cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.13) project (qsampler VERSION 0.9.6 DESCRIPTION "A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface" LANGUAGES C CXX) set (CONFIG_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}) execute_process ( COMMAND git describe --tags --dirty --abbrev=6 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (GIT_DESCRIBE_RESULT EQUAL 0) set (VERSION "${GIT_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT}") string (REGEX REPLACE "^[^0-9]+" "" VERSION "${VERSION}") string (REGEX REPLACE "^1_" "" VERSION "${VERSION}") string (REGEX REPLACE "^[_vV]+" "" VERSION "${VERSION}") string (REGEX REPLACE "-g" "git." VERSION "${VERSION}") string (REGEX REPLACE "[_|-]" "." VERSION "${VERSION}") execute_process ( COMMAND git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_REVPARSE_OUTPUT RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_REVPARSE_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (GIT_REVPARSE_RESULT EQUAL 0 AND NOT GIT_REVPARSE_OUTPUT STREQUAL "master") set (VERSION "${VERSION} [${GIT_REVPARSE_OUTPUT}]") endif () else () set (VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}") endif () set (PACKAGE_NAME "Qsampler") set (PACKAGE_VERSION "${VERSION}") set (PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "") set (PACKAGE_STRING "${PACKAGE_NAME} ${PACKAGE_VERSION}") set (PACKAGE_TARNAME "qsampler") set (ac_version "${PROJECT_VERSION}") set (ac_prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") set (CONFIG_BUILD_VERSION "${PACKAGE_VERSION}") if (CONFIG_DEBUG) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") endif () if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") set (CONFIG_DEBUG 1) endif () if (CONFIG_DEBUG) set (CONFIG_BUILD_TYPE "debug") else () set (CONFIG_BUILD_TYPE "release") endif () set (CONFIG_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") include (GNUInstallDirs) set (CONFIG_BINDIR "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") set (CONFIG_LIBDIR "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set (CONFIG_DATADIR "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}") set (CONFIG_MANDIR "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}") # Enable libgig availability. option (CONFIG_LIBGIG "Enable libgig interface (default=yes)" 1) # Enable unique/single instance. option (CONFIG_XUNIQUE "Enable unique/single instance (default=yes)" 1) # Enable debugger stack-trace option (assumes --enable-debug). option (CONFIG_STACKTRACE "Enable debugger stack-trace (default=no)" 0) # Enable Wayland support option. option (CONFIG_WAYLAND "Enable Wayland support (EXPERIMENTAL) (default=no)" 0) # Enable Qt6 build preference. option (CONFIG_QT6 "Enable Qt6 build (default=yes)" 1) # Fix for new CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES policy. if (POLICY CMP0075) cmake_policy (SET CMP0075 NEW) endif () # Check for Qt... if (CONFIG_QT6) find_package (Qt6 QUIET) if (NOT Qt6_FOUND) set (CONFIG_QT6 0) endif () endif () if (CONFIG_QT6) find_package (QT QUIET NAMES Qt6) else () find_package (QT QUIET NAMES Qt5) endif () find_package (Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets) if (CONFIG_XUNIQUE) find_package (Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network) endif () find_package (Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}LinguistTools) include (CheckIncludeFile) include (CheckIncludeFiles) include (CheckIncludeFileCXX) include (CheckFunctionExists) include (CheckLibraryExists) # Checks for libraries. if (WIN32) check_function_exists (lroundf CONFIG_ROUND) else () find_library (MATH_LIBRARY m) # Check for round math function. if (MATH_LIBRARY) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${MATH_LIBRARY};${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}") check_function_exists (lroundf CONFIG_ROUND) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "*** math library not found.") endif () endif () # Checks for header files. if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE) check_include_files ("fcntl.h;unistd.h;signal.h" HAVE_SIGNAL_H) endif () # Find package modules include (FindPkgConfig) # Check for LSCP libraries. pkg_check_modules (LSCP REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET lscp) if (LSCP_FOUND) find_library(LSCP_LIBRARY NAMES ${LSCP_LIBRARIES} HINTS ${LSCP_LIBDIR}) endif () if (LSCP_LIBRARY) set (CONFIG_LIBLSCP 1) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${LSCP_LIBRARY};${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}") # Check for for instrument_name in lscp_channel_info_t. check_include_file (lscp/client.h HAVE_LSCP_CLIENT_H) if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_CLIENT_H) set (CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME 0) else () set (CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME 1) endif () # Check for mute/solo in lscp_channel_info_t. if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_CLIENT_H) set (CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO 0) else () set (CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO 1) endif () if (CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO) check_function_exists (lscp_set_channel_mute CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO) endif () if (CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO) check_function_exists (lscp_set_channel_solo CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO) endif () # Check if MIDI instrument mapping is available. check_function_exists (lscp_map_midi_instrument CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT) # Check if FX sends is available. check_function_exists (lscp_create_fxsend CONFIG_FXSEND) # Check for FX send level in lscp_fxsend_info_t if (CONFIG_FXSEND) if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_CLIENT_H) set (CONFIG_FXSEND_LEVEL 0) else () set (CONFIG_FXSEND_LEVEL 1) endif () endif () # Check if FX send rename is available. if (CONFIG_FXSEND) check_function_exists (lscp_set_fxsend_name CONFIG_FXSEND_RENAME) endif () # Check for audio_routing array type if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_CLIENT_H) set (CONFIG_AUDIO_ROUTING 0) else () set (CONFIG_AUDIO_ROUTING 1) endif () # Check if global volume is available. check_function_exists (lscp_set_volume CONFIG_VOLUME) # Check if instrument editing is available. check_function_exists (lscp_edit_channel_instrument CONFIG_EDIT_INSTRUMENT) # Check for CHANNEL_MIDI LSCP event support in liblscp], check_include_file (lscp/event.h HAVE_LSCP_EVENT_H) if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_EVENT_H) set (CONFIG_EVENT_CHANNEL_MIDI 0) else () set (CONFIG_EVENT_CHANNEL_MIDI 1) endif () # Check for DEVICE_MIDI LSCP event support in liblscp], if (NOT HAVE_LSCP_EVENT_H) set (CONFIG_EVENT_DEVICE_MIDI 0) else () set (CONFIG_EVENT_DEVICE_MIDI 1) endif () # Check if max. voices / streams is available. check_function_exists (lscp_get_voices CONFIG_MAX_VOICES) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "*** LSCP library not found.") set (CONFIG_LIBLSCP 0) endif () # Check for GIG libraries. if (CONFIG_LIBGIG) pkg_check_modules (GIG IMPORTED_TARGET gig>=3.3.0) if (GIG_FOUND) find_library(GIG_LIBRARY NAMES ${GIG_LIBRARIES} HINTS ${GIG_LIBDIR}) endif () if (GIG_LIBRARY) set (CONFIG_LIBGIG 1) #set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${GIG_LIBRARY};${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}") # liggig supports fast information retrieval. set (CONFIG_LIBGIG_SETAUTOLOAD 1) # Check if libgig/SF.h is available. check_include_file_cxx (libgig/SF.h HAVE_LIBGIG_SF_H) if (NOT HAVE_LIBGIG_SF_H) set (CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2 0) else () set (CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2 1) endif () else () message (WARNING "*** GIG library not found.") set (CONFIG_LIBGIG 0) endif () endif () add_subdirectory (src) if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE) configure_file (${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}.spec IMMEDIATE @ONLY) endif () # Configuration status macro (SHOW_OPTION text value) if (${value}) message ("${text}: yes") else () message ("${text}: no") endif () endmacro () message ("\n ${PACKAGE_NAME} ${PACKAGE_VERSION} (Qt ${QT_VERSION})") message ("\n Build target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ${CONFIG_BUILD_TYPE}\n") show_option (" LSCP instrument name support . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME) show_option (" LSCP mute/solo support . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO) show_option (" LSCP MIDI instrument support . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT) show_option (" LSCP FX send support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_FXSEND) show_option (" LSCP FX send level support . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_FXSEND_LEVEL) show_option (" LSCP FX send rename support . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_FXSEND_RENAME) show_option (" LSCP audio routing support . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_AUDIO_ROUTING) show_option (" LSCP volume support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_VOLUME) show_option (" LSCP edit instrument support . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_EDIT_INSTRUMENT) show_option (" GigaSampler instrument file support (libgig) . . ." CONFIG_LIBGIG) if (CONFIG_LIBGIG) show_option (" libgig supports fast information retrieval . . . ." CONFIG_LIBGIG_SETAUTOLOAD) show_option (" libgig supports SoundFont2 instruments files . . ." CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2) endif () show_option (" LSCP channel MIDI event support . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_EVENT_CHANNEL_MIDI) show_option (" LSCP device MIDI event support . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_EVENT_DEVICE_MIDI) show_option (" LSCP runtime max. voices / disk streams support ." CONFIG_MAX_VOICES) message ("") show_option (" Unique/Single instance support . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_XUNIQUE) show_option (" Debugger stack-trace (gdb) . . . . . . . . . . . ." CONFIG_STACKTRACE) message ("\n Install prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ${CONFIG_PREFIX}\n")