/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Christian Schoenebeck * * http://www.linuxsampler.org * * This file is part of LinuxSampler and released under the same terms. * See README file for details. */ #include "InstrumentScriptVM.h" #include "../AbstractEngineChannel.h" namespace LinuxSampler { // circumvents a bug in GCC 4.x which causes a sizeof() expression applied // on a class member to throw a compiler error, i.e. with GCC 4.4: // "object missing in reference to 'LinuxSampler::AbstractEngineChannel::ControllerTable'") // or with GCC 4.0: // "invalid use of non-static data member 'LinuxSampler::AbstractEngineChannel::ControllerTable'" #define _MEMBER_SIZEOF(T_Class, Member) sizeof(((T_Class*)NULL)->Member) InstrumentScriptVM::InstrumentScriptVM() : m_event(NULL), m_fnPlayNote(this), m_fnIgnoreEvent(this), m_fnIgnoreController(this) { m_CC.size = _MEMBER_SIZEOF(AbstractEngineChannel, ControllerTable); m_CC_NUM = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.CC.Controller); m_EVENT_ID = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, id); m_EVENT_NOTE = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.Note.Key); m_EVENT_VELOCITY = DECLARE_VMINT(m_event, class ScriptEvent, cause.Param.Note.Velocity); } VMExecStatus_t InstrumentScriptVM::exec(VMParserContext* parserCtx, ScriptEvent* event) { AbstractEngineChannel* pEngineChannel = static_cast(event->cause.pEngineChannel); // prepare built-in script variables for script execution m_event = event; m_CC.data = (int8_t*) &pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[0]; // if script is in start condition, then do mandatory MIDI event // preprocessing tasks, which essentially means updating i.e. controller // table with new CC value in case of a controller event, because the // script might access the new CC value if (!event->executionSlices) { switch (event->cause.Type) { case Event::type_control_change: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[event->cause.Param.CC.Controller] = event->cause.Param.CC.Value; break; case Event::type_channel_pressure: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[CTRL_TABLE_IDX_AFTERTOUCH] = event->cause.Param.ChannelPressure.Value; break; case Event::type_pitchbend: pEngineChannel->ControllerTable[CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND] = event->cause.Param.Pitch.Pitch; break; } } // run the script handler(s) VMExecStatus_t res = VM_EXEC_NOT_RUNNING; for ( ; event->handlers[event->currentHandler]; event->currentHandler++) { res = ScriptVM::exec( parserCtx, event->execCtx, event->handlers[event->currentHandler] ); event->executionSlices++; if (res & VM_EXEC_SUSPENDED || res & VM_EXEC_ERROR) return res; } return res; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInIntVariables() { // first get buil-in integer variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInIntVariables(); // now add own built-in variables m["$CC_NUM"] = &m_CC_NUM; m["$EVENT_ID"] = &m_EVENT_ID; m["$EVENT_NOTE"] = &m_EVENT_NOTE; m["$EVENT_VELOCITY"] = &m_EVENT_VELOCITY; // m["$POLY_AT_NUM"] = &m_POLY_AT_NUM; return m; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInIntArrayVariables() { // first get buil-in integer array variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInIntArrayVariables(); // now add own built-in variables m["%CC"] = &m_CC; //m["%KEY_DOWN"] = &m_KEY_DOWN; //m["%POLY_AT"] = &m_POLY_AT; return m; } std::map InstrumentScriptVM::builtInConstIntVariables() { // first get buil-in integer variables of derived VM class std::map m = ScriptVM::builtInConstIntVariables(); m["$VCC_MONO_AT"] = CTRL_TABLE_IDX_AFTERTOUCH; m["$VCC_PITCH_BEND"] = CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND; return m; } VMFunction* InstrumentScriptVM::functionByName(const String& name) { // built-in script functions of this class if (name == "play_note") return &m_fnPlayNote; else if (name == "ignore_event") return &m_fnIgnoreEvent; else if (name == "ignore_controller") return &m_fnIgnoreController; // built-in script functions of derived VM class return ScriptVM::functionByName(name); } } // namespace LinuxSampler