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Contents of /misc/trunk/win32_installer/linuxsampler_all.nsi

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Revision 3011 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Oct 12 05:19:04 2016 UTC (7 years, 6 months ago) by persson
File size: 28359 byte(s)
* Use Qt5 for qsampler
1 ; LinuxSampler Windows installer
2 ;
3 ; Copyright (C) 2007-2016, The LinuxSampler Developers
4 ;
5 ; All-in-one Installer for all subprojects / software components of the
6 ; LinuxSampler Project.
7 ;
9 ;
10 ; -> You must install the file cpudesc\cpudesc.dll into the working
11 ; directory before being able to compile this installer!
12 ;
13 ; -> The compiled binaries must be placed into the respective directories
14 ; under bin\ (you have to read this file in order to get those exact
15 ; locations and expected file names).
17 ; NSIS plug-in for getting CPU information
18 !addplugindir cpudesc
20 ; Probably the best compression ratio
21 SetCompressor lzma
23 ;Include Modern UI
24 !include "MUI.nsh"
25 !include "EnvVarUpdate.nsh"
26 !include "WordFunc.nsh"
28 !define /date RELEASE_DATE "%Y%m%d"
29 !searchparse /file bin/686/linuxsampler.pc `Version: ` LINUXSAMPLER_VERSION
30 !searchparse /file bin/686/gig.pc `Version: ` LIBGIG_VERSION
31 !searchparse /file bin/686/gigedit.version `` GIGEDIT_VERSION
32 !define FANTASIA_VERSION "0.9"
33 !searchparse /file bin/686/qsampler.version `` QSAMPLER_VERSION
34 !searchparse /file bin/686/sndfile.pc `Version: ` SNDFILE_VERSION
36 ; The name of the installer
37 Name "LinuxSampler (${RELEASE_DATE})"
39 ; The file to write
40 OutFile "linuxsampler_${RELEASE_DATE}_setup.exe"
42 ; Java Runtime Environment, needed for JSampler
43 !define JRE_VERSION "1.6"
44 ; jre-8u101-windows-i586.exe:
45 !define JRE_32_URL "http://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=211997"
46 ; jre-8u101-windows-x64.exe:
47 !define JRE_64_URL "http://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=211999"
49 ; The default installation directory
50 InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\LinuxSampler"
51 !define SUBDIR_32_BIT "32"
52 !define SUBDIR_64_BIT "64"
54 !define DEFAULT_VST_DIR64 "$PROGRAMFILES64\Steinberg\VstPlugins"
55 !define DEFAULT_VST_DIR "$PROGRAMFILES\Steinberg\VstPlugins"
57 ; Get installation folder from registry if available
58 InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "Main Directory"
60 ;--------------------------------
61 ;Interface Settings
64 !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "linuxsampler.bmp"
67 !define BIN_TYPE_64BIT "64 bit"
68 !define BIN_TYPE_686SSE "686 SSE"
69 !define BIN_TYPE_686 "686"
71 Var /GLOBAL binType
73 ;--------------------------------
74 ; Pages
76 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.rtf"
77 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
78 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
79 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
80 !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
81 !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
83 ;--------------------------------
84 ;Languages
86 !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
88 ;--------------------------------
89 ;Version Information
91 VIProductVersion ""
92 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductName" "all-in-one installer"
93 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "Comments" "http://linuxsampler.org"
94 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" "The LinuxSampler Project"
95 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalTrademarks" ""
96 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalCopyright" "� 2003-2016 The LinuxSampler Project"
97 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileDescription" "LinuxSampler Installer (${RELEASE_DATE})"
98 VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" "0.0.0"
100 ;--------------------------------
102 Function .onInit
103 Var /GLOBAL installingLinuxSampler
104 Var /GLOBAL installingJSampler
105 Var /GLOBAL installingQSampler
106 Var /GLOBAL installinggigedit
107 Var /GLOBAL installing32BitToo
108 StrCpy $installingLinuxSampler "0"
109 StrCpy $installingJSampler "0"
110 StrCpy $installingQSampler "0"
111 StrCpy $installinggigedit "0"
112 StrCpy $installing32BitToo "0"
113 FunctionEnd
115 !macro CreateInternetShortcut FILENAME URL ICONFILE ICONINDEX
116 WriteINIStr "${FILENAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${URL}"
117 WriteINIStr "${FILENAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "IconFile" "${ICONFILE}"
118 WriteINIStr "${FILENAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "IconIndex" "${ICONINDEX}"
119 !macroend
121 ; detects CPU capabilities, determines which native binary type to install
122 ; and selects the appropriate windows registry view (32 bit or 64 bit)
123 !macro DetectSystemType un
124 Function ${un}DetectSystemType
125 ; check if this is a 64 bit windows
126 System::Call "kernel32::GetCurrentProcess() i .s"
127 System::Call "kernel32::IsWow64Process(i s, *i .r0)"
128 IntCmp $0 0 not64bit
129 StrCpy $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT
130 DetailPrint "64 bit Windows detected."
131 SetRegView 64
132 Goto DetectSystemDone
134 not64bit: ; a 32 bit system
136 SetRegView 32
138 ; check if CPU supports SSE
139 cpudesc::tell
140 Pop $0 ; full identification string in $0
141 StrCpy $1 $0 1, 34 ; pull out one character after SSE=
142 IntFmt $2 "%u" $1 ; and turn it into a number
143 IntCmpU $2 1 +1 +4 +4
144 StrCpy $binType BIN_TYPE_686SSE
145 DetailPrint "32 bit Windows, SSE CPU detected."
146 Goto DetectSystemDone
147 StrCpy $binType BIN_TYPE_686
148 DetailPrint "32 bit Windows (no SSE support) detected."
150 DetectSystemDone:
151 FunctionEnd
152 !macroend
153 !insertmacro DetectSystemType ""
154 !insertmacro DetectSystemType "un."
156 ; Downloads and launches the JRE installer from the internet
157 Function GetJRE
158 Var /GLOBAL jreUri
160 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 +3
161 StrCpy $jreUri ${JRE_64_URL}
162 Goto +2
163 StrCpy $jreUri ${JRE_32_URL}
165 DetailPrint "Downloading JRE from: $jreUri"
167 MessageBox MB_OK "JSampler requires Java ${JRE_VERSION} or later, \
168 it will now be downloaded and installed"
170 StrCpy $2 "$TEMP\Java Runtime Environment.exe"
171 nsisdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 "$jreUri" $2
172 Pop $R0 ; Get the return value
173 StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
174 MessageBox MB_OK "Download failed: $R0"
175 Quit
176 ExecWait $2
177 Delete $2
178 FunctionEnd
180 ; Checks if the JRE is already installed, if not it will download and install it from the internet
181 Function DetectJRE
182 ReadRegStr $2 HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" \
183 "CurrentVersion"
184 ${VersionCompare} $2 ${JRE_VERSION} $R0
185 IntCmp $R0 1 done done
187 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 downloadjre
189 ; on 64 bit systems also check the 32 bit view of the registry, maybe
190 ; a 32 bit JRE was already installed
191 SetRegView 32
192 ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" \
193 "CurrentVersion"
194 SetRegView 64 ; restore 64 bit view
195 ${VersionCompare} $3 ${JRE_VERSION} $R0
196 IntCmp $R0 1 done done
198 downloadjre:
199 Call GetJRE
201 done:
202 FunctionEnd
204 ; Tries to find the location where VST plugins should be installed to
205 Function DetectVstPath
206 Var /GLOBAL vstPluginPath
207 Var /GLOBAL vstPluginPath64
209 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 detectVst32
210 SetRegView 64 ; make sure we have the 64 bit registry view
212 ; ------- VST 64 bit detection -------
214 ClearErrors
215 ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "Software\VST" "VSTPluginsPath"
216 IfErrors check2ndRegistryKey64 0
217 StrCpy $vstPluginPath64 $0
218 DetailPrint "Found VST plugin (64 bit) directory in HKCU registry."
219 Goto done64
221 check2ndRegistryKey64:
222 ClearErrors
223 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\VST" "VSTPluginsPath"
224 IfErrors noRegistryKeyExists64 0
225 StrCpy $vstPluginPath64 $0
226 DetailPrint "Found VST plugin (64 bit) directory in HKLM registry."
227 Goto done64
229 noRegistryKeyExists64:
230 ClearErrors
231 DetailPrint "No VST plugin directory (64 bit) defined in registry."
232 StrCpy $vstPluginPath64 "${DEFAULT_VST_DIR64}"
234 done64:
235 SetRegView 32 ; make sure we have a 32 bit registry view
237 detectVst32: ; it follows the same thing for the 32 bit registry view
239 ; ------- VST 32 bit detection -------
241 ClearErrors
242 ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "Software\VST" "VSTPluginsPath"
243 IfErrors check2ndRegistryKey 0
244 StrCpy $vstPluginPath $0
245 DetailPrint "Found VST plugin (32 bit) directory in HKCU registry."
246 Goto done
248 check2ndRegistryKey:
249 ClearErrors
250 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\VST" "VSTPluginsPath"
251 IfErrors noRegistryKeyExists 0
252 StrCpy $vstPluginPath $0
253 DetailPrint "Found VST plugin (32 bit) directory in HKLM registry."
254 Goto done
256 noRegistryKeyExists:
257 ClearErrors
258 DetailPrint "No VST plugin directory (32 bit) defined in registry."
259 StrCpy $vstPluginPath "${DEFAULT_VST_DIR}"
261 done: ; ------- summary of detection -------
263 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 summaryVst32
264 SetRegView 64 ; restore 64 bit view
265 DetailPrint "Using the following as VST (64 bit) plugin directory: $vstPluginPath64"
266 summaryVst32:
267 DetailPrint "Using the following as VST (32 bit) plugin directory: $vstPluginPath"
268 FunctionEnd
270 ;--------------------------------
272 ; primer things to do (before installing, not called on uninstall)
273 Section ""
274 Call DetectSystemType
275 Call DetectVstPath
276 SectionEnd
278 ;--------------------------------
280 ; The stuff to install
281 Section "LinuxSampler ${LINUXSAMPLER_VERSION}" SecLinuxSampler
282 DetailPrint "Installing LinuxSampler binaries ..."
283 StrCpy $installingLinuxSampler "1"
285 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT linuxsampler64
286 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_686SSE linuxsampler686sse
287 Goto linuxsampler686
289 ; Files to install
291 linuxsampler64:
292 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
293 File bin\64\linuxsampler.exe
294 File bin\64\liblinuxsampler-4.dll
295 File bin\64\libsqlite3-0.dll
296 SetOutPath $vstPluginPath64
297 File /oname=LinuxSampler64.dll bin\64\LinuxSampler.dll
298 MessageBox MB_YESNO \
299 "It seems you are using a 64 bit Windows system. A native 64 bit version of LinuxSampler and its VST plugin version will be installed accordingly.$\r$\n$\r$\nShall a 32 bit version of the LinuxSampler VST be installed as well?" \
300 IDNO done
302 ; so the other sections install their 32 bit versions as well
303 StrCpy $installing32BitToo "1"
305 linuxsampler686sse:
306 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
307 File bin\686sse\linuxsampler.exe
308 File bin\686sse\liblinuxsampler-4.dll
309 File bin\686\libsqlite3-0.dll
310 SetOutPath $vstPluginPath
311 File /oname=LinuxSampler32.dll bin\686sse\LinuxSampler.dll
312 Goto done
314 linuxsampler686:
315 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
316 File bin\686\linuxsampler.exe
317 File bin\686\liblinuxsampler-4.dll
318 File bin\686\libsqlite3-0.dll
319 SetOutPath $vstPluginPath
320 File /oname=LinuxSampler32.dll bin\686\LinuxSampler.dll
321 Goto done
323 done:
324 SectionEnd
326 Section "JSampler 'Fantasia' ${FANTASIA_VERSION}" SecJSampler
327 DetailPrint "Installing JSampler binaries ..."
328 ; make sure JRE is installed
329 Call DetectJRE
330 StrCpy $installingJSampler "1"
331 ; Set output path to the installation directory.
332 SetOutPath $INSTDIR
333 ; Files to install
334 File bin\Fantasia-0.9.jar
335 File jsampler.ico
336 SectionEnd
338 Section "QSampler ${QSAMPLER_VERSION}" SecQSampler
339 DetailPrint "Installing QSampler binaries ..."
340 StrCpy $installingQSampler "1"
341 ; Set output path to the installation directory.
342 SetOutPath $INSTDIR
343 ; Files to install
344 File bin\686\qsampler.exe
345 File bin\686\liblscp-6.dll
346 File bin\686\Qt5Core.dll
347 File bin\686\Qt5Gui.dll
348 File bin\686\Qt5Widgets.dll
349 File bin\686\libbz2-1.dll
350 File bin\686\libfreetype-6.dll
351 File bin\686\libglib-2.0-0.dll
352 File bin\686\libgraphite2.dll
353 File bin\686\libharfbuzz-0.dll
354 File bin\686\libiconv-2.dll
355 File bin\686\libicudt57.dll
356 File bin\686\libicuin57.dll
357 File bin\686\libicuuc57.dll
358 File bin\686\libintl-8.dll
359 File bin\686\liblscp-6.dll
360 File bin\686\libpcre-1.dll
361 File bin\686\libpcre16-0.dll
362 File bin\686\libpng16-16.dll
363 File bin\686\zlib1.dll
364 File qt.conf
365 File qsampler.ico
366 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\platforms
367 File bin\686\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll
368 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\locale
369 File bin\686\share\locale\qsampler_ru.qm
370 File bin\686\share\locale\qsampler_cs.qm
371 File bin\686\share\locale\qt_ru.qm
372 File bin\686\share\locale\qt_cs.qm
373 SectionEnd
375 Section "gigedit ${GIGEDIT_VERSION}" Secgigedit
376 DetailPrint "Installing gigedit binaries ..."
377 StrCpy $installinggigedit "1"
379 ; make sure gtkmm is installed
380 ; (commented out for now, since we include gtk(mm) DLLs with this
381 ; installer, so no check and no download necessary ATM)
382 ;Call CheckForGtkmm
384 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT gigedit64
385 ; I think we don't need a SSE optimized 32 bit binary for gigedit, one 64bit and one simple 32 bit version should be sufficient
386 ;StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_686SSE gigedit686sse
387 Goto gigedit686
389 ; Files to install
391 gigedit64:
392 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
393 File bin\64\gigedit.exe
394 File bin\64\libgigedit-3.dll
395 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\plugins"
396 File bin\64\plugins\libgigeditlinuxsamplerplugin.dll
397 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
398 File bin\64\libatk-1.0-0.dll
399 File bin\64\libatkmm-1.6-1.dll
400 File bin\64\libcairo-2.dll
401 File bin\64\libcairomm-1.0-1.dll
402 File bin\64\libexpat-1.dll
403 File bin\64\libfontconfig-1.dll
404 File bin\64\libfreetype-6.dll
405 File bin\64\libgdkmm-2.4-1.dll
406 File bin\64\libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll
407 File bin\64\libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll
408 File bin\64\libgio-2.0-0.dll
409 File bin\64\libgiomm-2.4-1.dll
410 File bin\64\libglib-2.0-0.dll
411 File bin\64\libglibmm-2.4-1.dll
412 File bin\64\libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
413 File bin\64\libgobject-2.0-0.dll
414 File bin\64\libgthread-2.0-0.dll
415 File bin\64\libgtkmm-2.4-1.dll
416 File bin\64\libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll
417 File bin\64\libintl-8.dll
418 File bin\64\libpango-1.0-0.dll
419 File bin\64\libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll
420 File bin\64\libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll
421 File bin\64\libpangomm-1.4-1.dll
422 File bin\64\libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll
423 File bin\64\libpng14-14.dll
424 File bin\64\libsigc-2.0-0.dll
425 File bin\64\zlib1.dll
426 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\etc\gtk-2.0
427 File bin\64\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
428 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines
429 File bin\64\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines\libwimp.dll
430 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES
431 File bin\64\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\gigedit.mo
432 File bin\64\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\gtk20.mo
433 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES
434 File bin\64\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES\gigedit.mo
435 File bin\64\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES\gtk20.mo
436 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0
437 File bin\64\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
439 ; shall we install the 32 bit version as well?
440 StrCmp $installing32BitToo "1" gigedit686 done
442 gigedit686:
443 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
444 File bin\686\gigedit.exe
445 File bin\686\libgigedit-3.dll
446 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\plugins"
447 File bin\686\plugins\libgigeditlinuxsamplerplugin.dll
448 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
449 File bin\686\intl.dll
450 File bin\686\jpeg62.dll
451 File bin\686\libatk-1.0-0.dll
452 File bin\686\libatkmm-1.6-1.dll
453 File bin\686\libcairo-2.dll
454 File bin\686\libcairomm-1.0-1.dll
455 File bin\686\libgdkmm-2.4-1.dll
456 File bin\686\libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll
457 File bin\686\libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll
458 File bin\686\libgio-2.0-0.dll
459 File bin\686\libgiomm-2.4-1.dll
460 ; File bin\686\libglib-2.0-0.dll
461 File bin\686\libglibmm-2.4-1.dll
462 File bin\686\libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
463 File bin\686\libgobject-2.0-0.dll
464 File bin\686\libgthread-2.0-0.dll
465 File bin\686\libgtkmm-2.4-1.dll
466 File bin\686\libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll
467 File bin\686\libpango-1.0-0.dll
468 File bin\686\libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll
469 File bin\686\libpangomm-1.4-1.dll
470 File bin\686\libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll
471 File bin\686\libpng12-0.dll
472 File bin\686\libsigc-2.0-0.dll
473 File bin\686\libtiff3.dll
474 ; File bin\686\zlib1.dll
475 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\etc\gtk-2.0
476 File bin\686\etc\gtk-2.0\gdk-pixbuf.loaders
477 File bin\686\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
478 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines
479 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines\libwimp.dll
480 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders
481 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-ani.dll
482 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-bmp.dll
483 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-gif.dll
484 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-icns.dll
485 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-ico.dll
486 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-jpeg.dll
487 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-pcx.dll
488 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-png.dll
489 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-pnm.dll
490 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-ras.dll
491 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-tga.dll
492 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-tiff.dll
493 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-wbmp.dll
494 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-xbm.dll
495 File bin\686\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\libpixbufloader-xpm.dll
496 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES
497 File bin\686\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\gigedit.mo
498 File bin\686\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\gtk20.mo
499 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES
500 File bin\686\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES\gigedit.mo
501 File bin\686\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES\gtk20.mo
502 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0
503 File bin\686\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
504 Goto done
506 done:
507 SectionEnd
509 Section "libgig ${LIBGIG_VERSION}" Seclibgig
510 DetailPrint "Installing libgig binaries ..."
511 ; We make this a mandatory component
512 SectionIn RO
514 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT libgig64
515 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_686SSE libgig686sse
516 Goto libgig686
518 ; Files to install
520 libgig64:
521 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
522 File bin\64\libgig-7.dll
523 File bin\64\libakai-0.dll
524 File bin\64\rifftree.exe
525 File bin\64\dlsdump.exe
526 File bin\64\gigdump.exe
527 File bin\64\gigextract.exe
528 File bin\64\gigmerge.exe
529 File bin\64\gig2mono.exe
530 File bin\64\gig2stereo.exe
531 File bin\64\korg2gig.exe
532 File bin\64\korgdump.exe
533 File bin\64\akaidump.exe
534 File bin\64\akaiextract.exe
535 File bin\64\sf2dump.exe
536 File bin\64\sf2extract.exe
537 File bin\64\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
538 File bin\64\libstdc++-6.dll
540 ; shall we install the 32 bit version as well?
541 StrCmp $installing32BitToo "1" libgig686sse
542 StrCmp $installingQSampler "1" libgigForQsampler done
544 ; QSampler needs the 32 bit libgig dll
545 libgigForQsampler:
546 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
547 File bin\686sse\libgig-7.dll
548 Goto libgig32common
550 libgig686sse:
551 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
552 File bin\686sse\libgig-7.dll
553 File bin\686sse\libakai-0.dll
554 File bin\686sse\rifftree.exe
555 File bin\686sse\dlsdump.exe
556 File bin\686sse\gigdump.exe
557 File bin\686sse\gigextract.exe
558 File bin\686sse\gigmerge.exe
559 File bin\686sse\gig2mono.exe
560 File bin\686sse\gig2stereo.exe
561 File bin\686sse\korg2gig.exe
562 File bin\686sse\korgdump.exe
563 File bin\686sse\akaidump.exe
564 File bin\686sse\akaiextract.exe
565 File bin\686sse\sf2dump.exe
566 File bin\686sse\sf2extract.exe
567 Goto libgig32common
569 libgig686:
570 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
571 File bin\686\libgig-7.dll
572 File bin\686\libakai-0.dll
573 File bin\686\rifftree.exe
574 File bin\686\dlsdump.exe
575 File bin\686\gigdump.exe
576 File bin\686\gigextract.exe
577 File bin\686\gigmerge.exe
578 File bin\686\gig2mono.exe
579 File bin\686\gig2stereo.exe
580 File bin\686\korg2gig.exe
581 File bin\686\korgdump.exe
582 File bin\686\akaidump.exe
583 File bin\686\akaiextract.exe
584 File bin\686\sf2dump.exe
585 File bin\686\sf2extract.exe
587 libgig32common:
588 File bin\686\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
589 File bin\686\libwinpthread-1.dll
590 File bin\686\libstdc++-6.dll
592 done:
594 ; As this is a mandatory component, we misuse is for the following
595 ; common tasks as well ...
597 ; Add LinuxSampler and friends to the system's PATH variable
598 ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR"
599 ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
600 ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
602 ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows
603 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LinuxSampler" "DisplayName" "LinuxSampler ${RELEASE_DATE}"
604 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LinuxSampler" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"'
605 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LinuxSampler" "NoModify" 1
606 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LinuxSampler" "NoRepair" 1
607 WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe"
609 ; Store installation folders
610 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "Main Directory" $INSTDIR
611 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 +3
612 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "VST 64 Directory" $vstPluginPath64
613 StrCmp $installing32BitToo "1" 0 +2
614 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "VST 32 Directory" $vstPluginPath
616 ; Just for info, store the release date as well
617 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "Release Date" ${RELEASE_DATE}
618 SectionEnd
620 Section "libsndfile ${SNDFILE_VERSION}" Seclibsndfile
621 DetailPrint "Installing libsndfile binaries ..."
622 ; We make this a mandatory component
623 SectionIn RO
625 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT libsndfile64
626 ; I think we don't need a SSE optimized 32 bit binary for libsndfile, one 64bit and one simple 32 bit DLL should be sufficient
627 ;StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_686SSE libsndfile686sse
628 Goto libsndfile686
630 ; Files to install
632 libsndfile64:
633 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
634 File bin\64\libsndfile-1.dll
635 File bin\64\libFLAC-8.dll
636 File bin\64\libogg-0.dll
637 File bin\64\libvorbis-0.dll
638 File bin\64\libvorbisenc-2.dll
640 ; shall we install the 32 bit version as well?
641 StrCmp $installing32BitToo "1" libsndfile686 done
643 libsndfile686:
644 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
645 File bin\686\libsndfile-1.dll
646 File bin\686\libFLAC-8.dll
647 File bin\686\libogg-0.dll
648 File bin\686\libvorbis-0.dll
649 File bin\686\libvorbisenc-2.dll
650 File bin\686\libspeex-1.dll
651 Goto done
653 done:
654 SectionEnd
656 Section "Start Menu Shortcuts" SecShortcuts
657 Var /GLOBAL javawbin
658 Var /GLOBAL samplerDir
660 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 +3
661 StrCpy $samplerDir "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
662 Goto +2
663 StrCpy $samplerDir "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
665 ; Switch system variables to 'all users', to ensure we create the start
666 ; menu shortcuts for all users and not just for the current user.
667 SetShellVarContext all
669 ; try to resolve the full qualified path of the javaw binary
670 ClearErrors
671 SearchPath $javawbin javaw.exe
672 IfErrors 0 javawDetected
673 ClearErrors
674 ; if all fails, simply use SYSDIR (which should work almost always anyway)
675 DetailPrint "WRN: Could not resolve javaw.exe path, using SYSDIR."
676 StrCpy $javawbin "$SYSDIR\javaw.exe"
677 javawDetected:
679 CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler"
681 SetOutPath $INSTDIR
682 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
684 StrCmp $installingLinuxSampler '1' 0 +3
685 SetOutPath $samplerDir
686 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\LinuxSampler ${LINUXSAMPLER_VERSION} (stand alone backend).lnk" "$samplerDir\linuxsampler.exe" "" "$samplerDir\linuxsampler.exe" 0
688 StrCmp $installingJSampler '1' 0 +3
689 SetOutPath $INSTDIR
690 CreateShortCut '$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\JSampler Fantasia ${FANTASIA_VERSION} (frontend).lnk' '$javawbin' '-jar "$INSTDIR\Fantasia-0.9.jar"' '$INSTDIR\jsampler.ico' 0
692 StrCmp $installingQSampler '1' 0 +3
693 SetOutPath $INSTDIR
694 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\QSampler ${QSAMPLER_VERSION} (frontend).lnk" "$INSTDIR\qsampler.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\qsampler.ico" 0
696 StrCmp $installinggigedit '1' 0 +3
697 SetOutPath $samplerDir
698 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\gigedit ${GIGEDIT_VERSION} (stand alone).lnk" "$samplerDir\gigedit.exe" "" "$samplerDir\gigedit.exe" 0
700 !insertmacro CreateInternetShortcut \
701 "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\\Support LinuxSampler" \
702 "http://www.linuxsampler.org/donations.html" \
703 "" "0"
704 SectionEnd
706 ;--------------------------------
708 ; Uninstaller
710 Section "Uninstall"
711 Var /GLOBAL vstdir32
712 Var /GLOBAL vstdir64
714 Call un.DetectSystemType
716 DetailPrint "Removing LinuxSampler directories from PATH variable ..."
717 ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR"
718 ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_32_BIT}"
719 ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\${SUBDIR_64_BIT}"
721 StrCmp $binType BIN_TYPE_64BIT 0 uninstallVst32
722 DetailPrint "Searching for VST plugin (64 bit) ..."
723 ClearErrors
724 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "VST 64 Directory"
725 IfErrors uninstallVst32 0
726 StrCpy $vstdir64 $0
727 DetailPrint "Removing VST plugin (64 bit) from: $vstdir64 ..."
728 Delete "$vstdir64\LinuxSampler64.dll"
730 uninstallVst32:
732 DetailPrint "Searching for VST plugin (32 bit) ..."
733 ClearErrors
734 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler" "VST 32 Directory"
735 IfErrors uninstallVstDone 0
736 StrCpy $vstdir32 $0
737 DetailPrint "Removing VST plugin (32 bit) from: $vstdir32 ..."
738 Delete "$vstdir32\LinuxSampler32.dll"
740 uninstallVstDone:
741 ClearErrors
743 DetailPrint "Removing registry keys ..."
744 DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\LinuxSampler"
745 DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\LinuxSampler"
747 ; Workaround for Vista and younger: switch system variables to 'all users'
748 ; otherwise e.g. we couldn't delete start menu shortcuts below on those
749 ; systems, as those variables would point to the current user.
750 SetShellVarContext all
752 DetailPrint "Removing shortcuts (if any) from: $SMPROGRAMS ..."
753 Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler\*.*"
755 DetailPrint "Removing directories used ..."
756 RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\LinuxSampler"
757 RMDir /r "$INSTDIR"
758 SectionEnd
760 ;--------------------------------
761 ;Descriptions
763 ;Language strings
764 LangString DESC_SecLinuxSampler ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Sampler backend (stand-alone and VST), including sampler engine, MIDI and audio drivers, native C++ API as well as network (LSCP) API. Use a frontend application like JSampler or QSampler to control the sampler."
765 LangString DESC_SecJSampler ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Graphical frontend (user interface) for LinuxSampler written in Java, supporting all current features of LinuxSampler. This is the 'Fantasia' distribution of JSampler, offering a modern skin based look."
766 LangString DESC_SecQSampler ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Graphical light-weight frontend (user interface) for LinuxSampler written in C++, offering a fast native user interface. NOTE: QSampler doesn't support all LinuxSampler features yet!"
767 LangString DESC_Secgigedit ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Graphical instrument editor for Gigasampler format v2 and v3 files. Can be used stand-alone or in conjunction with LinuxSampler."
768 LangString DESC_Seclibgig ${LANG_ENGLISH} "C++ program library for accessing DLS (Level 1 and Level 2) and GigaStudio/Gigasampler format (up to v4), SoundFont, AKAI and KORG files. This library is required by LinuxSampler, gigedit and QSampler."
769 LangString DESC_Seclibsndfile ${LANG_ENGLISH} "C program library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI AIFF format), used by gigedit to import samples."
770 LangString DESC_SecShortcuts ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Installs start menu shortcuts for all applications."
772 ;Assign language strings to sections
774 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecLinuxSampler} $(DESC_SecLinuxSampler)
775 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecJSampler} $(DESC_SecJSampler)
776 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecQSampler} $(DESC_SecQSampler)
777 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Secgigedit} $(DESC_Secgigedit)
778 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Seclibgig} $(DESC_Seclibgig)
779 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Seclibsndfile} $(DESC_Seclibsndfile)
780 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecShortcuts} $(DESC_SecShortcuts)


Name Value
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