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 17 18:41:21 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* All engines: Increased ramp speed of volume smoother and pan smoother
  (while slow rate of crossfade smoother is preserved) to allow quick
  volume and pan changes by instrument scripts for instance.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn21).

Revision 2962 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 17 17:54:04 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Fixed all change_*() built-in script functions to apply their
  synthesis parameter changes immediately in case the respective note
  was triggered at the same time, instead of scheduling the parameter
  change, especially because it would cause some parameter types's
  changes either to be ramped (i.e. change_vol()) or other types even
  to have not effect at all (i.e. change_attack()).
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn20).

Revision 2953 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jul 16 11:24:39 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_attack()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_decay()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "change_release()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn19).

Revision 2948 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jul 15 15:29:04 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "stop_wait()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$NI_CALLBACK_ID".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$NI_CALLBACK_TYPE".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$NKSP_IGNORE_WAIT".
* NKSP: Added support for read-only built-in variables
  (respectively handled by the script parser).
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NI_CB_TYPE_INIT".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NI_CB_TYPE_NOTE".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NI_CB_TYPE_RELEASE".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constant "$NI_CB_TYPE_CONTROLLER".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn17).

Revision 2945 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 14 00:22:26 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "inc()".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script function "dec()".
* NKSP language fix: division expressions were evaluated too often.
* NKSP language fix: string concatenation operator was right
  associative instead of left (to right).
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn15).

Revision 2942 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jul 13 15:51:06 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$KSP_TIMER".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$NKSP_REAL_TIMER".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$NKSP_PERF_TIMER".
* NKSP: Implemented built-in script variable "$ENGINE_UPTIME".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn14).

Revision 2938 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jul 11 17:10:40 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed behavior of built-in instrument script functions play_note()
  and note_off(), which must be distinguished engine internally
  from "real" MIDI note on/off events in order to avoid
  misbehaviors like hanging notes.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn13).

Revision 2935 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 10 14:24:13 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* NKSP: Added & implemented built-in script function "change_cutoff()".
* NKSP: Added & implemented built-in script function "change_reso()".
* NKSP: Added & implemented built-in script function "event_status()".
* NKSP: Added built-in script constants "$EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE" and
  "$EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE" both for being used as flags for
  built-in "event_status()" script function.
* NKSP language: Added support for bitwise operators ".or.", ".and."
  and ".not.".
* NKSP language scanner: Fixed IDs matching to require at least one
  character (i.e. when matching function names or variable names).
* NKSP language scanner: disabled unusued rules.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn12).

Revision 2931 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jul 9 14:38:33 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "change_vol()".
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "change_tune()".
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "change_pan()".
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn11).

Revision 2927 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jun 30 16:44:46 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fix: Release trigger voices were not spawned on sustain pedal up
  (CC #64) events.
* Fix: Release trigger voices can now also distinguish correctly between
  note-off and sustain pedal up events.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn10).

Revision 2902 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue May 3 14:00:16 2016 UTC (8 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* Reload instrument script automatically after being modified by an
  instrument editor.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn8).

Revision 2880 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Apr 19 15:49:34 2016 UTC (8 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
- Fixed compile error regarding latest commit and older compilers.

Revision 2879 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Apr 19 14:07:53 2016 UTC (8 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* All engines: Active voices are now internally grouped to "Note" objects,
  instead of being directly assigned to a keyboard key. This allows more
  fine graded processing of voices, which is i.e. required for certain
  instrument script features.
* Built-in script function "play_note()": Added support for passing
  special value -1 for "duration-us" argument, which will cause the
  triggered note to be released once the original note was released.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn3).

Revision 2871 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Apr 10 18:22:23 2016 UTC (8 years, 2 months ago) by schoenebeck
* All engines: Implemented scheduler for delayed MIDI events and for
  suspended real-time instrument scripts.
* Real-Time instrument scripts: Implemented support for built-in "wait()"
  function's "duration-us" argument, thus scripts using this function are
  now correctly resumed after the requested amount of microseconds.
* Real-Time instrument scripts: Implemented support for built-in
  "play_note()" function's "duration-us" argument, thus notes triggered
  with this argument are now correctly released after the requested amount
  of microseconds.
* Real-Time instrument scripts: Fixed crash which happened when trying to
  reference an undeclared script variable.
* Real-Time instrument scripts: Script events were not cleared when
  engine channel was reset, potentially causing undefined behavior.
* All engines: Attempt to partly fix resetting engine channels vs.
  resetting engine, an overall cleanup of the Reset*(),
  ConnectAudioDevice(), DisconnectAudioDevice() API methods would still be
  desirable though, because the current situation is still inconsistent
  and error prone.
* Bumped version (2.0.0.svn2).

Revision 2837 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Aug 23 06:14:00 2015 UTC (8 years, 9 months ago) by persson
* fixed printf type errors (mostly in debug messages)

Revision 2674 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Sep 11 18:22:14 2014 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added support for float and 32 bit sample files

Revision 2673 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Sep 6 18:56:02 2014 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by persson
* gig engine: fixed behaviour of filter LFO

Revision 2672 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Sep 6 13:04:01 2014 UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed MIDI program change messages being ignored if quickly executed
  after each other (fixes #231).

Revision 2645 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 18 00:14:57 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* RT instrument scripts: Pass/preserve polyphonic variable data
  from respective "note" event handler to "release" event handler.
* Fixed theoretical memory leak regarding instrument scripts.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn54).

Revision 2630 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jun 13 15:01:06 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "set_event_mark()".
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "delete_event_mark()".
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "by_marks()".
* Added built-in instrument script int const variables $MARK_1 to $MARK_28.
* Built-in instrument script functions "ignore_event()", "note_off()" and
  "gig_set_dim_zone()" now also accept an array of event IDs as argument
  (i.e. return value of new script function "by_marks()").
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn53).

Revision 2629 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jun 12 18:25:11 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "note_off()".
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn52).

Revision 2618 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 11 11:39:44 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed execution of "init" instrument script handler.
* Fixed further crashes.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn50).

Revision 2614 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 10 17:22:48 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed silence and another crash.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn49).

Revision 2613 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 10 15:17:01 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Implemented built-in script int array variable $KEY_DOWN.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn48).

Revision 2612 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 10 13:32:16 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed crashes when exiting the sampler.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn47).

Revision 2611 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jun 9 19:20:37 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Fixed crash when loading an instrument script.
* Fixed "init" script handler only to be executed once:
  when the script was loaded.
* Fixed aftertouch script event which always had value zero
  and controller number was set to aftertouch value instead.
* gig Engine: Fixed handling of "smartmidi" dimension, which
  was recognized as "unknown" dimension.
* Fixed script function gig_set_dim_zone(): was accessing
  wrong event.
* ls_instr_script command line tool: is now not limited to
  core language scripts, but can now also parse sampler format
  dependent instrument scripts, with the respective specific
  built-in script variables and functions.
* ScriptVM: Fixed runtime behavior of "and" and "or" binary
  script expressions, which also evaluated the right hand side
  of the expression even if the left hand side already failed
  the overall expression semantic to become true.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn46).

Revision 2606 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jun 8 05:42:56 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by persson
* removed usage of c++11 initializer that caused compilation errors on
  older compilers

Revision 2600 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jun 7 00:16:03 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* Implemented built-in instrument script function "set_controller()".
* Fixed built-in script functions "ignore_event()" and
* Added extended instrument script VM for the Gigasampler/GigaStudio format
  sampler engine, which extends the general instrument script VM with Giga
  format specific variables and functions.
* Giga format instrument scripts: added built-in script int constant
* Giga format instrument scripts: Implemented built-in script function
  "gig_set_dim_zone(event_id, dimension, zone)", which allows to override
  dimension zone(s) for new voices.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn45).

Revision 2598 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jun 6 12:38:54 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* ScriptVM (WIP): Built-in script function "play_note()" now returns the
  event ID of the triggered note.
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented built-in script int variable $EVENT_ID.
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented built-in script function "ignore_event()".
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented built-in script function
  "ignore_controller()" (accepts one and no argument).
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn44).

Revision 2596 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jun 5 19:39:12 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented execution of script event
  handlers "note" and "release".
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented built-in script function
  "play_note()" (only two of the max. four function
  arguments are currently implemented yet though).
* ScriptVM (WIP): Fixed incorrect handling of
  suspended scripts.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn43).

Revision 2595 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jun 5 12:14:53 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
- Fixed compiler error with GCC 4.x (seems to be a GCC bug).

Revision 2594 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jun 5 00:16:25 2014 UTC (10 years ago) by schoenebeck
* ScriptVM (WIP): started to integrate real-time instrument script
  support into the sampler engine implementations. The code is
  shared among all sampler engines, however currently only the gig
  file format supports storing instrument scripts (as LinuxSampler
  extension to the original GigaStudio 4 file format).
* gig engine: Added support for loading instrument scripts from .gig
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented built-in script variables %CC, $CC_NUM,
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented execution of script event handler "init".
* ScriptVM (WIP): Implemented execution of script event handler
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn42).

Revision 2559 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 18 17:38:25 2014 UTC (10 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* Aftertouch: extended API to explicitly handle channel pressure and
  polyphonic key pressure events (so far polyphonic pressure was not
  supported at all, and channel pressure was rerouted as CC128 but not
  used so far).
* Gig Engine: Fixed support for 'aftertouch' attenuation controller.
* Bumped version (1.0.0.svn39).

Revision 2506 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jan 12 11:27:05 2014 UTC (10 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Bugfix: only process the latest MIDI program change event.

Revision 2448 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri May 3 14:26:32 2013 UTC (11 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* Immediately apply scale tuning changes to active voices.
* Exposed scale tuning to C++ API (along to the already existing standard
  SysEx way).
* Bumped version to 1.0.0.svn21

Revision 2420 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Feb 24 08:59:25 2013 UTC (11 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* removed usage of deprecated Automake variable INCLUDES
* ASIO driver: removed compiler warnings

Revision 2399 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jan 13 17:22:23 2013 UTC (11 years, 5 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added FLAC support (#191)

Revision 2382 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Dec 2 16:30:42 2012 UTC (11 years, 6 months ago) by persson
* all engines: add pan CC value to instrument pan parameter before
  applying panning, instead of using two separate pan functions in
  series (#182)
* sfz parser: allow -200 to 200 for pan_oncc opcode (#182)
* gig engine: handle special case when pan parameter in gig file has
  max or min value
* CoreMIDI: fixed memory deallocation error

Revision 2377 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Oct 4 18:16:26 2012 UTC (11 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Various "const" and "restrict" optimizations.

Revision 2375 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Oct 4 17:45:22 2012 UTC (11 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* Added new C++ API method Sampler::GetGlobalMaxVoices().
* Added new C++ API method Sampler::GetGlobalMaxStreams().
* Added new C++ API method Sampler::SetGlobalMaxVoices().
* Added new C++ API method Sampler::SetGlobalMaxStreams().
* CoreMIDI: remove ports that disappeared on the OS from
  the internal list of port bindings
* Fixed erroneous piping of error message in
  src/engines/common/VoiceBase.h (labelled "Disk stream not
  available in time").

Revision 2352 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jun 24 16:11:31 2012 UTC (11 years, 11 months ago) by persson
* fixed crash when a channel received a program change while playing a
  note in a key group

Revision 2328 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Mar 10 16:23:19 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by persson
- forgot one file in previous commit

Revision 2327 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Mar 10 16:16:14 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* sfz/sf2 engine: fixed crash when using small audio fragment size

Revision 2322 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Feb 26 09:09:19 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by iliev
* bugfix: voice stealing didn't work for SFZ and SF2 engines

Revision 2317 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Feb 19 12:13:19 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine bugfix: looping was disabled if loop_start was set to 0
* sfz engine: allow regions with end=-1 to turn off other regions
  using the group and off_by opcodes (#168)
* sfz engine: made end=0 play the whole sample
* sfz engine: fixed support for lochan and hichan opcodes (#155)
* bumped version to 1.0.0.svn17

Revision 2299 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Dec 11 20:50:31 2011 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by iliev
* implemented opcodes egN_eq1gain, egN_eq2gain, egN_eq3gain,
  egN_eq1gain_onccX, egN_eq2gain_onccX, egN_eq3gain_onccX, egN_eq1freq,
  egN_eq2freq, egN_eq3freq, egN_eq1freq_onccX, egN_eq2freq_onccX,
  egN_eq3freq_onccX, egN_eq1bw, egN_eq2bw, egN_eq3bw, egN_eq1bw_onccX,
  egN_eq2bw_onccX, egN_eq3bw_onccX, lfoN_eq1gain, lfoN_eq2gain,
  lfoN_eq3gain, lfoN_eq1gain_onccX, lfoN_eq2gain_onccX, lfoN_eq3gain_onccX,
  lfoN_eq1gain_smoothccX, lfoN_eq2gain_smoothccX, lfoN_eq3gain_smoothccX,
  lfoN_eq1gain_stepccX, lfoN_eq2gain_stepccX, lfoN_eq3gain_stepccX,
  lfoN_eq1freq, lfoN_eq2freq, lfoN_eq3freq, lfoN_eq1freq_onccX,
  lfoN_eq2freq_onccX, lfoN_eq3freq_onccX, lfoN_eq1freq_smoothccX,
  lfoN_eq2freq_smoothccX, lfoN_eq3freq_smoothccX, lfoN_eq1freq_stepccX,
  lfoN_eq2freq_stepccX, lfoN_eq3freq_stepccX, lfoN_eq1bw, lfoN_eq2bw,
  lfoN_eq3bw, lfoN_eq1bw_onccX, lfoN_eq2bw_onccX, lfoN_eq3bw_onccX,
  lfoN_eq1bw_smoothccX, lfoN_eq2bw_smoothccX, lfoN_eq3bw_smoothccX,
  lfoN_eq1bw_stepccX, lfoN_eq2bw_stepccX, lfoN_eq3bw_stepccX

Revision 2298 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Dec 9 17:04:24 2011 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by iliev
* use different EQ effect instance for every voice

Revision 2297 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Dec 9 15:04:55 2011 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by iliev
* implemented opcodes delay, delay_onccN, delay_random,
  delay_samples, delay_samples_onccN

Revision 2296 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Dec 8 20:03:47 2011 UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by iliev
* fixed crash when trying to create an effect instance with controls
  which min and/or max values depend on the sample rate
* experimental support for per voice equalization (work in progress)
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes eq1_freq, eq2_freq, eq3_freq,
  eq1_freqccN, eq2_freqccN, eq3_freqccN, eq1_bw, eq2_bw, eq3_bw,
  eq1_bwccN, eq2_bwccN, eq3_bwccN, eq1_gain, eq2_gain, eq3_gain,
  eq1_gainccN, eq2_gainccN, eq3_gainccN

Revision 2277 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Oct 1 08:23:02 2011 UTC (12 years, 8 months ago) by persson
* fixed handling of rapid bank select and program change messages sent
  to the same sampler channel (patch from the Open Octave project,
  slightly adjusted)

Revision 2264 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Aug 22 10:00:01 2011 UTC (12 years, 9 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes pitch_onccN,
  pitch_curveccN, pitch_smoothccN, pitch_stepccN

Revision 2251 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Aug 20 10:38:31 2011 UTC (12 years, 9 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: *lfo_freqccN wasn't working when the respective *lfo_freq
  was not set or was set to zero
* sfz engine: lfoN_freq_onccX wasn't working when lfoN_freq
  was not set or was set to zero

Revision 2244 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Aug 18 11:32:33 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: use common pool of CC objects to minimize RAM usage

Revision 2238 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 12 17:30:47 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* bugfix: sfz engine was using enormous amount of memory
* bumped version to 1.0.0.cvs14

Revision 2235 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 10 19:40:39 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes egN_amplitude_onccX,
  egN_volume, egN_volume_onccX, egN_cutoff, egN_cutoff_onccX,
  egN_pitch, egN_pitch_onccX, egN_resonance, egN_resonance_onccX

Revision 2234 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Aug 9 18:27:58 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcode end

Revision 2232 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Aug 8 13:40:04 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcode volume_smoothccN

Revision 2230 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 5 17:59:10 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented curves
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes volume_onccN, volume_curveccN

Revision 2227 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Aug 3 17:11:40 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes fillfo_freqccN,
  pitchlfo_freqccN, amplfo_freqccN, lfoN_freq_onccX

Revision 2225 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Aug 2 13:44:57 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes lfoN_phase, lfoN_phase_onccX,
  lfoN_pitch, lfoN_pitch_onccX

Revision 2224 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Aug 1 19:08:09 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* implemented opcode pitchlfo_depthccN

Revision 2223 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jul 29 13:39:58 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* implemented sine LFO, pulse LFO and saw LFO
* sfz engine: implemented opcode lfoN_wave

Revision 2219 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 28 12:35:49 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: implemented opcodes lfoN_delay,
  lfoN_freq, lfoN_pan, lfoN_cutoff, lfoN_resonance

Revision 2218 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 28 08:05:57 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: use the newly introduced signal units model

Revision 2217 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jul 26 15:51:30 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* removed helper classes SignalUnitBase,
  EndpointSignalUnitBase, SignalUnitRackBase
* clean up sf2::Voice
* bumped version to 1.0.0.cvs12

Revision 2216 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jul 25 17:21:16 2011 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago) by iliev
* sfz: added support for sample offset (offset)

Revision 2207 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jul 15 15:43:49 2011 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by iliev
* simplified the signal unit model
* sf2: initial implementation of modulation LFO and cutoff filter

Revision 2205 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jul 11 17:52:01 2011 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by iliev
* Introduced Signal Units and Signal Unit Racks, which hopefully will meet
  the demands of the new engines for flexible signal processing.
* sf2: Initial implementation of vibrato LFO, fixes in modulation EG and
  and volume EG (work in progress)

Revision 2203 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jul 9 16:44:27 2011 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by persson
* sf2 engine: fine-tuned amplitude EG (by switching from gig to sfz EG)
* sfz engine: added support for EG hold (ampeg_hold)
* Mac OS X: made it possible to specify plugin installation dir to

Revision 2188 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jun 24 19:39:11 2011 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by iliev

Revision 2175 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Apr 25 08:12:36 2011 UTC (13 years, 1 month ago) by persson
* sfz engine: implemeted filters. Filter types: lowpass, bandpass,
  bandreject and highpass. 1, 2, 4 and 6 pole filters. Opcodes:
  fil_type, cutoff, resonance, fil_veltrack, fil_keytrack,
  fil_keycenter, cutoff_cc, cutoff_chanaft.
* sfz engine: bugfix: zero ampeg_sustain didn't work
* gig engine: bugfix: pitch LFO controller "internal+aftertouch" was broken
* gig engine: bugfix: filter keyboard tracking was broken
* gig engine: filter performance fix (an unnecessary copy was made of
  the filter parameters in each sub fragment)
* ASIO driver: fixes for newer gcc versions (fix from PortAudio)

Revision 2167 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Feb 21 17:34:36 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: use loop markers from sample file if loop_start and
  loop_end are not set in sfz file

Revision 2140 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 5 10:35:13 2010 UTC (13 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* raised limit of program change queue from 100 to 512
  (as suggested by Alex Stone)
* removed limit of maximum amount of MIDI ports per MIDI device, since
  there is no reason for this limit
* minor syntax simplification regarding 2 new LSCP commands: changed
  the respective category field of command "GET FX_SEND INFO" from
* updated LSCP specification document
* bumped version to 1.0.0.cvs10

Revision 2121 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Sep 14 17:09:08 2010 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* implemented Roland GS NRPN 1ArrH which allows to set volume per note
* implemented Roland GS NRPN 1CrrH which allows to set pan per note
* implemented Roland GS NRPN 1DrrH which allows to set reverb send per
  note (in this implementation of the sampler its simply hard routed to
  the 1st effect send of the sampler channel, no matter what the actual
  effect type is)
* implemented Roland GS NRPN 1ErrH which allows to set chorus send per
  note (in this implementation of the sampler its simply hard routed to
  the 2nd effect send of the sampler channel, no matter what the actual
  effect type is)
* bumped version to 1.0.0cvs4

Revision 2119 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Aug 27 16:27:16 2010 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: fixed playback of 16 bit wav files on big endian CPUs
* sfz engine: added support for Ogg Vorbis sample files

Revision 2115 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Aug 12 15:36:15 2010 UTC (13 years, 10 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added support for controller triggered regions
* sfz engine: added support for loop_mode=one_shot

Revision 2114 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Aug 10 12:05:19 2010 UTC (13 years, 10 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: improved support for exclusive groups (group, off_by and
* minor valgrind fixes

Revision 2101 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 30 11:40:31 2010 UTC (14 years ago) by persson
* sfz/sf2 engines: RT-safeness: avoid malloc in audio thread
* sfz/sf2 engines: fixed a bug that could cause voice stealing to fail

Revision 2063 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Feb 28 07:28:56 2010 UTC (14 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added support for off_mode=normal

Revision 2061 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Feb 23 18:32:31 2010 UTC (14 years, 3 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added support for trigger=release and rt_decay

Revision 2058 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Feb 14 11:40:49 2010 UTC (14 years, 4 months ago) by persson
* sfz/sf2 engines: fixed memory leak and memory handling errors
* sfz engine: added support for sw_trigger=first, sw_trigger=legato
  and sw_previous
* sfz parser: allow non-numerical key values ("C#4" for example)
* sfz engine: "key" opcode now sets pitch_keycenter too
* sfz engine: fixed error when unloading instrument with same sample
  used by multiple regions
* sfz parser: added some opcode aliases, like loopmode for loop_mode,
  to be more compatible

Revision 2055 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jan 30 10:30:02 2010 UTC (14 years, 4 months ago) by persson
* sfz engine: added support for v2 multiple stage envelope generators
* sfz engine: added a fine-tuned v1 envelope generator instead of
  using the one from the gig engine

Revision 2045 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jan 10 13:22:19 2010 UTC (14 years, 5 months ago) by persson
* VST bugfix: If the host called resume() before and after changing
  sample rate or block size, the number of channels was incorrectly
  set to two. This caused silence in Cubase 5.
* removed compiler warnings

Revision 2043 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jan 9 09:37:01 2010 UTC (14 years, 5 months ago) by persson
* gig engine: implemented the "round robin keyboard" dimension
* gig engine: fixed round robin and random dimensions for cases when
  number of dimension zones is not a power of two
* gig engine: made round robin use a counter for each region instead
  of each key
* fixed building with libgig installed in a non-standard directory

Revision 2032 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Nov 20 20:13:08 2009 UTC (14 years, 6 months ago) by persson
* bugfix: release samples could cause loud noises

Revision 2027 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Nov 3 19:27:42 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: support for exclusive groups
* sf2 engine: support for exclusive groups
* sf2 engine: manage presets only
* sf2 engine: preset regions are now taken into account

Revision 2021 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 30 16:36:20 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* sfz engine: loop support
* sf2 engine: 24bit support
* sf2 engine: loop support
* sf2 engine: instrument unloading

Revision 2019 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 27 19:36:09 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* SFZ format engine: implemented 24 bit support

Revision 2018 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 27 19:04:57 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* SFZ format engine: Implemented sfz version 1
   Filter EG, Amplifier EG and Pitch EG
* use SF2 file loader from libgig

Revision 2015 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Oct 25 22:22:52 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* Refactoring: moved the independent code from gig::Voice to base classes
* SoundFont format engine: implemented EG1 & EG2

Revision 2012 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 23 17:53:17 2009 UTC (14 years, 7 months ago) by iliev
* Refactoring: moved the independent code from
  the Gigasampler format engine to base classes
* SFZ format engine: experimental code (not usable yet)
* SoundFont format engine: experimental code (not usable yet)
* Fixed crash which may occur when MIDI key + transpose is out of range

Revision 1751 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Jul 28 07:36:35 2008 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
* bugfix: process chromatic / drumkit mode sysex message only for
  the respective engine channels that are connected to the MIDI
  input port on which the message was received

Revision 1681 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Feb 13 15:10:13 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by schoenebeck
- fixed di-harmonic triangle LFO implementation (this LFO implementation
  is only used by very few systems, most pick the int math
  implementation, which is usually faster)

Revision 1485 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Nov 15 23:35:45 2007 UTC (16 years, 7 months ago) by senoner
* win32 port, work in progress:
* added MME MIDI Input driver
* Resampler.h, gig/Synthesizer.h:
* changed return type of getSample() from int to int32_t

Revision 1484 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Nov 15 13:24:41 2007 UTC (16 years, 7 months ago) by senoner
* Stream.h: added a missing divide by BytesPerSample in GetWriteSpace()
* since this function is currently only used in the stream's
* qsort() compare function, it did trigger any bugs
* Resampler.h, Synthesizer.h:
* cubic interpolation now works in 24bit mode too
* faster method to read 24bit words on little endian machines (x86):
*  replaced 3 byte reads + shifts with a 1 unaligned 32bit read and shift

Revision 1424 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Oct 14 22:00:17 2007 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* code cleanup:
- global.h now only covers global definitions that are needed for the C++
  API header files, all implementation internal global definitions are now
  in global_private.h
- atomic.h is not exposed to the C++ API anymore (replaced the references
  in SynchronizedConfig.h for this with local definitions)
- no need to include config.h anymore for using LS's API header files
- DB instruments classes are not exposed to the C++ API
- POSIX callback functions of Thread.h are hidden
- the (optional) gig Engine benchmark compiles again
- updated Doxyfile.in
- fixed warnings in API doc generation
* preparations for release 0.5.0

Revision 1259 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 26 21:41:09 2007 UTC (16 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* reenabled assembly features support, at the moment only for
  enabling a fast denormal FPU mode (x86 platforms supporting SSE2)
* bumped version to

Revision 906 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 23 16:44:08 2006 UTC (17 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
* MIDI driver API extension for MIDI drivers which already supply exact
  time stamps for events (i.e. for offline rendering based MIDI drivers)

Revision 903 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jul 22 14:22:53 2006 UTC (17 years, 10 months ago) by persson
* real support for 24 bit samples - samples are not truncated to 16
  bits anymore
* support for aftertouch (channel pressure, not polyphonic aftertouch)

Revision 890 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Jul 1 13:43:04 2006 UTC (17 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
just some refactoring work, moved the following files:

- src/engines/common/Engine.h -> src/engines/Engine.h,

- src/engines/common/EngineChannel.h ->

- src/engines/common/EngineChannel.cpp ->

Revision 885 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 28 19:32:21 2006 UTC (17 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* various fixes to allow liblinuxsampler to be used
  (as a native C++ library)

Revision 880 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 27 22:57:37 2006 UTC (17 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
just some refactoring work:
- renamed class LinuxSamplerException -> Exception
- encapsulated LS API relevant files into LS namespace
- removed unnecessary header inclusions

Revision 791 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Oct 16 14:50:20 2005 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by persson
* Filter tuning: calculation of cutoff frequency and bandwidth
  improved. Removed use of "BasicBPFilter". Changed bandpass filter
  from constant peak to constant skirt. Use gig parameter Resonance if
  no resonance controller is set. Removed keyboard tracking influence
  on resonance.

Revision 741 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Aug 16 17:20:55 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
-  deleted LFO.h
- added LFOBase.h, LFOTriangleDiHarmonic.h,
  LFOTriangleIntAbsMath.h and LFOTriangleIntMath.h

Revision 738 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Aug 16 17:14:25 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
* extensive synthesis optimization: reimplementation of EGs and LFO(s),
  removed synthesis parameter prerendering and the synthesis parameter
  matrix in general, splitting each audio fragment into subfragments now
  where each subfragment uses constant synthesis parameters
  (everything's still very buggy ATM)

Revision 722 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 19:45:15 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
just a little API doc change

Revision 721 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 19:44:44 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
- fixed di-harmonic triangle LFO implementation
- calculated exact amplitude coefficient of 2nd harmonic

Revision 720 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 18:22:56 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by senkov
Added a variation of LFOTriangleIntMath using abs()

Revision 719 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 16:48:11 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by senkov
Adjusted code to build on gcc (GCC) 3.4.3-20050110

Revision 718 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 15:05:30 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
fixed integer math implementation of triangle LFO

Revision 717 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jul 24 10:26:17 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
Added "real" implementations of the triangle LFOs. Unfortunately
I introduced some bugs - the output results don't look like they should.
This has to be fixed.

Revision 713 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Jul 21 20:50:45 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by schoenebeck
oops, did I screw indention here? ;)

Revision 705 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jul 20 21:43:23 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* support for muting sampler channels and solo mode of the same, two new
  LSCP commands ("SET CHANNEL MUTE" and "SET CHANNEL SOLO") and two new
  fields ("MUTE" and "SOLO") for command "GET CHANNEL INFO" were
  introduced for this (patch by Grigor Iliev, a bit adjusted)

Revision 685 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jul 5 19:30:37 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by persson
* gcc 4.0 compilation fixes

Revision 675 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 22 22:09:28 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* update MIDI channel info on program change

Revision 670 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jun 21 18:00:52 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
* don't reset volume, pan, pitch and MIDI controller values on instrument
  or audio output device change
* send 'CHANNEL_INFO' LSCP event on MIDI program change messages

Revision 660 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jun 17 19:49:30 2005 UTC (19 years ago) by schoenebeck
* LSCP server: fixed LSCP event "CHANNEL_INFO" notification
  (e.g. did not notify on volume changes)

Revision 654 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 15 20:25:25 2005 UTC (19 years ago) by schoenebeck
* fixed 'make dist' build rule to include all necessary files

Revision 617 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Jun 8 21:00:06 2005 UTC (19 years ago) by schoenebeck
* hand-crafted assembly optimization code can be disabled with
  './configure --disable-asm' (definitely not recommended)

Revision 563 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 22 20:43:32 2005 UTC (19 years ago) by schoenebeck
* (re)implemented voice stealing algorithm "oldestvoiceonkey" and made it
  the default voice stealing algorithm
* added new LSCP command "GET SERVER INFO" which currently returns
  description and version about this sampler
* added some API documentation comments
* minor cleanup

Revision 510 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed May 4 12:02:35 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* autotools build fixes for PPC architecture

Revision 504 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue May 3 00:37:35 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* removed statically included libgig sources from the LinuxSampler code
  base - you now have to compile and install libgig separately
* added -Wreturn-type gcc switch to avoid bugs with no returns on non void
  functions in future

Revision 502 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Apr 29 14:20:22 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by letz
Fix destructor

Revision 497 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Apr 10 11:55:44 2005 UTC (19 years, 2 months ago) by persson
* removed some build warnings
* fixed a bug with hanging notes when using sustain pedal
* release samples are not triggered anymore when sustain pedal is down

Revision 475 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Mar 17 23:56:56 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by schoenebeck
* fixed segmentation fault on "GET CHANNEL INFO" commands which occured
  when an engine type was selected but no audio device connected yet to
  the sampler channel (fixes bug #4)

Revision 412 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Feb 26 22:44:51 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by schoenebeck
* gig::Engine: fixed silence (engine channels' events were not imported
  into the engine, fixed undesired creation of new gig::Engine instances
  (and disk threads)
* AudioOutputDevice: reverted behavior to render per Engine instance (and
  not per EngineChannel instance)

Revision 411 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Feb 26 02:01:14 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by schoenebeck
* design change: using now one sampler engine instance and one disk thread
  instance for all sampler channels that are connected to the same audio
  output device (and are using the same engine type of course)
* added EngineFactory / EngineChannelFactory to remove the annoying build
  dependencies e.g. of the lscpserver to the actual sampler engine
* bumped version to 0.3.0 (current CVS state is still quite broken,
  previous, stable CVS version was tagged as "v0_2_0" and is also available
  as source tarball)

Revision 392 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Feb 19 02:40:24 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by schoenebeck
* fixed possibility that memory got not locked
* immediately set instrument status when calling LOAD INSTUMENT NON_MODAL

Revision 376 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Feb 12 23:48:50 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by senkov
* Added INSTRUMENT_NAME to GET CHANNEL INFO command result set

Revision 361 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Feb 9 01:22:18 2005 UTC (19 years, 4 months ago) by schoenebeck
* bunch of fixes for OSX (patch by Stephane Letz)

Revision 329 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Dec 28 09:43:04 2004 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by senkov
* Fixes for engine reloading. Fixed streaming bugs in some
 cases only, most probably not all yet.

Revision 328 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Dec 25 21:58:58 2004 UTC (19 years, 5 months ago) by schoenebeck
* architecture independence fixes, should now compile again for non x86
* tiny fix of command line switch --version

Revision 324 - Directory Listing
Modified Sat Dec 18 18:54:46 2004 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by senkov
* Applied patch from Andreas Persson and made a few other small
 changes to fix a bug in the filter code.

Revision 320 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Dec 13 00:53:16 2004 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by schoenebeck
* introduced 'synthesis mode' to reduce the amount of code and conditionals
  for the current synthesis case in the main synthesis loop
* support for MMX and SSE(1) in the core synthesis algorithms (CPU feature
  detection at runtime, only x86 so far)

Revision 319 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Dec 13 00:46:42 2004 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by schoenebeck
* introduced 'synthesis mode' to reduce the amount of code and conditionals
  for the current synthesis case in the main synthesis loop
* support for MMX and SSE(1) in the core synthesis algorithms (CPU feature
  detection at runtime, only x86 so far)

Revision 293 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Oct 25 15:14:27 2004 UTC (19 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
* gig::Engine: changed way how events make it from the input event queue
  into the engine's process chain (fixes forced segfault in EGADSR)
* Event.h: using signed type for fragment position for easier
  differentiation if event might happened before or after current fragment

Revision 292 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Oct 25 14:59:18 2004 UTC (19 years, 7 months ago) by schoenebeck
encapsulated error message into quotation marks

Revision 288 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Oct 19 00:36:34 2004 UTC (19 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* configure.in: added check for UNIX98 compatibility, check if there's at
  least one supported MIDI input and audio output system available, added
  conditionals for ALSA and JACK
* src/drivers/audio/Makefile.am: ALSA and JACK drivers are only compiled
  respectively if they're supported by the system
* MidiInputDeviceFactory.cpp, AudioOutputDeviceFactory.cpp: little
  workaround for reported linker problem
* removed autotools generated files from CVS

Revision 271 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Oct 8 20:51:39 2004 UTC (19 years, 8 months ago) by schoenebeck
* libgig: fixed panorama value in DimensionRegion (invalid conversion
  from signed 7 bit to signed 8 bit)
* src/linuxsampler.cpp: stacktrace is now automatically shown on fatal
  errors (that is  segmentation faults, etc.), gdb should be installed for
  this to work
* gig::Voice: tiny accuracy fix of pan calculation
* replaced old pool classes by completely new ones which now offer
  Iterator abstraction

Revision 268 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Oct 7 22:20:20 2004 UTC (19 years, 8 months ago) by capela
* gcc-c++ 3.4.1 compability fixes.

Revision 250 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Sep 20 00:31:13 2004 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* added first two experimental voice stealing algorithms ('oldestkey' -
which just steals the oldest voice on the oldest key and 'keymask' - which
tries to pick the oldest voice on the same key where the new voice should
be spawned, if it fails it behaves like 'oldestkey'), the desired algorithm
can be selected at compile time (see Engine.h) will be configurable via
LSCP soon though

Revision 246 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Sep 19 14:12:55 2004 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
just tidied up event type specific parameters (that is note-on specific
parameters, controle change specific parameters, etc.) in Event class

Revision 244 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Sep 17 01:01:11 2004 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* added support for scale tuning via MIDI GS system exclusive message

Revision 225 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Aug 22 14:46:47 2004 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by schoenebeck
* set default volume to 1.0 in Gigasampler engine (was 0.0)
* fixed "GET ENGINE INFO" LSCP command
* fixed "GET CHANNEL INFO" LSCP command
* src/network/lscp.y: fixed 'stringval' rule (returned string with formal
  apostrophes), fixed 'dotnum' rule (ignored position after decimal point)

Revision 205 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jul 13 23:16:40 2004 UTC (19 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
accidently commited this file

Revision 203 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Jul 13 22:44:13 2004 UTC (19 years, 11 months ago) by schoenebeck
forgot to change some things which was mandatory due to the recent
directory movements ('/src/audiodriver' -> '/src/drivers/audio',
'/src/mididriver' -> '/src/drivers/midi')

Revision 133 - Directory Listing
Modified Fri Jun 18 14:29:02 2004 UTC (20 years ago) by capela
* Load Instrument patch applied; this patch makes the
  LOAD INSTRUMENT command to return immediately,
  almost/always with an OK response, while spawning
  the proper instrument file loading in the background.

  set; the instrument status value holds the load progress
  percentage if positive, otherwise a negative value is
  evidence of a load exception error.

* VERSION is now set to 0.2.

Revision 112 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun Jun 6 20:57:28 2004 UTC (20 years ago) by senkov
* Added methods for CHANNEL_INFO command

Revision 80 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 23 19:16:33 2004 UTC (20 years ago) by schoenebeck
* biquad filter parameters are now calculated outside the interpolate
  loop for better performance
* couple of loop unroll optimizations
* filter is now enabled by default
* cubic interpolation is now enabled by default
* reduced debug level to 1 to lower verbosity
* raised default limit for voices to 128
* raised default limit for streams to 150
* added some compiler optimization flags (-ffast-math -march -mcpu)

Revision 64 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu May 6 20:06:20 2004 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* src/Sampler.cpp: fixed 3 stupid but fatal bugs that left in the rush (in
  method SamplerChannels(), CreateAudioOutputDevice() and
* src/network/lscpserver.cpp: implemented LSCP command
* src/Sampler.h: moved enums 'audio_output_type_t', 'midi_input_type_t'
  and 'engine_type_t' into the respective base classes
  ('AudioOutputDevice', 'MidiInputDevice', 'Engine')

Revision 57 - Directory Listing
Modified Sun May 2 17:45:43 2004 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* src/common/Thread.cpp: method StartThread() now blocks until thread
  actually runs, mlockall() will only be applied for realtime threads
* libtoolized liblinuxsampler
* initiated automatic unit tests against the LinuxSampler codebase
  (see src/testcases): already added a couple of tests for the Thread and
  Mutex classes, you have to explicitly compile the unit tests by running
  'make testcases' (you need to have cppunit installed though) and then you
  can run the console version of the test runner by calling
* src/Sampler.h: added API documentation

Revision 56 - Directory Listing
Modified Tue Apr 27 09:21:58 2004 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
updated copyright header for 2004

Revision 53 - Directory Listing
Added Mon Apr 26 17:15:51 2004 UTC (20 years, 1 month ago) by schoenebeck
* completely restructured source tree
* implemented multi channel support
* implemented instrument manager, which controls sharing of instruments
  between multiple sampler engines / sampler channels
* created abstract classes 'AudioOutputDevice' and 'MidiInputDevice' for
  convenient implementation of further audio output driver and MIDI input
  driver for LinuxSampler
* implemented following LSCP commands: 'SET CHANNEL MIDI INPUT TYPE',
* temporarily removed all command line options
* LSCP server is now launched by default

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