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Revision 4058 - (hide annotations) (download)
Mon May 15 10:28:48 2023 UTC (12 months, 3 weeks ago) by capela
File size: 23013 byte(s)
- Updated debian build-deps control (+qt6-svg-dev)
- Prepping into the next development cycle (with Qt >= 6.5).
1 capela 3861 Qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface
2     ------------------------------------------
3 capela 109
4     ChangeLog
6 capela 2718
7 capela 4058 GIT HEAD
9     - Prepping into the next development cycle (with Qt >= 6.5).
12 capela 4056 0.9.9 2023-03-23 An Early-Spring'23 Release.
14     - Bumping copyright headers to the brand new year.
17 capela 4054 0.9.8 2022-12-28 An End-of-Year'22 Release.
18 capela 4050
19 capela 4054 - Just bumping into the next develop cycle/season.
20 capela 4050
22 capela 4054 0.9.7 2022-10-03 An Early-Autumn'22 Release.
23 capela 4040
24     - Add current system user-name to the singleton/unique application
25 capela 4048 instance identifier.
26 capela 4040
28 capela 4037 0.9.6 2022-04-02 A Spring'22 Release.
29 capela 4024
30 capela 4030 - Main application icon is now presented in scalable format (SVG).
32 capela 4024 - Migrated command line parsing to QCommandLineParser/Option
33 capela 4037 (Qt >= 5.2)
34 capela 4024
35     - Fixed translations path to be relative to application runtime.
38 capela 4023 0.9.5 2022-01-09 A Winter'22 Release.
39 capela 3997
40 capela 4005 - Dropped autotools (autoconf, automake, etc.) build system.
42 capela 3997 - Fixed for Qt6 plugins path eg. widget theme or styles.
45 capela 3973 0.9.4 2021-07-03 An Early-Summer'21 Release.
46 capela 3907
47     - All builds default to Qt6 (Qt >= 6.1) where available.
49     - CMake is now the official build system.
52 capela 3898 0.9.3 2021-05-11 A Spring'21 Release.
53 capela 3867
54 capela 3898 - All packaging builds switching to CMake.
55 capela 3867
57 capela 3865 0.9.2 2021-03-14 An End-of-Winter'21 Release.
58 capela 3861
59     - Bumped version micro/dot number into the next develop cycle.
62 capela 3857 0.9.1 2021-02-07 A Winter'21 Release.
63 capela 3849
64     - Early preparations for the New Year develop(ment) cycle.
67 capela 3843 0.9.0 2020-12-17 A Winter'20 Release.
68 capela 3820
69 capela 3861 - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 6.0.0 and comply with C++17
70     standard.
71 capela 3820
73 capela 3801 0.6.3 2020-07-31 A Summer'20 Release.
74 capela 3758
75     - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 5.15.0.
78 capela 3755 0.6.2 2020-03-24 A Spring'20 Release.
79 capela 3634
80 capela 3861 - Make man page compression reproducible (after request by Jelle
81     van der Waa, while on the Vee-Ones, thanks).
82 capela 3718
83 capela 3861 - Ditching deprecated QTime methods for QElapsedTimer's (in
84     compliance to Qt >= 5.14.0).
85 capela 3700
86 capela 3861 - If connection to server aborted, try to automatically reconnect
87     (if server was not started by QSampler).
88 capela 3669
89 capela 3861 - Fixed crash when a device disappeared on server side (caused by
90     iterator invalidation).
91 capela 3669
92 capela 3700 - Bumped copyright headers into the New Year (2020).
93 capela 3669
94 capela 3700
96 capela 3669 0.6.1 2019-12-22 The Winter'19 Release.
98 capela 3861 - Custom color (palette) theme editor introduced; color (palette)
99     theme changes are now effective immediately, except on default.
100 capela 3648
101 capela 3861 - Second attempt to fix the yet non-official though CMake build
102     configuration.
103 capela 3640
104 capela 3861 - When using autotools and ./configure --with-qt=..., it is also
105     necessary to adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
106     (after a merge request by plcl aka. Pedro L��pez-Cabanillas,
107     while on qmidinet).
108 capela 3634
110 capela 3633 0.6.0 2019-10-17 An Autumn'19 Release.
111 capela 3523
112 capela 3589 - Added alternate yet non-official CMake build option.
114 capela 3558 - Fix HiDPI display screen effective support (Qt >= 5.6).
116 capela 3523 - Make sure compiler flags comply to c++11 as standard.
119 capela 3522 0.5.6 2019-07-12 A Summer'19 Release.
120 capela 3512
121 capela 3518 - Updated for the newer Qt5 translation tools (>= 5.13).
123 capela 3516 - Configure updated to check for qtchooser availability.
125 capela 3512 - Minor update to Debian packaging control file.
128 capela 3510 0.5.5 2019-04-11 A Spring-Break'19 Release.
129 capela 3508
130     - Re-defined all main application UNIX signal handling.
133 capela 3504 0.5.4 2019-03-11 Pre-LAC2019 Release Frenzy.
134 capela 3451
135 capela 3861 - Refactored all singleton/unique application instance setup logic
136     away from X11/Xcb hackery.
137 capela 3496
138 capela 3504 - HiDPI display screen support (Qt >= 5.6).
139 capela 3465
140 capela 3451 - Bumped copyright headers into the New Year (2019).
143 capela 3439 0.5.3 2018-12-06 An End of Autumn'18 Release.
144 capela 3429
145 capela 3861 - Avoid saving plug-in sampler channels and related devices to
146     regular LSCP (*.lscp) session files.
147 capela 3437
148 capela 3861 - Fixed MIDI and Audio device selection on the common sampler
149 capela 3439 channel settings dialog.
150 capela 3435
151 capela 3434 - Old deprecated Qt4 build support is no more.
153 capela 3861 - AppStream metadata updated to be the most compliant with latest
154     freedesktop.org specification and recommendation.
155 capela 3429
157 capela 3428 0.5.2 2018-07-22 A Summer'18 Release.
159 capela 3861 - AppData/AppStream metadata is now settled under an all permisssive
160     license (FSFAP).
161 capela 3428
163 capela 3426 0.5.1 2018-05-21 Pre-LAC2018 release frenzy.
164 schoenebeck 3402
165 capela 3861 - Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic when
166     the display server platform is not X11.
167 capela 3405
168 capela 3421 - Fixed device management dialog not responding to user changes.
170 capela 3404 - A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.
171 schoenebeck 3402
172 schoenebeck 3413 - Fixed minor memory leak in device management dialog.
173 schoenebeck 3402
174 schoenebeck 3416 - Fixed unnecessary latency when closing app.
175 schoenebeck 3413
176 schoenebeck 3416
177 capela 3401 0.5.0 2017-12-12 An Autumn'17 release.
178 capela 3347
179 capela 3861 - French (fr) translation added by Olivier Humbert (qsampler_fr.ts).
180 capela 3383
181 capela 3861 - Desktop entry specification file is now finally independent from
182     build/configure template chains.
183 capela 3347
184 capela 3861 - Updated target path for freedesktop.org's AppStream metainfo file
185     (formerly AppData).
186 capela 3347
188 capela 3128 0.4.3 2017-04-27 Pre-LAC2017 release frenzy.
189 capela 3049
190 capela 3080 - Added French man page (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).
192 capela 3861 - Make builds reproducible byte for byte, by getting rid of the
193     configure build date and time stamps.
194 capela 3049
196 capela 3044 0.4.2 2016-11-14 A Fall'16 release.
197 capela 2987
198 capela 3861 - Fixed a potential crash on the singleton/unique application
199 capela 3001 instance setup.
201 capela 3861 - Almost complete overhaul on the configure script command
202 capela 2987 line options, wrt. installation directories specification,
203     eg. --prefix, --bindir, --libdir, --datadir and --mandir.
206 capela 2983 0.4.1 2016-09-14 End of Summer'16 release.
207 capela 2874
208 capela 3861 - Fixed a race condition on creating sampler channels that ended
209 capela 2978 in duplicate channel strips; also fixed channel auto-arrange.
211 capela 3861 - Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
212     that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while
213     for Qtractor, thanks).
214 capela 2874
215 capela 3861 - Automake: set environment variable GCC_COLORS=auto to allow GCC to
216 schoenebeck 2910 auto detect whether it (sh/c)ould output its messages in color.
217 capela 2874
218 schoenebeck 2910
219 capela 2863 0.4.0 2016-04-05 Spring'16 release frenzy.
220 capela 2839
221 capela 3861 - Added application keywords to freedesktop.org's AppData.
222 capela 2858
223 capela 3861 - Prevent x11extras module from use on non-X11/Unix plaforms.
224 capela 2852
225 capela 3861 - Messages standard output capture has been improved again, now
226 capela 2863 in both ways a non-blocking pipe may get.
227 capela 2848
228 capela 3861 - Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
229 capela 2839
231 capela 2830 0.3.1 2015-07-19 Summer'15 release frenzy.
232 capela 2730
233 capela 3861 - Fixed configure script's Qt include directory lookup for some
234 capela 2823 64bit Linux flavours.
236 capela 3861 - Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
237 capela 2823
238 capela 3861 - A new top-level widget window geometry state save and restore
239 capela 3044 sub-routine is now in effect.
240 capela 2730
241 capela 3861 - Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
242 capela 2730
243 capela 2779
244 capela 2725 0.3.0 2015-03-25 Pre-LAC2015 release frenzy.
245 capela 2563
246 capela 3861 - Added application description as freedesktop.org's AppData.
247 capela 2724
248 capela 3861 - Added this "Don't ask/show this again" option to some if not most
249 capela 2725 of the nagging warning/error message boxes.
250 capela 2724
251 capela 3861 - Mac OS X: Fixed default path of linuxsampler binary.
252 capela 2718
253 capela 3861 - When closing qsampler and showing the user the dialog whether to
254 capela 2718 stop the LinuxSampler backend, set the default selection to "Yes".
256 capela 3861 - Master volume slider now getting proper layout when changing its
257 capela 2681 main toolbar orientation.
259 capela 3861 - Messages standard output capture has been slightly improved as for
260     non-blocking i/o, whenever available.
261 capela 2669
262 capela 3861 - Adjusted configure check for libgig to detect the new
263     --includedir.
264 capela 2660
265 capela 3861 - A man page has beed added (making up Matt Flax's work on debian,
266     thanks).
267 capela 2642
268 capela 3861 - Translations install directory change.
269 capela 2631
270 capela 3861 - Added support for SF2 instrument names/preset enumeration.
271 capela 2563
272 capela 3861 - Added instrument list popup on channel strip which shows up when
273     the instrument name is clicked. Allows faster switching among
274 schoenebeck 2569 instruments of the same file.
275 capela 2563
276 capela 3861 - Adjusted configure check for libgig to detect its new --libdir
277 schoenebeck 2591 (impolitely forcing the user now to have at least libgig 3.3.0).
278 schoenebeck 2569
279 schoenebeck 2591
280 capela 2488 0.2.3 2013-12-31 A fifth of a Jubilee.
281 capela 2028
282 capela 3861 - Allow the build system to include an user specified LDFLAGS.
283 capela 2545
284 capela 3861 - More preparations for Qt5 configure build.
285 capela 2480
286 capela 3861 - Standard scalable format (SVG) and MIME type icons support for
287 capela 2456 session files (*.lscp) is now being added.
288 capela 2387
289 capela 3861 - Preparations for Qt5 migration.
290 capela 2456
291 capela 3861 - Added include <unistd.h> to shut up gcc 4.7 build failures.
292 capela 2341
293 capela 3861 - Make(ing) -jN parallel builds now available for the masses.
294 capela 2339
295 capela 3861 - Fixed Makefile.in handling of installation directories to the
296 capela 2284 configure script eg. --datadir, --localedir.
297 capela 2282
298 capela 3861 - Made lookup of translation files work inside a Mac OS X bundle.
299 persson 2210
300 capela 3861 - Minor Mac OS X compilation error fix.
301 persson 2210
302 capela 3861 - Debugging stacktrace now applies to all working threads.
303 capela 2181
304 capela 3861 - Made lookup of translation files more robust on Windows.
305 persson 2144
306 capela 3861 - Fixes for cross compiling and building for Windows with configure
307 persson 2144 and make.
309 capela 3861 - libX11 is now being added explicitly to the build link phase, as
310     seen necessary on some bleeding-edge distros eg. Fedora 13, Debian
311     6.
312 capela 2116
313 capela 3861 - Moving from old deprecated Qt3'ish custom event post handling into
314     regular asynchronous signal/slot strategy.
315 capela 2112
316 capela 3861 - Sampler channel and instrument file requester support for other
317     than GIG engine instrument files (*gig; *.dls) has been added,
318     making roads for the newer SFZ and SF2 engines instrument files
319     (*.sfz; *.sf2).
320 capela 2108
321 capela 3861 - General standard dialog buttons layout is now in place.
322 capela 2107
323 capela 3861 - Initial widget geometry and visibility persistence logic has been
324     slightly revised as much to avoid crash failures due to wrong main
325     widget hidden state.
326 capela 2077
327 capela 3861 - General source tree layout and build configuration change.
328 capela 2074
329 capela 3861 - Automatic crash-dump reports, debugger stack-traces (gdb), back-
330     traces, whatever, are being introduced as a brand new configure
331     option (--enable-stacktrace) and default enabled on debug build
332 capela 2065 targets (--enable-debug).
334 capela 3861 - Attempt to fix broken instrument list model/view on Qt >= 4.6.
335 capela 2064
336 capela 3861 - Device parameter spin-box default maximum has been set higher: now
337     at a magic 24-bit limit (16777216) instead of older 16-bit (65536),
338     possibly fixing bug #136.
339 capela 2059
340 capela 3861 - LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap just
341     makes it a shortcut to File/Save.
342 capela 2050
343 capela 3861 - MIDI Device Status menu is disabled when no MIDI device exists;
344 capela 2038 a menu separator has been added.
345 capela 2036
346 capela 3861 - Window manager's close button was found missing from the Devices
347 capela 2038 and Instruments widgets when on Qt >= 4.5, now fixed.
349 capela 3861 - MIDI activity indicator on channel strips and MIDI device status
350     widgets is now implemented as a flashing green LED, instead of a
351 capela 2038 lame green solid background :).
353 capela 3861 - Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to
354 capela 2028 disk when View/Options... dialog changes are accepted and applied.
356 capela 3861 - Czech (cs) translation added (by Pavel Fric).
357 capela 2028
359 capela 1964 0.2.2 2009-08-01 New release cycle.
360 schoenebeck 1626
361 capela 3861 - Russian (qsampler_ru.ts by Alexandre Prokoudine) makes it as
362     brand first translation delivered. Thanks and welcomes whom ever
363     may follow ;)
364 capela 1873
365 capela 3861 - Converted obsolete QMessageBox forms to standard buttons.
366 capela 1840
367 capela 3861 - Added support for runtime max. voices / disk streams setting
368     (accessible from the "Options..." dialog). Those fine tuning
369     settings will be saved in case the user modified them and
370 capela 1814 automatically restored to the sampler when reconnecting to
371     a sampler the next time.
372 schoenebeck 1803
373 capela 3861 - Grayed/disabled palette color group fix for dark color themes.
374 capela 1788
375 capela 3861 - Fait-divers: desktop menu file touched to openSUSE conventions.
376 capela 1787
377 capela 3861 - Due to some trouble with newer Qt >= 4.4 applications regarding
378     font size configuration, a new global user option is now available
379     to the rescue: View/Options... /Display/Other/Base font size
380 capela 1815 (default none).
381 capela 1749
382 capela 3861 - Attempt to load Qt's own translation support and get rid of the
383     ever warning startup message, unless built in debug mode.
384 capela 1740 (transaction by Guido Scholz, while on qsynth-devel, thanks).
386 capela 3861 - Only one application instance is now allowed to be up and running,
387     with immediate but graceful termination upon startup iif an already
388     running instance is detected, which will see its main widget shown
389     up automatically (Qt/X11 platform only).
390 capela 1740
391 capela 3861 - Messages file logging makes its first long overdue appearance,
392 capela 1738 with user configurable settings in View/Options.../Server/Logging.
394 capela 3861 - Bugfix in sampler channel dialog, driver combo boxes' content were
395 schoenebeck 1710 screwed.
397 capela 3861 - Automatically add & remove channel strips as they were removed
398 capela 1815 e.g. by other frontends.
399 schoenebeck 1702
400 capela 3861 - Refresh device management dialog when device informations changed,
401     e.g. on changes caused by other frontends (fixes segfault on device
402     changes)
403 schoenebeck 1699
404 capela 3861 - Implemented MIDI device activity windows, selectable from the
405 capela 1815 "View" main menu.
406 schoenebeck 1698
407 capela 3861 - Implemented MIDI activity indicator on channel strips.
408 schoenebeck 1691
409 capela 3861 - Added FX Sends Dialog to Channel Strips.
410 schoenebeck 1668
411 capela 3861 - Color pallete fix for the instrument name display in channel
412 capela 1815 strip, particularly notorious on Mac OS X builds.
413 capela 1637
414 capela 3861 - Added dialog when the application exits which lets the user decide
415     whether to keep the LinuxSampler running or not.
416 schoenebeck 1626
418 capela 1570 0.2.1 2007-12-06 Qt4 migration was complete.
419 schoenebeck 1461
420 capela 3861 - Added recent new support of libgig for retrieving instrument names
421     in avery fast way. If libgig provides this feature, then the
422     respective name retrieval setting in qsampler is enabled by default.
423 schoenebeck 1527
424 capela 3861 - The current selected/activated channel-strip is now visually
425 capela 1514 evident while in the application workspace (highlighting).
427 capela 3861 - Make View/Menubar and Toolbar shortcuts accessible even though the
428     main menu and toobar are not visible.
429 capela 1512
430 capela 3861 - Audio routing table is initially hidden in the dialog, when
431 capela 1509 creating a new sampler channel.
433 capela 3861 - README requirements and configuration notes update.
434 capela 1509
435 capela 3861 - Disable OK button in sampler channel form and MIDI instrument
436 schoenebeck 1506 form if no valid engine is selected (to avoid bothering newbie
437     users with confusing LSCP syntax errors when using the UI the
438     first time).
440 capela 3861 - Fixed creation of devices (don't try to set device parameters
441 capela 1499 which the user did not touch in the device creation dialog).
442 schoenebeck 1486
443 capela 3861 - Added Windows file path support.
444 schoenebeck 1493
445 capela 3861 - Fixed win32/qmakefile and win32/config.h so that it compiles
446 capela 1499 under win32.
447 schoenebeck 1493
448 capela 3861 - Qt4 port of the application.
449 schoenebeck 1461
451 capela 1437 0.1.5 2007-10-15 Five months later a fifth is heard.
452 capela 1234
453 capela 3861 - Added support for LSCP escape sequences to allow loading and
454     mapping instrument files with special characters in their filename,
455     as well as special characters for instrument names and instrument
456     map names (requires LSCP v1.2 on sampler side).
457 capela 1394
458 capela 3861 - Added new button "Edit" to the channel strips, which probably does
459     exactly what you think it does: it opens an appropriate instrument
460     editor application; the channel instrument editor tool is also
461     accessible from the main menu and toolbar.
462 capela 1372
463 capela 3861 - Application icon is now installed to ${prefix}/share/pixmaps;
464 capela 1255 application desktop entry file is now included in installation;
465     spec file (RPM) is now a bit more openSUSE compliant.
467 capela 3861 - Crash fix on double-clicking on a empty instrument list.
468 capela 1234
470 capela 1166 0.1.4 2007-05-04 Almost another year has gone by.
471 schoenebeck 736
472 capela 3861 - Channel button colors have changed: yellow for mute and cyan
473     for solo is now the rule, but note that this color highlighting
474     is only rendered on some widget styles.
475 capela 1036
476 capela 3861 - Master sampler volume slider/spinbox combo is now featured.
477 capela 1034
478 capela 3861 - Initial support for sampler channel FX sends, while saving the
479     session state, only at code-level.
480 capela 1036
481 capela 3861 - Sampler channel setup dialog does not mandate for valid nor
482 capela 1018 existing instrument file name.
483 capela 1016
484 capela 3861 - Revised error verbosity in general and on session load/save;
485     hour-glass wait cursor is now displayed on session load/save;
486     keyboard shortcuts changed on MIDI instruments view context;
487 capela 987 improved channel strip arrangement on session open/load;
488     instrument map entry removal confirmation (as optional);
489     corrected some tooltip text strings.
490 capela 971
491 capela 3861 - Most top-level widgets were missing the normal-widget flag, which
492     were causing some sticky size behavior while on some window
493     managers.
494 capela 968
495 capela 3861 - Added preliminary MIDI instrument mapping support; now with an
496     instrument list widget and editing capabilities; MIDI instrumeent
497     map program numbers are now displayed in the range 1-128, instead
498     of the internal 0-127.
499 capela 957
500 capela 3861 - GPL address update.
501 capela 920
503 capela 870 0.1.3 2006-06-01 Its been a long year isn't it?
505 capela 3861 - Changed deprecated copyright attribute to license, on
506     qsampler.spec (RPM).
507 capela 870
508 capela 3861 - Added configure support for x86_64 libraries (UNTESTED).
509 capela 847
510 capela 3861 - Optional specification of alternate liblscp and libgig
511     installation paths have been added to configure command arguments
512     (--with-liblscp, --with-libgig).
513 capela 825
514 capela 3861 - Whenever the listing of actual instrument names is not an option
515     (e.g. due to lack of libgig support), the whole number of selectable
516     instrument items is now being graciously increased from just the
517     bare 8 (eight) right up through 100 (one hundred), on the sampler
518     channel setup dialog.
519 capela 824
520 capela 3861 - The selection buttons, on the right of the Instrument, Audio and
521     MIDI devices combo-boxes, on the sampler channel dialog, are now
522     expected to be a little better looking than it was before, at least
523     for those Mac OS X eyes.
524 capela 824
525 capela 3861 - Minor fixing on the initial messages dock-window height.
526 capela 772
527 capela 3861 - Audio output channel routing configuration finally hits the
528     sampler channel dialog, at last!
529 capela 758
530 capela 3861 - All widget captions changed to include proper application title
531     name prefix.
532 capela 757
533 capela 3861 - Attempt to bring those aging autoconf templates to date; sample
534     SPEC file for RPM build is now being included and generated at
535     configure time.
536 capela 753
537 capela 3861 - Set to use QApplication::setMainWidget() instead of registering
538     the traditional lastWindowClosed() signal to quit() slot, just to
539     let the -geometry command line argument have some effect on X11.
540 capela 752
541 capela 3861 - Added MUTE/SOLO buttons to individual channel strips.
542 capela 751
543 capela 3861 - Fixed compilation error which occured when Qt was compiled with
544     -no-stl.
545 schoenebeck 736
547 capela 680 0.1.2 2005-06-23 Even minor workings needs a rest.
548 capela 653
549 capela 3861 - Fixed output disability when messages limit option is turned off
550     (thanks to Wolfgang Woehl for spotting this one, while on qjackctl).
551 capela 653
552 capela 3861 - Added CHANNEL_INFO event feedback notification handling; minor
553     stream/voice usage auto-refresh cycle optimization.
554 capela 661
555 capela 662
556 capela 631 0.1.1 2005-06-12 The mantra of bugfixes.
557 capela 586
558 capela 3861 - New improved and full-featured application icon, thanks to
559     Christian Schoenebeck design.
560 capela 619
561 capela 3861 - Fixed refresh cycle of channel strips that are found in an error
562     state, which was preventing correct channel info updates.
563 capela 586
564 capela 3861 - Device configuration now accessible on toolbar. Added buddy text
565     label to device port/channel combobox on the device dialog.
566 capela 586
567 capela 3861 - Include libgig version info on command line request (-v).
568 capela 605
569 capela 3861 - Minor configure and Makefile install fixes, as Debian and Mac OS X
570     specialties. Also, install does the right thing with target file
571     modes (thanks to Matt Flax and Ebrahim Mayat, for pointing these
572     out).
573 capela 590
574 capela 600
575 capela 567 0.1.0 2005-05-23 Device configuration breakthrough.
576 schoenebeck 519
577 capela 3861 - Device configuration is now complete.
578 capela 426
579 capela 3861 - [bug #9] Fixed for a LSCP command syntax convention consistency,
580     regarding the enumeration of available sampler engines, Audio and
581     MIDI drivers.
582 capela 567
583 capela 3861 - [bug #13] Update instrument names list when a new instrument file
584     is select on the channel setup dialog.
585 capela 426
586 capela 3861 - Show appropriate message in channel strip while loading an
587     instrument.
588 capela 567
589 capela 3861 - Show libgig version in About box (in case libgig is used).
590 capela 526
592 capela 421 0.0.5 2005-03-04 Fifth alpha-release.
593 capela 327
594 capela 3861 - Fixed device driver type channel information gathering, which was
595     severely flawed, dropping all channel session configurations to the
596     default audio driver type (which is ALSA) unexpectedly.
597 capela 414
598 capela 3861 - Channels are now properly renumbered when saving to a session LSCP
599     script, assuming that it should be always loaded from scratch (i.e.
600     zero channels).
601 capela 409
602 capela 3861 - Disabled MIDI port setting on channel dialog, and on session file
603     save, as its use is still troublesome.
604 capela 409
605 capela 3861 - Added new menu and toolbar option: Reset All Channels.
606 capela 404
607 capela 3861 - Channel setup changes are now properly filtered, as for only those
608     settings that are actually changed gets applied; change information
609     are now also posted to messages window.
610 capela 404
611 capela 3861 - Drag-and-drop of either session files (LSCP scripts) or instrument
612     files (GIG) are now supported. Multiple files drop is allowed, but
613     it only makes sense for instrument files, each one prompting to
614     create a new sampler channel.
615 capela 388
616 capela 3861 - Drag-and-drop to an existing channel strip is now also featured,
617     allowing the in-place change of the channel sampler instrument file.
618 capela 395
619 capela 3861 - Actual instrument names are now optionally retrieved from the
620     instrument file, even though libgig is available, avoiding
621     excessively annoying load times while on the channel dialog, when
622     huge instrument files are selected.
623 capela 341
624 capela 3861 - Set to ignore the SIGPIPE ("Broken pipe") signal, where available,
625     as the default handler is usually fatal when a JACK client is
626     zombified abruptly.
627 capela 340
628 capela 3861 - Messages window limit is now enforced only when the line count
629     exceeds in one third the user configured line count maximum; if Qt
630     3.2.0+ is in use, the QTextView widget is otherwise set to the
631     optimized Qt::LogText format.
632 capela 327
634 capela 303 0.0.4 2004-11-19 Fourth alpha-release.
635 capela 115
636 capela 3861 - Instrument index selection now made via combo box widget; actual
637     instrument names are now properly retrieved from the instrument
638     file, provided if libgig is available.
639 capela 299
640 capela 3861 - Sampler channels strips are just created if, and only if, the
641     respective channel setup dialog is actually accepted, following
642     common user-interface guidelines.
643 capela 295
644 capela 3861 - Almost complete rewrite of sampler channel strips internal control
645     structures.
646 capela 264
647 capela 3861 - Sampler reset command action added to menu and toolbar.
648 capela 255
649 capela 3861 - MIDI channel selection is now a dropdown list, allowing the
650     explicit selection for "All" channels input per sampler channel
651     (omni mode).
652 capela 255
653 capela 3861 - Channel strip display glass effect has changed background color to
654     black (was green), being now an user option.
655 capela 255
656 capela 3861 - Minor configure fixes.
657 capela 255
659     0.0.3 2004-07-06 Third alpha-release.
661 capela 3861 - Mon-modal intrument file loading and status support.
662 capela 145
663 capela 3861 - Effective MIDI input port setting on channel dialog, and on
664     session file save.
665 capela 145
666 capela 3861 - Channel dialog gets sensible engine and driver defaults on create
667     time.
668 capela 161
669 capela 3861 - Implied channel reset on successful instrument load.
670 capela 176
672 capela 145 0.0.2 2004-06-15 Pre-revolutionary release.
674 capela 3861 - The channel context menu is also accessible by right-clicking over
675     the empty workspace area.
676 capela 130
677 capela 3861 - Added small wait event loop on qsamplerMainForm::stopServer(), so
678     let local server terminate gracefully and stabilize, and avoiding a
679     probable segfault on exit, which was preventing the correct salvage
680     of settings and configuration.
681 capela 122
682 capela 3861 - Maximum channel volume percent setting is now a global option,
683 capela 119 provided to override the default (which is 100%).
685 capela 3861 - Client/server transaction timeout option upper limit has been
686 capela 119 increased from 5000 to 60000 milliseconds.
688 capela 3861 - A channel context menu is now featured, by right-clicking over
689 capela 118 each sampler channel strip.
690 capela 115
691 capela 3861 - Commented SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_PORT command from
692 capela 118 qsamplerMainForm::saveSessionFile(), it has no effect.
694 capela 3861 - Insert a n #include <unistd.h> on qsamplerMessages.cpp, between a
695     #if !defined(WIN32) clause.
696 capela 115
697 capela 3861 - An initial non zero value (0.8) is now set for volume of every new
698     sampler channel strip.
699 capela 115
700 capela 3861 - The order to load/save and setup channel settings is now as
701 capela 115 suggested in the following lines:
706     LOAD ENGINE ...
708 capela 115
710 capela 109 0.0.1 2004-06-05 Primordial alpha release.

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