// qsamplerDeviceForm.cpp // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2019, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Christian Schoenebeck This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerDeviceForm.h" #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include #include #include namespace QSampler { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::DeviceForm -- Device form implementation. // DeviceForm::DeviceForm ( QWidget *pParent, Qt::WindowFlags wflags ) : QDialog(pParent, wflags) { m_ui.setupUi(this); // Initialize locals. m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_bNewDevice = false; m_deviceType = Device::None; m_pAudioItems = NULL; m_pMidiItems = NULL; // No exclusive mode as default. m_deviceTypeMode = Device::None; m_ui.DeviceListView->header()->hide(); int iRowHeight = m_ui.DeviceParamTable->fontMetrics().height() + 4; m_ui.DeviceParamTable->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(iRowHeight); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(iRowHeight); m_ui.DeviceParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setDefaultAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setDefaultAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_ui.DeviceParamTable->setModel(&m_deviceParamModel); m_ui.DeviceParamTable->setItemDelegate(&m_deviceParamDelegate); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) m_ui.DeviceParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Stretch); #else m_ui.DeviceParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Stretch); #endif m_ui.DeviceParamTable->verticalHeader()->hide(); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->setModel(&m_devicePortParamModel); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->setItemDelegate(&m_devicePortParamDelegate); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Stretch); #else m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Stretch); #endif m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->verticalHeader()->hide(); // Initial contents. refreshDevices(); // Try to restore normal window positioning. adjustSize(); QObject::connect(m_ui.DeviceListView, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(selectDevice())); QObject::connect(m_ui.DeviceListView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), SLOT(deviceListViewContextMenu(const QPoint&))); QObject::connect(m_ui.RefreshDevicesPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(refreshDevices())); QObject::connect(m_ui.DriverNameComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(selectDriver(const QString&))); QObject::connect(m_ui.DevicePortComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(selectDevicePort(int))); QObject::connect(m_ui.CreateDevicePushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(createDevice())); QObject::connect(m_ui.DeleteDevicePushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(deleteDevice())); QObject::connect(m_ui.ClosePushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); QObject::connect(&m_deviceParamModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), SLOT(updateCellRenderers())); QObject::connect(&m_deviceParamModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(updateCellRenderers(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&))); QObject::connect(&m_devicePortParamModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), SLOT(updatePortCellRenderers())); QObject::connect(&m_devicePortParamModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(updatePortCellRenderers(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&))); } DeviceForm::~DeviceForm (void) { } // Notify our parent that we're emerging. void DeviceForm::showEvent ( QShowEvent *pShowEvent ) { MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->stabilizeForm(); QWidget::showEvent(pShowEvent); refreshDevices(); } // Notify our parent that we're closing. void DeviceForm::hideEvent ( QHideEvent *pHideEvent ) { QWidget::hideEvent(pHideEvent); MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->stabilizeForm(); // Signal special whether we changed the device set. if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { m_iDirtyCount = 0; emit devicesChanged(); } } // Set device type spacial exclusive mode. void DeviceForm::setDeviceTypeMode ( Device::DeviceType deviceTypeMode ) { // If it has not changed, do nothing. if (m_deviceTypeMode == deviceTypeMode) return; m_deviceTypeMode = deviceTypeMode; // OK. Do a whole refresh around. refreshDevices(); } // Device driver name setup formal initializer. void DeviceForm::setDriverName ( const QString& sDriverName ) { if (m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->findText(sDriverName) < 0) m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->insertItem(0, sDriverName); m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->setItemText( m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->currentIndex(), sDriverName); } // Set current selected device by type and id. void DeviceForm::setDevice ( Device *pDevice ) { // In case no device is given... Device::DeviceType deviceType = m_deviceTypeMode; if (pDevice) deviceType = pDevice->deviceType(); // Get the device view root item... DeviceItem *pRootItem = NULL; switch (deviceType) { case Device::Audio: pRootItem = m_pAudioItems; break; case Device::Midi: pRootItem = m_pMidiItems; break; case Device::None: break; } // Is the root present? if (pRootItem == NULL) return; // So there's no device huh? if (pDevice == NULL) { m_ui.DeviceListView->setCurrentItem(pRootItem); return; } // For each child, test for identity... for (int i = 0; i < pRootItem->childCount(); i++) { DeviceItem* pDeviceItem = (DeviceItem*) pRootItem->child(i); // If identities match, select as current device item. if (pDeviceItem->device().deviceID() == pDevice->deviceID()) { pDeviceItem->setSelected(true); break; } } } // Create a new device from current table view. void DeviceForm::createDevice (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; QTreeWidgetItem *pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; // About a brand new device instance... Device device(((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device()); if (device.createDevice()) { // Now it depends on the device type... DeviceItem *pRootItem = NULL; switch (device.deviceType()) { case Device::Audio: pRootItem = m_pAudioItems; break; case Device::Midi: pRootItem = m_pMidiItems; break; case Device::None: break; } // Append the new device item. DeviceItem *pDeviceItem = new DeviceItem(pRootItem, device.deviceType(), device.deviceID()); // Just make it the new selection... pDeviceItem->setSelected(true); // Main session should be marked dirty. pMainForm->sessionDirty(); m_iDirtyCount++; } } // Delete current device in table view. void DeviceForm::deleteDevice (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Prompt user if this is for real... Options *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions && pOptions->bConfirmRemove) { const QString& sTitle = QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"); const QString& sText = tr( "About to delete device:\n\n" "%1\n\n" "Are you sure?") .arg(device.deviceName()); #if 0 if (QMessageBox::warning(this, sTitle, sText, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) == QMessageBox::Cancel) return; #else QMessageBox mbox(this); mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); mbox.setWindowTitle(sTitle); mbox.setText(sText); mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); QCheckBox cbox(tr("Don't ask this again")); cbox.setChecked(false); cbox.blockSignals(true); mbox.addButton(&cbox, QMessageBox::ActionRole); if (mbox.exec() == QMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (cbox.isChecked()) pOptions->bConfirmRemove = false; #endif } // Go and destroy... if (device.deleteDevice()) { // Remove it from the device view... delete pItem; // Main session should be marked dirty. pMainForm->sessionDirty(); m_iDirtyCount++; } } // Refresh all device list and views. void DeviceForm::refreshDevices (void) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; // Avoid nested changes. m_iDirtySetup++; // // (Re)Load complete device configuration data ... // m_pAudioItems = NULL; m_pMidiItems = NULL; m_ui.DeviceListView->clear(); if (pMainForm->client()) { int *piDeviceIDs; // Grab and pop Audio devices... if (m_deviceTypeMode == Device::None || m_deviceTypeMode == Device::Audio) { m_pAudioItems = new DeviceItem(m_ui.DeviceListView, Device::Audio); } if (m_pAudioItems) { piDeviceIDs = Device::getDevices(pMainForm->client(), Device::Audio); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { new DeviceItem(m_pAudioItems, Device::Audio, piDeviceIDs[i]); } m_pAudioItems->setExpanded(true); } // Grab and pop MIDI devices... if (m_deviceTypeMode == Device::None || m_deviceTypeMode == Device::Midi) { m_pMidiItems = new DeviceItem(m_ui.DeviceListView, Device::Midi); } if (m_pMidiItems) { piDeviceIDs = Device::getDevices(pMainForm->client(), Device::Midi); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { new DeviceItem(m_pMidiItems, Device::Midi, piDeviceIDs[i]); } m_pMidiItems->setExpanded(true); } } // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; // Show something. selectDevice(); } // Driver selection slot. void DeviceForm::selectDriver ( const QString& sDriverName ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Driver name has changed for a new device... // QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Driver change is only valid for scratch devices... if (m_bNewDevice) { m_iDirtySetup++; device.setDriver(sDriverName); m_deviceParamModel.refresh(&device, m_bNewDevice); m_iDirtySetup--; // Done. stabilizeForm(); } } // Device selection slot. void DeviceForm::selectDevice () { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Device selection has changed... // QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) { m_deviceType = Device::None; m_ui.DeviceNameTextLabel->setText(QString()); m_deviceParamModel.clear(); m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->clear(); m_devicePortParamModel.clear(); m_ui.DevicePortTextLabel->setEnabled(false); m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(false); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(false); stabilizeForm(); return; } Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); m_iDirtySetup++; // Flag whether this is a new device. m_bNewDevice = (device.deviceID() < 0); // Fill the device/driver heading... m_ui.DeviceNameTextLabel->setText(device.deviceName()); // The driver combobox is only rebuilt if device type has changed... if (device.deviceType() != m_deviceType) { m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->clear(); m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->insertItems(0, Device::getDrivers(pMainForm->client(), device.deviceType())); m_deviceType = device.deviceType(); } // Do we need a driver name? if (m_bNewDevice || device.driverName().isEmpty()) device.setDriver(m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->currentText()); setDriverName(device.driverName()); m_ui.DriverNameTextLabel->setEnabled(m_bNewDevice); m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->setEnabled(m_bNewDevice); // Fill the device parameter table... m_deviceParamModel.refresh(&device, m_bNewDevice); // And now the device port/channel parameter table... switch (device.deviceType()) { case Device::Audio: m_ui.DevicePortTextLabel->setText(tr("Ch&annel:")); break; case Device::Midi: m_ui.DevicePortTextLabel->setText(tr("P&ort:")); break; case Device::None: break; } m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->clear(); m_devicePortParamModel.clear(); if (m_bNewDevice) { m_ui.DevicePortTextLabel->setEnabled(false); m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(false); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(false); } else { QPixmap pixmap; switch (device.deviceType()) { case Device::Audio: pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/audio2.png"); break; case Device::Midi: pixmap = QPixmap(":/images/midi2.png"); break; case Device::None: break; } DevicePortList& ports = device.ports(); QListIterator iter(ports); while (iter.hasNext()) { DevicePort *pPort = iter.next(); m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->addItem(pixmap, device.deviceTypeName() + ' ' + device.driverName() + ' ' + pPort->portName()); } bool bEnabled = (ports.count() > 0); m_ui.DevicePortTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled); m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(bEnabled); } // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; // Make the device port/channel selection effective. selectDevicePort(m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->currentIndex()); } // Device port/channel selection slot. void DeviceForm::selectDevicePort ( int iPort ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Device port/channel selection has changed... // QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); DevicePort *pPort = NULL; if (iPort >= 0 && iPort < device.ports().count()) pPort = device.ports().at(iPort); if (pPort) { m_iDirtySetup++; m_devicePortParamModel.refresh(pPort, false); m_iDirtySetup--; } // Done. stabilizeForm(); } // Device parameter value change slot. void DeviceForm::changeDeviceParam ( int iRow, int iCol ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (iRow < 0 || iCol < 0) return; // // Device parameter change... // /* we do that in the model class now ... QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Table 1st column has the parameter name; //const QString sParam = m_ui.DeviceParamTable->text(iRow, 0); //const QString sValue = m_ui.DeviceParamTable->text(iRow, iCol); const QString sParam = m_deviceParamModel.data(m_deviceParamModel.index(iRow, 0), Qt::DisplayRole).value().name; const QString sValue = m_deviceParamModel.data(m_deviceParamModel.index(iRow, iCol), Qt::DisplayRole).value().param.value; // Set the local device parameter value. if (device.setParam(sParam, sValue)) { selectDevice(); } else { stabilizeForm(); } */ // Main session should be dirtier... MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } // Device port/channel parameter value change slot. void DeviceForm::changeDevicePortParam ( int iRow, int iCol ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (iRow < 0 || iCol < 0) return; // // Device port/channel parameter change... // /* we do that in the model class now ... QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->type() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; Device& device = ((DeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); int iPort = m_ui.DevicePortComboBox->currentIndex(); DevicePort *pPort = NULL; if (iPort >= 0 && iPort < device.ports().count()) pPort = device.ports().at(iPort); if (pPort == NULL) return; // Table 1st column has the parameter name; //const QString sParam = m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->text(iRow, 0); //const QString sValue = m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->text(iRow, iCol); const QString sParam = m_devicePortParamModel.data(m_devicePortParamModel.index(iRow, 0), Qt::DisplayRole).value().name; const QString sValue = m_devicePortParamModel.data(m_devicePortParamModel.index(iRow, iCol), Qt::DisplayRole).value().param.value; // Set the local device port/channel parameter value. pPort->setParam(sParam, sValue); */ // Done. stabilizeForm(); // Main session should be dirtier... MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm) pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } // Device list view context menu handler. void DeviceForm::deviceListViewContextMenu ( const QPoint& pos ) { MainForm *pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == NULL) return; QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->itemAt(pos); if (pItem == NULL) return; // Build the device context menu... QMenu menu(this); QAction *pAction; bool bClient = (pMainForm->client() != NULL); bool bEnabled = (pItem != NULL); pAction = menu.addAction( QIcon(":/images/deviceCreate.png"), tr("&Create device"), this, SLOT(createDevice())); pAction->setEnabled(bEnabled || (bClient && m_bNewDevice)); pAction = menu.addAction( QIcon(":/images/deviceDelete.png"), tr("&Delete device"), this, SLOT(deleteDevice())); pAction->setEnabled(bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); menu.addSeparator(); pAction = menu.addAction( QIcon(":/images/formRefresh.png"), tr("&Refresh"), this, SLOT(refreshDevices())); pAction->setEnabled(bClient); menu.exec(pos); } // Stabilize current form state. void DeviceForm::stabilizeForm (void) { MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); QTreeWidgetItem* pItem = m_ui.DeviceListView->currentItem(); bool bClient = (pMainForm && pMainForm->client() != NULL); bool bEnabled = (pItem != NULL); m_ui.DeviceNameTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); m_ui.DriverNameTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled && m_bNewDevice); m_ui.DriverNameComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled && m_bNewDevice); m_ui.DeviceParamTable->setEnabled(bEnabled); m_ui.RefreshDevicesPushButton->setEnabled(bClient); m_ui.CreateDevicePushButton->setEnabled(bEnabled || (bClient && m_bNewDevice)); m_ui.DeleteDevicePushButton->setEnabled(bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); } void DeviceForm::updateCellRenderers (void) { const int rows = m_deviceParamModel.rowCount(); const int cols = m_deviceParamModel.columnCount(); updateCellRenderers( m_deviceParamModel.index(0, 0), m_deviceParamModel.index(rows - 1, cols - 1)); } void DeviceForm::updateCellRenderers ( const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight ) { for (int r = topLeft.row(); r <= bottomRight.row(); r++) { for (int c = topLeft.column(); c <= bottomRight.column(); c++) { const QModelIndex index = m_deviceParamModel.index(r, c); m_ui.DeviceParamTable->openPersistentEditor(index); } } } void DeviceForm::updatePortCellRenderers (void) { const int rows = m_devicePortParamModel.rowCount(); const int cols = m_devicePortParamModel.columnCount(); updatePortCellRenderers( m_devicePortParamModel.index(0, 0), m_devicePortParamModel.index(rows - 1, cols - 1)); } void DeviceForm::updatePortCellRenderers ( const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight ) { for (int r = topLeft.row(); r <= bottomRight.row(); r++) { for (int c = topLeft.column(); c <= bottomRight.column(); c++) { const QModelIndex index = m_devicePortParamModel.index(r, c); m_ui.DevicePortParamTable->openPersistentEditor(index); } } } } // namespace QSampler // end of qsamplerDeviceForm.cpp