// qsamplerChannel.cpp // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2019, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Christian Schoenebeck This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerChannel.h" #include "qsamplerUtilities.h" #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include "qsamplerChannelForm.h" #include #include #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG #include "gig.h" #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2 #include "SF.h" #endif #endif namespace QSampler { #define QSAMPLER_INSTRUMENT_MAX 128 #define UNICODE_RIGHT_ARROW QChar(char(0x92), char(0x21)) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::Channel - Sampler channel structure. // // Constructor. Channel::Channel ( int iChannelID ) { m_iChannelID = iChannelID; // m_sEngineName = noEngineName(); // m_sInstrumentName = noInstrumentName(); // m_sInstrumentFile = m_sInstrumentName; m_iInstrumentNr = -1; m_iInstrumentStatus = -1; m_sMidiDriver = "ALSA"; m_iMidiDevice = -1; m_iMidiPort = -1; m_iMidiChannel = -1; m_iMidiMap = -1; m_sAudioDriver = "ALSA"; m_iAudioDevice = -1; m_fVolume = 0.0f; m_bMute = false; m_bSolo = false; } // Default destructor. Channel::~Channel (void) { } // Create a new sampler channel, if not already. bool Channel::addChannel (void) { MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return false; // Are we a new channel? if (m_iChannelID < 0) { m_iChannelID = ::lscp_add_channel(pMainForm->client()); if (m_iChannelID < 0) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_add_channel"); appendMessagesError( QObject::tr("Could not add channel.\n\nSorry.")); } // Otherwise it's created... else appendMessages(QObject::tr("added.")); } // Return whether we're a valid channel... return (m_iChannelID >= 0); } // Remove sampler channel. bool Channel::removeChannel (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL) return false; // Are we an existing channel? if (m_iChannelID >= 0) { if (::lscp_remove_channel(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_remove_channel"); appendMessagesError(QObject::tr("Could not remove channel.\n\nSorry.")); } else { // Otherwise it's removed. appendMessages(QObject::tr("removed.")); m_iChannelID = -1; } } // Return whether we've removed the channel... return (m_iChannelID < 0); } // Channel-ID (aka Sammpler-Channel) accessors. int Channel::channelID (void) const { return m_iChannelID; } void Channel::setChannelID ( int iChannelID ) { m_iChannelID = iChannelID; } // Readable channel name. QString Channel::channelName (void) const { return (m_iChannelID < 0 ? QObject::tr("New Channel") : QObject::tr("Channel %1").arg(m_iChannelID)); } // Engine name accessors. const QString& Channel::engineName (void) const { return m_sEngineName; } bool Channel::loadEngine ( const QString& sEngineName ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_sEngineName == sEngineName) return true; if (::lscp_load_engine(pMainForm->client(), sEngineName.toUtf8().constData(), m_iChannelID) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_load_engine"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Engine: %1.").arg(sEngineName)); m_sEngineName = sEngineName; return true; } // Instrument filename accessor. const QString& Channel::instrumentFile (void) const { return m_sInstrumentFile; } // Instrument index accessor. int Channel::instrumentNr (void) const { return m_iInstrumentNr; } // Instrument name accessor. const QString& Channel::instrumentName (void) const { return m_sInstrumentName; } // Instrument status accessor. int Channel::instrumentStatus (void) const { return m_iInstrumentStatus; } // Instrument file loader. bool Channel::loadInstrument ( const QString& sInstrumentFile, int iInstrumentNr ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (!QFileInfo(sInstrumentFile).exists()) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_sInstrumentFile == sInstrumentFile && m_iInstrumentNr == iInstrumentNr) return true; if (::lscp_load_instrument_non_modal( pMainForm->client(), qsamplerUtilities::lscpEscapePath( sInstrumentFile).toUtf8().constData(), iInstrumentNr, m_iChannelID ) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_load_instrument"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Instrument: \"%1\" (%2).") .arg(sInstrumentFile).arg(iInstrumentNr)); return setInstrument(sInstrumentFile, iInstrumentNr); } // Special instrument file/name/number settler. bool Channel::setInstrument ( const QString& sInstrumentFile, int iInstrumentNr ) { m_sInstrumentFile = sInstrumentFile; m_iInstrumentNr = iInstrumentNr; #ifdef CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME m_sInstrumentName.clear(); // We'll get it, maybe later, on channel_info... #else m_sInstrumentName = getInstrumentName(sInstrumentFile, iInstrumentNr, true); #endif m_iInstrumentStatus = 0; return true; } // MIDI driver type accessors (DEPRECATED). const QString& Channel::midiDriver (void) const { return m_sMidiDriver; } bool Channel::setMidiDriver ( const QString& sMidiDriver ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_sMidiDriver == sMidiDriver) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_midi_type(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, sMidiDriver.toUtf8().constData()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_midi_type"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("MIDI driver: %1.").arg(sMidiDriver)); m_sMidiDriver = sMidiDriver; return true; } // MIDI device accessors. int Channel::midiDevice (void) const { return m_iMidiDevice; } bool Channel::setMidiDevice ( int iMidiDevice ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_iMidiDevice == iMidiDevice) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_midi_device(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iMidiDevice) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_midi_device"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("MIDI device: %1.").arg(iMidiDevice)); m_iMidiDevice = iMidiDevice; return true; } // MIDI port number accessor. int Channel::midiPort (void) const { return m_iMidiPort; } bool Channel::setMidiPort ( int iMidiPort ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_iMidiPort == iMidiPort) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_midi_port(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iMidiPort) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_midi_port"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("MIDI port: %1.").arg(iMidiPort)); m_iMidiPort = iMidiPort; return true; } // MIDI channel accessor. int Channel::midiChannel (void) const { return m_iMidiChannel; } bool Channel::setMidiChannel ( int iMidiChannel ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_iMidiChannel == iMidiChannel) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_midi_channel(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iMidiChannel) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_midi_channel"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("MIDI channel: %1.").arg(iMidiChannel)); m_iMidiChannel = iMidiChannel; return true; } // MIDI instrument map accessor. int Channel::midiMap (void) const { return m_iMidiMap; } bool Channel::setMidiMap ( int iMidiMap ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_iMidiMap == iMidiMap) return true; #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT if (::lscp_set_channel_midi_map(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iMidiMap) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_midi_map"); return false; } #endif appendMessages(QObject::tr("MIDI map: %1.").arg(iMidiMap)); m_iMidiMap = iMidiMap; return true; } // Audio device accessor. int Channel::audioDevice (void) const { return m_iAudioDevice; } bool Channel::setAudioDevice ( int iAudioDevice ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_iAudioDevice == iAudioDevice) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_audio_device(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iAudioDevice) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_audio_device"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Audio device: %1.").arg(iAudioDevice)); m_iAudioDevice = iAudioDevice; return true; } // Audio driver type accessors (DEPRECATED). const QString& Channel::audioDriver (void) const { return m_sAudioDriver; } bool Channel::setAudioDriver ( const QString& sAudioDriver ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_sAudioDriver == sAudioDriver) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_audio_type(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, sAudioDriver.toUtf8().constData()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_audio_type"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Audio driver: %1.").arg(sAudioDriver)); m_sAudioDriver = sAudioDriver; return true; } // Channel volume accessors. float Channel::volume (void) const { return m_fVolume; } bool Channel::setVolume ( float fVolume ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_fVolume == fVolume) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_volume(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, fVolume) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_volume"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Volume: %1.").arg(fVolume)); m_fVolume = fVolume; return true; } // Sampler channel mute state. bool Channel::channelMute (void) const { return m_bMute; } bool Channel::setChannelMute ( bool bMute ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && ((m_bMute && bMute) || (!m_bMute && !bMute))) return true; #ifdef CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO if (::lscp_set_channel_mute(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, bMute) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_mute"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Mute: %1.").arg((int) bMute)); m_bMute = bMute; return true; #else return false; #endif } // Sampler channel solo state. bool Channel::channelSolo (void) const { return m_bSolo; } bool Channel::setChannelSolo ( bool bSolo ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && ((m_bSolo && bSolo) || (!m_bSolo && !bSolo))) return true; #ifdef CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO if (::lscp_set_channel_solo(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, bSolo) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_solo"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Solo: %1.").arg((int) bSolo)); m_bSolo = bSolo; return true; #else return false; #endif } // Audio routing accessors. int Channel::audioChannel ( int iAudioOut ) const { return m_audioRouting[iAudioOut]; } bool Channel::setAudioChannel ( int iAudioOut, int iAudioIn ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (m_iInstrumentStatus == 100 && m_audioRouting[iAudioOut] == iAudioIn) return true; if (::lscp_set_channel_audio_channel(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID, iAudioOut, iAudioIn) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_channel_audio_channel"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("Audio Channel: %1 -> %2.") .arg(iAudioOut).arg(iAudioIn)); m_audioRouting[iAudioOut] = iAudioIn; return true; } // The audio routing map itself. const ChannelRoutingMap& Channel::audioRouting (void) const { return m_audioRouting; } // Istrument name remapper. void Channel::updateInstrumentName (void) { #ifndef CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME m_sInstrumentName = getInstrumentName(m_sInstrumentFile, m_iInstrumentNr, (options() && options()->bInstrumentNames)); #endif } // Update whole channel info state. bool Channel::updateChannelInfo (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; // Read channel information. lscp_channel_info_t *pChannelInfo = ::lscp_get_channel_info(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID); if (pChannelInfo == NULL) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_channel_info"); appendMessagesError(QObject::tr("Could not get channel information.\n\nSorry.")); return false; } #ifdef CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME // We got all actual instrument datum... m_sInstrumentFile = qsamplerUtilities::lscpEscapedPathToPosix(pChannelInfo->instrument_file); m_iInstrumentNr = pChannelInfo->instrument_nr; m_sInstrumentName = qsamplerUtilities::lscpEscapedTextToRaw(pChannelInfo->instrument_name); #else // First, check if intrument name has changed, // taking care that instrument name lookup might be expensive, // so we better make it only once and when really needed... if ((m_sInstrumentFile != pChannelInfo->instrument_file) || (m_iInstrumentNr != pChannelInfo->instrument_nr)) { m_sInstrumentFile = pChannelInfo->instrument_file; m_iInstrumentNr = pChannelInfo->instrument_nr; updateInstrumentName(); } #endif // Cache in other channel information. m_sEngineName = pChannelInfo->engine_name; m_iInstrumentStatus = pChannelInfo->instrument_status; m_iMidiDevice = pChannelInfo->midi_device; m_iMidiPort = pChannelInfo->midi_port; m_iMidiChannel = pChannelInfo->midi_channel; #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT m_iMidiMap = pChannelInfo->midi_map; #endif m_iAudioDevice = pChannelInfo->audio_device; m_fVolume = pChannelInfo->volume; #ifdef CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO m_bMute = pChannelInfo->mute; m_bSolo = pChannelInfo->solo; #endif // Some sanity checks. if (m_sEngineName == "NONE" || m_sEngineName.isEmpty()) m_sEngineName.clear(); if (m_sInstrumentFile == "NONE" || m_sInstrumentFile.isEmpty()) { m_sInstrumentFile.clear(); m_sInstrumentName.clear(); } // Time for device info grabbing... lscp_device_info_t *pDeviceInfo; const QString sNone = QObject::tr("(none)"); // Audio device driver type. pDeviceInfo = ::lscp_get_audio_device_info(pMainForm->client(), m_iAudioDevice); if (pDeviceInfo == NULL) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_audio_device_info"); m_sAudioDriver = sNone; } else { m_sAudioDriver = pDeviceInfo->driver; } // MIDI device driver type. pDeviceInfo = ::lscp_get_midi_device_info(pMainForm->client(), m_iMidiDevice); if (pDeviceInfo == NULL) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_midi_device_info"); m_sMidiDriver = sNone; } else { m_sMidiDriver = pDeviceInfo->driver; } // Set the audio routing map. m_audioRouting.clear(); #ifdef CONFIG_AUDIO_ROUTING int *piAudioRouting = pChannelInfo->audio_routing; for (int i = 0; piAudioRouting && piAudioRouting[i] >= 0; i++) m_audioRouting[i] = piAudioRouting[i]; #else char **ppszAudioRouting = pChannelInfo->audio_routing; for (int i = 0; ppszAudioRouting && ppszAudioRouting[i]; i++) m_audioRouting[i] = ::atoi(ppszAudioRouting[i]); #endif return true; } // Reset channel method. bool Channel::channelReset (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (::lscp_reset_channel(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_reset_channel"); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("reset.")); return true; } // Spawn instrument editor method. bool Channel::editChannel (void) { #ifdef CONFIG_EDIT_INSTRUMENT MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; if (pMainForm->client() == NULL || m_iChannelID < 0) return false; if (::lscp_edit_channel_instrument(pMainForm->client(), m_iChannelID) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_edit_channel_instrument"); appendMessagesError(QObject::tr( "Could not launch an appropriate instrument editor " "for the given instrument!\n\n" "Make sure you have an appropriate " "instrument editor like 'gigedit' installed " "and that it placed its mandatory DLL file " "into the sampler's plugin directory.") ); return false; } appendMessages(QObject::tr("edit instrument.")); return true; #else appendMessagesError(QObject::tr( "Sorry, QSampler was compiled for a version of liblscp " "which lacks this feature.\n\n" "You may want to update liblscp and recompile QSampler afterwards.") ); return false; #endif } // Channel setup dialog form. bool Channel::channelSetup ( QWidget *pParent ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return false; bool bResult = false; appendMessages(QObject::tr("setup...")); ChannelForm *pChannelForm = new ChannelForm(pParent); if (pChannelForm) { pChannelForm->setup(this); bResult = pChannelForm->exec(); delete pChannelForm; } return bResult; } // Redirected messages output methods. void Channel::appendMessages ( const QString& sText ) const { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->appendMessages(channelName() + ' ' + sText); } void Channel::appendMessagesColor ( const QString& sText, const QString& sColor ) const { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->appendMessagesColor(channelName() + ' ' + sText, sColor); } void Channel::appendMessagesText ( const QString& sText ) const { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->appendMessagesText(channelName() + ' ' + sText); } void Channel::appendMessagesError ( const QString& sText ) const { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->appendMessagesError(channelName() + "\n\n" + sText); } void Channel::appendMessagesClient ( const QString& sText ) const { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->appendMessagesClient(channelName() + ' ' + sText); } // Context menu event handler. void Channel::contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent *pEvent ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->contextMenuEvent(pEvent); } // FIXME: Check whether a given file is an instrument file (DLS only). bool Channel::isDlsInstrumentFile ( const QString& sInstrumentFile ) { bool bResult = false; QFile file(sInstrumentFile); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { char achHeader[16]; if (file.read(achHeader, 16) > 0) { bResult = (::memcmp(&achHeader[0], "RIFF", 4) == 0 && ::memcmp(&achHeader[8], "DLS LIST", 8) == 0); } file.close(); } return bResult; } // FIXME: Check whether a given file is an instrument file (SF2 only). bool Channel::isSf2InstrumentFile ( const QString& sInstrumentFile ) { bool bResult = false; QFile file(sInstrumentFile); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { char achHeader[12]; if (file.read(achHeader, 12) > 0) { bResult = (::memcmp(&achHeader[0], "RIFF", 4) == 0 && ::memcmp(&achHeader[8], "sfbk", 4) == 0); } file.close(); } return bResult; } // Retrieve the instrument list of a instrument file (.gig). QStringList Channel::getInstrumentList ( const QString& sInstrumentFile, bool bInstrumentNames ) { QStringList instlist; const QFileInfo fi(sInstrumentFile); if (!fi.exists()) { instlist.append(noInstrumentName()); return instlist; } #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG if (bInstrumentNames) { if (isDlsInstrumentFile(sInstrumentFile)) { RIFF::File *pRiff = new RIFF::File(sInstrumentFile.toUtf8().constData()); gig::File *pGig = new gig::File(pRiff); #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SETAUTOLOAD // prevent sleepy response time on large .gig files pGig->SetAutoLoad(false); #endif gig::Instrument *pInstrument = pGig->GetFirstInstrument(); while (pInstrument) { instlist.append((pInstrument->pInfo)->Name.c_str()); pInstrument = pGig->GetNextInstrument(); } delete pGig; delete pRiff; } #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2 else if (isSf2InstrumentFile(sInstrumentFile)) { RIFF::File *pRiff = new RIFF::File(sInstrumentFile.toUtf8().constData()); sf2::File *pSf2 = new sf2::File(pRiff); const int iPresetCount = pSf2->GetPresetCount(); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iPresetCount; ++iIndex) { sf2::Preset *pPreset = pSf2->GetPreset(iIndex); if (pPreset) { instlist.append(pPreset->Name.c_str()); } else { instlist.append(fi.fileName() + " [" + QString::number(iIndex) + "]"); } } delete pSf2; delete pRiff; } #endif } #endif if (instlist.isEmpty()) { for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < QSAMPLER_INSTRUMENT_MAX; ++iIndex) { instlist.append(fi.fileName() + " [" + QString::number(iIndex) + "]"); } } return instlist; } // Retrieve the spacific instrument name of a instrument file (.gig), given its index. QString Channel::getInstrumentName ( const QString& sInstrumentFile, int iInstrumentNr, bool bInstrumentNames ) { const QFileInfo fi(sInstrumentFile); if (!fi.exists()) return noInstrumentName(); QString sInstrumentName; #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG if (bInstrumentNames) { if (isDlsInstrumentFile(sInstrumentFile)) { RIFF::File *pRiff = new RIFF::File(sInstrumentFile.toUtf8().constData()); gig::File *pGig = new gig::File(pRiff); #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SETAUTOLOAD // prevent sleepy response time on large .gig files pGig->SetAutoLoad(false); #endif int iIndex = 0; gig::Instrument *pInstrument = pGig->GetFirstInstrument(); while (pInstrument) { if (iIndex == iInstrumentNr) { sInstrumentName = (pInstrument->pInfo)->Name.c_str(); break; } iIndex++; pInstrument = pGig->GetNextInstrument(); } delete pGig; delete pRiff; } #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG_SF2 else if (isSf2InstrumentFile(sInstrumentFile)) { RIFF::File *pRiff = new RIFF::File(sInstrumentFile.toUtf8().constData()); sf2::File *pSf2 = new sf2::File(pRiff); sf2::Preset *pPreset = pSf2->GetPreset(iInstrumentNr); if (pPreset) sInstrumentName = pPreset->Name.c_str(); delete pSf2; delete pRiff; } #endif } #endif if (sInstrumentName.isEmpty()) { sInstrumentName = fi.fileName(); sInstrumentName += " [" + QString::number(iInstrumentNr) + "]"; } return sInstrumentName; } // Common invalid name-helpers. QString Channel::noEngineName (void) { return QObject::tr("(No engine)"); } QString Channel::noInstrumentName (void) { return QObject::tr("(No instrument)"); } QString Channel::loadingInstrument (void) { return QObject::tr("(Loading instrument...)"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::ChannelRoutingModel - data model for audio routing // (used for QTableView) ChannelRoutingModel::ChannelRoutingModel ( QObject *pParent ) : QAbstractTableModel(pParent), m_pDevice(NULL) { } int ChannelRoutingModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const { return (m_pDevice) ? m_routing.size() : 0; } int ChannelRoutingModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const { return 1; } Qt::ItemFlags ChannelRoutingModel::flags ( const QModelIndex& /*index*/) const { return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } bool ChannelRoutingModel::setData ( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int /*role*/) { if (!index.isValid()) return false; m_routing[index.row()] = value.toInt(); emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } QVariant ChannelRoutingModel::data ( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); if (index.column() != 0) return QVariant(); ChannelRoutingItem item; // The common device port item list. DevicePortList& ports = m_pDevice->ports(); QListIterator iter(ports); while (iter.hasNext()) { DevicePort *pPort = iter.next(); item.options.append( m_pDevice->deviceTypeName() + ' ' + m_pDevice->driverName() + ' ' + pPort->portName() ); } item.selection = m_routing[index.row()]; return QVariant::fromValue(item); } QVariant ChannelRoutingModel::headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); switch (orientation) { case Qt::Horizontal: return UNICODE_RIGHT_ARROW + QObject::tr(" Device Channel"); case Qt::Vertical: return QObject::tr("Audio Channel ") + QString::number(section) + " " + UNICODE_RIGHT_ARROW; default: return QVariant(); } } void ChannelRoutingModel::refresh ( Device *pDevice, const ChannelRoutingMap& routing ) { m_pDevice = pDevice; m_routing = routing; // inform the outer world (QTableView) that our data changed #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 QAbstractTableModel::reset(); #else QAbstractTableModel::beginResetModel(); QAbstractTableModel::endResetModel(); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::ChannelRoutingDelegate - table cell renderer for audio routing // ChannelRoutingDelegate::ChannelRoutingDelegate ( QObject *pParent ) : QItemDelegate(pParent) { } QWidget* ChannelRoutingDelegate::createEditor ( QWidget *pParent, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex& index ) const { if (!index.isValid()) return NULL; if (index.column() != 0) return NULL; ChannelRoutingItem item = index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).value(); QComboBox* pComboBox = new QComboBox(pParent); pComboBox->addItems(item.options); pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(item.selection); pComboBox->setEnabled(true); pComboBox->setEditable(true); pComboBox->setGeometry(option.rect); return pComboBox; } void ChannelRoutingDelegate::setEditorData ( QWidget *pEditor, const QModelIndex &index) const { ChannelRoutingItem item = index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).value (); QComboBox* pComboBox = static_cast (pEditor); pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(item.selection); } void ChannelRoutingDelegate::setModelData ( QWidget* pEditor, QAbstractItemModel *pModel, const QModelIndex& index ) const { QComboBox *pComboBox = static_cast (pEditor); pModel->setData(index, pComboBox->currentIndex()); } void ChannelRoutingDelegate::updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget *pEditor, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex &/* index */) const { pEditor->setGeometry(option.rect); } } // namespace QSampler // end of qsamplerChannel.cpp